Chapter 333 Unexpected Disaster!corpse rebuilt

Southern Tianyu.

In the hinterland of the wilderness, a group of dark clouds galloped towards the depths of the wilderness at an astonishing speed.

From time to time, the sound of thunder came from the dark clouds, and the dark blue thunder was faintly visible, followed by a strange roar, which seemed to be full of anger.

Suddenly, a half-human, half-bird strange desolate beast sprang out from the dark clouds. It had four wings on its back. It was an eagle with black feathers and a cold light.

With the appearance of the strange desolate beast, an extremely cold force that seems to be able to freeze the space pervades the void, and the double tripod in its hand overflows from time to time a black mist that looks like a substance, and the top of the black mist is connected to the dark cloud on top of it.

It's just that the weird desolate beast at this time was full of horror, and while running away, it looked back at the dark blue arc flickering in the dark clouds from time to time.

However, just when the weird desolate beast was about to escape, a lavender mysterious light shot from a very far position directly in front of him.

"How is this possible?!" The strange desolate beast reacted amazingly at the critical moment, and its body barely escaped the attack of the lavender mysterious light, but the tip of the left half of its wing was still hit by the lavender mysterious light.


A sharp pain came from the tip of the wing, like a raging flame burning, and the strange beast looked shocked.

Not long ago, he had personally seen some weaker companions who were killed on the spot after being hit by this terrifying mysterious light, and their bodies were shattered to pieces.

To be able to instantly kill the third heaven of the immortal, at least the cultivation base of the seventh heaven and above, and the top power among them.


The black mist from the black cauldron in the palm of the strange desolate beast rose, and he gathered a large amount of Yin energy and thunder in his body to the tip of his wings, quickly clearing away the power of the lavender mysterious light.

"Huh? The power is not as terrifying as imagined!" The strange wild beast was stunned, and the hope of life suddenly ignited.


He just turned around to prepare to escape, when there was an earth-shattering roar from the dark clouds above his head, and then, a dark blue thunderball the size of a house broke through the thick dark clouds and shot towards him.

"Damn Xuantian Thunder Beast!" The strange desolate beast looked extremely gloomy, and the rapidly spreading thunder ball blocked his way, so he had to stop.

He himself is very good at dark thunder supernatural powers, and his speed is his greatest advantage, but when he meets the Xuantian Thunder Beast who is known as the darling of heaven and masters the thunder of Dutian God, all methods are restrained to death.

Dutian God Lei Zhiyang Zhigang is the most powerful type of innate thunder god.

If he was hit by Dutianshen's lightning, he would suffer more serious injuries than if he was hit by the lavender profound light.

The weird desolate beast fought and retreated, and its attacks were easily blocked by the Xuantian Thunder Beast in the dark clouds. If it wanted to escape, it would be caught in the pincer attack of the Xuantian Thunder Beast and the person who released the lavender mysterious light.

For a moment, the weird desolate beast was in a dilemma.

"Fight it!!" The weird desolate beast took a deep breath, his eyes overflowing with murderous intent, and a solid black mist emerged from the cauldron in his palms, like two tentacles, rushing into his body from the cauldron. Among the seven orifices.

Soon, the aura of the weird wild beasts skyrocketed, rising towards the terrifying cultivation base of the Immortal Monarch Yachongtian.


Just when the weird desolate beast was about to give it a go, in the void in front of him, suddenly there was a flash of thunder, and a huge roar resounded through the world.

A small beast with a whole body of red gold, no more than three feet in size, and a shape similar to a tiger or leopard, with wings on its back and sharp claws on its limbs, appeared in the void, blocking the way of the strange wild beast.

"Xuantian Thunder Beast?! The second one!!!" The strange desolate beast looked horrified, looking at the Xuantian Thunder Beast in front of it in shock, and then raised its head to look at the Xuantian Thunder Beast trapped in the dark clouds above its head.

With such a powerful true spirit, there may not be ten in the entire five directions of the Ancestral Immortal Realm. How could there be two Xuantian Thunder Beasts in this remote southern sky region, and he just happened to meet them both.


An astonishing roar brought the strange desolate beast back to its senses. The Xuantian Thunder Beast in front of him soared in size and turned into a giant thunder and lightning beast. It opened its bloody mouth, blue light flickered in its mouth, and countless fist-sized dark blue beasts Thray balls rolled out.

A pair of wings from the back of the Xuantian Thunder Beast flapped down, hundreds of thousands of black feathers shot out, and immediately turned into three-foot-long black lightning arrows, like an impenetrable arrow net, covering the sky and covering the sky. day.


At the same time, under the pair of wings of the Xuantian Thunder Beast, another pair of five-color feathers like swords were born.

I saw the five-color feathers waved lightly, blue, yellow, red, black, and white, and the five-color divine light shot up into the sky, forming a five-color mask.Immediately afterwards, the five-color mask turned into a huge light array, and the void with a radius of thousands of miles was covered by five-color rays of light.

The blue and black lightning-attribute supernatural powers fell together with the five-color divine light, completely engulfing the strange wild beast's figure.

Soon, amidst the radiance of the sky, earth-shattering roars and roars could be heard.

However, that weird desolate beast was still not successfully suppressed.

After one blow, the Xuantian Thunder Beast shrank sharply under the bursts of spiritual light, and finally turned into a handsome young man, it was Han Zhao.

After refining the true blood of the Xuantian Thunder Beast through the True Spirit Yushen Jue, he successfully practiced the Thunder Beast Transformation and initially mastered the Dutian God Thunder, but the real blood is limited, so his Thunder Beast Transformation is only the genuine Xuantian Thunder Beast. Thirty to forty percent of the supernatural powers of the Sky Thunder Beast, but even so, the power can be called earth-shattering.

In particular, Han Zhao didn't forcefully imitate the Xuantian Thunder Beast. He used six layers of thunder-attribute supernatural powers at once. He only used Dutian Shenlei and another kind of thunder-attribute supernatural power to maximize the limited power in the true blood. The combination of the five-color divine light and the innate five-element divine thunder is no less powerful than the Xuantian Thunder Beast's combination of six-level thunder-attribute supernatural powers.

Moreover, since the power he mainly uses is the innate supernatural power that comes with his blood, the consumption is relatively low and he can use it multiple times.

Seeing that there was no one blow to defeat the enemy, Han Zhao did not strike again. Instead, he put his hands behind his back with a calm expression, as if he was waiting to watch the excitement.

The genuine Xuantian Thunder Beast trapped in the dark clouds was successfully escaped with the help of Han Zhao. The genuine six-level thunder-attribute supernatural power was condensed and formed in an instant, and then fell on the top of the strange wild beast and exploded.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the void rippled like substantial ripples. When the sixth layer of divine thunder disappeared, there was only a space black hole with a diameter of more than a thousand feet. The strange wild beasts were dismantled into eight pieces. Above, there are thunderous lights, flashing six-color arcs.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao's forehead muscles twitched slightly. From the perspective of a bystander, the natal supernatural power of this Xuantian Thunder Beast is really against the sky.

At the beginning, he was using the "Reincarnation Disk" to gain strength beyond the peak cultivation level, but in the end he resisted the Xuantian Thunder Beast's natal supernatural power head-on, and almost died.

In the previous battle to subdue Xuantian Thunder Beast, it also used many supernatural powers such as Golden Bean Dao Soldiers, Nirvana Divine Light, Five-Color Divine Light, Innate Five Elements Divine Thunder, etc., to finally defeat Xuantian Thunder Beast's natal supernatural powers. suppress it.

Xuantian Thunder Beast, the most powerful true spirit born from the source of heavenly thunder, represents the ultimate destructive power.


After the Xuantian Thunder Beast killed the strange desolate beast, it raised its head to the sky and roared with great joy. It opened its mouth wide, and wanted to use Dutian Shenlei again.

"Stop." Han Zhao stopped it immediately, and his figure flashed, appearing among the corpses of the strange desolate beast.

I saw two palm-sized cauldrons emitting an astonishing demonic yin energy.

The quality is so high that it is much higher than the original Yin Qi of Jiuyou Tianmo.

This can't let Xuantian Thunder Beast release Dutian Shenlei, if the cauldron is destroyed, it will be useless for half a month.

In order to kill this weird wild beast, he insisted on chasing it all the way from the outskirts of the wild to the depths of the wild.

"Roar~" Hearing Han Zhao's order, Xuantian Thunder Beast's scarlet eyes flashed fiercely, and it roared at him.

"Chitong, I think you've healed your scars and forgot the pain." Han Zhao's eyes were serious, and an astonishing power of soul rose from his heavenly spirit.

"Master, I was wrong!" Xuantian Thunder Beast roared in pain, its eyes instantly became much clearer.Immediately afterwards, his figure shrank sharply, turning into a three-foot beast again, crawling in the void, begging for mercy from Han Zhao.

"Next time, I will never let you down!" Han Zhao snorted coldly. This Xuantian Thunder Beast was rebellious and still a little bit disobedient. At the beginning, it followed the Immortal Monarch of the Eternal Life Alliance because it was accepted by the Eternal Life Alliance. At the invitation of Daozu, he voluntarily joined the Eternal Life League, and the relationship with Tianju Xianjun is a companion and friend, not a superior or subordinate.

Although Han Zhao barely controlled the Xuantian Thunder Beast by using the True Spirit God Control Art and the powerful power of the soul, he couldn't completely control its actions, and could only slowly wear away its wildness.

Of course, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not easily kill the Xuantian Thunder Beast.

After all, living is worth more than dying.

Such strength is a great help for him today.

Moreover, the Xuantian Thunder Beast can continuously provide Dutian Shenlei to help him temper his body, so that the Nirvana Dharma Aspect and the Great Sun Tathagata Dharma Body can continue to improve.

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe and took the two cauldrons into his palm.

Although they have lost control of their masters, the two cauldrons are still full of spirituality.

The moment he touched the cauldron, Han Zhao felt an extremely cold Yin Qi pouring into his body, and there was a slippery and sticky feeling in the palm of his hand. The two cauldrons were like living things, wanting to move toward him drilled into the body.

"Huh?" Han Zhao raised his brows, and the demon-slaying light turned into lavender fluorescence and filled his whole body.

The two cauldrons calmed down immediately as if they had encountered a natural enemy, as if they had turned into dead objects again, motionless.

"What a weird cauldron!" Han Zhao fixed his gaze and put away the two cauldrons.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the corpse fragments left by the strange desolate beast, and his divine sense swept over them, and found black crystal-like fragments. Based on the principle of not wasting, Han Zhao took them into the sleeve robe together, giving priority to Refining the Yin Qi in it.

"Let's go!"

After cleaning the battlefield, Han Zhao called out to Xuantian Thunder Beast.

"Crackling!" With a flash of lightning all over Xuantian Thunder Beast, it slipped into Han Zhao's other sleeve.

This time he went deep into the wilderness, and he felt many unusually powerful auras, some of which even made him feel troublesome.

If it wasn't for the strong yin energy in the body of the strange desolate beast, the high quality of the yin energy in the two cauldrons, and seeing the Xuantian Thunder Beast, Han Zhao would not have chased after him.

Finding the right direction, Han Zhao left the scene and galloped towards Yulan Tiangong on the outskirts of the wilderness.

On the third day after Han Zhao left, there was an earth-shattering mana fluctuation in the depths of the wilderness near the battlefield.

A middle-aged man in a purple robe with a red complexion turned into a crimson fireball and fled towards the outskirts of the wilderness.

Not far behind him, two dark-looking men were chasing after him.

"Old man Sanyan! Hurry up and catch him!"

"Otherwise, when the two of us catch up with you, we will surely draw your soul and refine your soul, and your soul will be silent in the magic weapon forever!"

While chasing, the two threatened.

The middle-aged man in the purple robe looked solemn, and immediately said via voice transmission: "I, Yulan Tiangong, have always been chasing after you!"

"If you were only looking for natural materials and earthly treasures in the wilderness, and hunting down low-level wild beasts, we would not make things difficult for you. The fault is that you dare to attack Lao Liu!"

"I explained it a long time ago! I didn't do it!" The purple-robed man was speechless.

"go to hell!"

The two people behind ignored him, and finally caught up with the purple-robed man, blocking his way one after the other.

"I am the Lord of Yulan Heavenly Palace. If you kill me, the Supreme Immortal Court will not let it go." The purple-robed man said sharply.

"Hmph! The Supreme Immortal Court is now deeply trapped in the Daluotian battlefield. Seven of your nine original emperors are not here. Now we are the Chaos God League and will not let it go." The first man laughed.

"Yulan Heavenly Palace is just a weak Heavenly Palace that was established less than 10 years ago. Even if it is destroyed, the Supreme Immortal Court will not be able to take the time to come and take revenge. I advise you not to make unnecessary resistance!" Another man Shen The voice said, the whole body was cloudy.

"I'll fight with you!!" The purple-robed man burst into anger, and his whole body turned into a huge fireball as towering as a mountain, like a round of sun across the sky, and the extreme heat distorted the void.

Seeing this, the two chasing men backed away quickly, not planning to fight him head-on.

However, the purple-robed man shot out with several times the force just now, and disappeared into the distant sky.

Seeing this, the two men couldn't help but look at each other and laughed angrily.

"Sanyan Immortal Monarch, you exaggerate, you don't even have the courage to fight."

"Stop wasting time, kill him!"


Under Yulan Tiangong, Tianlan City.

It took Han Zhao several months to refine the yin qi of the desolate beast, and he unexpectedly discovered that even though he had drained the yin qi of the demon, the two cauldron furnaces were still not damaged, and instead could automatically restore the yin energy. Qi, similar to the Yuan Soul Orb he obtained in the human world.

"System." Han Zhao said silently.

【Collect all 9850 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 8000w units of demon yin energy and 50 low-grade divine sources to perform a simulation. 】

He planned to cut the corpse as soon as possible to eliminate the hidden danger of the evil corpse, so he wanted to leave a simulation opportunity to restore his cultivation.

"Start the simulation."

Just as Han Zhao was simulating, bad news came from Yulan Tiangong.

The lord of the Heavenly Palace, the Sanyan Xianjun soul card at the peak of the Six Heavens of Xianjun shattered and died unexpectedly.

For a while, the entire Yulan Tiangong and Tianlan City were in chaos. In order to prevent wild beasts from slaughtering the city, many commercial firms and casual cultivators began to evacuate here.

Facing Yulan Tiangong's request for help, Taishang Xianting just asked Yulan Tiangong to choose another lord of the Tiangong, and there was no sign of making a move.

For a moment, people were panicked, and there was a scene of impending chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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