Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 340 Multiplied combat power!Meet God again!

Chapter 340 Ten times the combat power!Meet God again!

"Chaos Fate?!"

Looking at the options after the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"After the fate of heaven, is it the fate of chaos?"

"The two successive evolutions of [Battle Fighting Saint Body], together with [Swing Demon Emperor], form the [Heavenly Dao God of War]."

Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he turned his attention to the fate attribute of the system panel. At this time, the two fates of [Dou Zhan Sheng Physique] and [Dang Mo Tian Di] simultaneously bloomed dazzling colorful light, and faintly A sign of fusion, blooming a translucent halo.

This is the highest-quality fate that has appeared so far, and it must be chosen.

His attention skipped option two and looked at options three and four.

Because he hadn't killed the good corpse yet, it didn't make much sense to choose a cultivation base at this time, and it would be a waste of an opportunity.

But the problem now is that he has to choose between option three and option four, and it is really difficult to choose.

In addition to the chaotic fate [Heavenly God of War], the "Space Seal" is the most important, so he has to refresh it.

However, the origin of the "Psychic World" of the Vientiane Heavenly Demon in option four is extremely important to him.

"System." Han Zhao muttered silently, checking the balance of his Heavenly Demon Yin Qi.

【Collect all 0.3 million units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Consume 1.5 million units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi and 150 low-grade Divine Sources to perform a simulation. 】

[Current balance: 350 low-grade divine sources, 200 low-grade immortal stones. 】

Although directly stripping the origin of the "Heart World" of a Vientiane Heavenly Demon will cause him a formidable enemy comparable to the Dao Ancestor Realm, but even if he gets a part of the Vientiane Heavenly Demon's yin energy, he can definitely perform multiple simulations, and there is no need to think hard about it. The wild beasts were hunted in the depths of the wild.

After all, behind the desolate beasts, there are also the most powerful members of the desolate race in the Dao ancestral realm, and in the depths of the wilderness, there are also the headquarters of the League of Eternal Life and the League of Chaos Gods, and the two forces also have Dao ancestors.

"With enough Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, you can stay away from the Wilderness for a long time to come."

Compared to offending the Taoist ancestors of the local forces in the ancestral fairy world, it is better to provoke a Vientiane Heavenly Demon in the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Anyway, even the Vientiane Heavenly Demon dare not enter the Ancestral Immortal Realm easily.

Just like the Vientiane Heavenly Demon of the Chaos God League, they absolutely dare not leave the wilderness easily and enter the five heavenly realms.

Therefore, he must choose the origin of "Vientiane Heavenly Demon" in option [-].

Except for this simulation, next time unless the strength reaches the half-step ancestor realm, it will be as difficult as heaven to kill the Vientiane Heavenly Demon no matter in the simulation or in reality.

"I remember that the system options can be postponed. In this case, you can print out the "space print" first and postpone it to the next simulation. "

Han Zhao pondered in his heart. After all, the "Space Seal" could not immediately enhance his current combat power. After winning the "Space Seal" from Shaoguang Taoist Lord, he had to eliminate Shaoguang Taoist Lord's divine sense and time pattern, and then cultivate The new Dao Spirit can only use the "Space Seal" at the end.

I'm afraid this process will not be very short, so this time you don't have to rush to choose "Space Seal".

[Heavenly God of War] can directly increase the combat power, and the demon yin energy can be simulated many times, all of which can be enhanced in a short time.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao's attention returned to option three.

[[-]. Tu Sheng's law of reincarnation (can be refreshed for a fee)]

[Current realm, each time you refresh, you need to pay 150 low-grade gods or immortal stones. 】

"It's really expensive!" Han Zhao couldn't help but feel a little pained, but compared to the demon yin energy, which can only be obtained by fighting, the low-grade god source and the low-grade immortal stone are just a kind of currency for high-level practitioners, which can be used continuously. Keep getting.

Even if Han Zhao doesn't join the big forces, he can still earn low-grade gods and low-grade immortal stones through methods such as alchemy and weapon refining.

"Option three, refresh."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

[Consume 150 low-grade fairy stones. 】

On the system panel, there is a golden light, and the text on option three changes accordingly.

[[-]. Shaoguang Xianjun's space law dao pattern (can be refreshed for a fee)]

"Tsk!" Han Zhao frowned.


[Consume 150 low-grade divine sources. 】

The options change again.

[[-]. "Chaos Star Map" Volume [-] (Refreshable for a fee)]

"Continue to refresh!"

[Consume 150 low-grade divine sources. 】

[[-]. Fragments of the Vientiane Divine Weapon (can be refreshed for a fee)]

If the option "." was not compared with "Space Seal", he would definitely choose it.

"It seems that we have to find a way to make money and continue to refresh."

Han Zhao pondered in his heart.

After each simulation, he can choose two options. As long as he does not finish the selection, the system options will not disappear, and he can continue to choose after that.

Now you can choose one first, and then increase your combat power.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao immediately said silently: "System, I will choose one."

[Obtain Chaos Fate 'Heavenly God of War']

[Heavenly God of War]: Chaotic fate; direct access to the origin of the heavenly way, and establish an equal and close connection with the heavenly way and the Taoist ancestor; the last chaotic era is over, and the 12 billion-year deadline is approaching, and a new road to the way is opened.

Your every move will be favored by the way of heaven, you will be the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and your power will be enhanced in all directions by the laws of the way of heaven.

When you do something beneficial to the heaven and the earth, you will be rewarded by the dao of heaven, gain the power of merit and virtue of the dao of heaven, and reduce karma; killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people.

When you face an enemy who is stronger than yourself in battle, or who understands the power of the law stronger than yourself, your strength will be strengthened in all directions.At least three times the increase, at most ten times the increase; the greater the gap between strength and the power to comprehend the law, the stronger the strength increase obtained.

There is a certain probability of triggering the 'instant death' effect during the battle, which can ignore all defenses.

The larger the difference in realm, the lower the probability of triggering the 'instant death' effect.

(Each battle will greatly enhance your ability to comprehend and control the power of the law, and at the same time, make your connection with the way of heaven closer. But please be careful, when your connection with the way of heaven is too close and you don't have enough ability When resisting, it is very likely to be completely assimilated by the Dao of Heaven, and lose the opportunity to transcend the Dao of Heaven.)
"Three to ten times the strength increase! So strong!" Han Zhao stared at the information in the simulation, his eyes widened.

Daozu was in a state of absolute crushing when facing the Immortal Monarch Realm.

However, cultivators who are in the half-step Dao ancestor realm still have a certain ability to deal with Dao ancestors.

According to the simulated Zhongtian Emperor, and Han Zhao's personal experience, the half-step Dao ancestor who practiced the supreme law is completely capable of fighting against the ordinary Dao ancestor.

Moreover, in the simulation, all three of them possessed treasures similar to the Chaos Spirit Treasure, and together, they directly killed the Vientiane Heavenly Demon.

So what is certain is that the strength gap between Taoist ancestor and half-step Taoist ancestor is definitely not as exaggerated as ten times.

There may not even be two or three times the difference in strength between ordinary Taoist ancestors and half-step Taoist ancestors who practice the supreme law.

"With this chaotic fate, when I reach the half-step Dao ancestor realm, even if it's just a supreme law, wouldn't I be able to single-handedly brush ordinary Dao ancestors without pressure. And"

"In this way, there will be a greater chance of winning against Daozu of Space and Daozu of Reincarnation."

Han Zhao couldn't help showing joy, "Heavenly God of War" has had a great effect on him, it can be said that it allowed him to ascend to the sky in one step, stepping into the realm of the strongest half a foot ahead of time.

The only thing that makes Han Zhao afraid is the restriction of [Heavenly God of War], the small words of the last prompt are bright red.

"You can't use this chaotic fate to fight frequently, otherwise there will be a risk of being assimilated by the Dao of Heaven. Isn't this the same as Daozu, who easily uses the power of the law and will be swallowed by the Dao of Heaven at a faster rate. But..."

Han Zhao pondered.

"In a way, the limitation has helped me a lot."

Every battle can greatly enhance his ability to comprehend and control the power of the law, which will naturally shorten his training time and become stronger as soon as possible.

Even if the most powerful people in the Dao Ancestral Realm are afraid of being swallowed by the Dao of Heaven, they will fight with all their strength when they have to fight.

The same is true for Han Zhao.

Except for encountering enemies whose realm is much higher than him, there is almost no chance to use [Heavenly God of War].

"Unfortunately, if [Heavenly God of War] was with us at the beginning of the simulation, maybe the simulation just now could go further." Han Zhao secretly sighed.

"I can only wait and see next time. The Emperor's hole card should be more than that."

Han Zhao came back to his senses and looked at his balance again.

"The fastest way to make money is undoubtedly"

Since Immortal Sanyan of Yulan Tiangong died in the wilderness, all the business houses evacuated from Tianlan City, which caused Yulan Tiangong to decline a lot.

Recently, the number of casualties of cultivators who ventured into the wilderness far exceeded that of the past. The surviving cultivators brought back news that could be called bad news. Groups of wild beasts appeared in the depths of the wilderness. And it continues to gather toward the periphery.

The desolate beast, which is rare in a million years, is about to appear. Maybe the desolate beast will leave the wild and directly attack Yulan Tiangong and Tianlan City.

At this moment, many cultivators who believed that their strength was not weak were also shaken, wondering whether they should leave this place.

The Yulan Heavenly Palace was established less than 10 years ago. While its strength is not strong, it also means that it does not have strong control over this piece of land, and other forces have more room to gain benefits. A newly built Heavenly Palace near a barren area is very important for many middle-level For cultivators, it is of great significance.

Even immortals need resources to support them. After all, no one wants theoretical immortality.

Therefore, until the last moment, there are still many practitioners who are reluctant to leave.

Recently, the number of cultivators who have ventured into the wilderness has dropped sharply. Except for a very small number of high-level cultivators who are very confident in their own strength, today's wilderness is inaccessible.

Of course, there is still a group of people who are not extremely strong and have to enter the wilderness.

These people are the scouts of Yulan Tiangong.

Before the strongest Lingxi Tiangong in the Southern Tianyu sent reinforcements, Yulan Tiangong naturally couldn't sit still, so they sent immortals into the wilderness to inquire about news.

At this time, in a valley near the central region of the wilderness, a group of four people were setting up a magic circle to open up a cave on the spot.

The leader is wearing a star crown, wearing a black robe, and has a shrewd look on his face, but his expression is a little sluggish at the moment, his face is pale and bloodless.

If Han Zhao saw him, he would definitely be able to recognize him at a glance. This person was definitely Han Su, the headmaster of Feishengtang in Yulan Tiangong.

There are three people behind Han Su, two males and one female, their cultivation bases seem to be different from his, and they are all lower realm celestial beings who have ascended in the past hundred years.

Although the three of them are in better condition than Han Su at the moment, they are still out of breath.

In terms of cultivation alone, the three Ascensioners are slightly lower than Han Su, but Han Su, as a local immortal, also holds the idle position of the Master of Ascension Hall, so he has never fought against his peers for thousands of years.

The three Ascenders were the arrogances of the world who had been killed from the mountains of swords and seas of fire, so their overall combat power surpassed Han Su's by a lot.

The four of them encountered several high-ranking Celestial-level desolate beasts just now. If the three of them hadn't exploded with astonishing combat power and broke through the encirclement, Han Su would have been on the spot long ago.

At this time, Han Su took out a jade bottle from his bosom, his forehead muscles twitched slightly, and there was a slight pain in his flesh, then he gritted his teeth and poured out four elixirs full of spiritual light from it, after taking one of them, poured the other Three of them were sent to the front of the three of them.

"This is the elixir pill. The three fellow daoists hurry up and adjust their breathing to recover their mana."

"Xian Sui Pill?" The three of them heard that it was Xian Sui Pill, their eyes lit up, they took a deep breath, smelling the strong scent of the elixir, the mana movement in their bodies seemed to be much more active.

"Thank you, Master Han!"

The three of them took the elixir, swallowed it with their heads up, and immediately sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, adjusted their breath, and refined the power of the medicine.

About a day later, the three of them opened their eyes one after another.

At this time, Han Su was still adjusting his breath, and it seemed that he hadn't fully refined the power of the medicine.

The three of them couldn't help but look at each other with a trace of exhaustion on their faces.

They stayed because of the good treatment in Yulan Tiangong, but they didn't expect to encounter such a big change.

Then we can only resign ourselves to fate.

After all, if you run away before the battle, you will be wanted by the entire Supreme Immortal Court, and you will die.

Give it a go, maybe you can leave a mark in the detection of intelligence.

It took another half a day before Han Su finished refining the medicine.

"Thank you to the three fellow Taoists for saving their lives!" Han Su saluted the three of them as soon as he recovered.

"Master Han is serious." The three returned the salute.

Originally, Han Su didn't look down on them who had no background to ascend. If it wasn't for this rescue, he probably wouldn't be willing to give this healing elixir.

"Now that there are such astonishingly powerful high-level wild beasts in the central part of the wild, it seems that the Huangzu should launch a large-scale attack on Yulan Tiangong. I think we can return to Tiangong." Han Su pondered.

"Boss Han's words are very true." Hearing the words, the three of them also responded one after another. The abnormal situation detected during this trip is enough to make a difference, and it is better to leave the wilderness as soon as possible.

"Go now!"

Han Su opened the restriction on the temporary cave, and the four of them flew out of the cave and went straight to the clouds.

The four of them just flew up to the clouds, but they found a slender young woman standing on the clouds. She was dressed in a white palace dress and looked to be in her early thirties. It's amazingly jealous of the fairy king.

The four of them just glanced at her and fell into the boundless charm. They felt their whole bodies were light and their minds were in chaos.

"Who?!" Among the four, the female cultivator was the first to recover, looking at the Heavenly Jealous Immortal Monarch in shock and anger.

The three of Han Su also regained their senses under her loud shout.

"Heavenly Jealousy?!" Han Su looked at the beautiful face of Heavenly Jealousy, but seemed to see something extremely terrifying.

"Xianjun!!" The complexions of the other three people suddenly changed, and they felt cold all over their bodies.

Xianjun is considered to be a strong person in the entire ancestral fairy world. Facing Xianjun, they are afraid that they will have no power to fight back.

Especially the immortals with titles, all of them are the best among the immortals.

At this time, Tianjue Xianjun frowned slightly, looked at the four people with a slightly playful expression, and said lightly: "I thought it was that person who came to this battlefield again, but I didn't expect it to be four little mice. I have no interest in doing it.”

As he said that, Tianjiu Xianjun's expression turned cold.

A terrifying spiritual pressure erupted in the void.


Han Su fled first, and the other three were not slow at all. The two male cultivators merged into one body, and their speed skyrocketed.

And that female cultivator turned into a huge ice phoenix hundreds of feet in the midst of a clear cry that resounded through the heavens and the earth, with a flap of both wings, she flew tens of miles away.

"Humph!" Tianjue Xianjun sneered, and the figures of the four froze in mid-air, their faces full of horror.

"I said you can go?"

The words of Heavenly Jealousy Xianjun directly sentenced the four to death.

"I didn't expect you to have a trace of pure phoenix blood in your body. It's a surprise. You can survive by surrendering to me."

Tianju Xianjun looked at Bingfeng who was suppressed by her.


Suddenly, a huge roar resounded through the world.

A three-foot small beast with a whole body of red gold and a shape similar to a tiger or leopard appeared on the top of the head of Immortal Lord Tianjiu at some point.

"Tong'er?!" Heavenly Jealous Immortal Lord was both surprised and delighted.

However, the next moment, the Xuantian Thunder Beast released a six-level thunder attribute supernatural power.

The six-colored thunderball crashed down, engulfing the figure of the Heavenly Jealous Lord.


Accompanied by a huge roar, the void rippled like substantial ripples, and there was only a space black hole with a diameter of more than a thousand feet left in place.

Tianju Xianjun appeared on the edge of the black hole with a gloomy complexion, his luxurious palace was full of cracks, revealing white and burnt black skin.

"Tong'er! What are you doing?!"

Heavenly Jealousy Xianjun asked sharply.

"What are you doing? Of course I'm killing you." A calm voice sounded beside Xianjun Tianjiu.

Heavenly Jealousy Xianjun only felt his hair stand on end, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.


A white and slender finger was inserted from the back of Xianjun's heart, and protruded through his chest.

"long time no see."

Facing the distorted face of Tianjun Xianjun, Han Zhao held her heart tightly with his right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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