Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 114 The Tragic Mr. Yi Baisha

Chapter 114 The Tragic Mr. Yi Baisha
As soon as Mr. Zhong Pu returned to the editorial office, he saw He Qi waiting who had left in a hurry before finishing his meal at noon. He asked curiously, "Brother Yubai, which song are you singing?"

He Qi joked: "It's not easy to eat your meal in the future. I only ate half of the meal at noon. I thought about it carefully, and it's too bad. I just came to eat the other half after finishing the matter."

"Hahaha!!!" Mr. Zhong Pu was amused, knowing that He Qi is a busy person, he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, and he didn't want to waste time, so he said bluntly: "Brother Yubai, the people in Shanghai who want to invite you to dinner, If you can line up to the Huangpu River from here, don’t be joking, what’s the important thing?”

"I asked someone to book you a ticket to Peking." He Qi said.

Mr. Zhong Pu immediately understood that what He Qi was talking about was that Mr. Zhimin hired him to be the dean of liberal arts at Peking University, and he couldn't help laughing and said, "Is this bothering you too?"

He Qi didn't hide it anymore, and narrated her worries, and said: "Sir, there are only two worries. First, the whereabouts of "New Youth" is undecided. Second, it is to keep people at home. I have a The method, sir, just listen to it for now. Sir, just report to Peking University as soon as possible to stabilize the situation for Germany. "New Youth" should also move to Peiping. Peiping. Second, I will send escorts to Peiping for the members of Mr.’s family, and hand them over safely to Mr.

Mr. Zhongpu was speechless for a moment.

Beiping is the cultural and political center of the country, Peking University is the top priority, and there is the focus of cultural debates. In the Shanghai stock market, we can only cheer and cheer, and we have no intentions. All worries were gone, and he immediately nodded in agreement.

"Brother Yubai, I still have some other things to deal with in Shanghai." Mr. Zhong Pu stared at Yi Baisha and said, "I will definitely go to Peking before the Lantern Festival, so I won't delay the start of school at Peking University."

"If there is a husband, I can rest assured." He Qi nodded and left immediately.

"Zhong Pu, do you think you can really save the country with a pen?" Yi Baisha stared straight at Mr. Zhong Pu, his eyes dim.The Qing court is gone, the bullies are rampant, and the republic is now, the bullies are still rampant, it's just a different group of people, and they are all virtuous, Yi Baisha is completely desperate.

"Then I'll try the medicine myself, and let me take it as a lesson and start over again. I believe that I can always find a medicine to cure the disease."

Yi Baisha blushed instantly, and said in a low voice, "Zhongpu, I haven't abandoned my ideals. I can still contribute to the new culture by going back to my hometown to teach."

Yi Baisha wiped away his tears, waved his hand and said, "Zhong Pu, don't try to persuade me. Writing articles will not make me feel angry, but will make me feel even more angry. Let me go back to my hometown. I want to write a big book and write it down. Write out all the crimes of these people, and I will make them notorious forever."


"Now, do you still want me to go to Peking?"

"This country is doomed, rotten, hopeless, Zhongpu." Yi Baisha was crying, with desolation in his eyes, the veins on his neck were exposed, and he roared vigorously: "You asked me why I didn't go to Beiping today, okay, Then I’ll tell you the truth. I’m afraid that when I go to Peiping and see them, I can’t help stabbing them with a knife, stabbing these outrageous beasts. I’m going to blow them up and leave them with no bones left. Destroyed bones."

"I don't know, but I must do it, and I will know it after doing it."

"What are you hiding? What is there in Peking that scares you? Even I can't tell?"

Yi Baisha is a person who is worried and angry. What he is worried about is the country, and what he is angry about is also the country. In Yi Baisha's eyes, there are only two kinds of people in this world, righteous and evil, but He Qi is a person that Yi Baisha finds it difficult to distinguish. , is also good and evil.

Mr. Zhong Pu was stunned, speechless for a long time.

"But me. I." Yi Baisha couldn't speak, intermittently.

Yi Baisha turned around and became even more melancholy: "Zhongpu, don't ask any more questions, and don't stay until Yuanxiao. Since He Yubai has agreed, he will definitely help you deal with it properly."

Mr. Zhong Pu had a firm attitude and refused to let go: "No, you have to say that you are ugly today. If you don't abandon your ideals and you can't convince me, even if I resist, I will resist you to Peiping."

Mr. Zhong Pu's eyes were shining, and he was full of fighting spirit: "Can it be the same? Beiping, the old and stubborn base camp, Gu Tangsheng, Lin Qinnan, Zhang Shizhao, Mei Guangdi, Wu Mi, Hu Xianshu, any one of them is a Taishan Beidou in the academic world, They are all in Peiping at the moment. And what about us? There are only De Qian, Yucai, Shen Qiuming and a few others. If we don’t go to Peiping at this time, when will we go to Peiping?”

"Yi Baisha!" Mr. Zhong Pu said loudly, "Since you know that you want to promote the new culture, you must go to Peiping. This is consistent with our two ideas when we returned to China. There is no contradiction. Now, why did you back down? You looked at me and said, if you can’t say something good or bad today, I will never forgive you. "

The editorial department was silent, and the two looked at each other in silence. When they were saying goodbye, Yi Baisha suddenly asked: "Zhong Pu, do you still remember the boat we took to return to China? Did you meet Zou Yongcheng?"

Now that Mr. Zhongpu has made up his mind to go, Yi Baisha has nothing to say. He turned around and said melancholy: "Zhongpu, there is no need to say more. I know what you want. Beiping is a meeting point of cultures. You must not be absent, but I have It's decided, I want to go back to my hometown to teach."

"Then you don't go to Peiping, go to Liu Banxia's "Initiation", it's better than going back to your hometown to teach."

Yi Baisha's eyes were already wet, he shook his head, and said with a miserable smile: "Zhongpu, I am not you. If you fall down, you can get up and continue fighting. I don't have the courage. I can't see hope. The republic, the imperial system, Zhang Xun Restoration, and now the republic, there is no guarantee that one day the monarchy will come again, the people above are all fighting for their own selfishness, how can they care about the life and death of the common people? Last year, the grain price in the Shanghai stock market rose to [-]%. The price is sky-high, and ordinary people can’t afford it, so they can only flee from famine and starve. Didn’t you see how many people died along the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway? They all died of starvation. Who cares about their lives?”

Another important reason why Mr. Zhong Pu couldn't leave for Peiping immediately was that Yi Baisha didn't want to go to Peiping. After He Qi left, Mr. Zhong Pu said, "Baisha, we need to have a good talk."

"What if you can't?"

"He tried to jump the Huangpu River. You laughed at him, called him a fool, and said that self-denial is the act of a coward. You will never do such a stupid thing in this life. At that time, I retorted you saying that 'ruthlessness is not necessarily a hero'. Maybe one day , I will also throw myself into the river like Qu Zi. Now, I want to ask you, if one day, I really throw myself into the river like Qu Zi, will you laugh at me?"

"Yi Baisha, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mr. Zhong Pu accused angrily, "If you dare to do that, you, Yi Baisha, are the person I hate the most, and I will hate you forever."

After a pause, Mr. Zhong Pu calmed down: "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. When are you going back to Hunan Province, I'll see you off."

Mr. Yi Baisha smiled brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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