Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 4 The Tail of the Old Times

Chapter 4 The Tail of the Old Times
Things in this world are probably inherently deterministic, just like when you open your eyes, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the day is over, and when you close your eyes again, the moon rises in the west and sets in the east, a new day begins.

This is probably the case in a person's life. There is no wind and no waves, and peace is a blessing.

But thinking of this, He Qi wanted to scold her mother, forced her to go to work and died, even so, at worst, when she was reincarnated, her eyes should be brightened, and she would be considered a blessing in disguise. Forget it, unexpectedly on the first day, I was cheated out of my life, and almost got into it.

People often say that God is fair, when he closes a door for you, he will definitely leave a window. To this, He Qi just wants to say: "God damn it, fool you, it's obviously Close the door and weld it firmly."

However, complaints are complaints, running away cannot be delayed for a moment, if you are caught back, just GG!

So, where do we go next?

He Qi set his goal in the city of Beiping.

Slapping Huazi only dared to abduct people in places with few people. There are many people in Beiping City, and Slapping Huazi would not dare to abduct people in broad daylight. Therefore, He Qi believed that places with more people were safer.

Following her memory, He Qi took Gouwa and ran all the way to the north. The fine gravel road made her feet ache. Looking at the bright sky, she could already see the Lugou Bridge on the Yongding River in front of her. Gou Wa couldn't run anymore.

In the eyes of traffickers, people are not human anymore, so they don’t care about food and housing, as long as they are still alive and breathing. Skinny and skinny, with two legs like bamboo poles, to be able to run such a long distance, I am afraid that I have used up all my strength in my life, it is not easy, and now I can't even stand upright.

He Qi helped Gouwa to rest under a tree by the side of the road, and watched the way carefully, and suddenly realized that Gouwa was not allowed to enter the city. .

He Qi frowned in thought, hesitated, glanced at Gou Wa from time to time, she didn't worry about the hair on her body, just put a piece of clothing to cover it up, except for the tail, which was difficult to deal with.

"Goofy, can the tail be pulled off? Otherwise, it's not easy to enter the city." He Qi asked, thinking that the fake tail would fall off as soon as it was pulled, and didn't think about it carefully.

And that tail is stained on the skin with a special drug, after many years, it may have been integrated with the skin. Hearing this, Gouwa grabbed the tail and pulled it, his painful face twitched in an instant, gouged out Bones hurt.

Even if he had scabies, he had to cut it with a knife, not to mention the tail that had been with him for three years, how could he easily tear it off? The straw on Gouwa's buttocks was soon drenched with blood and turned red.

He Qixin was startled, and then realized that it was not what she thought. She was afraid that there would be problems if she pulled her tail, so she hurriedly said: "Goofy, stop talking, let me think of a way, and find a doctor later Cut with a knife."

Having said that, Gouwa became impatient immediately, and the strength in his hands became stronger. He looked directly at He Qi, tears overflowed from his eyes, and rolled down together with the bean-like sweat on his forehead. He also said that he was suffering from pain. And vague words.


"do not want!"


He Qi didn't hear what Gouwa said, but saw the pleading in Gouwa's eyes, fearing that because of the tail being dropped, his heart felt pierced by a steel needle in an instant, and there was a piercing pain, so he quickly knelt down to comfort him. road:
"Don't worry, I won't leave you behind."

"We folks don't lie to fellow villagers."

"If you don't believe me, let's pull the hook and hang ourselves."

Only then did Gou Wa stop wagging his tail, kept lowering his head, and sobbed silently, like a dandelion in the autumn wind, it would scatter as soon as it was blown, but the dandelion seeds could take root after all, and come back to life in spring, and Gou Wa even lived with his family. I don't know where it is, and if it is blown away, life will be wiped out.

Seeing the bloody buttocks of Gouwa was shocking, He Qi couldn't help squinting her eyes, and groped all over her body, only then remembered that she had been stripped naked long ago, and only the key parts were wrapped in straw, so So he picked a few leaves and gently wiped the blood for Gou Wa.

The tail, including the flesh of the belt, was torn out in half, and the blood was still flowing out. It hurt so much, but Gouwa didn't make a sound, stiffened, biting his teeth together hard, and the sunken face could be seen clearly .

Perhaps, for Gouwa, this pain is nothing compared to the inhuman treatment he has received in the past three years, or compared to having a future to look forward to, this pain is insignificant.

After He Qi wiped the blood on Gouwa's buttocks, she looked at the half-tipped tail, worried that this thing would get in the way, thinking that a long-term pain would be better than a short-term pain, and also afraid that Gouwa would not be able to bear the pain, so she hesitated Said: "Goofy, this tail is half pulled, if you can bear it, I will"

Unexpectedly, Gouwa didn't hesitate at all, closed his eyes tightly, clenched his teeth, and grabbed the tail with one hand, signaling to continue pulling without hesitation.

"Hold on, it'll be fine soon." He Qi frowned, grabbed the tip of the tail with her hands, and wrapped it into a ball. After taking a deep breath, she suddenly pulled off the tail with a sudden force.

After Gouwa uttered a low, muffled sound in pain, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

He Qi hurriedly helped Gou Wa up, and while touching the middle of the crowd, he yelled anxiously in his ear.

Gou Wa probably had a hard life. He was the only one who survived among the six companions. Tail, with a knowing smile, said: "Good! Good!"

He Qi felt relieved, took a few long breaths, calmed down, glared at Gouwa, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, I'm so scared, I thought you were gone!"

"Hard! I'm tough~ I'm not afraid!" Gouwa grinned, showing yellowed teeth, and gasped a few times because of the pain in his buttocks, like the dog's tail grass on the roadside, even if it was caught Trampled on, still born towards the sun.

He Qi bent down and picked up the tail, intending to throw it into the bushes so as not to be discovered, but she heard Gouwa say: "Keep it, I keep it~"

This old-fashioned tail caused Gouwa pain. He Qi couldn't figure out why Gouwa wanted to keep it. Could it be a treasure or maybe it wasn't. This is not something normal people can do.

But when He Qi thought about it, if a normal person had the experience of Gouwa, he would probably have GG a long time ago. The grass on the grave has grown a few stubbles. This is enough to show that Gouwa is not a normal person, so such behavior is very reasonable .

Like a baby, Gouwa put his tail into the straw on his chest, clinging to his heart, where there was a dark bun hidden, then he looked into the distance and smiled innocently
(End of this chapter)

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