Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 49 This is how we do things

Chapter 49 This is how we do things
Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, Ju Zhang suddenly had an idea. He walked over to the foreigner and negotiated a few words with the foreign inspector. While gesticulating, he clearly understood Ju Chang's intention of coming, and he didn't want any bloodshed to happen.

Ju Zhang gestured and signaled the foreign inspector to follow him into the alley. The foreign inspector glanced at the angry crowd and nodded in agreement. Ju Zhang led the way and led the foreign inspector to He Qi's house.

He Qi got up early in the morning and read the morning newspaper. Now in the courtyard, listening to the deafening shouts outside, she felt so nervous that she couldn't sit down at all. Qian Xuan didn't come in the morning either. There will be no one to talk to, so I have to pace the courtyard non-stop.

Ju Chang knocked on the big red door, but when he saw He Qi, he didn't enter the door. He stepped on the threshold and said anxiously: "There are a lot of people blocked outside, maybe something will happen. If you translate the words of labor and management to this foreigner, it will be considered as a help." Do labor and management a big favor, and if you encounter problems in the future, just come to labor and management."

He Qi understood immediately and nodded.

Ju Chang said: "The people of our country are protesting against the Dongyi people. You are from Yingguo. This matter has nothing to do with you. You withdraw your gun. If it goes off, they will find you."

He Qi translated according to Ju Chang's words.

The foreign inspector said: "The guns have been withdrawn, what if they rush in?"

Ju Zhang patted his chest and promised: "My people can't come in from here. You are in another place. Let my people in. I promise not to let anyone in."

The foreign inspector didn't think much about it, so he agreed to Ju Chang's proposal, and he wished to let go of this matter as soon as possible.

Since Chief Ju still had to negotiate with the foreign inspectors, He Qi acted as an interpreter temporarily. After the foreign inspectors withdrew their guns, two pairs of police patrols joined in, and the situation on the scene finally stabilized.

Xiyuan in September has a special style. Yingtai is the place where Emperor Guangxu was imprisoned. There is a fish pavilion here, with colorful glazed bricks and bridge railings. The roof of the pavilion is made of yellow and green glazed tiles. Under the pavilion is the South China Sea Lake. Time is a lotus pond.

In the late autumn when everything is withered, only the stumps and broken branches of the lotus pond are exposed to the water. The vegetation on the bank is all lonely and withered, and the fish pavilion is like a touch of green in the withered yellow. Yang Shiqi likes this place very much. However, I was in the place where the dragon was trapped in Yingtai, but when I looked at the Nanhai Lake from a distance, what I saw was everything in the world, and what I did was even more important in the world.

A table facing the lake, a stack of papers is pressed on a square ruler on the table, and the latest information in front of it will be gathered under this square ruler. In front of the table stands a person with his hands behind his back looking at the lake. Yang Shiqi was full of confidence in this game of chess.

"Brother Xingcheng" someone came from the trestle bridge and shouted from afar.

Yang Shiqi turned around and saw that the person who came was Wang Daxie, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he already understood why he came

"Brother Xingcheng, you feel that the burden on my shoulders is too light, and you deliberately increase the weight, but even if you want to increase the weight, you have to tell me in advance, so I can make preparations. ?" Wang Daxie complained as soon as he arrived.

"Brother Botang, it's not that I didn't want to tell you in advance, but there is something hidden." Yang Shiqi looked at the lake with a solemn expression on his face, "Mr. Yuan left this matter to me, so I have to think about it everywhere. The wolf's ambition is obvious, if one less person knows about it, the more sure it is."

"You don't trust me?" Wang Daxie's expression changed, and he stood up immediately, staring at Yang Shiqi.

"We've known each other for so long, why don't you trust you? If you really don't trust you, can you still come here?" Yang Shiqi greeted Wang Daxie to sit down, poured tea, and said with a smile: "Brother Bo Tang, you I don’t know, your current reaction is what I need, you think, even you don’t know, how can others know?”

Wang Daxie figured it out, patted his thigh and laughed loudly: "Okay, brother Xingcheng, you're counting me in!"

Yang Shiqi: "It's not enough to be right, it's not enough to be right, and it's not enough to deal with it." Putting down the tea, he said again: "Brother Bo Tang, Dongyi people are afraid that they are relying on you now, how can you have it?" Are you running away from me?"

As soon as Wang Daxie put the tea away, he spread his hands, and said, "It rained last night, and I drenched it when I went home. I felt dizzy in the morning, so I simply took sick leave. I heard that you have good tea here, so I followed the smell."

"Puchi~~" Yang Shiqi laughed amusedly.

Wang Daxie took out a bag of tea from under the tea table, opened it and smelled it, his eyes lit up, and he praised repeatedly: "Good tea, as soon as I smell it, I know it was given to you by Lao Wu. I asked him for it last time, and cut it with me." He is fleshy, you say he is a big bastard, this good tea is left at his place, the pearl is covered with dust, I feel wronged for this good tea."

"Take it, and recuperate for a few days." Yang Shiqi said.

Wang Daxie squinted and said, "How many days?"

Yang Shiqi: "Delay for two days, you go back to the Fa people first, and when the Fa people intervene, you go back to the Dongyi people, so the matter will be done."

Chinese Minister Wang Daxie fell ill suddenly, and there was a backlog of letters from all parties.

Ri Zhiyi, Minister of Dongyi, listened to his subordinates' reply, and cursed shamelessly, Hua Fang really used the ancestral trick "drag" again, it was still a familiar formula, and it still had a familiar taste.

Hijimashi has already experienced this trick of "dragging characters".

At the time of Article 21, the Chinese negotiators were Mr. Lu Zhengxiang, Deputy Minister Cao Rulin, and Minister Lu Zongyu in Japan. These three people were deeply familiar with the mystery of the "drag word formula", and they dragged it from January to May.

That's what Mr. Lu Zhengxiang did at that time.

First, reduce the number of negotiations.

Hikimashi said: "I hope to negotiate every day, with the principle of resolving things as soon as possible."

Lu Zhengxiang said: "Talk once a week, and the negotiation can only be in the afternoon, because I have other things to deal with in the morning."

Hiki Masaki said: "Aren't you talking about efficiency?"

Lu Zhengxiang spread his hands and said, "That's how we do things. If you don't believe me, you can ask. It will take at least half a month to go through the process. I'm doing it for a special purpose, so it's pretty fast."

Hiichi was speechless.

The final result of bargaining is to negotiate three times a week, and negotiate in the afternoon for two hours each time.

Second, shorten the negotiation time.

Every time he negotiates, Mr. Lu Zhengxiang will start by saying some fake official words. After finishing his opening remarks, he will ask the waiter for a big teacup, the bigger the better. It’s bad for Hiki Yi, if you ask, it means that we all talk like this, this is called self-restraint.

In this way, without discussing the business for a short while, Mr. Lu Zhengxiang's opening remarks, slow talking and always going to the bathroom were exhausted for the students in two hours.

It is said that Mr. Lu Zhengxiang was suffering so much that he couldn't think of the opening line, so he asked someone to write it for him, and he had to vomit while drinking tea.

This time it was Wang Daxie, who simply didn't even talk about it, and just pretended to be sick, which is even better than Mr. Lu Zhengxiang.

"Shameless! Shameless!" Hiji Masuke became more and more angry, and ordered: "Take people to the security office, and let them hand over Kawamoto Ichiro under the pretext of protecting the expatriates, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"Hi!" The subordinate responded.

(End of this chapter)

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