Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 57 What are you excited about?

Chapter 57 What are you excited about?
Even though He Qi didn't want to show off, she didn't want to be looked down upon, so she lowered her head and meditated on countermeasures.

Mr. Taiyan, Liang Rengong and others drank tea more and more frequently, and said less and less, but the seriousness on their faces became deeper and deeper.

Brother Xun kept his eyes half-closed, calm and composed, with cigarette butts lying all over his feet.

Qian Xuan couldn't sit still at all, and walked back and forth with his hands behind his back.

As the sun rises, the wind from the mountain stream has warmed up a lot, but it has also become more urgent. Unknowingly, the courtyard suddenly became quiet, and only the couplets hanging on the branches were blown in the air by the mountain wind. whirring.

On the seven-foot rice paper hanging on the tree trunk, there are seven big "quick death" written on it. Since Mr. Zhang Jian stepped into this courtyard, his eyes have not moved away, and his straight body has been standing in the tree. Suddenly, Mr. Zhang Jian looked at the gate of the courtyard, and then everyone looked at the gate of the courtyard.

"Mr. Zhang, a distinguished guest has arrived." Zhang Pengyuan's deep voice came from outside the courtyard.

"Come in!" Mr. Taiyan sat down like an old monk, but his voice was full of air, so that people outside the door could hear him clearly.

Everyone in the courtyard stood up except Mr. Taiyan.

A fat figure appeared at the gate of the courtyard like a ghost. It was Zhao Yuan, the head waiter. The weather was sunny and his head was covered with sweat. He Qi saw Zhao Yuan once when he came, but he disappeared completely halfway. , Even the tea is served by Qiming, this meeting suddenly appeared again.

Zhao Yuan removed the latch, opened all the courtyard doors, then quickly withdrew to the side, lowered his head, bowed his waist, and stared at the feet of the people who came in. There were sixteen pairs of feet in total, one crutch, eight Personally, I will serve eight people's tea later.

The one who came in first was a good-looking young man, with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, a good-looking talent, a suit with a round collar and small leather shoes, oily glasses and lame legs, exuding a noble temperament from all over his body, but this man is different from the fake foreign devil that Mr. Zhao said Yes, but he was a real lame man, limping in with a crutch.

Qian Xuan couldn't hide the disdain in his eyes, and smiled at He Qi in a low voice, "Hey, Li Chengqian is here."

He Qi immediately gave Qian Xuantong an elbow to shut up, signaling not to speak too loudly, if someone overheard, maybe how to wear the little shoes, this person can't be offended!

Then Yang Chengzan walked in side by side with Professor Gu who was dragging his braids behind his head. He Qi had met the two of them in Guanghe Residence and recognized them at a glance.

After that, five people entered in turn, namely Sun Shuyao, Liu Shenshu, Li He, Hu Yuying, and Yan Fu. Except for Mr. Yan Fu, the other four had all joined the League, and they had also fought for innovation and risked their lives. I broke away from the League, but it is not an exaggeration to say the last sentence "old comrades in arms".

However, times have changed, people have changed, and ideals cannot be eaten after all. The comrades who used to be in the same trench have now gone to the enemy camp. This gorgeous turn is really surprising.

The gate of the courtyard was closed again, and Zhang Pengyuan, chief of the Law Enforcement Department of the Beiping Army, personally led a team to guard in front of the courtyard, assuming the important responsibility for security.

Everyone's seats seem to be sitting randomly, but they follow certain rules subtly. Mr. Taiyan sits at the top, and on the left are Liang Rengong, Xiong Xiling and others. In order is Mr. Yuan, Yang Chengzan and Professor Gu, and Uncle Liu Shen sits at the end.

In this era, there is one wonderful thing, that is, etiquette, especially when cultural people meet, even if they don't like each other, eyes are not eyes, nose is not nose, you have to wait for the salute before rolling up your sleeves and fighting.

After saluting each other, everyone sat down. Zhao Yuan took several servants to serve tea to the newcomers one by one. After finishing, he quickly fled the scene.

Mr. Taiyan said: "Recently, I often read "Zhu Zi Yu Lei". Zhu Zi said that reason is good and Qi is good, and that Qi is evil. It is clear, but it is said that everything that is everywhere is a qi. Why is the good reason always unreasonable, but the evil qi is everywhere, can someone explain it?"

He Qi listened with a dazed expression, what reason, what anger, as if he was talking bible, but he noticed that Uncle Liu Shen, who could understand, seemed a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that no one responded, Mr. Taiyan said: "Mr. Shenshu, you have always studied Zhu Ziyu's theory, can you explain the confusion for the old man?"

When Mr. Taiyan pointed it out, Uncle Liu Shen was startled and had to reply: "Qi is the ultimate evil, and reason is the ultimate good. Lao Tzu said that everyone in the world knows that beauty is beautiful, but it is evil; everyone knows that good is good. Si is not good at himself."

Mr. Taiyan looked at Liang Rengong, and said calmly: "Brother Zhuo Ru, what do you think?"

Liang Rengong said: "Li, there are all eternity, whether they are connected or not, they are all there, like the wind, there is the east wind in spring and the west in autumn, the east wind and all things are born, and the west wind is all things. Life is good, and life is also good. The preface of the Spring and Autumn Dynasties, the four seasons As usual, all things are born, which is the principle of the weather. Qi is everywhere, those who go with the wind go forward, those who go against the wind go against it, and there is no wind. The Qi mentioned by Zhu Zi is the air without wind. For example, people's desire, Those who are self can get it, and those who are not self can also get it. Everyone has the insatiable heart of greed, and there is no air of indifference. Once this atmosphere is opened, it will spread everywhere, and the upper and lower sides will interact. Officials are greedy, and people steal, so the evil spirit omnipresent."

Speaking of this, Liang Rengong suddenly paused, and said loudly: "However, the sun will be together, the wind will become more and more peaceful, the universe will be bright and righteous, and when there will be no wind, the world will be unified and all people will congratulate; if there is wind If there is no energy, the sky will be shamed, the universe will be broken, justice will be lacking, and the energy will be exhausted!"

He Qi understood, but she didn't seem to understand. In short, her mind was dizzy, but she saw that Uncle Liu Shen was neither standing nor sitting, and her face was flushed with shame.

Mr. Taiyan said: "Yes! Brother Zhuo Ru is right." Suddenly, his eyes turned from Professor Gu to He Qi who looked dazed, and he said with a smile, "Yucai, He Xiaoyou just came back from the west, I'm afraid it's right If you don't know much about Chinese culture, you can tell me with a few words."

He Qi felt the fiery eyes all focus on her body, and suddenly her old face turned red, as if sitting on pins and needles.

Brother Xun pulled out the cigarette butt from his mouth, spit out a wisp of white smoke lightly, and calmly said: "If there is a tree full of monkeys, you will see smiling faces from the high place, and you will see the smiling faces from the low place to the high place." All you see are monkey butts."

"Well said!" Qian Xuan roared, looking straight at Uncle Liu Shen with serious eyes.


There was a chuckle in the courtyard.

Not only that, Brother Xun also specifically asked He Qi: "Did you understand? If you don't understand, I will say it again."

He Qi's palms were sweating, and she hurriedly said, "Understood."

The corners of Uncle Liu Shen's mouth were twitching in anger. Mr. Taiyan had high qualifications and had the grace to save his life. He only said a few words, but Brother Xun, a junior, humiliated him in public, and immediately stared at Brother Xun who was smoking, spit Said: "Dare you?"

Yang Chengzan also said: "Yucai, you are exaggerating."

Unmoved, Brother Xun took the last puff of cigarette calmly, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped on it with his feet, and spit out a mouthful of phlegm, then raised his head, pinched his waist with his hands, and put on a fight He looked at Uncle Liu Shen and said, "Mr. Uncle Shen, do you have any objections?"

Uncle Liu Shen was taken aback.

He Qixin raised her throat.

Qian Xuan hurriedly made up his sword, sang with brother Xun, and asked, "Yucai, if the country employs people, who is the wind and who is the qi?"

Brother Xun was condescending, glanced over everyone on the opposite side, and said: "There is a saying in "The List of Teachers", 'Be close to virtuous ministers and stay away from villains. This is why the Han Dynasty prospered. Replacement.' A virtuous person is the wind, and a villain is the qi. Both are present at the same time, and they are everywhere. If the country chooses the virtuous and deposes the villain, it will prosper, otherwise, the qi will be exhausted."

Being pointed and scolded by two juniors, Uncle Liu Shen lost all face and couldn't stand it any longer. He immediately flew into a rage and cursed: "Young boy with a yellow mouth, you are talking nonsense."

Unexpectedly, brother Xun asked back: "Mr. Shen, what are you excited about? Did I mention you?"

Uncle Liu Shen wanted to kill someone, his face was red and black, and the words he had just organized to teach Brother Xun came to his lips, and he was swallowed in a daze. His trembling fingers pointed at Brother Xun, tremblingly said: "you you."

Let him break the news like thunder and be furious, Brother Xun remained unmoved. After paying the salute, he sat down on his own, took out a cigarette, wiped a match, and crossed his legs. Leisurely smoking a cigarette.

He Qi looked sideways at Brother Xun, who was calmly smoking, and was suddenly astonished. There are often people who scold others, but it is rare for those who scold the other party to be speechless. Zhuo Guang, because of his lack of knowledge, couldn't speak awesome words, so he could only shout a sentence of Chinese quintessence in his heart to show his admiration.


"I became Wang Chongyang!"woo woo woo."

(End of this chapter)

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