Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 59 "Ugly Ugly" and "Ugly Ugly"

Chapter 59 "Ugly Ugly" and "Ugly Ugly"

It is said that He Qi made such a big joke because of silently writing "Ai Lian Shuo", that even Mr. Tai Yan, who has always been flattered and humiliated, couldn't help laughing, and Qian Xuan and Brother Xun even laughed out loud.

The thing is like this, when He Qi dictated the usefulness of modern punctuation marks, Mr. Taiyan suddenly felt that there was a magical effect when he heard it, and after a long while, he said, "He Xiaoyou, can you write down the usefulness of each of these symbols? The old man has a bad memory, and he often remembers and forgets later.”

Qian Xuan immediately fetched a pen and paper.

He Qi suddenly had one head and two big ones.

Mr. Taiyan thought the light was dim, and shouted towards the kitchen: "Zhao Yuan, fetch a lamp."

The lamp was brought, but He Qi still didn't move. Qian Xuan was in a hurry, and urged: "Write."

He Qi immediately put the pen into Qian Xuan's hand, and said coyly, "I said, you write."

Qian Xuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing what it meant, and exchanged eyes with Brother Xun, both of them were puzzled, which made Qian Xuan even more curious, and asked after him: "What's going on? You can still speak eloquently, mother-in-law and mother-in-law are like a little daughter-in-law at the moment, maybe there is something unspeakable, let me hear it?"

He also speculated for no reason: "I saw you writing in vulgar script last time. Could it be that you can't use regular script? But it's okay, let's use vulgar script, sir can understand it."

Thinking that the stinky daughter-in-law will see her in-laws sooner or later, He Qi gritted her teeth and resolutely gave up resistance, and said frankly: "I have always written with a hard pen, and the calligraphy is not good-looking. This is reasonable."

"Ah?" Qian Xuan was taken aback, and laughed without hesitation, then poked He Qi's heart, handed back the pen again, and said, "Try it, let me see how bad it is?"

He Qi glared at Qian Xuan, she was really convinced by this sixth child, and refused decisively, after all, she wanted face, how could she reveal her embarrassing things to the outside world?
Brother Xun is not as "superficial" as Qian Xuan, with a half cigarette dangling from his mouth, the yellowish light is dyed with milky white smoke, and then slowly sighs milky yellow, which complements the scarlet fireworks, is Melancholy and sensual, with a faintly sincere face, said: "Brother Qi, have you ever heard of Pan Yue?"

He Qi said: "You look better than Pan An?"

"Exactly!" Brother Xun nodded, and asked again: "Have you ever heard of Zuo Taichong?"

He Qi thought for a while, then shook his head.

Under the cover of the night, Qian Xuan quietly turned his face away, for fear of laughing out like a pig cry.

Mr. Taiyan stroked his beard, smiled, and looked at everything in front of him quietly.

Brother Xun persuaded him kindly: "Pan An's alias is Pan Yue. "Shi Shuo Xin Yu" records that Pan Yue has a wonderful appearance and a good look. When he was young, he popped up the Luoyang Road. When a woman meets a woman, he will hold hands with him. But there is one person His name was Zuo Taichong, and his appearance was unattractive, so he also followed the example of Yue Youao, so all the women spit it out together and returned tiredly. Later, Zuo Taichong worked hard and wrote "Sandu Fu", which was expensive in Luoyang. However, the punctuation mark Luoyang paper is expensive, compared with it, it is not very important, let alone care about it.”

It is called the art of language!

Qian Xuan's eyes were bright, and he learned another trick, secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart!

Without any precautions or worries, the poisonous chicken soup appeared like this. He Qi had no resistance, and drank it in one gulp. She was still timid at first, but now she was much more calm, and said with a pen: "Then I will show my shame." .Don't laugh!"

It doesn't matter if you don't talk, Qian Xuan still didn't hold back when he spoke, and suddenly smiled.

He Qi hung his hand in the air, looked at Qian Xuan sideways, and asked wonderingly, "What are you laughing at?"

Qian Xuan gritted his molars, suppressed his smile, and said solemnly: "I remembered something happy."

He Qi said: "What happy thing?"

Qian Xuandao: "I think of my third son, who has been extremely smart since he was a child, and he must be promising when he grows up."

Qian San, that’s a generation of great people from the old Qian’s family, a top master in New China, he must be promising. Anyone who has such a promising offspring will surely wake up with a smile in his dream. He Qi is relieved and ready to continue writing.

Unexpectedly, Brother Xun also laughed, and smoke spewed out intermittently from his mouth.

He Qi looked at Brother Xun again, wondering, "What are you laughing at?"

Brother Xun put out his cigarette, talked about the past, and said with emotion: "As soon as this child was born, he was unusual, and I knew he would achieve great things in the future and have great promise."

He Qi said: "Where did you get the child from?"

Brother Xun said, "I'm talking about the third son of the Deqian family."

He Qi said: "What does his child have to do with you?"

Brother Xun said, "I'm happy for De Qian."

Qian Xuan couldn't hold it back again, "puchi" laughed, and sprayed a mouthful of tea far away.

He Qi always felt something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Qian Xuan fanned his mouth with his hand, laughed loudly and said, "It's hot."

"Cough cough!" Mr. Taiyan coughed lightly, he couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Little friend He, don't be disturbed."

He Qi put away her thoughts and prepared to write "Ai Lian Shuo". The short and small characters are easy to memorize, holding a pen in one hand, while reciting "Flowers of Water, Land, Plants and Trees." In a few breaths, a line of crooked words of different sizes appeared on paper.

To be honest, people who have never written brush calligraphy, the first time they write characters, they are very distinctive. For example, "Flowers of Water, Land, Plants and Trees" written by He Qi looks like a landscape painting from a distance, but an abstract painting from a close look. If you look closely, it looks like an earthworm crawling vertically, and thick noodles horizontally, with one stroke and one stroke, it was originally a fight, and the strokes could not be distinguished.

"Hiss!" He Qi couldn't bear to look directly at her handwriting, and gasped, it was too ugly, and said embarrassingly: "Deqian, my ugly handwriting is really hard to wait for the elegant hall, you should write it Bar."

Qian Xuan remained calm, holding back his anger and asked Brother Xun: "Yucai, brother Qi said his handwriting is ugly, but I think Zuo Taichong is extremely ugly, and he doesn't give way to brother Qi's handwriting. What do you think? "

Brother Xun frowned, seemed to be deep in thought, shook his head and denied, "I don't think it's right to be absolutely ugly."

Qian Xuandao: "Oh? What is that?"

Brother Xun murmured: "Ugly is so good."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Qian Xuan couldn't hold back anymore, he laughed loudly, the laughter resounded throughout the small courtyard, and even the birds perched on the branches outside the courtyard were frightened away.

Brother Xun also smiled unkindly.

He Qi suddenly realized that, having suffered from being uneducated, she suddenly realized that these two people were singing double reeds, her old face was flushed, and she was about to make a gesture to ruin the word, but Qian Xuan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and it was from He Qi. Grabbing half of the words in his hand, he ran into the house, stamped Mr. Taiyan's stamp, grinned and said: "This is a unique product, with Mr.'s stamp as proof, I will take care of it." collection."

If it gets out, wouldn't it be embarrassing? How could He Qi give in? She went up to grab it immediately, but Brother Xun hugged her waist and put her on the seat. However, Brother Xun's force value is much higher , He Qi couldn't struggle, and could only yell out of thin air: "Lu Yucai, let go quickly, or I will pour out all your embarrassing stories."

Brother Xun didn't care.

He Qi turned her head and whispered a threat in Brother Xun's ear: "Don't think I don't know, you're still a baby"

Before he could finish speaking, Brother Xun let go of his hand, and He Qi rushed out, snatched the half of the words from Qian Xuan's hand, burned them to ashes with the light, and finally felt relieved.

Mr. Taiyan drank his tea and watched the three juniors fight happily. The courtyard was full of vitality, and he couldn't help feeling happy.

"No problem!" Mr. Taiyan stroked his beard and said in relief, "You have lived overseas since you were young, so it is normal that you are not familiar with calligraphy, so don't worry about it."

The embarrassment on He Qi's face finally eased, and then she glanced at Qian Xuan, who was still secretly laughing, and thought to herself that the beam had formed, and then glanced at Brother Xun, who seemed nothing had happened, this fellow is not a good bird, but a bad one Get up, one is worth two Qian Xuan.

In the end, "Ai Lian Shuo" was written by Qian Xuan, and He Qi added punctuation marks and explained the uses and usages one by one.
"Move your little fingers, vote for a monthly ticket, yes, an announcement, it will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock in the evening. Unfortunately, the moon has been sunny twice this year, and there are no manuscripts. When I get better, let's do another wave of explosive updates. . "

(End of this chapter)

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