Chapter 61

Mr. Taiyan has bad eyesight, squinting at the "Ai Lian Shuo" with punctuation marks, he became more and more interested, and asked questions and muttered to himself from time to time.

In addition to the ones marked on the article, He Qi added a few more everyday symbols, a total of more than a dozen, most of which are in English, even Brother Xun and Qian Xuan's understanding of certain symbols I don't know how to use it very well, but after listening to He Qi's explanation of how to use it, I suddenly feel wonderful.

"This small ear means asking questions, but it is also vivid."

"It's really interesting to add a little under this thick stick."

"This little tadpole conforms to daily writing habits."

"Periods have existed since ancient times."

"These little eyes are ready to speak."

"The usage of these two bows and arrows is also different."

Qian Xuan thought that He Qi was talking about it casually, but he didn't expect to actually come up with a set of punctuation marks, and the usage of each symbol has very clear instructions, obviously not on a whim, so he said: "Brother Qi , why don't you think carefully and make a unified explanation of these symbols, if it can be promoted across the country, it will be a great thing."

Mr. Taiyan put down the paper and said: "With this punctuation mark, it can provide some help for reading, save some doubts, and more people study. It is good for the country and the nation. Yes, please trouble He Xiaoyou and spare no effort."

He Qi nodded and said, "I will do my best."

Mr. Taiyan looked at the night sky suddenly, the stars were dotted with stars, the Milky Way was bright, and the only crescent moon was hanging in the sky, and he sighed: "Small symbols have great uses. In the past, it was said that learning from barbarians with great skills can control barbarians. From this, it can be seen that Shi Yi didn’t know what the essence was, so that after decades of panic, the country is still dilapidated and the future is hopeless.”

Whenever He Qi heard such words, she always felt a prickly pain in her heart. This feeling was especially strong when she faced Mr. Taiyan, and said: "The moon waxes and wanes. However, the moon hangs in the sky all the time, and so does our country, although dynasties have changed, but it has always been cultivated, read and passed down, standing still, and I believe that the next full moon is coming soon.”

Mr. Taiyan only took He Qi's comforting words, and with cloudy eyes, dark and powerless, he shouted: "He Xiaoyou, you come back from Xiyang, you understand even if I don't say anything, so don't say any more comforting words to this old man. Xiyang I'm so advanced, I'm looking forward to it, and I'm afraid it will be hard to come by in a lifetime!"

Qian Xuan and Brother Xun were silent, probably thinking so in their hearts.

In an instant, that one needle of He Qixin turned into thousands of needles, which was extremely uncomfortable. Yes, at this time, they probably never dreamed that in the near future, there would be a little rabbit who used millet and a rifle. , led the weak Chinese nation to embark on the road of great rejuvenation. It took only a hundred years for the Eastern Dragon to once again stand on top of the world.

He Qi said with burning eyes: "If you don't investigate, you don't have the right to speak. It is because I have seen the West that I am sure that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not far away."

Perhaps it was infected by He Qi's full confidence when he spoke, Mr. Taiyan's muddy eyes brightened a little, and he said with a smile: "Why are you so sure?"

He Qidao: "There is a street in Meiguo, because the people who live there are all Chinese people, Gu named it Chinatown. I have been there, and they live in a very bad way. They do the heaviest work, take the least money, and often Suffering inhuman treatment, the environment is very harsh, but even so, they still work hard and do their duty, and only then have they gained a foothold. It is the same in Europe. Everywhere the Chinese people go, they can take root. The diligence, steadfastness and progress in the bones of the Chinese people are like a seed, no matter where it is thrown, it can take root and sprout. And our nation is made up of these seeds, so I believe that the Chinese nation will always be , No matter what difficulties you encounter, you will be persevering and stand firm, and when these seeds germinate, bloom and bear fruit, it will be the time for our Chinese clan to realize the great rejuvenation."

Qian Xuan was incited by He Qi's words, his blood was surging, he stood up and shouted excitedly: "Brother Qi!! Well said, our Chinese nation will surely achieve a great rejuvenation."

Brother Xun smiled and lit a cigarette.

Mr. Taiyan laughed loudly after listening, but there was a trace of desolation and sadness in the smile. After taking a deep breath, the smile on his face was gone, and he booed: "I hope so!"

After the excitement, Qian Xuan quickly calmed down, and suddenly laughed at himself: "It would be great if it was true as Brother Qi said."

He Qi swore: "Of course it is true. What I said just now is not groundless, but has a basis."

Qian Xuan looked over suddenly and said, "What basis?"

Brother Xun also stopped smoking and looked over curiously.

He Qi said happily: "5000 years ago, we faced the flood together with the ancient Egyptians; 4000 years ago, we made bronzes with the ancient Babylonians; 3000 years ago, we studied philosophy with the Greeks; 2000 years ago, we Conquering the Quartet with the Romans, 1000 years ago, we were as rich as the Arabs. Now 5000 years have passed, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, and ancient Greece have all disappeared, and opponents on the chessboard have fallen one after another. Only China has always been Standing in the east. Therefore, I believe that the current difficulty is just that the Eastern Dragon is tired and dozed off. When the Eastern Dragon wakes up, we will return to the top of the world again."

"Okay, okay!!!" Mr. Taiyan trembled, and said three good words in succession, one sound stronger than the other.

Knowing that what He Qi was talking about was just a beautiful dream that could not be realized, but He Qi was full of confidence, telling this dream too realistically, as if it was a personal experience, and could not help but make people believe it from the bottom of their hearts, so that in an instant, Tai Yan The husband was refreshed, his eyes were shining brightly, but soon dimmed again, maybe there will be such a day as He Qi said, but I'm afraid I won't see that day.

Seeing that Mr. Qian Xuan was happy, he suddenly remembered something and suggested: "Sir, brother Qi hasn't picked up the characters yet. He was going to wait for the elders to pick them up when he returned to his hometown, but he didn't know when he would return, let alone the elders at home. Is he still alive? If you don’t take this opportunity, you can get one for him.”

Mr. Taiyan followed the trend and looked at He Qi.

Brother Xun said with a smile: "Brother Qi, it is impossible for ordinary people to ask for Mr. Taiyan's writing. You have taken advantage of both of us."

He Qi pushed the boat along the trend, bowed decisively, and said respectfully: "Please give me the words, sir."

Mr. Taiyan had a good impression of He Qi, and two apprentices helped him, so he agreed, and pondered: "What do your parents expect from you?"

He Qi said: "Before they died, they told me to go back to my hometown in Huizhou, and the fallen leaves return to their roots."

Mr. Taiyan said: "Huizhou, Anhui, the perfect white, Qiqi, the genus of jade, let's take the word Yubai, firstly, to fulfill your parents' last wish of returning home, secondly, to hope that you will be a child with a pure heart, always Like perfect white, it does not attract dust."

"He Yubai." He Qi muttered, feeling good at once, and there was a sense of nobility when he heard it, bowed again, and said gratefully: "Mr. Xie for giving me the words, and remembering Mr.'s teachings."

"Tea! Tea!" Qian Xuan hastily reminded: "Hurry up and serve tea!"

"Oh!" He Qi smiled foolishly, she really didn't know much about etiquette, so she poured out the tea immediately and offered it with both hands.

Mr. Taiyan took the tea and took a sip with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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