Chapter 74

It was another sunny day, standing on the archery tower of Xuanwumen, looking towards Xuanwai Street on the other side of the moat, gongs and drums were playing, banners were flying, crowds of people spontaneously held up banners, holding small flags, and became Thousands of people gathered in front of a shop, completely blocking the busy Xuanwai Street.

"Huaxia will win!"

"Defeat the Dongyi people!"

"Show off our country's prestige!"

They were shouting at the top of their lungs, cheering and cheering. The sound was like a strong wind blowing the waves, and the waves were higher than the waves, soaring into the sky.

It was originally just a non-governmental Go exchange activity, without official involvement, but after several days of continuous reports by major newspapers, it quietly climbed to the height of patriotism, even the largest circulation in the country. "Ta Kung Pao" directly used "Sino-Japanese Go Game" as a follow-up report.

After the Revolution of the Republic of China, the favorability of the Chinese people towards Dongyi dropped sharply. The "church case" a while ago caused a big parade among the people of Peking. war.

He Qi was afraid that an uninvited guest would come to the door at night, so he didn't go back, and stayed in the chess hall with Brother Xun and Qian Xuanwo, and dealt with them casually all night. There is a kind of power awakening in the dark, and it can't stand it no matter what.

Qian Xuan rushed into the chess room in a hurry, his face was flushed, and he said excitedly: "Yubai, there are many people outside, everyone wants to see you, why don't you go out and say something to everyone."

Brother Xun was making tea, turned his head and said: "Let the big guys leave first, don't block the road, let the Dongyi people see the joke."

Qian Xuan disagreed, and retorted with a straight neck: "I just want the Dongyi people to take a good look at it. This is called home court advantage."

While talking, He Qi had already walked towards the door. Accountant Lao Wu removed the latch and opened the door. He Qi opened the curtain and walked out. A bright sunshine immediately penetrated into the heart, warm, and the eyes passed by Everywhere, there are cheering faces, sincere and hot, pure and frank.

"Crack! Kaka!"

Several bright lights flashed, and it was the spotlight, which fixed the figure of He Qi standing under the "He Qi Zheng" plaque at this moment. This is the first photo of He Qi in this era.

"Mr. Yubai, what do you want to say about this battle?" The reporter from "Beijing News" asked.

"The battle to rectify the name of Huaxia Go." He Qi said.

"Mr. Yubai, I am a reporter from Ta Kung Pao. I would like to ask you, so many people are here today. Do you have anything to say to them?"

"My compatriots, I am very grateful for your coming. I would like to thank you in advance." He Qi bowed to pay respects, and then said: "But the road is blocked, and those who are in a hurry will definitely scold me. You will leave later. Well, just wait for the good news."

"Then do you think you can win?" It was a foreign reporter who asked this question, speaking broken Chinese.

For the Chinese people, this was a very embarrassing remark, which immediately drew criticism. He Qi stopped it with her hand, took a step forward, looked at the foreign reporter, and asked, "Which newspaper are you from?"

The foreign reporter flashed the nameplate on his chest and said, "I am a reporter from "Zi Lin Xi Bao."

He Qi also saw the nameplate, and said with a smile: "Hi, Mr. Jonathan, you just asked me if I can win, do you think I can win?"

Jonathan thought for a while, shook his head honestly and said: "Before this, I found all the records of the battles between Mr. Gaobe Daoping and the Huaxia chess players, all victorious, Mr. He, I'm sorry, I don't think you can win Michihei Takabe."

He Qi didn't get angry, but said: "If I asked Mr. Arthur Wellesley, who fought in Waterloo 100 years ago, whether he could defeat Napoleon, I think his answer would be yes."

"The yellow sand wears the golden armor in a hundred battles. If you don't break Loulan, you will never return it!"

"That's my answer."

After speaking, He Qi turned around confidently and went back to the chess hall.

Jonathan could understand the first half of He Qi's sentence, and he was proud of it, with pride in his eyes, but Jonathan didn't understand the second half of the ancient poem, so he hurriedly asked his Chinese counterparts what it meant?
This caused a burst of laughter, but fortunately, Huaxia's colleagues accurately conveyed He Qi's meaning.

At nine o'clock, Daohei Gaobe came on time. Because he has lived in China for many years, he is wearing a long gown and has a long beard today. At first glance, he really thought he was an authentic Chinese.

It's a pity that Takabe Michihei's Chinese dialect is really not very good. Nakajima Hidaki served as the interpreter, and there were a few Dongyi people accompanying him. He Qi Gubo was not surprised, as if Nakajima Hidaki had never visited the door.

The upper and lower floors of the chess hall were full of people watching the battle, but it was completely silent and quiet.

The two guess first, He Qi holds the sunspot first, and uses the Chinese flow to start the game. Unlike Gu Rushui's "low Chinese flow", it is the "high Chinese flow". The first move is the star position, and the second move is the adjacent corner. Xiaomu, the third move is four or nine.

Daoping Gaobe glanced at He Qi suspiciously, then fell silent and fell into thinking.

Someone in the chess hall immediately asked: "Is this a variant of the Chinese style?"

Gu Rushui said: "Brother Yubai called it the high Chinese flow, but I used to call it the low Chinese flow."

Someone asked, "What's the difference between the two?"

Gu Rushui didn't explain, but said with a smile, "Everyone, you will find out when you look back."

He Qi has studied Gaobu Daoping, this is a "basic style" school, that is, it focuses on accumulating advantages, focusing on operations, not good at fighting, and likes peaceful development, which is a bit like "Worry-free corner". The best way to kill an enemy is to break his rhythm and fight him, whenever you can.

The main direction of "High China Stream" is still small eyes, but the layout is fast, and the main target is the middle abdomen. This forces Kobe Michihei to give up the idea of ​​​​peaceful development, otherwise the middle abdomen will be lost and the game will be over.

Daoping Gaobe naturally realized that, according to the habit of Chinese people, after stroking his beard and thinking for a long time, he decided to abandon the established strategy and instead pursue stability, waiting for opportunities for He Qi to make mistakes.

Next, came the rhythm that belonged to He Qi.

He Qi is not Gu Rushui, who loses the layout and relies on the middle game. For Gao Bu Daoping's abacus, the first fifty moves are not given the slightest chance, and he has already taken the big advantage. Son, in addition to the stickers, it also won the seventh and eighth eyes.

It was a big win, clean and tidy.

For Dohei Gaobe, this was a disastrous defeat, he was beaten by He Qi throughout the round and he was powerless to fight back.

The front yard was already cheering, and the loud cheers spread to the back yard, embarrassing Nakajima Hidoji. Inadvertently, it reminded him of the dignity thrown away by He Qi that night, and he didn't want to stay for a minute longer.

Gao Bu Daoping was fine, he got up and bowed to salute, and said briefly to He Qi: "Mr. Yubai, thank you for your enlightenment, see you in the afternoon."

He Qi also returned the gift.

(End of this chapter)

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