Chapter 76

What a person thinks in his heart can be expressed through his eyes. After Dohei Takabe lost the game, Nakajima Hidaki should have been angry, but unfortunately He Qi didn't see it. His performance was completely different from the morning, and he was unusually calm , and left without saying anything.

This can't help but make He Qi suspicious. Could it be that there is something else that can't be done?
Suddenly, He Qi thought of a possibility, that is, they will definitely get back this place.

The joy of winning chess only lasted for one night, and was forced to stop the next day. A gossip spread in the Go world. Dongyi people are urgently applying for the Go event to enter the Far East Games (predecessor of the Asian Games), and are currently playing in Green Island. The traveling Hirose Heijiro and his apprentice Iwamoto Kaoru were summoned to represent Dongyi in the competition.

At noon, Wu Tingfang, president of the "Far East Sports Association", and Wang Zhengting, president of the [-]nd Far East Games, came to "Heqizheng" and invited He Qi and Gu Rushui to participate in the Go event on behalf of the Chinese side.

This year's Far East Games has 8 events including track and field, swimming, cycling, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, and tennis. From the 22nd to the 29th, there are 7 competition days in total. The venue is at the Target Garden in Hongkou, Shanghai. in.

From this point of view, the Dongyi people are going to regain their place in the Far East Games.

Fighting for the country is a duty, not to mention that He Qi originally planned to go to the Shanghai stock market and watch the football at public expense, so she agreed immediately.

However, He Qi thinks a little too much. It is not allowed to watch football at public expense, but it is okay to fight for the country. If you want money, you need to settle all expenses yourself.

Curry's already empty rats were crying when they entered, and the wages of the office staff were not fully paid. How could Lao Yuan have the time to spend on the unimportant sports career?
Lao Yuan took the lead in donating 2500 oceans, Li Huangpi donated 1000 oceans, and then the newspapers boasted a lot, and the people below naturally had to bite the bullet and pay out. Therefore, this year's sports meeting, a total of more than 200 Chinese athletes participated , the required expenses are funded by donations from all parties in the community.

If you think about it again, from the top to the bottom, according to the ancient rules, why did half of the money disappear, and the construction of the sports venue will also cost money. In the end, it is the athletes' turn. How much is the total?

The football team is miserable. There are more than a dozen of them, and they are all at a lively age. Their appetite is amazing. The daily board and lodging expenses are a lot of money. They set off from Yangcheng in October to play football all the way to earn money. The Shanghai stock market participated in the competition, and now they have played in Zhejiang Province, and they will arrive in the Shanghai stock market in a week, so there is still a week of rest.

Several runners from the Northeast who participated in the race arrived in the Shanghai stock market early, and while finding a job to earn money, they persisted in training.

Next, there is no need to mention basketball, volleyball and other teams with a large number of people, each of them is also trying to find a way to solve it by itself.

From this point of view, He Qi and Gu Rushui are pretty good, there are only two of them in total, and they can handle it no matter what,

Since the Go event was temporarily selected, it was ranked behind all the participating events. A total of four players from China and Japan participated in the competition. He Qi even joked that the start of the game is the semi-finals, and at the worst there will be a bronze medal.

In the future, when we look at the history of Chinese Go, He Qi, the first world-wide event medalist, will be written into history.

Qian Xuan immediately spat: "No prospect, at least get a silver medal! Can't beat the old man, and can't beat his apprentice?"

Go is a sport driven by geniuses. Wu Quan has overthrown a large number of Dongyi's long-established masters. Chinese chess players know nothing about Hirose Heijiro and Iwamoto Kaoru. Who knows if this Iwamoto Kaoru is a hidden There are many examples of apprentices slapping masters against big bosses.

The current situation is that He Qi and Gu Rushui are in the open, and the master and apprentice are in the dark. In addition, since the Dongyi people are willing to let the master and apprentice fight, they themselves recognize that their strength surpasses Gaobe Daoping and He Qi With Gu Rushui.

Therefore, He Qi does not have much confidence in this match, but there is good news that the semi-finals will be a one-piece game system, and the final will be a best-of-five game system, but it can be manipulated, maybe you can catch him by surprise and keep him safe. Copper fights for silver.

The opening ceremony is on the 21st, and it will take two days to go to Shanghai by train. He Qi set off on the 2th. Never expose the chess record.

When Chinese people go out, they like to set off early in the morning, no matter how far they are going, even if they are visiting relatives in the neighboring villages. The sky is bright and the moon is still bright in the west. Qian Xuan is already carrying his luggage and wearing a new suit. Come, knock on the door "bang bang".

Gou Wa went to open the door. He Qi yawned and put on his clothes. Before turning on the light, Qian Xuan rushed to the door of the house impatiently. Fearing that He Qi would not wake up, he knocked on the rooms and shouted loudly. Said: "Get up soon, what are you dawdling in, I'll wait for you."

"Understood!" He Qi replied, and hurriedly turned on the light.

As soon as the room was lit, Qian Xuan stopped, stood outside the door and said with a broken mouth: "You are good at everything, but one is not good, no matter what you do, you are slow, you are anxious, don't eat breakfast Yes, there is at the station, Yucai has measured the auspicious time, you should wash up quickly, don't waste the time."

He Qi put on a thick cotton coat and tied it with buttons, jokingly said: "It's better to slow down, it may not be better soon, be careful that sister-in-law will trouble you."

Qian Xuan said with disgust: "What do you know, a bachelor?"

He Qi smiled meanly: "I don't understand, but I haven't eaten pork, and I haven't seen a pig run away? Don't think you haven't eaten oranges recently, I don't know. Go away, touch it back in a hurry, pretend like nothing happened, and if things go on like this, hehehe"

The corner of Qian Xuan's mouth twitched, and he refused to admit it even if he was beaten to death: "Don't talk nonsense if there is no evidence. Be careful of others' speculation. You really think that I, Qian, are that kind of person."

"Haha." He Qi was amused, completely drowsy, opened the door, looked at Qian Xuan who was looking up at the moon at a 45-degree angle, and said meaningfully: "Good rain knows the season, when spring happens; thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun , the north wind blows geese and snow."

Qian Xuan was indifferent, as if he refused to admit it.

He Qi said again: "After the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late in autumn; far away, the stone path in the cold mountain is slanted, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds. Don't say you didn't understand?"

Qian Xuan lowered his head, glanced at He Qi, obviously guilty of guilt, ignored He Qi, and ran to lie down on the recliner in the yard.

Seeing the reminder is enough, there is no need to say anything else, He Qi hurried to wash up, the lights in the kitchen have been turned on, Gou Wa is cooking breakfast, and his face is glowing red.

"Don't do it for me, just leave right away." He Qi said, took out two oceans from her body and put them on the stove: "I'm going to the Shanghai stock market for half a month this time, so be careful at home alone , go to the store when you’re bored, Ah Hong, Ah Chun, and Uncle Wu, you all know each other.”

"Oh! I see." Gouwa said with a silly smile, now he can speak a complete sentence, much better than before, and his appearance has changed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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