Chapter 8

Returning from Li's shop to Wenhuiju, the sun was already in the middle. Thanks to Zhao Deyi, the street shop ordered a few small dishes, and He Qi's lunch was passed. I spent about two hours with Li Yan in the afternoon. In the last hour, I cleaned up the house and bought some daily necessities. In a blink of an eye, the sun was hanging in the west.

If this happened in the past, He Qi would definitely cry out a few times, but this time she couldn't take care of it, some of them were full of peace of mind, no matter what, there was finally a place to stay, and the next step was to sleep well I slept last time, and I will talk about other things when I wake up.

However, there was something to do at night, and he couldn't sleep. He Qi smiled wryly, yawned, and was about to call Gouwa, take a bath, and tidy up, but saw that Gouwa had already fallen asleep on his side, and the snoring came soon after.

"What a mallet!" He Qi cursed with a smile, picked up her clothes, turned around and went to the bathroom, washed it carefully from head to toe, and came out clean and comfortable after half an hour.

To be honest, this is not the first time He Qi has seen this long gown. Not to mention the Republic of China dramas on TV, I know a lot about it just by watching the performance costumes of Deyun Society, but it is the first time for me to wear it. , a little uncomfortable, the body is very tight.

The dog in the house was sleeping soundly, snoring one after another. It happened that there was an osmanthus tree with high eaves in the small courtyard. There was a stone table under the tree with a stack of newspapers on it and a recliner beside it. With wet hair, he lay on the recliner, closed his eyes and fell asleep while drying his hair.

After a while, he heard "rustling" footsteps approaching. He Qi opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Yan who brought a pot of tea and put it on the stone table.

"Sir, I'm sorry to bother you." Li Yan laughed repeatedly, took out a celadon cup, and poured hot tea.

"I didn't fall asleep. Where did the noise come from? It's nothing to worry about. It's thanks to you, who took up such a long time and ran around with me." He Qi thanked her sincerely, as she said, Seeing Li Yan holding the tray in both hands, standing aside respectfully, he held the teapot and poured tea into the other cup, and stretched out his hand to signal: "Sit down and have a rest, have a cup of tea."

"Don't tell me!" Li Yan grinned, but his smile was a little cramped, and he pushed his forehead and said: "Sir, you are a cultural person, and the long gown you wear is not the same as those gentlemen who came to our shop." , if you pour me a cup of tea, you will think highly of me, and if you let me sit and talk to you, it will be a disgrace to me, it must not be done, if the shopkeeper sees it, you will have to ask for a reprimand."

He Qi handed Li Yan a full cup of tea in front of him in embarrassment, and then used a smile to cover up his embarrassment, saying: "I grew up in Nanyang, and then I went to Xiyang. I don't know these things, and I don't pay attention to them. Anyway, But there's no need for a cup of tea, since you won't sit, then I'll stand."

After finishing speaking, He Qi stood up, picked up a cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp to the flattered Li Yan.

Seeing that he could not refuse, Li Yan held the tea in both hands and drank it timidly.

"Look, it's nothing more than a cup of tea. Whether you drink it standing up or sitting down, you have to drink it. After drinking it, God doesn't send down a thunderbolt to punish people."

"Besides, the world's affairs are much bigger than tea drinking. If God even takes care of tea drinking, I'm afraid it's just a dog taking a mouse—just meddling in other things."

He Qi teased recklessly, but didn't take it seriously, picked up the teacup, and drank it leisurely, but these words frightened Li Yan, squinting at the sky, and hurriedly hissed: "Mr. Come on, don’t make jokes about God, we still count on God to reward us with food! If God is offended, we can’t guarantee that a fire will be lowered, and they will all be burned.”

Seeing Li Yan's expression of silence, and what he said was serious, He Qi couldn't help being curious, and asked, "What is the meaning of God sending down a fire?"

"In April, a fire broke out in the Thirteenth Bank of Yangcheng, and many people were burned to death. I heard from a newspaper reader in a teahouse that our north is full of dragon energy, and we are watching the new emperor ascend the throne, while the south refuses to obey discipline, thinking about it all day If you commit a serious crime, God will send down a fire to punish Xiaoxiao." Li Yan vowed.

"Is there such a saying?" He Qi frowned suspiciously.

"Sir, you are a cultural person. This matter is published in the newspapers. If you don't believe me, you can read it." Li Yan pointed to the stack of newspapers on the stone table, with the tray under his arm, and bowed: "Sir, I I won’t bother you, just say hello if you have something to do, and I’ll come when I hear it.”

"Okay, you go!" He Qi said, put down the teacup, picked up the newspaper and flipped through it for a while. Although the printed text is in traditional Chinese characters, but thanks to the Chinese culture, it is inherited in one continuous line, so there is nothing wrong with reading it. obstacle.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it, what's the matter?

It's nothing more than pulling the tiger's skin, pulling up the banner, and from the perspective of public opinion, slapping the enemy with a big hat.

The cause of the incident was that in April this year, the embankment of the upper reaches of the Pearl River collapsed, causing unprecedented floods in Yangcheng. The merchants avoiding the floods caused a huge fire because of their lunch cooking, which led to the fire in Shisanhang and dozens of people died.

There was nothing unusual about this at first, but now the houses are not reinforced concrete, they are basically made of wood, one building next to the other, once a fire breaks out, the wind blows and it burns continuously and cannot be stopped.

It's strange that what happened in April was brought up by someone with a heart in September. This person with a name Zuo Yu, whose name is Uncle Shen, is one of the initiators of the Security Council.

One bad thing about this era is that a celebrity has many nicknames, and he is called by his character in daily life. With the cart before the horse, his name is unknown. He Qi thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of this person. The origin, fortunately, a well-meaning person with the pseudonym "Stalker" deliberately picked up the author's origin in order to refute this article.

At first glance, He Qi was even surprised. This person has a legendary resume. He was educated in ancient Chinese since he was a child. Later, he met the cultural leader Zhang Taiyan in Shanghai. He openly contradicted the old woman. Organized the Yue Wanghui and the Huang's School. After being wanted, he traveled east to Japan. Due to economic pressure, he was instigated by the Qing minister Duan Fang and became a spy.

In 09, he acted as a spy for Duanfang in the Shanghai stock market. Because he betrayed Zhang Gong, his brother-in-law Wang Gongquan was shot dead by Wang Jinfa, so he was completely exposed, stopped pretending, had a showdown, and openly betrayed his original intention. Fortunately, Zhang Taiyan was a guarantor, so he survived.

A few years ago, someone introduced me to Yan Laoxi from Jin Province, who served as a senior consultant, and was later introduced to Beiping, where he served as an editor and reviewer for the Ministry of Education. Anhui.

(End of this chapter)

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