Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 85 "Who is Hirose?" "

Chapter 85 "Who is Hirose?" "

The next day, "Shenzhen", which has the largest circulation in the south, published a huge photo on the front page of the first issue, and such an article made He Qi parachute to the "top search list" that day.

In the photo, He Qi has a resolute side face, looks handsome overall, and is shouting into a small speaker, while the women's volleyball girls on the field are also very powerful, jumping high, preparing to shoot a heavy shot in front of the net, while the background is It was dozens of Dongyi people who were angry and ashamed. The strange thing was that they didn't stare at the women's volleyball girl, but all stared at He Qi, as if they wanted to eat people.

The title of the article is also very interesting: "This is my apology", and the subsequent article explained the cause and effect of this incident. At first, He Qi cheered in the football match, which caused the displeasure of the Dongyi people. The Daily asked He Qi to apologize, so there was a scene in the photo.

When a certain editor of "Shenzhen" wrote this article, he also carried out private work, and in the final summary, he even complained that the Dongyi people lost and lost in front of the Chinese national player He Qi.

Good guy, in one morning, tens of millions of people in East China knew this news, and all who heard it were amused by He Qi's coquettish operation, and they all shouted: "The national player came with a brilliant move. "

In the evening, some evening papers published another hilarious report, saying that since the national player He Qi took the lead in using the cheering artifact in the women's volleyball match yesterday, the small speakers in the entire Shanghai stock market were sold out today. Yes, in today's game against Japan, the Huaxia audience dedicated hundreds of small speakers to cheer for the spectacular scene.

These guys really don't think it's a big deal.

When He Qi saw the evening paper, she couldn't help laughing, and suddenly remembered the Ula in the World Cup in South Africa. The noise made by that thing is really amazing. And nothing less.

Can you imagine the scene where contestants were bombarded by 08 small Chinese speakers in the Bird's Nest in 1?
Regarding the opening of this Pandora's Box, He Qi was flustered for a while, for fear that Huaxia fans would be inspired, get through the two lines of Ren and Du, and develop some new skills, such as the small trumpets that could not be bought, so they simply brought the national musical instrument suona onto the stage, suona On the expedition, not a single blade of grass will grow, and hundreds of thousands of suonas will blow at the same time, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

I thought this matter would end here, He Qi was out of anger, and was already planning to stop and concentrate on preparing for the battle. Unexpectedly, the Dongyi people stopped doing it. If they suffer a loss on the field, they are not as good as others. There is nothing to say.

But if you suffer a loss off the court, you have to talk about it. From the standpoint of the Japanese side, say something, "Since the late Qing Dynasty, when have we Dongyi people received the birds of the Chinese people?"

"This place must be found, not overnight."

Therefore, the people of Dongyi mobilized all their forces to focus on the "Dong-A Daily" as the main battlefield, bombarding He Qi in the major newspapers in turn, and even Dongyi's well-known Go player, Hirose, who represented Dongyi in the Go event this time. The players all stood up and spoke harshly.

"Four days later, in the Sino-Japanese Go match, He Qi won nothing."

He Qi took the time to study the chess records sent by Juchang. If everything is true, Hirose is slightly better than Kobe Dohei. Seto belongs to the radical faction and has full attack power, but that's all, it's not just fear.

Talk harshly before the game, right?
Talk about it, right?
He Qi chuckled, and only said this to the reporter of Shenbao: "I've only heard of Xiuzai, who is Hirose? Is it amazing?"

The opening sentence, the rest is all up to the editor of "Shenzhen", so the article is called "Who is Hirose?" "The heavyweight article appeared, and the skill was so profound that it made people feel ashamed.

The diction of this article is extraordinarily gorgeous, the writing style is full of domineering style, with hundreds of words eloquently, like an ancient essay, except for the word "Gurose" in the title, the main purpose of the whole article does not mention Hirose at all, echoing the title, but it also mentions it everywhere. When it comes to "Gurose", it fully embodies He Qi's "definition".

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The two countries were originally at odds with each other, and now such a long-cherished duel was involved, which directly made the following Sino-Japanese Go match the most eye-catching event during the entire Far East Games.

Quick friends have already started buying tickets in advance.

Friends from other regions have also started buying tickets on their way to Shanghai.

The most amazing thing is that the famous players in the southern Go world jointly issued a statement announcing that during the Yundong Games, all chess players will take a break.

Those who have heard of the strike, those who have heard of the school strike, and the unprecedented chess strike, it really makes people laugh.

In other words, the famous players in the south refused to practice with the Dongyi people, and they would not do it for any money.

Under this statement, a small number of chess players are fundamentally eliminated from wanting to make money. Everyone is in the same Go circle, and the news is the same. If anyone does this today, he will not want to be in the Southern Go circle in the future.

Therefore, even if some people want to make that money, they don't have the courage.

And He Qi got into the room headlong, and began to prepare for the Sino-Japanese Go match in a few days, and let out all the cruel words. If he really lost the game at that time, no need for others to say, he would lose all face.

He Qi is immersed in the study of chess, and the others are not idle. As good buddies, Qian Xuan and Brother Xun, they have done their part to bear all the firepower of the Dongyi people. Brother Xun, on the other hand, has precise firepower and fixed-point strikes. The two of them face a group of people and cooperate with each other, and the scene does not lose the wind at all.

For a moment, the Shanghai stock market was like a pot of boiling water. Everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of Qian Xuan and Brother Xun. The audience in Beiping had long been accustomed to the rumors in the newspapers. They are not used to it if they don't talk about people for a day, but where have the audience in the Shanghai stock market seen such a magnificent scene?

Open all the newspapers, and you will be surprised to find that there is an article published by a troll named Qian Xuan, which covers almost all newspapers. The number is so large that it is daunting. In the stronger newspapers, you can find articles published by a person named Lu Yucai, often pissing off a certain person.

This is not over, a telegram from Qian Xuan was photographed in Beiping, and some trolls in Beiping couldn't sit still. In order to respond to the Shanghai stock market, they rushed to full speed, "Beijing News", "Ta Kung Pao", "Peking Daily" All kinds of articles appeared on the three major media, even "Zi Lin Xi Bao" and "Times Asia" came to join in the fun.

Someone exclaimed: "A spectacle! A spectacle!"

Some people exclaimed: "This time, the Sino-Japanese Go battle is not only about the competition, but also about life and death."

Of course, with Huaxia as the home court, in order to win the game of Go, chess fans also played tricks. Before and after the Japanese mansion in Shanghai, there are always a group of workers speaking Huizhou dialect, holding small speakers, and blasting at the mansion. They bombed randomly, day and night, endlessly, and were driven away. After a while, another group of people followed.

In a dark corner, a middle-aged man with sparse beard was leaning against the corner, smoking a cigarette. He wore a pair of glasses and had a gentle face, but his eyes revealed a fierce look. direction.

(End of this chapter)

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