Our Time: Unswerving until Death

Chapter 88 I'm afraid someone will help Zhang Yi after drinking!

Chapter 88 I'm afraid someone will help me remember after drinking!

In the blue sky, there are a few white clouds floating, above the white clouds is the warm sunshine, under the white clouds is the endless sea, and the small waves on the beach are jumping happily. He Qi dreamed that he was walking in a On the uninhabited beach, there is a series of footprints in different shades in front of him, the end of which has been erased by the sea.

Following the footprints, He Qi couldn't help looking up. There was a small island not far away, with the outlines of a few coconut trees looming.

Suddenly, the sea breeze sent a melodious unknown song, brisk and joyful, accompanied by the faint fragrance of lilies, it was she who was humming, and she happened to be looking over at this moment.

She, in He Qi's eyes, is becoming more and more clear, wearing a wreath on her head and a white dress, like a princess, stepping on the sea with bare feet, with a bright smile on her face, like the whole world It's all sweet.

He Qi no longer had any worries, threw everything away, jumped into the ocean of love, and swam towards her with all her strength. In He Qi's eyes, she was getting bigger and bigger. She was just a few feet away, and she bent down, happily Stretching out his hand, he said coquettishly, "You're finally here! I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"I just saw you." He Qi also stretched out her hand.

Just when He Qi was about to hold her, suddenly the sky turned and the sea water churned, He Qi felt a pair of big hands pinching her feet, dragging herself to the bottom of the sea, so she struggled desperately.

"Oh! You saw me, why are you still kicking people?"

This voice was so familiar, thinking again, it was Qian Xuan, He Qi was suddenly awakened.

Where is the sweet sea breeze?

How can there be a happy wave?

Where is she?

Only the strong smell of alcohol filled the room.

As soon as He Qi opened her eyes, she felt dizzy, nauseous and nauseated, and her mouth hurt so badly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the pain on Qian Xuan's face, so she squatted beside the bed and wailed, clutching her stomach.

"He Yubai! Did you mean it?" Qian Xuan asked in a rough voice.

He Qi calmed down for a while before feeling better. She slowly got up, leaned against the head of the bed, and asked with a dazed expression, "You were the one pulling me?"

"I'm here to wake you up, what's the matter?" Qian Xuan roared loudly, walked quickly to the bed, opened the curtains, bright light flooded into the room, and He Qi's eyes were so irritating. Can't open it.

Qian Xuan was still chattering and said: "Last night when you were still awake, you promised well. Today, I invite someone to dinner. Cheng Zhongpu got the letter, and the person came early in the morning, but I waited for you for half the morning. You're still sound asleep, and you haven't woken up after calling you several times."

"How can there be any reason to let the guests wait for the host?"

"What do you want me to say about you?"

"If you can't drink it, don't drink it. If you insist on showing off, dozens of tables, one table and one glass of wine, do you think you are the God of Dionysus?"

"They are all athletes, and they are in good health. Even if Dionysus came, they would not dare to drink with them. You are good, and they will not refuse."


"You, He Yubai, had a good time drinking, and we were miserable. We finally carried you back, but in the end, we vomited all over us. After we finished, we became drunk and went crazy, making the dog and dog restless."

Before Qian Xuan finished, he paused for a while, and sent out a soul torture: "Do you still remember what happened when you came back?"

He Qi's eyes have adapted to the light now, but apart from Qian Xuan in the room, there was a beautiful figure standing by the window, but she turned her back and smiled secretly with her mouth covered, there was a table, She was holding the iron to iron the suit, but for some reason, her neck was blushing.

"Still watching? Didn't you watch enough last night?" Qian Xuan said indifferently: "Let me ask you, do you still remember what happened when you came back?"

One table and one glass of wine, there are 45 tables in total in the banquet hall. He Qi's memory stays at the end of a round of drinking, and he can't remember anything after that. He drank fragments last night. Listening to Qian Xuan's words at this time, He Qi felt that After a moment of terror, he quickly looked away and shook his head dully.

"I really don't remember?" Qian Xuan asked again in disbelief.

He Qi rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Qian Xuanqi circled around, pointed at He Qi, and said sadly: "Good job, He Yubai! You said something hurtful, and you won't admit it in a blink of an eye, right?"

"I think you are taking advantage of the publicity to report privately, and you just use the strength of alcohol to keep your mouth open."

"I don't understand, how did I offend you?"

"Why don't you deserve it?"

He Qi asked in confusion, "What are you not worthy of?"

"It's not worthy of being an osmanthus tree!" Qian Xuan puffed up his cheeks and his nose was white.

"Huh?" He Qi was stunned and frowned.

"That's right! It's what you, He Yubai said, that someone like me, Qian, is not even worthy of being an osmanthus tree." Qian Xuan repeated in a vibrating voice, regretting.

He Qi was dizzy from the shock of Qian Xuan's voice, but she also knew that being drunk was not terrible. What was terrible was that someone helped to recall the next day, and she suddenly had a bad premonition, so she hurriedly lay down and pulled Covering his head with the quilt, he yelled loudly: "I have a headache, stop talking."

"Don't admit it, right? It's too late. I'll explain everything to you." Qian Xuan saw through He Qi's tricks at a glance, so he sat down on the bedside and began to help He Qi recall: "Last night As soon as you came back, you stood at the door and refused to enter the house, insisting that this was the Guanghan Palace. After finally getting you into the house, you hugged a chair in the hall without letting go, and asked what you were doing, you said It's the Jade Rabbit, you need to hug it."

"Damn it!" He Qi in the quilt couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, Qian Xuan laughed while talking: "You started to gnaw while hugging, and Yucai and I pulled and pulled you away, but you still gnawed off a corner of the chair. Why are you gnawing on the chair, you said the bunny is so cute, you must eat it."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

"Stop slandering me, I can sue you for slander." He Qi not only heard Qian Xuan's laughter, but also heard Li Wan's faint smile. resistance.

"Does your mouth hurt? The evidence is displayed downstairs! If you don't believe me, look for yourself." Qian Xuan laughed and twitched.

He Qi felt a little pain in his mouth, especially his teeth, but these pains were nothing, the main thing was embarrassment!

Hot face.

"Me, Yucai, and Brother Gu carried you upstairs to rest. You vomited all three of us. This is not over. You made a fuss and refused to sleep, saying that Brother Gu was the marshal of the canopy, and Yucai was tired and twitched." A cigarette, you said he was holding an axe, it was Wu Gang, Wan Wan cleaned up your vomit, you said Wan Wan was so beautiful, she was Fairy Chang'e, and then you said you were Hou Yi, who came to find a wife, And Wanwan, the Fairy Chang'e, is your wife, and she is pulling Wanwan and refusing to let go."

He Qi had ten thousand muddy horses galloping in his heart, and even his breathing was a little weaker.

Li Wan's face was flushed, her heart was beating violently, and she didn't dare to turn her head.

After Qian Xuan laughed, he decisively changed his face and said: "I'm here to ask you, they are all human beings, why do you say that I am a tree, not an osmanthus tree, but an elm tree, and let Yucai cut me down?" .I asked you why, and you said that my elm tree grew in the wrong place, so it had to be cut down and replaced with an osmanthus tree."

"I asked you again, why am I not an osmanthus tree? You said that my body smells bad and I don't deserve to be a fragrant osmanthus tree."

"My body stinks, isn't it thanks to you?"

"Oh! After all, they are all human beings. I am the only co-author who is not worthy of being a human being. If you want to cut me off, how much hatred and resentment you have, can you tell me clearly?"

He Qi held back her voice and said, "I don't know, what are you talking about?"

"If you don't know a word, it's okay?"

"Then what do you want me for?"


"Okay! To paraphrase Yucai's words, the me of last night is not the same me as I am now. I apologize for the me of last night. I'm sorry, Master Qian, I was wrong. Is it okay?"

"Although there are flaws, my attitude is not bad. I, Mr. Qian, have a lot of money, so I don't care about it with you. But, do you dare to drink like this in the future?"

"There is no future."

"Well! It's not too bad." Qian Xuan was very satisfied with He Qi's attitude of admitting his mistake. He stood up and looked at Li Wan with a snickering smile on his face. Then, with a sullen face, he taught in a deep voice like an elder teaching a junior: " Apologizing to me is second. You have to apologize to Wanwan. You were in trouble last night. You can’t do it if someone else washes it for you. Saying that Wanwan is your wife, you don’t feel ashamed to ask Wanwan to wash it for you. Panic, my wife yelled first when I didn't say anything about my horoscope. Don't say that Wanwan didn't agree, even if Wanwan agreed, I, as a teacher and uncle, must nod. Treat me with respect from now on, you know? "

He Qi wanted to die, her thinking had stagnated, she only thought about Qian Xuan and hurried away, subconsciously said: "Got it, got it."

Li Wan's face was so red that it was about to bleed.

Qian Xuan's aunt's smile was on his face, but he pretended to say: "I won't talk nonsense, you hurry up and wash up and go downstairs, Cheng Zhongpu is still waiting for you!"

He Qi said: "Yes! Yes! Yes! Wash up immediately."

Qian Xuan walked to the door and closed it, He Qi pulled off the quilt, gasped for breath, and soon found Li Wan was still there, and the atmosphere suddenly became strange, as if there was a fire roasting the air.

Li Wan was ironing the clothes over and over again, with her back on her back, thinking of what Qian Xuan said, He Qi blushed and said in confusion: "Wanwan, oh no, it's Li Wan, and it's Li Wan. No, it's Miss Li, me."

He Qi was originally a dead-end programmer, and he didn't usually get in touch with girls. The textbook didn't mention how to deal with such an absurd scene, so that his brain was like a malfunctioning computer, constantly cutting off the power supply. , stuttering and incoherent for a while.

In particular, the embarrassment still happened in front of Xinyi's woman, which made He Qi feel even more ashamed, and still felt very uneasy.

Forgive me, mother-female solo has not been easy so far.

Li Wan recovered quite a bit, turned around, the blush on her face was still there, like a pretty lily that bloomed in early July, she pursed her red lips, smiled lightly, a pair of flushed peach blossoms The eyes seem to see but not see, seem delicate but not delicate, full of daydreams, but they don't speak.

He Qixin hung in his throat all of a sudden, and finally choked out an unreasonable sentence: "I'll go wash up." She threw off the quilt and got up in a hurry, but found that she was wearing underwear, and got back on the bed, tossing back and forth, Every move reveals a guilty conscience and dare not face it.

Seeing the majestic gentleman outside who is admired by many people, he now has a face of embarrassment. This strong contrast makes Li Wan's smile even stronger, but it is difficult to hide the inadvertent loss in his eyes, but he looks a little more generous. , smiled and said: "The clothes are all dirty. I just washed them in the morning and haven't dried them. I bought a few pieces according to the size of my husband. I don't know if they will fit. You might as well try them first."

Li Wan picked up a bag, approached the bed, put the new clothes on the bedside table one by one, then went back to the window, turned her back, and continued to iron the suit with the iron.

Underwear, sweater, trousers, a whole new set, also stained with the faint lily fragrance on Li Wan's body, which made He Qi feel very happy after changing them, and said, "Thank you, Miss Li."

Li Wan turned around, looked at her careful matching, and said: "Mr.'s clothes are black other than black. Although they look solemn, they are not too depressing for serious occasions. Mr. is tall and not fat. You can wear a suit with a white shirt when you go out, and if you are at home, you can wear beige or off-white, or even a lively color.”

How did He Qi know this? They are usually black, which is nothing more than dirt-resistant and able to go out. Looking around behind her, she suddenly felt very warm. Maybe it was the combination of beige sweater and gray trousers.

"Troubleshooting, it's beautiful." He Qi said, then hurried into the bathroom, looked at the mirror again, and smiled unconsciously.

Li Wan opened all the windows, leaned against the window sill, closed her eyes slightly, and sniffed hard. The air was full of the smell of sunshine, warm and sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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