Chapter 19 Borrowing Money (For Pursuit)

"Oh, you want to borrow money? It's so unfortunate. I just renovated my place a few days ago, and it cost 10,000+. I still owe [-] to [-]. Hey, you said earlier Ah, if you had said earlier, even if I didn’t decorate, I would definitely lend you tens of thousands of dollars for your use, by the way, what are you borrowing money for? Is there something wrong at home?”

A male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's okay, I just want to use money suddenly, I'll find someone else to borrow it."

Yang Fang forced a smile and responded.

He hung up the phone, thinking.

After a while, he made another call, also from one of his college roommates.

There were four people in his dormitory during college, and they were very close. They often ate together, and basically used all kinds of items together. They never cared about money.

"Hey, little Fangzi, what's the matter?"

The phone was dialed quickly, and a man's bold voice came from the other side.

"Wang Bo, what are you doing?"

Yang Fang asked.

"Hey, what else can you do, you're playing outside, why did you remember to call me?"

The laughter of the man over there continued to sound.

Accompanied by bursts of dynamic music sound.

"Wang Bo, I have something to do recently, can you lend me tens of thousands of dollars to deal with emergencies, and I will pay you back when I get paid later!"

Yang Fang asked.

"Borrowing money? How much do you want to borrow?"

asked on the other end of the phone.

"Thirty thousand?"

Yang Fang asked.

He didn't borrow [-] at the beginning, but planned to borrow [-] first, and then borrow the rest from other people one after another, so that others would not be scared.

Otherwise, most people would probably be shocked when they heard that they had to borrow [-] yuan.

After all, everyone is just entering the society, how much money can they have?

After working hard for two years, you can only save 10,000+ at most. Who would be willing to lend you [-]?
"Thirty thousand"

A regretful voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hey, why didn't you say it earlier, I just got engaged, and the woman asked for a bride price of 30 yuan, and I'm still in a state of desperation, and I wanted to borrow it from you." Tens of thousands of dollars are used”

"Well, that's really unfortunate, but you're actually engaged, so fast"

Yang Fang responded.

"It's not too soon. After all, it's almost thirty. By the way, when will you get engaged?"

Laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm still early"

The two chatted on the phone for a while.

Ten minutes later, Yang Fang hung up the phone again and fell silent.

Next, he called several other classmates of his one after another.

In a dance hall.

Wang Bo hung up the phone, with a smile on his face, took a drink and drank it down.

"What's the matter? Is it Yang Fang? To borrow money?"

A young girl next to him asked curiously.

"He wants to borrow [-] yuan at once, how can I take out so much? Besides, if he doesn't take the initiative to repay the money in the future, how can I have the nerve to ask him for it? After all, everyone played so well during college."

Wang Bo shook his head and said, "That's why I didn't lend it to him. It's also for the good of both parties, so as to avoid some conflicts when asking for the bill in the future!"


The young girl nodded.

Who doesn't know that the one who owes the money now is the uncle.

The two continued to jump up and down here.

inside the room.

Yang Xin smiled wryly and made a round of phone calls before receiving 3 yuan.

I didn't expect my popularity to be so bad.

But usually, everyone is playing well.
He sighed helplessly, so he had to call his parents.

"Hey, Mom, do you have any money at home? I have something to do here, you can transfer 5 yuan to me first."

Yang Fang said.

"[-]? Why did you ask for so much at once? Xiao Fang, did you encounter something outside? Is there some kind of telecommunication fraud? Don't be fooled, the Internet is all virtual."

There was a nervous voice on the other end of the phone.

"Mom, I won't be deceived. I just fancy some furniture and I'm going to redecorate it."

Yang Fang said.

"Oh, that's right, then I'll let your dad pass it on to you."

said on the phone.

"Okay Mom, I'm going to eat here first."

Yang Fang said.

"Why haven't you eaten yet, are you working overtime again?"

The voice of concern came from the other end of the phone again.

"Yes, not much to say."

Yang Fang responded with a few words and hung up the phone.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

A penny beats a hero, as expected!
In fact, he had another way of getting money.

That is to trade with other members of the group, and exchange the silver with them for RMB.

But in this way, [Jiangnan guest] will be offended.

[Jiangnan guest] With such a group, he must want to get cash from everyone, how can they let them trade in private, once he finds out, it will be a big problem.

At least it will kick you out of the group, at worst it will kill you directly in another world, and you will not know how to die when the time comes.

【Ding! 】

The phone message rang quickly.

Yang Fang picked it up and saw that the 5 yuan had been directly credited to the account.

He immediately transferred all the borrowed 8 yuan to [Jiangnan Ke].

"Roger that!"

Jiang Nanke replied with a message, saying, "By the way, brother, there are some shared files in the group, you probably haven't read them yet, you can download them, there are many strategies in it, maybe you can use them too, this strategy is free for me Sent."


Yang Fang was curious.

He really hasn't seen this one.

Yang Fang immediately searched in the group files and saw a shared file.

He immediately clicked to download.

While watching, he walked towards the door, preparing to go out for dinner.

Originally, I wanted to eat seafood, but when I think about the current economic conditions, how can I still afford seafood?Can only eat buffet.

Next, Yang Fang took a taxi and went out to read on his mobile phone.

The so-called strategy is actually just an introduction to the basic situation of the black iron settlement. After Yang Fang glanced at it, he quickly showed a disappointed expression.

He had figured out these basic situations as early as these few days.

This strategy is completely useless.

Feeling helpless, Yang Xin kept flipping down a few pages, trying to find something different.

Suddenly, he showed a strange color, feeling incredible.

"Cultivation in the real world is also useful?"

His heart trembled, and he couldn't believe it.

At the end of this guide, there are some handwritings.

[Everyone has tried to cultivate after returning. They wanted to practice the skills of other worlds in the real world, but unfortunately they all failed. They all thought that they could not practice in the real world. In fact, they were all wrong. They can also practice in the real world. , but the process of cultivation is extremely slow, and requires a strong understanding and root, and more importantly, even if you can practice in the real world, you can't exert super powers in the real world. 】

【What does that mean? 】

[In fact, this is equivalent to hanging up offline in the game. People with good qualifications will generate some "experience points" every day of practice in the real world. This kind of "experience points" cannot be seen or touched. After returning to another world, the 'experience value' will be immediately accumulated on your cultivation base. 】

[But so far, I am the only one in our group who can do this, and other group members can't do it. It should be because of the root or understanding, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, in the real world, I will travel again in a few days. Even if you practice, you won't get much 'experience value'.]

Yang Fang was astonished.

No wonder his last attempt at cultivation didn't have any effect!

First, the speed of cultivation will be extremely slow!
Second, there are also requirements for roots and understanding.

"I don't know if this comprehension refers to the comprehension in reality, or the comprehension in another world?"

He was desperate to go home and try again.

(End of this chapter)

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