Chapter 387 Karma Mystery! !
Seven Profound City.

The northern part of the city has always been chaotic.

There are three religions and nine currents here, all kinds of forces are entrenched, and there are countless dark things every day.

Even in broad daylight, people can often be seen abducting and trafficking people.

On a street in the north of the city, in the street area, there is a huge pork stall, filled with blood, attracting countless flies to buzz.

The owner of the stall, Zhao Bao, is powerful, tall and powerful, sells wine and butchers pigs, and likes to make friends with heroes from all over the world.

In the northern area of ​​the city, almost all the masters who were in trouble were not benefited from him.

Mention Zhao Bao, most people will give a thumbs up.


Leisure afternoon.

Zhao Bao was full of beards, lying on his back on a wicker chair, waving a small fan in his hand, fanning it gently, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a tiger pretending to be asleep, naturally exuding a ferocious aura.

No one of the flies around dared to approach.


Zhao Bao frowned, suddenly felt black in front of his eyes, the light disappeared, everything in the world seemed to be spinning, and he seemed to be isolated from the world all of a sudden, sinking into the nine secluded worlds.

He was startled and stood up abruptly.


"Who? Where is the master here to scare me?"

Zhao Bao shouted loudly.

The darkness in front of him slowly faded away, like a warm sun, tearing through the darkness and coldness, the light reappeared, and the sun was shining brightly. In his eyes, a group of six strong men suddenly appeared.

There are tall and short, old and middle-aged, different ages, and different genders.

But each one has an unspeakable charm, captivating and frightening.

The leader is even more burly and tall, with handsome features, thin lips, and a kind of sadness on his face that is so thick that it cannot be resolved, which makes his temperament particularly bleak.

It seems that a mere glance can lead one into his melancholy.

"Where is the headquarters of Tianshalou, take us there."

Guo Rong's voice was soft and full of melancholy.

"What are you... What Tiansha Tower? I don't know what you are talking about?"

Zhao Bao opened his mouth in surprise, and subconsciously backed away.

For some reason, the moment he saw these six people, he felt as if his heart was suddenly pinched by an invisible big hand, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

It was as if he had suddenly become transparent, wanting to tell his secrets desperately.

Guo Rong's eyes were slightly closed, dark and deep, and he swept lightly at Zhao Bao.

Zhao Bao's mind was roaring, uncontrollable, the sky was spinning, and he fell into a daze for an instant. It was difficult to explain, and then, like turning into a puppet, he stepped forward and walked slowly outside.

Behind them, Shangguan Ce, Zhang Xuangan, Zhaixing Laoxian, and Zhang Wangxin all smiled lightly, looked at each other, and followed behind spontaneously.

Yang Fang was thoughtful, suddenly turned his head, and glanced at the right rear wall.

But it quickly retracted again, and stepped out to follow.

Just as they left.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in that area on the top of the wall. His face was pale and he was faintly horrified. He looked towards the direction where everyone disappeared, and then, without thinking about it, he quickly moved away, his body swayed, and he used his body skills to the extreme, heading towards the distant area. Raiding at extreme speed.

In a spacious courtyard.

Red tiles and green tiles, beautiful scenery.

There are rockery pavilions and green willows blowing in the wind.

Two figures, a man and a woman, are quickly exchanging ideas here.

The man was wearing a black suit, with a masculine face and knife-like eyebrows. He was wielding a thick and big gun with both hands, and his voice roared and buzzed.

The woman was wearing a red dress and was in high spirits, holding two round moon scimitars, perfectly matching her body skills with the knife skills, her whole body was like a dense afterimage, and quickly collided with the man.

Bang bang bang!

The sound roared, arousing terror.

The entire ground is constantly exploding, splashing pieces of broken stones.

There are seven or eight figures standing on both sides, watching, all of them are of different ages, the youngest are all in their forties, and among them there are several white-haired and white-bearded ones.

"Well, Zhicheng and Wan'er seem to have deeply learned our true inheritance of marksmanship and full moon scimitar. Given time, we will become great talents!"

An old man with white hair and beard cheered.

"Old Mo, something happened!"

Suddenly, a short and thin man came over the wall, showing panic, and shouted loudly: "Elder Zhao has been arrested, and several extremely terrifying existences appeared, leading Elder Zhao to the headquarters!"


All the people present changed their expressions slightly and turned their heads suddenly.

A man and a woman who were fighting also stopped quickly, both of them were young, about 25 or [-], the man was handsome, and the woman was beautiful.

"Elder Zhao has such a secret identity, how could he be arrested?"

The woman in the red dress shouted in surprise.

"I don't know, there are six people in total, all of them are extremely evil. Just looking at Elder Zhao, Elder Zhao took the initiative to take them to the headquarters as if possessed by a demon."

The short and thin man said.

The eyes of the leading white-haired and white-bearded old man and a middle-aged man suddenly became heavy.

"Not good, we have met a master, go and inform the sword hero, let's take a shortcut immediately, go back to the headquarters to report the letter, and open all the headquarters formations!"

The old man with white hair and beard said in a low voice.

"Go, act quickly!"

The middle-aged man shouted loudly, and took the lead in rushing towards the distance.

Zhao Bao was dazed, with a dull expression, like a huge flying bird, hunting in his clothes, shuttling at high speed in the forest.

If someone is proficient in the power of cause and effect, they can clearly see that there are countless dense invisible thin lines extending from Zhao Bao's body, and all the thin lines converge into Guo Rong's palm.

Zhao Bao at this moment is like a real marionette.

No matter what Guo Rong wants to do, Zhao Bao will obediently cooperate.

There is a saying in the Buddhist scriptures: All conditioned things arise and perish through cause and effect.

The cause is what can be born, and the fruit is what is born.

If you master cause and effect, you will control everything.

Brush brush!
The figures rise and fall.


Zhao Bao brought Guo Rong, Yang Fang and others to appear in an old forest deep in the mountains.

In the depths of the forest, a huge temple stands quietly here. The ancient temple is quiet and elegant, and the clear bells are heard from inside, which is faint and deafening.

The six people, including Guo Rong, all stood quietly outside the ancient temple, raised their heads, and looked towards the temple in front of them.

Huasheng Temple!
"It's been a long time since I've had any real activities. I don't know how much of my strength I can use."

Guo Rong's voice was soft, and his gloomy temperament was hard to hide, like a sentimental poet and poet.

"The lord is being polite. The lord is powerful and powerful, so why should he care about a few little thieves?"

The old fairy who picked up the stars smiled.

"It's not as simple as a little thief."

Guo Rong sighed softly, exuding an invisible depression, and said: "I can feel the existence of a peak of the third ladder inside. If the persecution is too deep, it is easy to break through to the last step regardless of everything!"

"The peak of the third ladder?"

Yang Fang raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, this kind of character is the most difficult to provoke. Either you don't provoke him, or if you provoke him, you must kill him with one blow. Don't give him any chance, lest he break through the realm regardless of everything!"

Guo Rong spoke softly.

From [Peak of the Third Ladder] to [Indestructible Realm], there is no obstacle in between.

With a little force, it will break through instantly and become an extremely terrifying existence.

At that time, the opponent will turn into a black-haired troll and kill everything.

"Presumably the leader must have a way to suppress the other party."

Holy Mother Zhang Wangxin said with a smile, graceful and graceful.

Guo Rong was silent for a while, and sighed: "Forget it, if you come, please be safe, let's go in."

The deep and huge ancient temple is like an evil beast crawling on the ground, filled with invisible dangers, and it seems that it can violently eat people at any time.

As soon as they approached, the invisible large formation rose instantly, the rays of light were brilliant, the space was distorted, exuding a terrifying and vast aura, like a mighty water wave, rolling towards everyone.

It's just the moment when the big formation starts here.

Yang Fang, Old Immortal Zhaixing, Zhang Xuangan, Zhang Wangxin, and Shangguan Ce all took a step forward.

Their own domains erupted in an instant, superimposed on each other, and directly formed a force that was more terrifying than the large formation.

Space confinement!

The big array is still!

The eyes of the formation that were operating in secret were suddenly crushed by an invisible force, making a crackling sound, and then the entire formation immediately began to disintegrate and collapse piece by piece.

The original large array of light was also directly forced to retreat by the superimposed domain of five people, and retracted into the temple in a mighty way.


A cold hum suddenly pierced through the temple, like thunder, shaking between heaven and earth.

Contains invisible divine power.

"Who dares to break into Huasheng Temple!"

A cold and terrifying voice suddenly sounded.

"Huasheng Temple?"

Tiandao Shangguan Ce was the first to show a smile, and said: "I think it should be called [Tiansha Tower], right? The landlord Yuan Chutian, the third-level ladder peak cultivation, is the twin brother of Yuan Qitian, the leader of the Kunzhi Plate, 180 years old Entering the [Planet of Drying], and then began to lay out in secret. Is the old man right? Originally, you hid it very well, and it was absolutely impossible for us to find out, but unfortunately, we encountered the power of karma from the lord, and the lord followed the cause and effect all the way to find it. Come!"

"What nonsense!"

A cold sound came from inside the temple.

"Whether it's nonsense or not, Huasheng Temple will no longer exist from today on."

The old fairy Zhaixing on one side made a slight and indifferent voice.

The five people including Yang Fang continued to move forward.

The domains on his body superimposed, erupting with extremely terrifying power.

The entire temple seemed to be crushed by an invisible roller, and it began to be reduced to powder inch by inch, returning to nothingness, and dissipating bit by bit.


"Anyone who offends my Huasheng Temple will be killed!!"

Shouts came from inside the temple again.

Dozens of figures in a row quickly culled out.

At the same time, another large formation was in operation, and a strange sacred aura erupted with a bang, mighty and mighty, accompanied by bursts of ear-splitting chanting sounds.

It's as if some strange god has revived in the dark.

A powerful and sacred aura, high above, cold and indifferent, overlooking all living beings.

This kind of large formation resisted the domain power of Yang Fang and five people, making it difficult for their domain power to exert its effect.


The five of them frowned in unison, feeling surprised.

Soon dozens of figures rushed over from the inside of the temple, rushing towards Yang Fang and the others.

call out!
The soft sword in Yang Fang's waist came out of his body instantly, turning into a strange purple shadow with a mysterious trajectory, which made it difficult to catch.

Even if the domain cannot be used, it has an absolute crushing effect on the strong on the second ladder.


Blood spattered, and the purple soft sword passed through the bone, piercing through the eyebrows, and the force of the vibration instantly shattered his mind, blood spurted from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and the corpse flew upside down, dying with unsettled eyes.

On the side of the other four people, they all acted quickly.

The strong men who were culled one by one were dealt with continuously, and the corpses were beaten to the ground, which was terrible.

"Yun Ruo, let's go!"

Suddenly, an old shout came from the depths of the temple.

Three consecutive figures guarded a young man, crashed into the wall, and flew towards the back mountain at high speed.

Then, with a bang, a terrifying aura erupted in a building, and it was like a vast and raging wave. The rolled stone slabs on the ground were rattling and flying randomly.

A white-haired old man with a majestic body and a short beard rushed out of a building directly. The aura around him was extremely terrifying, and the field exploded, directly causing the feeling of darkness.

As soon as it came up, the huge field enveloped the five people who were making a move, Yang Fang, Shangguan Ce, Zhang Xuangan, Zhang Wuxin, and Old Immortal Zhaixing.

His domain was extremely terrifying. The moment he enveloped the five people, the five people couldn't help but change their expressions, and instantly felt the unspeakable pressure.

Then, in their eyes, patches of strange and unpredictable yellow whirlwinds appeared directly, and then Huangquan rushed out of the ground. The smell of corpses was pervasive, and the breath was pungent. The rotten white, horrible.

Such a scene, do not know whether it is true or false.

But the strong rancid smell made the five of them hold their breath, their hearts shook, and they tried their best to use their true energy to fight.

The majestic old man suddenly strode forward after displaying the domain, as if shrinking into an inch, all the yellow spring water waves and yellow whirlwinds in the entire domain gathered towards his body.

It's like he's riding a wave.

Take three steps in a row, and you are already infinitely close to five people.

The moment he approached, his body began to mutate rapidly, the joints all over his body made a harsh sound of crackling, and began to rise and expand inch by inch.

Then bursts of strong ominousness and coldness quickly erupted from his body, and then clusters of black hair swept across, and sharp fangs sprouted from his mouth.

The whole person completely changed.

It turned into a height of three or four meters in a blink of an eye, and it is still continuing to skyrocket.

"Not good, he wants to break through the last step, stop him!"

[Holy Mother] Zhang Wangxin shouted loudly.

Yang Fang and the others were all shocked.

But right now!
call out!
A strange silver line erupted from Guo Rong in an instant, and it was so fast that it seemed to become the only one in the world, and it seemed to divide the world into two suddenly.

The thin silver thread was misty and hazy, making it difficult to grasp, and instantly penetrated from the body of the burly old man who was undergoing a mutation.


The body of the mutating burly old man paused, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly. His whole body seemed to be leaking air, and he began to shrink rapidly from about four or five meters away. The thick black hair and sharp fangs on his body also began to retract quickly... ·

In a blink of an eye, it turned into the original.

His face was dull, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his body was motionless, like a sculpture.

" fast knife..."

The burly old man murmured, his body fell on his back, and he hit the ground with a bang, sending up waves of thick dust.

The power of the strange domain shrouded in all directions dissipated in an instant.

Back to normal again.

Yang Fang and the others were all startled, and quickly turned their heads to look at Guo Rong.

Especially the old fairy Zaixing, Zhang Wangxin, and Shangguan Ce were even more surprised and chilled.

One hit kill!

How can it be!


Suddenly, Guo Rong's face turned pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body swayed, and he fell to his knees all at once, his two palms quickly supported the ground, trembling slightly uncontrollably.


Yang Fang and the other five flashed their bodies, and appeared in front of Guo Rong in an instant, and quickly helped Guo Rong up.

The old fairy Zhaixing and others quickly took out the healing elixir and gave it to Guo Rong.

"I use the karma secret technique. I transfer the opponent's karma to me, and then kill it with one blow. I hurt the enemy first, so I don't need to be surprised."

Guo Rong's difficult voice suddenly sounded in Yang Fang's mind, and he was actively transmitting the sound, explaining everything just now.

Causal mystery?

Yang Xin's head froze.

"There are still a group of remnants who have escaped, and you can go after them. In addition, I deliberately let go of a group of people in the city before, in order to catch them all. I guess that group of people should come here. You should be able to catch up with them when you rush over." Solve it, this matter is completed, you can make up for your previous mistakes, so that the four major forces will not continue to target you!"

Guo Rong panted heavily, and continued to transmit the sound to Yang Fang, "Also, the person who just escaped seems to have a strange divine aura, and there must be something related to the gods on his body. I don't worry about the four major forces!"

Yang Fang suddenly understood.

Immediately after that, he took the initiative to invite Ying, and said: "Leader, four elders, you guard here, and I will chase the rest of the evil!"


"Does Elder Lan still want to continue fishing in troubled waters?"

Old Immortal Zhaixing, Shangguan Ce and others turned cold and said.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm ready to catch you!"

Yang let go.

"Elder Lan has such a heart, let him go."

Guo Rong panted lightly, and a voice sounded. After taking the elixir, it seemed that the injury had been suppressed a lot. He raised a finger and said, "Go east and chase it!!"

The four elders snorted coldly, took a deep look at Yang Fang, and said no more.

Yang Fang got up and left, his body flickered, and he disappeared instantly.

His body entered the dense forest, but he was still thinking about Guo Rong's move just now in his mind.

Weird causal secrets!
To be able to transfer the cause and effect of others to oneself, and then slash himself to kill the enemy!
How to prevent?
He simulated it in his mind, and found that there was no defense at all, unless he deliberately concealed his own cause and effect.

But the other party is in charge of the Divine Seed of [Karma and Effect], and trying to hide Karma from him is tantamount to playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong. How easy is it?
"I don't know that after I further develop the [Darkness] God Seed, I can use darkness to hide my own cause and effect."

Yang thought about it in peace.

He unfolded the rhythm of the wind, listening to the movements in a radius of tens of miles.

Then it suddenly increased its speed and quickly swept away towards the distance.

Deep in the woods.

A young man in a white suit, protected by three old men, accelerated towards the distance all the way, his movement was blurred and difficult to catch.

In the hand of the young man, there was still a piece of pure white warm jade.

It's just that at this moment, countless cracks suddenly appeared on this piece of warm jade, and then it cracked and collapsed instantly.

"Uncle is dead!"

The young man was startled.

"Don't worry, son, the landlord will not die in vain, and the soul will return to the embrace of God the Father!"

An old man with white beard said in a deep voice: "The day Father God wakes up is getting closer and closer. When Father God returns, all followers will be resurrected!"

The young man nodded solemnly and accelerated his speed again.


There was the sound of a rushing wind coming from ahead of them.

The three of them paused, their eyes quickly swept away, and they quickly saw who was coming, and they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only the area ahead.

The figures of a group of more than ten people are rushing towards here quickly.

The leader was a man in a gray robe with a heavy broadsword on his back. He had long golden hair, which was extremely gorgeous, curly like waves, sharp eyes, a pointed chin, and the skin on his body was far away. Much fairer than ordinary people.

"Sword hero!"

The young man greeted.

Behind the sword hero were the people from the previous courtyard.


The blond man showed surprise, and said, "Why did you come out? Could it be that the temple has been destroyed?"

"Yes, my uncle is dead. Others are in danger. I am the only one who escaped. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go back first!"

The young man gritted his teeth and said.

Although they will return to the embrace of God the Father sooner or later.

But at this moment, sacrifice for nothing is meaningless.

It's better to save the useful body, so as to make a comeback in the future!

The old Mo and the middle-aged men beside the sword hero were all shocked.

When they got the news, they had already taken a shortcut and came here as soon as possible, but they were still slow.

And even the owner has died tragically!
how so!
"It's not too late, evacuate immediately!"

The blond man spoke.

A group of people gathered together and sprinted towards the distance again.

at this time!

A strange scene appeared.

The world was spinning, and the eyes quickly turned black.

All light and scenery are disappearing quickly, with a bang, as if falling into a bottomless hell, endless black mist emerges in all directions, vast, cold and strange.


A group of people suddenly changed color.

"Who? Fight him!"

The woman in the fiery red dress shouted sharply, clenched her two sabers tightly.


Suddenly, a strange blood hole appeared directly between her eyebrows, her eyes widened, her body suddenly fell to the ground, swallowed by endless darkness, and disappeared instantly.


The youth around him shouted in shock.

The white-haired old man and the middle-aged man were even more furious, gnashing their teeth and roaring.

"get out!"

Chapter 1 arrives!

One more chapter today! !

It's the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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