Gou became a martial saint in another world

Chapter 81 The Journey Is Difficult!

Chapter 81 The Journey Is Difficult! (Please subscribe!)
The crowd was chaotic.

Everyone was braving the wind and snow, fleeing crazily.

Coupled with the darkness around, high mountains and dense forests, many people ran away immediately during this run.

Fortunately, the evil spirit behind did not continue to appear.

After it was hit hard by the evil spirit jade, it still screamed there, and even the 'old ghost' didn't chase after it, trying to help the 'grandson' remove the evil spirit jade from his forehead.

Waves of terrifying roars echoed continuously from the depths of the dark forest, making everyone terrified and wanting to run away desperately.

This escape quietly passed most of the night.

I fled from midnight to dawn the next day, and the heavy snow stopped long ago.

Many people's running legs are almost broken.

Finally, the convoy ahead stopped.

The members of Wanfu Chamber of Commerce and Qingmu Gang were all panting heavily, their faces were pale, and their hearts were horrified.

They hurriedly began to ask for the number of their own people.

Many other martial artists are also calling for friends.

All of a sudden, various voices continued to ring out from the depths of the forest.

"Yang Dao, Yang Dao, are you okay?"

Elder Liu rushed over in a hurry, panting heavily.

"It's okay. Fortunately, I ran fast enough, and the evil spirit didn't chase me."

Yang Fang was out of breath, and suddenly reacted, he took out the piece of evil spirit jade that had been coated with pulp from his arms, handed it to Elder Liu, and said, "Elder Liu, the evil spirit is gone, return this evil spirit jade to you Bar!"

"Hey, you take it, the evil spirit may continue to appear tonight."

Elder Liu waved his hand to refuse, preventing Yang Fang from moving.

Yang Fang was slightly silent, but temporarily accepted the evil spirit jade.

At this time, Elder Liu looked at the crowd, showing surprise, and said, "A lot of people have been lost this time, at least dozens of people didn't follow?"

Before, it was dark and the forest was dense, and there were threats of evil spirits. Many people were not killed by evil spirits, but ran the wrong way in panic.

Yang Fang looked towards the crowd and nodded heavily.


Many people in the crowd were wiping their tears and calling for their former friends.

Unfortunately, there was no response.

"Rest quickly, you will continue on your way soon!"

Suddenly, Hu Tieshu of the Qingmu Gang stood on a big tree, opened his mouth and drank, his internal energy was abundant.

Everyone understood, and immediately took the opportunity to recover their inner breath.

Others took out dry food to replenish their strength first.

"Yang Dao, did you bring anything to eat? I have some jerky here, would you like some?"

Elder Liu took out a piece of dried meat from the package and handed it to Yang Fang.

"No, I've brought dry food too!"

Yang Fang took out a few rice balls.

"If you don't eat meat, your physical strength will definitely not keep up. Eat meat first!"

Elder Liu stuffed the pre-roasted jerky into Yang Fang's hand.

After everyone rested here for about a cup of tea, they started to leave again.

But fortunately, it didn't take long to go.

Just like yesterday, at noon, the Chamber of Commerce and the Aoki Gang stopped again and began to rest.

This time without anyone's reminder, everyone was taking the time to rest.

Because it will definitely be more tiring in the future.

They have figured out the time for the chamber of commerce to rush.

Basically rest in the afternoon and hurry in the evening and morning.

As everyone rested, a group of Blue Stars in the crowd quietly gathered together again.

"How? How many have you contacted?"

"Lao Zhao is gone, Fang Tian is gone, and Cao Yunlong and Guo Hai are still there."

"Hey, I hope everyone can arrive safely this time!"

A sigh sounded.

One afternoon passed.

Almost at dusk, the Chamber of Commerce and the Aoki Gang started to move again, moving forward with all their might.

Everyone got up quickly and quickly followed behind.

There was no heavy snow tonight.

But there was a thick layer of mist in the forest.

It made the already pitch-black forest look even more monstrous.

Everyone panicked and followed the figure in front of them closely, fearing that they would not be able to keep up.

If you can't keep up at this time, you will definitely get lost.

"Hee hee hee"

Just after midnight, a strange laughter suddenly sounded in the woods.

It was almost exactly the same as yesterday's boy, echoing throughout the forest.

Everyone's scalp exploded, and their hearts were terrified.

"The evil spirits are coming again!"

"Run away, the evil spirit from yesterday has reappeared."

The crowd instantly became chaotic.

Everyone is speeding up their pace and fleeing frantically towards the front.

It's just that weird laughter always echoed in everyone's ears.

The frightening thing was that I could only hear laughter, but I couldn't tell where the evil spirit was.

The surrounding fog was too thick, and the night was so dark that even Yang Fang couldn't see where the other party was.

Suddenly there was a scream from the chaotic crowd, so terrified that it made people feel like their souls were about to fly out.

Everyone's pace became faster.

"Yang Dao, Yang Dao"

Among the chaotic crowd, Elder Liu suddenly realized that Yang Fang was gone, he turned around and shouted.

It's just that the fog is too heavy and the crowd is chaotic, where can we see a shadow of Yang Fang?
Elder Liu's complexion changed, he gritted his teeth, rushed to the back, and continued to shout, "Yang Dao."

Suddenly, an unusually gloomy and cold aura quickly hit from the area behind him. It was mighty, gloomy and piercing like a tide, covering the fleeing people.

Elder Liu also suddenly felt a terrifying chill, as if he was naked in winter, his whole body was shivering, and even breathing became difficult.

It was like an invisible big hand grabbed his throat.

Elder Liu was terrified, and instantly found that his body was petrified, unable to move, and his consciousness was muddled, as if he was falling into some kind of bottomless abyss quickly.

The same is true of many people around, their faces froze, motionless, and their bodies trembling.


Suddenly, in the dense fog, a terrifying roar sounded.


Like the brilliant heavenly power, like thunderbolt and thunder anger.

Carrying a breath of terrifying terror, it pierced through the depths of the mist.


Suddenly, two extremely shrill screams came from the depths of the mist.

Those two evil spirits seemed to have received some inconceivable influence.

Surrounded by Yin Qi, Elder Liu and the others all regained consciousness in an instant, showing horror, and hurriedly turned and fled.

"Yang Dao!"

Elder Liu continued to shout while running away.

"Elder Liu, I'm here."

Not far from Elder Liu, Yang Fang's voice came.

"Good boy, let's go!"

Elder Liu's face was overjoyed, his body swayed, he walked through the fog, came to Yang Fang's side, grabbed Yang Fang and fled forward.

Everyone else ran away in terror.

Yang Xin's head was secretly awe-inspiring.

I couldn't help but look back again.

The evil spirits shouldn't be chasing after me again, right?

He had already run far away, but he didn't expect Elder Liu to look for him in the back in a foolish way.

Fortunately, the fog was thick and the sky was pitch black, so no one saw him cast Leiyin.

Otherwise, he really can't explain it.

If someone from Blue Star sees it and reports him after returning home, his Leiyin must be handed over to the authorities, after all, how can personal interests be reconciled, right?

Lei Yin really has a great restraint effect on evil spirits.

When I yelled, the two evil spirits screamed miserably and fled in panic.

This is more useful than evil spirit jade!

"Go, go, don't fall behind!"

Elder Liu pulled Yang Fang and ran wildly all the way.

It was almost the same as yesterday, and everyone ran all night again in one breath.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that it finally stopped.

At this time, when everyone counted the crowd, they were shocked to find that there were hundreds of people missing.

I don't even need to think about it, I'm lost again.

The fog filled the sky and the night was pitch black. If you don't get lost, you'll be called hell.


Suddenly, many people in the crowd sneezed, then trembled, their faces were pale, as if they had contracted malaria, they shrank to one side, shaking desperately.

Yang Fang's face changed, and he looked at Elder Liu.

I saw that Elder Liu was also like this, trembling all over, his lips were blue and purple, and he shrank by the big tree on one side.

He immediately touched the opponent's forehead with his palm.

But he found that the other party's forehead was like a piece of ice, extremely cold.

"Elder Liu, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Fang asked quickly.

"I don't know, it's cold, it's so cold."

Elder Liu trembled, his voice trembling.

Yang Xin was startled secretly, and suddenly reacted.

Could it be evil spirits!
Do people affected by evil spirits do this?
He immediately looked at the others, and saw that those people who were swaying were almost all the same as Elder Liu before, who were shrouded in that kind of 'cold force'.

Although the evil spirits were far away, the 'cold power' penetrated into their bodies, making them tremble all over.

"Elder Liu, take this evil spirit jade first!"

He immediately took out the previous piece of evil spirit jade and stuffed it into Elder Liu's hands.

But even though he held the evil spirit jade, Elder Liu's body remained unchanged, he was trembling constantly, his lips and eyelids were all bruised and purple.

Yang Fang immediately grabbed Elder Liu's wrist, touched his pulse gate, and began to sound his pulse.


Yang Fang frowned, and immediately took out a large bag from behind, took out a set of silver needles from inside, pulled out the silver needles, and stimulated several acupuncture points on Elder Liu's body.

With the silver needle piercing the acupoints, Elder Liu's condition has improved significantly, and the trembling has become less obvious, but his lips and eyelids are still light blue.

"Elder Liu, are you feeling better?"

Yang Fang asked.

"Comfortable. Much more comfortable."

Elder Liu responded, his voice no longer trembling like before.

"It's a pity that there is no medicine, otherwise it should be better with medicine!"

Yang Fang said.

"Doctor, please help me, doctor, I'm so cold!"

Suddenly, a trembling man with blue eyelids crawled towards Yang Fang in horror.

"Yeah, save us!"

"And me, doctor, help me"

There were sounds all around.

At once, dozens of people rushed over tremblingly.

Yang Fang was stunned, and nodded slowly, "I only know a little superficial medical skills, whether I can save you all depends on you."

"Doctor please save me first!"

A big man panicked and spoke.

Next, Yang Fang took the silver needles and began to pierce them one by one.

At this time, the Chamber of Commerce and the Aoki Gang were not in a hurry.

Because their people are also affected. Fortunately, they are all surrounded by doctors, and they are all working hard to treat them at the moment.

Yang Fang stabbed them in bursts, although they couldn't completely eradicate their cold, but they made a big difference in their situation.

In this way, the morning passed.

Dozens of people were quickly stabbed by him.

And Yang Fang's medical skills have also risen accordingly, from entry (100/200) to entry (180/200) in one fell swoop.

At this time, a master of the Aoki Gang suddenly shouted, "Everyone, if you don't hurry today, you will rest here for a whole day, but in the following night and day, we will hurry, and we will not stop until the morning after tomorrow, so everyone first Take time to rest!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Next, we have to rush for a day and two nights, which will kill people.

(End of this chapter)

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