Chapter 272

Birds enter the mountains and forests, and the sun sets over the western mountains.

The sudden ferocity of the Ming army prevented the Qing army from reacting for a while, so the losses were considerable.

But after all, the Qing army was a battle-hardened force. After a few hours, the Qing army had recovered from the fierce attack.

They added a large number of troops to the high ground on the hillside, and finally blocked the Ming army's offensive.

In the end, Cao Bianjiao was unable to pursue the victory and once again broke through the Qing army's second fortress.

In fact, when Cao Bianjiao started, Cao Bianjiao had already led his troops into the second camp. However, the Qing troops in the camp were extremely tenacious, and there were many armored soldiers guarding the camp.

They occupy a favorable terrain, are equipped with strong bows, and there are many firearms in the camp. These all limit Cao Bianjiao's bravery.

Moreover, what Cao Bianjiao is best at is actually horse fighting. Unfortunately, the mountain road is rugged and there is no place for horses to show off.

Manpower eventually has its limit, and Cao Bianjiao is extremely brave, but the successive fierce battles have made the servants and soldiers who followed Cao Bianjiao feel exhausted.

In the end, Cao Bianjiao had no choice but to lead his troops to retreat temporarily and set up another camp to attack the mountain.

The Qing army was already strong in combat power, had many archers who were good at shooting, and had a favorable geographical location. Attacking the mountain from the back meant that it would be at a disadvantage, and the battle situation fell into a stalemate.

As night falls, the rolling mountains return to silence again.

Both sides in the Ming and Qing Dynasties temporarily withdrew their troops and returned to their camps.

The Qing army deployed troops and generals and began to reallocate defensive forces according to the actual situation.

The Ming army temporarily called a truce to stabilize its front.

In addition to Cao Bianjiao's victory over a fortress in Dongshan, Xishan also breached a Qing army's fortress.

To be honest, when Sun Chuanting first heard the good news from Gao Qiqian, saying that the first fortress outside the Qing army had been breached, his first reaction was disbelief.

Sun Chuanting was very clear about the Liaodong issue, and it was precisely because he knew it that he didn't believe it.

The camps and towns in Liaodong have actually begun to become feudal. The high military pay and extremely high autonomy have gradually made Liaodong free from the reins of the empire and the control of the imperial court.

Whether Guan Ningjun can fight, the answer is that he can definitely fight.

But Guan Ning's army can fight, but why is the slave-building still so rampant?

In fact, the answer is very simple, because although Guan Ningjun can fight, Guan Ningjun is unwilling to fight.

The most capable people in Guan Ning's army are the direct servants under the generals of each town camp.

But those servants and the generals in each town treated them like treasures and would not use them easily.

Unless you encounter a life-and-death moment, you will try your best.

This time Jiannu entered the pass, the battle reports showed that Guan Ning's army had more defeats than victory, but in fact the Guan Ning army did not suffer many casualties at all.

In this battle, Sun Chuanting actually did not have any expectations for Guan Ning's army, nor did he want Guan Ning's army to achieve many results.

They just needed the cavalry of the Guan Ning Army as support to put psychological pressure on the slaves and make up for their numerical disadvantage.

But Guan Ningjun's current performance far exceeded his imagination.

"The Jiannu camp was heavily guarded, and the Nanshan attack failed for a long time. The Dongshan camp was able to break through thanks to the power of General Bianjiao."

The officials from the Ministry of War who were watching the battle asked Tang Ma who came to report the victory.

"I wonder which general was responsible for the destruction of the Xishan camp?"

Tang Ma, who came to report his victory, looked very proud with his chest raised and his head raised. When someone asked, he immediately answered loudly.

"The one who broke the stronghold was our Liaodong forward right battalion deputy general, Wu Sangui!"

"Wu Sangui?"

All the officials were talking a lot.

Most of the officials who came to watch the battle were from the Ministry of War, and they were no strangers to Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui was the son of Wu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, and the nephew of Zu Dashou.

In the third year of Chongzhen, Wu Sangui followed his ancestors Dashou and Wu Xiang to regain the four cities of Luanzhou, Yongping, Zunhua and Qian'an. He made great contributions in the great victory of Zunyong and was later appointed as a garrison.

After that, he made meritorious service in battles and rose up the ranks. The most recent promotion was in September of the 11th year of Chongzhen.

"Sure enough, he is a general!"

Someone spoke in praise, and the atmosphere became very lively for a while.

The joy of winning the first battle filled the crowd.

Sun Chuanting's eyes were slightly focused, looking in the direction of Xishan.

From his position, he could only see the corners of the western formation, and the rest of his view was blocked by mountains.

Sun Chuanting did not say anything to ruin the atmosphere at this time. Instead, he followed everyone's words and praised Wu Sangui. He also ordered a reward and sent people to bring meat and rice to reward the army.

As night fell, the surrounding areas were brightly lit, and the silence after the war did not last long.

The Qing army's company not only erected torches in the camp, but also erected many torches in attack areas such as mountain slopes.

Under the firelight, the place where people could have been hidden was now completely bright, leaving little opportunity for a night attack.

On the mountain road, countless torches illuminated it like daylight.

A large number of vehicles, horses and livestock are still heading north along the road.

Even at night, the Qing army did not stop transferring the proceeds of plunder.

The ferocious offensive of the Ming army made Dorgon feel a greater threat than before, so he even accelerated the delivery of food and supplies at night.

In the Ming camp under the Ming army, countless lights were lit in the camp, forming a dazzling scene, like the vast sea of ​​​​stars in the sky!
The three main camps of the Ming army in the east, west and south were full of people and noisy at this time.

Countless soldiers raised their arms and shouted!


The mighty voice spread throughout the world and resounded through the mountains.

The great victory during the day made everyone feel extremely excited.

The Qing army could only maintain a defensive posture after being beaten by them, and did not have much power to fight back.

Even if the attack was frustrated and the Nanshan camp was not captured, the Qing army did not gain much benefit.

In one day's battle, a total of 370 six levels were achieved.

Being able to obtain so many heads in the battle to attack the mountain was undoubtedly a great victory.

Heads do not represent real casualties. Heads are generally much less than real casualties.

The head of the mountain attack team is more difficult to obtain because the enemy is on the defensive side.

The reason why there are 370 Level [-] is because a total of two forts were breached during the day.

Most of the heads were obtained from those Qing troops who had not yet had time to evacuate the camp.

However, such outstanding results are not without cost.

The price was that there were more than 2000 wounded soldiers lying in the wounded barracks, as well as the corpses of [-] soldiers.

The attackers undoubtedly suffered more casualties than the defenders.

In just one day, the casualties were already close to [-].

Compared with the warm atmosphere of the celebration party in the main camp, the atmosphere in the wounded barracks was much duller, and the camp was filled with painful groans.

Sun Chuanting did not stay in the front camp to celebrate with the generals, but stayed in the wounded camp.

Chen Wang, wearing a dark red arrow jacket, followed Sun Chuanting, following step by step.

"The pressure on Jiannu from the east and west is huge. Jiannu has divided its troops to support the two places, and Nanshan's military strength has been weakened a lot."

Sun Chuanting stopped, and Chen Wang also stopped.

"When are you going to attack?"

"Is it six o'clock?"

"It's approaching noon?" "Yes, it's approaching noon."


The strategic decisions were made by Sun Chuanting, but the tactical decisions were handed over to Chen Wang by Sun Chuanting.

King Qin came all the way, and Chen Wang never let Sun Chuanting down once.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting also had great trust in Chen Wang.

He believed Chen Wang's words.

However, the fierce battle during the day made Sun Chuanting shaken.

The casualties of nearly 4000 people made Sun Chuanting hesitate.

Guan Ning's army, who showed their hidden strength, and the brave Cao Bianjiao attacked with all their strength in one day, but they could only barely capture one camp.

Chen Wang needed to cross three forts in a row and occupy Gongshu Terrace, stand firm and wait for reinforcements to block the Qing army who came to seize the mountain.

When they transport the artillery up the mountain, they will inevitably be noticed by the Qing army.

Once Dorgon discovered that the artillery was heading up the mountain, he immediately understood what was about to happen, and he would definitely send a large number of elite troops to seize the mountain.

The burden on Chen Wang's shoulders weighs more than ten thousand, which determines the outcome of a normal war.

If Chen Wang cannot cross these three camps and defend Gongshu Terrace, then this battle will be just a futile struggle.

At most, they can take advantage of the fact that the Qing army is about to leave the pass, gradually abandon the camp in the pass, and launch a wave of attacks when there are very few teams left behind, seize some baggage and rescue a few people.

Such a result, coupled with the previous gains, can indeed be reported as a great victory.

But is a whitewashed victory still a great victory? !

Sun Chuanting was unwilling to do such a thing and disdained it.

So Sun Chuanting finally asked Chen Wang a question.

"The governor must have noticed today's tense."

Chen Wang naturally wanted to answer the questions raised by Sun Chuanting.

Because only in this way can Sun Chuanting have confidence in him, and Sun Chuanting can regain his confidence.

As the commander-in-chief, Sun Chuanting's faith in his heart was shaken, which would undoubtedly affect the troops under his command.

Chen Wang doesn't want to lose, nor does he want to lose.

He also wanted to fight this battle.

This time, the slaves invaded and spread poison for thousands of miles. As Minister of War, Yang Sichang could not escape the blame.

Historically, Yang Sichang was under tremendous pressure from both the government and the public during the Wuyin Incident.

In the imperial court, officials such as Li Xihang and Wang Zhiju frequently wrote letters demanding that he be held accountable, and he himself also repeatedly submitted letters to take the blame and resigned.

However, Chongzhen preserved Yang Sichang, reprimanded the official who impeached him, and ordered him to resign and take charge of matters. Soon after, he was reinstated in the name of meritorious service.

For Yang Sichang, Chongzhen almost spared no effort in trusting him.

Therefore, Yang Sichang finally chose to retreat temporarily and took the initiative to ask Yingnan to supervise the division.

Now it seems that Yang Sichang is still ready to embark on the same path.

Yang Sichang must be leading troops when he goes south this time.

Historically, He Renlong and other troops followed Yang Sichang southward to quell the rebellion.

But now because Cao Wenzhao is still alive, many things have changed.

Cao Wenzhao recommended him to Yang Sichang.

It has been made clear that when the time comes, he, Cao Bianjiao, and He Renlong will follow Yang Sichang south.

The reason why Chen Wang wanted to fight this battle was because he wanted a name.

A reputation for being brave and good at fighting, a reputation that is soaring!

So that he can stand out among the generals and be valued by Yang Sichang.

After the Wuyin Incident, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai took advantage of the main force of the Ming army to march north to King Qin, and threw the entire south into chaos.

The Ming Dynasty's national power began to decline in a real sense this year, and everything took a turn for the worse in this year.

Camps and towns in various places began to gradually lose control and gradually began to escape from the control of the central government.

At this time, if you are in a high position and hold great power, you will undoubtedly be able to take advantage.

Therefore, in this battle, Chen Wang took the initiative to volunteer at the beginning and asked Sun Chuanting in advance for the important task of capturing Gongshu Terrace.

"After a day of building slaves, we have become familiar with such an intensity of the offensive."

"On the second day, they will be more at ease. The offensive for nearly a morning will be enough to make them paralyzed."

"It's six quarters past, and there are only two quarters left before lunch."

"Yesterday we temporarily withdrew our troops at noon. Jiannu naturally remembered that this time was when they were most relaxed. This is the reason why I chose to attack at six o'clock."

Chen Wang knew that Sun Chuanting was shaken in his heart.

"As the baggage was transported away, the strength of the Jian slaves was slowly decreasing. In a day and a half, at least thousands of Jian slaves evacuated outside the customs. The casualties of the Jian slaves yesterday were not much less than ours."

"Jiannu's troops have been dispersed due to the huge size of the east and west sides."

"Tomorrow morning, General Cao and General Wu only need to break one more camp, and General Jiannu will be able to shift all his attention to the east and west sides."

"If it's not broken, it's no big deal, just a little bit of pressure."

Chen Wang looked calm and his eyes were unwavering.

"At the end of the day, when you attack a mountain, you rely on three things."

"One said: step."

"The general has three battalions under his command, one cavalry and two infantry."

"Infantry, the governor has seen it before, and he swears to use it as a weapon."

"The sworn gun can kill unarmored targets within a hundred steps, break armor within seventy steps, break two layers of armor within fifty steps, and break three layers of armor within forty steps. It is not inferior to the Qing army's vest when relying on a shield chariot."

"Second: Cannon."

"The governor has also seen artillery. It can be pulled into a small cannon by two war horses. One shot can destroy Jiannu's wooden wall."

"A cannon dragged by four horses doubles its range and power."

Chen Wang paused and said slowly.

“Third, it’s riding!”


Sun Chuanting frowned slightly, he knew both the footwork and the cannon.

But what Chen Wang was talking about now made him quite confused.

"Exactly the ride, the ride of the cavalry."

Sun Chuanting's expression became serious again.

The cavalry under Chen Wang's command were indeed elite, and he had already seen their sharpness in the battle of Jiazhuang.

But how can the cavalry attack the mountain?
"At the end of the attack, the biggest support is the cavalry under my command!"

Chen Wang's eyes were bright, like two bright lights in the darkness.

Sun Chuanting did not speak anymore, but returned to silence.

When he saw Chen Wang's eyes, he already got the answer he wanted.

 The display is 3800 words.I actually made up 4000 words without cutting corners.
  There were a lot of things going on during the day today, so the update took a long time, and the quality may not be satisfactory. Please bear with me.

(End of this chapter)

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