Chapter 87 Discipline
Zuo Liangyu raised his eyebrows slightly, pointing to the recruiter who was recruiting soldiers in the camp and asked.

"The auxiliary soldiers you selected are hungry soldiers among the rogues. These people have little strength, and many of them have never even seen blood. Why did you choose these people?"

Chen Wang followed Zuo Liangyu's hand to the camp with his gaze.

At this time, there were already many people gathered behind the recruiter in the captive camp, and these people had passed the selection process.

"The elite cavalry and horse troops among the rogues all fought from the battlefield, and they all saw human blood, and they saved a lot of lives."

Zuo Liangyu's eyes flickered, he really couldn't understand Chen Wang's criteria for selecting soldiers.

"Above the plains, even ten hungry soldiers can't beat a fine cavalry."

"When recruiting auxiliary soldiers, most of the battalion generals are strong and brave soldiers selected from among the thieves and the cavalry."

"There are not a few horse soldiers and elite cavalry in the prison camp. Why don't you choose people from here?"

Almost all the selected hungry soldiers were skinny and barely clothed.

Their physiques are all thin and weak, which makes people worry about whether they can hold long guns, let alone wear armor to fight.

As for those troop rogues with a slightly stronger physique, they were all excluded without exception.

Zuo Liangyu turned his head to look at Chen Wang, he didn't understand why Chen Wang chose soldiers like this.

Even if you really choose auxiliary soldiers to transport luggage, carry armor and do some chores, at least you should choose some who are physically stronger.

These selected hungry soldiers did not even meet the minimum selection standards.

"If you don't select soldiers from those fine cavalry and horse troops, what are you going to do with the remaining fine cavalry and horse troops in the captive camp?"

Zuo Liangyu leaned on the back of the chair and asked.

"It is impossible for these people to be repatriated, you should be clear."

Chen Wang had thought about the question Zuo Liangyu asked in the morning.

The attitude of the Ming court towards the captive bandits was basically to repatriate them to their original places, or to hand them over to local officials for resettlement.

But that is for the hungry soldiers and the infantry and the old and the weak.

The old bandits among the rogues, that is, Jingqi and Majun, usually first see if they can be recruited into the army.

Those who do not want to join the army will be killed directly.

When Yang He was in office, he still advocated giving priority to comfort, so he promised to recruit more.

But after Hong Chengchou took office, he changed Yang He's previous policy and advocated suppression.

The old bandits among the rogues have always been exterminated. Only after they are completely defeated, will they consider recruiting some of them honestly as a supplementary force.

Strict restrictions are imposed on the surrender of troops and generals, with multiple constraints to prevent them from rebelling again.

"These people have been thieves for a long time, and it is impossible for them to be ordinary people honestly."

The ending of these people was already decided by Chen Wang from the very beginning.

He planned to use these fine cavalry and the heads of the horse army to establish a prestige among the new army.

Among the rogues at this stage, those who can be among the elite cavalry and horse troops are more or less burdened with bloody cases.

Killed all ten of them, absolutely wronged.

But if nine out of ten are killed, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

"Let them go home, and it won't be long before they will rebel again, which will affect more places and cause more evil consequences."

Chen Wang knew the consequences very well, and he also knew what turned these people back.

But he doesn't have the ability to change these things now, all he can do now is choose the lesser of the two.

Wait until we have the ability and methods in the future, and then we will fundamentally change this problem.

Zuo Liangyu's expression moved slightly, he felt the killing intent on Chen Wang's body, and couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

"Since you can't release them back to the countryside, you have no intention of recruiting them. My battalion lacks some auxiliary soldiers. Give them to me."

After a long time, Zuo Liangyu finally spoke again, breaking the silence.

"There are more than [-] fine cavalry in the prisoner camp outside Chunhua City. I can pay four taels of silver for each of them and buy their lives."

"Ma Jun, I can recruit 500 people, two taels per person."

The elite cavalry among the rogues are all veterans who have fought battles, and all of them have lives under their command.

Many of them were originally camp soldiers or guards, and they were quite outstanding in both riding and martial arts.

Because anyone who is slightly worse has already died under the siege of officers and soldiers several times.

The Jingqi who are still alive among the rogues are all killed from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Military training is not easy, so where is there any chance for people to train well now.

Zuo Liangyu could see clearly in the past few days. Although he could not read big characters, he had led soldiers for many years.

Chen Wang sent people to select soldiers among the captives, and he knew the characteristics of the soldiers selected.

Coupled with the four rounds of soldiers trained by Chen Wang before, Zuo Liangyu has already seen some tricks.

Most of these selected captives spoke with the accents of Sanshui, Chunhua, Zhenning and Qingyangfu, and they were all new thieves, that is, those who were coerced.

These people are basically hungry soldiers who are used as cannon fodder, and they are launched to serve as the precursors of the meat shield during the war.

There is no advantage, and the courage is also weak.

The reason is very simple. Those who are more courageous and dare to fight for their lives either died in front of the battle, or were selected as an infantry or horse army, and it is impossible to be a hungry soldier.

The only thing that can be counted as an advantage may be honesty and obedience.

From the eyes of those people, Zuo Liangyu saw all fear.

Those men feared the recruiter, the men who guarded the camp, and the orders.

"Zuo Zongbing has supported me a lot these days, how can I collect money?"

Four taels for one person, more than 2000 taels for more than five hundred people, and 3000 taels for a horse army with two taels.

The total has exceeded 5000 taels, which is not a small amount.

The 17 received before was because they defeated the Chuang army and intercepted most of the Chuang army's luggage.

How can there be so much money in an ordinary victory.

The head skills of rogue bandits are not worth much now, and a single head can't be exchanged for a tael of silver.

That is, the Ministry of War verified that it was a beheaded elite cavalry, but at most it was one or two, and there was no more.

Officials who verify military merit basically keep down military merit for large-scale gains, because all kinds of rewards cost money.

Chen Wang is not short of money now, 5000 taels of silver and Zuo Liangyu's favor, at present, Zuo Liangyu's favor is more important.

The road of self-respect is not easy, and more people must be drawn in.

In history, Zuo Liangyu and He Renlong helped each other, maintained their status and army, and then gradually became separate regimes.

Zuo Liangyu became the "General with Long Legs" later.

The current Zuo Liangyu's banner can even make the 36th Battalion fearful.

Chen Wang thought for a while, and finally he decided to persuade Zuo Liangyu.

Although Zuo Liangyu has bad deeds, but he is not bad to him.

He even told him a lot of things from the bottom of his heart.

Although Chen Wang knew a lot about these things, it was because of the third-party perspective that later generations were so clear.

But in this era, these things and key points are undoubtedly the truths that Zuo Liangyu realized through all the experience.

"If Zongbing Zuo didn't remind me these days, I'm afraid I will definitely make a lot of mistakes in the future."

"I don't have deep experience and shallow knowledge, but I know one thing very well."

Chen Wang looked at Zuo Liangyu, bowed slightly, bowed with fists in both hands, and said sincerely.

"The fine cavalry and horse soldiers among the rogues have indeed seen blood, and they dare to fight in battle."

"But they have been undisciplined and chaotic for a long time. They don't know what military discipline is. They don't have any respect for discipline. They have never been real soldiers."

"In all dynasties and dynasties, the strong army in the world has been strictly prohibited and disciplined."

 Explain why you can't directly recruit ordinary farmers, refugees, or military households.

  Surrendering troops is allowed, but without an order, recruiting troops by yourself is basically suspected of rebellion.

  If found out, the lightest is dismissal...

(End of this chapter)

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