Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 106

Chapter 106
Kuang Dongyi took Yan Hualing's body and led Fang Dushu back to Zhenwen School.

On the way, ask in detail about the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Fang Dushu started from the blood mulberry tree.

He didn't hide Yan Huayu's evil deed of stealing treasures in the cave, otherwise it would not be able to explain the reason why he chased out of the first line of cliffs and encountered a monk in the foundation building period.

He explained most of the experience of this incident in full, except that he shot and killed Yan Huayu and collected the body, which he omitted to mention.

After Kuang Dongyi listened to it, he commented on his own: "Then Yan Huayu is a registered disciple of Longxiang Peak. He went to steal under the blood mulberry tree in Yitian Peak and claimed that he was recovering his family's relics. Then he should be a descendant of Lingxi Sect and pretend to be a disciple. After joining this sect, his behavior at the beginning was not pure."

When Fang Dushu first caught up with Yan Huayu, the two had some exchanges, and Yan Huayu claimed to be looking for family relics.

Fang Dushu told Kuang Dongyi everything Yan Huayu said.

Kuang Dongyi made such an analysis, he obviously also knew the identity of Ding Lingxi, the owner of the Blood Mulberry Cave Mansion.

He asked Fang Dushu, "Where did Yan Huayu go?"

Fang Dushu had already figured out the words: "Earlier, when I met my uncle, I was given a messenger talisman. When I returned to the cave, I found that the cave was stolen. I immediately went to track down Yan Huayu and sent a letter to you, my uncle. You didn't come for a long time, and the disciple didn't dare to let Yan Huayu escape, so he followed him all the way out of the cliff."

Kuang Dongyi felt more and more humiliated. If he hadn't presented the messenger talisman at the beginning, this matter would have nothing to do with him, but he gave the talisman anyway, and because of his delay, Fang Dushu was almost in danger.

If Fang Dushu didn't have his talisman, he probably wouldn't have chased out of Yiyiya. After all, Fang Dushu said just now that the cave had not stolen any of his treasures, and Fang Dushu didn't even know what Yan Huayu stole.

Fang Dushu continued: "The disciple was afraid that Yan Huayu would escape from the Zhenwen Sect, so he took action to intercept him. Unexpectedly, Yan Huayu had a helping hand. Even if the two of them beat me, I can still deal with it. As long as the uncle comes, you can deal with them." Easy as pie.

Who would have thought that another foundation cultivator would be killed out of thin air, how could the disciple dare to love to fight?Naturally, he fled back desperately!Yan Huayu may have a guilty conscience, worried about being caught by your uncle, and he doesn't know where he fled to! "

After listening to the whole incident, Kuang Dongyi said: "Yan Huayu will definitely not come back after he escaped. If you want to track down his tracks, you need to start from the blood mulberry tree. Maybe there will be some clues left there."

When the two said this, they had already connected with the team of law enforcement envoys.

Kuang Dongyi led Fang Dushu into a four-wheeled square cart and drove back to Lone Tree Peak.

When he got to the peak, Kuang Dongyi went to check the blood mulberry tree himself.

Earlier, Yan Huayu came to steal treasures and dug a hole with a diameter of about ten feet under the tree. Kuang Dongyi searched and searched, but found nothing.

"This cave was built by former disciple Ding Lingxi. Ding Lingxi is a descendant of the Consonance Sect. When she died, she must have buried some treasure under the root of the tree. It is probably related to the Consonance Sect."

"Uncle Kuang, this disciple heard from his wife that Ding Lingxi was mentioned by his wife. She was an old disciple decades ago. After her death, the faction didn't search her cave to check her belongings?"

"How could it be possible not to check? But she hid the relics under the blood mulberry tree. Our faction has never advocated destroying spiritual roots, and we can't dig three feet to search for treasures. That's why the relics have been hidden until now."

"Then Master Kuang, how did Yan Huayu discover the relic?"

"Didn't I analyze it for you earlier? Yan Huayu is most likely a descendant of the Consonance Sect. He has a relationship with Ding Lingxi. This kind of family relationship will pass on some methods of sensing relics. Yan Huayu must have mixed into our Zhenwen Sect. In order to find the relic, he has been planning and lurking for several years, just to do this, how can he not do it?"

"Uncle Kuang is right!"

In fact, Fang Dushu had already figured out the cause and effect of the whole incident. The reason why he asked Kuang Dongyi for advice was also to let Kuang Dongyi be a witness and give an explanation to the sect.

Kuang Dongyi said: "Nephew Fang, I have checked several times and found that there is no other foreign object under the blood mulberry tree. Even if there was Ding Lingxi's relic hidden under the tree, it must have been stolen by Yan Huayu. I will report this matter. Longzhou issued a arrest warrant, try to bring Yan Huayu back, and give you an explanation."

Fang Dushu didn't want to confess. He worriedly asked: "Yan Huayu is a disciple of Longxiang Peak. He was wanted because of me. Will the disciples of Longxiang Peak take revenge on me?"

"Nephew Fang, don't think too much."

Kuang Dongyi signaled him to be at ease: "Yan Huayu is only a registered disciple, and he is also a sect who passed the overage assessment. Since he entered the sect, he has been stationed at the Iron Smelting Mountain of Longxiang Peak, which is the boundary of coolies. fellow door."

Even if he really had a buddy, he would not dare to attack a true disciple like Fang Dushu in the Zhenwen School.

Yan Huayu was unwilling to be an enemy of Fang Dushu from the beginning to the end, because he was worried that Sanfeng Wenshi and Qi Jianting would be angered afterwards.

Yan Huayu's original plan was to keep a low profile and flee immediately after stealing the relic. As long as Fang Dushu was not hurt, Yitian Peak would not hold him accountable.

Unexpectedly, being burdened by his sister, he finally died on the barren hills. Years of latent efforts were wasted like this, and Fang Dushu was fulfilled instead.

After Kuang Dongyi left, Fang Dushu asked Qingqing to close the cave, and he burned Yan Huayu's body first, not all for the purpose of destroying the corpse.

Yan Huayu refined a rhinoceros tripod in his body, and the body must be burned to reveal the tripod text.

Waiting for Fang Dushu to take out all the Dingwen, he was not in a hurry to study, and kept it for collection first, then opened Yan Huayu's storage bag, and began to check carefully.

In this storage bag, there are more than one hundred spirit stones, dozens of iron ore, several pieces of high-quality armor, and other scattered things are various, and Fang Dushu can identify the use of them all.

There was only one white animal horn. Fang Dushu checked it over and over again, but he couldn't see the origin of this horn.

He thought to himself that this horn should be a relic of the Consonance Sect that Yan Huayu painstakingly stole, but he didn't know what the function of the horn was. There was no real writing on the horn, and it was not a magic weapon itself, so it didn't seem to have any precious value.

But if the value is not great, Yan Huayu will never lose his life for this horn, it must have another secret.

After pondering for a while, Fang Dushu threw the animal horn into the storage bag, and began to look through the bamboo slips, scrolls and other treasures left by Yan Huayu.

He quickly turned to a photo of the god-spirit that was made by cultivating his spiritual consciousness. The terrain on the map was very familiar to him, and he blurted out: "Shituo Gorge!"

The map not only shows the panorama of Shituo Gorge, but also includes various cave buildings in the gorge.

Fang Dushu had been to the Shituo Gorge before, those caves were built by scattered cultivators, and most of them were built in the hinterland of the mountains, or deep in the bottom of the mountains, hidden areas that were not easy to be noticed.

Fang Dushu couldn't help thinking again, is there any relationship between the animal horn and a certain cave in Shituo Gorge?

But the Shituo Gorge is more than a thousand miles away from the main altar of the Zhenwen School, and Fang Dushu will not return in the short term. His most urgent task now is to sacrifice the enlightenment vessel, and then enlighten the Tao and build a foundation.

As for the situation of Beast Horn and Shituo Gorge, it would not be too late to visit after the foundation was successfully established.

With this thought in his mind, he put away Yan Huayu's storage bag.

At this time, Qingqing came to pass a message: "Young Master, Miss Xiang is here, and Miss Wei from the Reception Hall and fellow disciples from other Dharma Halls, they heard that something happened in our cave, so they came to visit together."

 Today's fifth update, please vote for this book.

(End of this chapter)

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