Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 175

Chapter 175
The mission of the falcon girl is to provide information, she is not responsible for making decisions.

Whether or not this battle will be fought to the end, it is up to Master Tie Shuangfeng to make his own decision.

In fact, the battle has continued until now, no matter Master Tie Shuangfeng or Shepherd Girl, they have all completed their expected goals.

Master Tie Shuangfeng successfully suppressed the Lightning Eagle and another golden-scale demon master who accompanied the Lightning Eagle, and found a lot of spoils from the two monsters. .

The Shepherd Girl came here for the oracle bone inscription on the exposed armor, and she has already snatched it. As for the Dapeng's legacy, she has no intention of getting involved. It is impossible for Master Tie Shuangfeng to give her the Dapeng's legacy, so She advocates retreating now.

She mentioned something to Master Tie Shuangfeng: "According to the original plan, there is only Baihe and a demon master left in the bird's nest. With the strength of several people, we can easily suppress Baihe, but I didn't expect Mrs. Huagu to take the opportunity to make trouble!"

Mrs. Huagu sneaked into the bird's nest to steal treasure, and she couldn't reveal her words in advance, just like the shepherd girl who led the way for Master Tie Shuangfeng and the others, she would not say anything to the outside world.

This incident was too coincidental, and it wasn't because the shepherd girl had neglected to do things.

Master Tie Shuangfeng said: "Fellow Muying, you don't need to explain, the flower bone was inserted horizontally, it was an accident, you have no responsibility."

Hearing what he said, Shepherd Lady suggested casually: "Baimang Mountain is quite far from Xueqi City, I don't think it's suitable to fight for a long time. If the stalemate with Mrs. Huagu continues, even if she doesn't send a letter to the Red Lotus King, it may still attract people. It will be very difficult for the demon cultivators outside Baimang Mountain to escape."

She glanced in the direction of Xuefeng guarded by Fang Dushu, she had already got the oracle bone inscription, her only thought now was to find Fang Dushu to refine the spirit dew, she did not want to fight with Huagu any longer.

Master Tie Shuangfeng did not express his position: "This old man wants to discuss with fellow Taoists, Spirit Master Fei Lie. If everyone agrees to return, then we will leave. If Master Fei Lie and fellow Taoists decide to take a risk, then the old man There will be no objection."

He felt that his side had an absolute advantage, so it was a pity to withdraw like this. Of course, the warning of the Shepherd Girl was also very reasonable. If the battle continued for a long time, it would be easy to fall into a dangerous situation, and it was not a bad idea to return now.

Whether or not to fight Mrs. Huagu to the end, Master Tie Shuangfeng decided to consult his comrades and adopt the opinions of the majority.

The shepherd girl listened and respected it.

Here, the Golden Core stage monks are at war, and the atmosphere is extremely tense.

The foundation-building disciples stationed on the periphery, because they are far away from the battlefield, are all calm and composed, firmly guarding their own line of defense.

Only Fang Dushu is an exception.

Just now, when the white crane demon master drove the Dapeng's relic, he kept in mind Bi Xizhong's instruction that before the Dapeng's relic showed its power, there would be a baby-like roar.

He has made all the preparations, as soon as the sound of the Peng Ming sounded, he would immediately dodge to the rear.

Who would have known that after blowing out from the long peck of the demon master Baihe, the demonic wind transformed from the Dapeng's remnant treasure suddenly burst into traction, unexpectedly locked onto the oracle bone in Fang Dushu's palm.

Fang Dushu was shocked by this accident.

The oracle bone in his palm is not a Taoist bone with mana condensed, but it was obtained after killing the zombie Hua Tan in Liangjie Mountain when he first crossed over.

This oracle bone can help him read all the Zhongdingwen and oracle bone inscriptions in the world of cultivating immortals. It can also be said that more than half of his current achievements in practice are inseparable from this oracle bone.

But all this time, he has been unable to interact with this oracle bone, cannot make it his own, and cannot drive it. For ease of use, he refined two pairs of glove instruments and hid this oracle bone in his palm to hide his eyes and ears.

After so many years, he has become accustomed to using this oracle bone as a converter for viewing and reading the real text, and he has long given up the idea of ​​exploring the details of the oracle bone.

As a result, at the Bird's Nest today, this oracle bone had a psychic reaction.

No matter where the reaction came from, Fang Dushu attached great importance to it, and he couldn't help being excited. This seemed to be a clue to unlock the secret of the oracle bone.

But right now he is in the middle of the battlefield, there are nearly ten Golden Core stage masters gathered here, he knows that he must not let the mutation of the oracle bone be exposed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

He acted extremely decisively, and suddenly felt the pulling force in his palm, pulling the oracle bone invisible and breathlessly, he immediately jumped out of the chariot and fled backwards.

After he teleported for more than ten miles, the traction force suddenly disappeared, and the palm bones also returned to normal.

He judged that this was a safe distance, so he stopped in mid-air and began to wait and see what happened.

At this time, Master Hu Xiaowen's Dragon Elephant Dao Nose just came out, and a sound wave erupted from the Dao Nose, covering the treasure left by the roc.

The demonic wind transformed by the treasure left by the great roc retreated into the long peck of the white crane demon master, and the traction force disappeared.

But all the monks on the battlefield didn't know the reason for the accident. They believed that Master Hu Xiaowen's Dragon Elephant Trunk was superior and suppressed the treasure left by the roc.

Only Fang Dushu has a different opinion. He thinks that the treasure left by Dapeng is not defeated by the dragon and elephant, but influenced by the oracle bone.

"My dear brother, that crane monster has been suppressed, there is no danger, you don't have to worry, you can turn back!"

Tie Ming turned back and yelled at Fang Dushu, wondering what happened to Brother Fang Xian, why he was suddenly startled, like a frightened bird.

Hearing his shout, Fang Dushu still stayed where he was, and replied, "Brother Tie, I suddenly felt unwell in my dharma body. I need to adjust my breath and check it. After I recover, I will go to find you."

Tie Ming didn't doubt that he had it, and said with concern: "Then you should adjust your breathing well. If the discomfort gets worse, please notify me in time, and I will send someone to protect you."

After he finished speaking, the disciples guarding the chariot beside him teased in a low voice: "This fellow Daoist Fang, I think he is a mediocre bastard. He ran away at the slightest sign of trouble, but he used the inappropriate excuse of the Dharma body."

All the colleagues on the left and right echoed: "Yes, he is obviously timid before fighting. This kind of monk is unbearable, so we shouldn't join hands with him!"

Tie Ming's face darkened: "If younger brother Fang Xian is unbearable, the master will repeatedly ask him to discuss matters? Master Xi Zhongfeng will hand over the territory of Xueqi City to him to be governed by an expatriate disciple? Are the seniors of Jindanqi old and dim-witted! Are you I forgot who rescued Brother Song Tongli!"

These fellow disciples were speechless for a moment, and blushed a lot, thinking that yes, just rescuing Song Tongli was enough to make the disciples of the Fengming Sect grateful, even if Fang Dushu disobeyed orders on the battlefield and fled Nor can it be held accountable.

"All concentrate on preparing for the battle, and don't gossiping anymore!"

Tie Ming scolded, and stared into the distance, staring at the figures of several Golden Core stage monks.

Fang Dushu couldn't hear the private discussions here, he was also observing the battle situation.

At this time, the discussions between Master Tie Shuangfeng and the others had come to fruition.

They shot together and began to besiege Mrs. Huagu and the old man Shiba, as if they were planning to fight the two monsters to the end.

As a result, after fighting for a while, they left the battlefield after they snatched the white crane's demon body back from the hands of the two demons.

"If you want the treasure left by the Dapeng, then I will give it to you!"

Master Tie Shuangfeng held the demon body of the white crane, forced it to open its long peck, and spit out the dark green demon wind. He did not take it as his own, and threw his sleeves at the two demons.

In view of the completion of the expected goal of encircling and suppressing the bird monsters, several Jindan stage monks finally decided to give up the relics of the Dapeng, return to Xueqi City safely, and not fight extraneously with Huagu Liangxiu.

Mrs. Huagu and the old man Shiba saw each other take the initiative to hand over the relics of the roc, and they knew it well without any obstruction. The two demons watched Master Tie Shuangfeng and the others retreat, boarded five snow-skied chariots, and brought disciples from various sects Quickly evacuate Baimang Mountain.

Fang Dushu was naturally also in the evacuation ranks. The treasure left by the Dapeng was seized by the two demons and stayed at the bird's nest. influences.

However, Fang Dushu still had some regrets in his heart. He knew that the treasure left by Dapeng was the clue to unlock the oracle bone, but he was powerless to find it for the time being.

He thought to himself, the only way to go back to the snowfield after the alchemy was formed in the future, and come to the Huagu two demons to inquire about the situation of the Dapeng's leftover treasure.

But he didn't know that he got on the chariot and followed Master Tie Shuangfeng to evacuate Eagle's Nest not long ago.

Dapeng's leftover treasure suddenly lost control.

The outer appearance of this relic is a watermelon-sized dark green demon wind. When it was thrown by Master Tie Shuangfeng earlier, Mrs. Huagu and the corpse old man worked together to seal the demon wind.

The two demons thought they had suppressed the demon wind, and celebrated happily.

Mrs. Huagu was full of pride: "We only have two cultivators, but we actually forced six Jindan Stage cultivators and hundreds of Foundation Establishment stage cultivators to obediently hand over the treasure left by Dapeng, and even scared them to death Escape, this is definitely the biggest victory in the history of our Hades!"

She is proud of it, and in the future she will brag about it in the various caves. It is estimated that few of her comrades will believe that she single-handedly scared a group of people out of the shit, and ran away with her tail between her legs.

The old corpse man held his chin, stared at the direction where Fang Dushu and the others were evacuating, and said in a deep voice: "The situation is a little bit wrong! This group of cultivators are not trying to scare people. We may not be able to scare you by bringing out the name of His Majesty Honglian." Stop them!"

Mrs. Huagu had a sneer on her face: "Then why are they running away? Keep fighting with us!"

The corpse old man shook his head slightly: "They have strong soldiers and horses, and they have the courage to go deep into the hinterland of the snowfield to encircle and suppress the entire poultry clan. They must have the ability to deal with emergencies. The old man dares to guarantee that even if His Majesty Honglian really comes, they will have a way to sort it out. If there is zero escape, at most a group of Foundation Establishment minor cultivators will die."

The more Mrs. Huagu listened, the more confused she became: "Fellow Daoist Shi, don't make riddles. If they weren't afraid of us, then why didn't they take away the treasure left by Dapeng?"

The corpse old man laughed: "That's why I feel something is wrong!"

What was wrong, he couldn't tell.

Just stop talking nonsense.

The two demons are going to put away the treasure left by the roc, first evacuate the bird's nest, and then slowly study it after returning to their cave.

As a result, the dark green demon wind that has been firmly sealed, boom!With a bang, he broke free from the restraints arranged by the two demons, turned around in place, and the wind mass, which was originally the size of a watermelon, surged against the wind, covering a distance of hundreds of feet in an instant.

The two demons are in this vast mass of demonic wind, and it is difficult to see the true face of the demonic wind for a while.

If you stand on the outside and watch from a distance, you can find that the whole group of evil wind has condensed into the outline of two giant wings, and with a sudden blow, they escape through the air.

Under this escape, there is a distance of tens of miles, no matter how difficult it is to catch the trace of the evil wind.

When the giant wings flapped, a fierce hurricane was set off, flying sand and rocks in an instant, and the snow and dust filled the sky. Mrs. Huagu and the corpse old man couldn't dodge it. .

When Mrs. Huagu saw the lost treasure of Dapeng, she was ashamed and angry: "You are so treacherous, Xiu, how shameless you are, to be playing tricks on the treasure left by Dapeng!"

She felt that she was being played by others.

The old man in the dead body remained calm and muttered to himself: "The old man has always felt that something is wrong. It turns out that something is wrong here. These people are pretending to give away the treasure left by the roc. First, stabilize us and wait for them to escape. Dapeng's leftover treasure is recalled, so that he can successfully grab the treasure without worrying about being hunted down, hey, it's a good plan!"

Mrs. Huagu snorted coldly: "Then what should we do now? Fellow Daoist Shi, do you want to report to His Majesty Honglian?"

The corpse old man frowned immediately: "It's not that you don't understand His Majesty, he doesn't want to deal with anything except cultivation, even if the old monster Yuanying in Renxiu kills his cave, he won't be annoyed. Find a dojo and continue to retreat! We Mingzu have no blood relatives, and no sect inheritance, we are all in charge, how could your majesty leave the seclusion to chase after a murderer just because we sent a message? Impress his old man!"

The Ming clan lives in seclusion in the western part of the Jiuquan Snowfield, and never participates in the monster clan's southward invasion. This is actually related to their habitat habits. They are basically solo travelers, and there is no deep and dense communication with each other.

Mrs. Huagu sighed: "Then we have to figure out our own way! Fortunately, I planted a spirit seal in the Dapeng's legacy, which can sense its position. If I catch up now, I should be able to intercept it, but only by With the strength of the two of us, we can't do anything against those cultivators!"

The corpse old man glanced at her: "It just so happens that the old man also has a seal on the treasure left by the Dapeng. During the tracking period, we can send a letter to the good master, saying that a group of people repaired and looted Luo Peng." They should be interested in visiting the ancient treasures of the Po Qinyao clan."

The reason why these two monsters secretly marked the Dapeng's legacy was entirely out of mutual defense, and they were worried that the other party would steal the Dapeng's legacy and sneak away privately, but they unexpectedly used it to track Renxiu.

The two demons made a decision, immediately launched their actions, and chased in the direction where Yaofeng fled.

They believed that the loss of control of the Dapeng's legacy was caused by a few Jindan stage monks from Master Tie Shuangfeng. This was definitely a misjudgment.

Master Tie Shuangfeng and the others really planned to hand over the treasure left by Dapeng, they didn't do anything.

"Master, we have a large number of people, why did you and the seniors give up the treasure left by the Dapeng to those two meditators?"

At this time, the snow skiing chariot had already flown out of Baimang Mountain, crossed the glacier, and was rushing towards Xueqi City. When Tie Ming was assisting Master Tie Shuangfeng to drive, he couldn't help asking about it.

Fang Dushu was also curious about Rang Bao's reason.

But Master Tie Shuangfeng explained: "Our Dayong sect has decided to go north to fight in the snowfield. The strategy is to attack the eastern and central parts of the snowfield first. As for the ghost clan in the west, they have never participated in the southward operation. We don't need to provoke them for the time being. .”

This is the main reason for giving up the Dapeng legacy.

However, there was a problem with the Dapeng's legacy itself, which led to an uncontrollable risk in the whole situation.

Fang Dushu was listening to Master Tie Shuangfeng and Tie Ming's narration, and the oracle bone in his palm began to move again. He couldn't help being startled, turned around suddenly, and shouted: "Senior Tie, something is chasing us!"

All the monks in the chariot looked back together, and saw a dark green storm blowing on the horizon of the snowfield behind, like a tsunami, rushing forward against the ground.

In the storm, a pair of blue giant wings loomed, sweeping towards the five snow ski chariots with an overwhelming momentum.

Master Tie Shuangfeng grimaced, and snorted: "This group of meditation cultivators don't obey the rules, the old man intends to let them go, and they want to make an inch of it!"

After saying that, he signaled Tie Ming to take the helm, he flew out of the chariot, and called several Jindan stage monks to discuss the countermeasures.

The shepherd girl did not participate in the discussion, she flew to the side of the chariot on the eagle carcass, and waved to Fang Dushu: "Xiao Fang, sit on the back of the eagle, and I will take care of you!"

(End of this chapter)

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