Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 23 Forbidden Spell

Chapter 23 Forbidden Spell
Jin Shan is very familiar with the situation in Shituo Gorge.

She explained in detail: "A year ago, something happened in Xiashan Mountain, which caused the comrades in the mountain to hide in other places. Recently, the situation has been peaceful, and the comrades have returned one after another. Gatherings will be held every now and then."

"What exactly is the accident you speak of?"

"It seems that a group of desperadoes came a year ago and occupied the Xiashan Spiritual Land. The comrades didn't want to deal with them, so they went to other places."

"Have all the desperadoes left now?"

"Well, they all evacuated Xiashan, presumably they found a new place to live."

"What about the assembly? Is this a trade fair between casual practitioners?"

Literally understood, the rally is like a big fair in the world.

But the assembly of the monks was somewhat different.

Jin Fan smiled and said, "It's not all about business! It's mainly for discussing Dao!"

Fang Dushu didn't take it seriously, and said that loose cultivators wandered around and couldn't even settle down in life. Talking about the bird's way, it's completely posturing.

However, the introduction of the golden fan is surprising: "The comrades went to other places for a year, and many people got the chance to find some broken Zhongding Zhenwen. They couldn't understand the meaning of the real text, so they opened an altar in the market. Brainstorm and run a game.”

Fang Dushu wondered: "The broken Zhongding Zhenwen? What is the origin?"

In fact, the origin is not complicated.

Since ancient times, some of the bells and tripods handed down from the world of cultivating immortals were broken and damaged for various reasons, which also caused the disintegration of the bells and tripods, and they were scattered and lost in every corner of the world.

Loose cultivators are keen on adventures, and they can often find one or more authentic Zhongding texts in various dangerous areas. The magical power of these writings is definitely not as good as that of the complete Zhongding.

However, these characters originated from Zhong Ding after all, once the supernatural powers in the characters were deciphered, they would still be more powerful than ordinary magic tools.

It is even possible for some extremely talented casual practitioners to reversely deduce the complete true law from a true text.

Of course, those who are extremely talented are a few cases, and most casual cultivators have difficulty relying on their own abilities to decipher Zhong Dingwen.

So there is a 'discussion and discussion'.

Shituoji is the Taoist temple initiated by casual practitioners.

After Fang Dushu heard the situation, he sighed to himself: "How precious is Zhongding's authentic writing, are you not afraid of being robbed if you show the authentic writing in public?"

Jin Shan's opinion is: "The Zhongding Zhenwen is not a magical tool, and it cannot be used after being snatched. It is better to take it out and let fellow practitioners read it together. If you can suddenly understand a set of spells, the benefits will be even greater."

The income from snatching is too low, just a few Zhongding Zhenwen is not worth it.

If it is a complete bell tripod, that should be another story.

At this point in the conversation, Fang Dushu sent out an invitation to Jin Shan: "I'm going to visit the Shituo Collection, can you guide me the way?"

Jin Fan readily agreed: "Qingqing said that Mr. Fang, you are the most decent person in the world, and I am happy to serve you!"

She looked at the sky again: "But it's dusk now, and the ashram of Shituoji usually opens during the daytime, Mr. Fang might as well rest for one night, how about going tomorrow?"

Fang Dushu did not agree: "I just go to find out the way first, and find a foothold by the way."

The golden fan no longer refused: "That's good! I'll show Mr. Fang the way!"

She threw the golden fan in her hand into the air, letting the fan surface spread out horizontally, then leaped up and stood firmly on the fan surface: "Mr. Fang, this way please..."

She was about to turn around and invite Fang Dushu to go on the road, but suddenly a blue net came over her head.

Earlier, she had a good conversation with Fang Dushu. She thought she had won Fang Dushu's trust, but she never expected that Fang Dushu would attack her without warning.

It also caught her off guard.

She wanted to break free from the shackles of the green net, but the net suddenly tightened, dragging her down into the air and pinning her to the ground.

"Master Fang, how did I offend you!"

Her tone became tense and flustered: "It's because I trust you so much, I didn't expect you to have such vicious thoughts and plot against me!"

Fang Dushu had no expression on his face. Seeing her start casting spells to break free from the green net, he immediately pinched his fingers and flicked the net.

Lie flames shot up and began to burn against the golden fan ghost's body.

Sensing the tyranny of Siyan, Jin Fan quickly opened his mouth and sacrificed a yellow talisman, which was covered with wind patterns, and the water flow seemed to wrap her ghost body.


She teleported away from where she was, and flew far away in one breath, before appearing in the sky above the river.

This life-saving technique is actually very skillful.

But when she was about to jump into the river, she found that Fang Dushu was still standing beside her.

She suddenly felt as if she had seen a ghost, "You...how did you catch up..."

Her voice became hesitant because of panic.

Fang Dushu refused to agree, and the fire net was released one after another, binding her tightly.

Seeing Fang Dushu's expression was cold, she put on a posture to kill her.

She immediately begged for mercy: "Mr. Fang, please spare my life. I know it's my fault and I shouldn't be harmed, but I can't help myself!"

Fang Dushu reprimanded: "Well, you bastard, could it be that what you said earlier was all to deceive me?"

Fang Dushu still can't figure out whether Jin Fan's words are true or not, he can't judge whether Jin Fan is good or bad, and he can't weigh whether Jin Fan has any malicious intentions towards him.

It's just subconsciously thinking that the resurrection of the golden fan is not a good sign.

In order not to let himself fall into a passive position, Fang Dushu decided to act first, and directly attacked and captured the golden fan to defraud her.

If it turns out afterwards that Fang Dushu wronged Jin Shan, he would have to kill him. Anyway, the two sides are not familiar with each other. After this encounter, Fang Dushu will never meet Jin Shan again.

But if Jin Shan really harbored evil intentions, then Fang Dushu's sneak attack was a way to avoid disaster.

"Except that Qingqing didn't go to Cangsang City, everything else is basically true!" Jin Shan eagerly defended: "I was caught by Mr. Tudu a year ago, and he suppressed me with a forbidden spell. He was greedy and sent me down the river every day to hunt for treasures." , as long as the number of tribute He Zhen is insufficient, he will be whipped and tortured by him."

"So you let Qingqing get beaten instead of you?"



Fang Dushu grabbed the fire net and said, "If you dare to play tricks again, I'll take your skin off."

Jin Shan cried: "I thought Qingqing was dead. Not long ago, I accidentally swam to the water cave where she was born. I didn't want to harm her. She came out to see me on her own initiative, but was sensed by Master Tudu."

Fang Dushu asked: "Where is she?"

Jin Fan didn't dare to hide it: "She sacrificed a strange bracelet. When Mr. Tudu beat her, her skeleton and monster body automatically retracted into the bracelet, and she didn't want to come out anyway! Mr. Tudu couldn't break the bracelet, so he went to I entered a burrow in the Shituo Gorge, and I am going to use the ground fire to refine her!"

The odd bracelet she was talking about should be a bracelet of melting bones.

But the Bone Transformation Bracelet is just a low-grade magical weapon, and its power is not strong.

Fang Dushu thought to himself that the ground fire was specially used to burn it. Could it be that Qingqing used some kind of Hezhen sacrifice to refine the supernatural power of the bone-transforming bracelet?
(End of this chapter)

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