Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 324 Meteorite Garden

Chapter 324 Meteorite Garden

at the boundary.

Fang Dushu thought that it would be the same as last time, with water monsters gathering.

Unexpectedly, after entering the boundary, the lotus platform he was riding on was not attacked by any water monsters.

He looked around the environment in the world, and found that the lotus platform was in a boundless void. Under the void, there were layers of blue water mist, reflecting a strange green light, allowing him to see what was going on nearby.

"Patriarch, the little chariot is over there!"

Fang Dushu could see the trace of the chariot at a glance, floating in the void hundreds of meters away, this chariot was filled with pitch-black demonic energy, incompatible with the environment in the world, it was the easiest to attract the attention of monks.

The Patriarch Gouye who entered the realm earlier was hovering around the chariot, trying to suppress the body, but outside the chariot was densely covered with lightning, forming a protective barrier, preventing Patriarch Gouye from approaching for a while. Entering the boundary, under precaution, he did not dare to do his best to deal with the chariot.

Patriarch Zhiwei glanced at the chariot, then turned his eyes to the other side.

Tens of miles away from her, the water mist was rolling violently, and the water waves rolled high, forming a green curtain water wall.

Inside the water wall, there are vague figures of water monsters and the outlines of green forest buildings. It looks like a ray of illusion, not like the real thing.

Liang Shengyin and Fu Yuqing were following Patriarch Zhiwei's gaze, they were inexperienced and couldn't figure out what mystery was hidden in the water wall, so they asked, "Master, what is that?"

Patriarch Zhiwei said: "The boundary we are in now belongs to the interface barrier of the Evergreen Realm. It has existed here for countless years. Since ancient times, I don't know how many monks broke into the barrier and were unfortunately buried in it. All the relics carried by these monks were scattered. In the barrier, drifting along the water mist and waves, every time a tsunami breaks out, these relics will be forced to appear!"

The 'relic' she mentioned does not specifically refer to a certain corpse or magic weapon, but also includes mountains, palaces, and caves.

It should be noted that when the cultivation base reaches a certain level, the supernatural powers can be shrunk into the sleeves, and these monks can easily carry a city or a river with them.

When they broke through the interface barrier, if they died here, their relics would be submerged in the boundless mist of the barrier void.

Patriarch Zhiwei guessed that the void tsunami that erupted at the boundary just now caused some kind of change here, but as far as she knew, every boundary in Evergreen Realm had guardian envoys.

These envoys have been stationed at the boundary all year round, and they have already investigated the environment hundreds of miles away. According to common sense, there will be no accidents.

However, accidents are not a bad thing for Patriarch Zhiwei. If the guards are trapped in the water wall, they will not be able to interfere with Patriarch Zhiwei to snatch the small chariot.

She immediately left the lotus platform and rushed towards the Gouye Patriarch. She wanted to suppress the small chariot before the guards escaped from the trap, and then left the boundary.

"Shengyin, Yu'er, guard the Jiuyin lotus well. If a tsunami breaks out in that water curtain later, you will activate the Falian to resist!" Patriarch Zhiwei brought two disciples in just to support her. During the snatching of the small chariot, prevent damage from the tsunami.

"Disciple obeys the order!" Liang Shengyin and Fu Yuqing cast spells together, forming a layer of light red halo outside the lotus platform, and began to garrison in place.

When Patriarch Zhiwei fought against Patriarch Gouye, Fu Yuqing turned to Fang Dushu and asked, "Brother Xian, where is your good friend, can you get in touch?"

"She should be inside that water wall!" Due to the distance, Fang Dushu couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the wall.

He flew away from the stage: "I'll go and have a look!"

Seeing that he was far away, Fu Yuqing warned: "The tsunami here is very powerful. If you notice something unusual, you should withdraw immediately!"

Fang Dushu nodded, and flew towards the water wall cautiously.

When he was several miles away, Qingqing's delighted voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "My lord, did you find this place?"

Fang Dushu stopped immediately, looked into the water wall intently, and found that Qingqing was floating inside the wall, surrounded by a group of water monsters.

He hurriedly asked, "Qingqing, where are you staying?"

Qingqing told him: "This is the Xingming Ding's full power in operation, causing space chaos, forming a layer of water curtain restriction, and trapping us inside the restriction!"

In the usual way, Fang Dushu must have been very interested when he heard about Xingming Ding, but now he only cared about Qingqing's recent situation, and asked, "Are you safe now, can you escape from the restriction?"

Qingqing replied: "I'm not in danger, son, you don't have to worry, although Dingli is very strong, it can't help Senior Su, and he will be out of trouble soon."

When Fang Dushu heard her mention Senior Su, he looked inside the water wall carefully. There were hundreds of water monsters entrenched inside, and he didn't know which one was Senior Su.

"Who is this Senior Su?" Fang Dushu inquired, "Is it the water monster that dragged you into the boundary?"

"Sister Tao was the one who led me into the boundary! Senior Su is the guardian of the boundary!" Qingqing worried about Fang Dushu's safety in the boundary, and did not talk about her experience of entering the boundary, but asked:

"Just now I begged Senior Su to drive the small chariot out of the boundary, have you met my son?"

"There are enemy soldiers everywhere outside the boundary, and there are four or five Nascent Soul cultivators. Even if the small chariot shows up, I can't grab it!" Fang Dushu was speechless. He was always wondering why the small chariot suddenly appeared. It turned out that Qingqing was helping.

It's a pity that this help was not thorough.

"Are there so many enemies outside?" Qingqing said bitterly: "When Senior Su cast the spell just now, he specifically checked the situation at the boundary, but he could only detect the number of monks stationed in the bamboo forest. He released the tsunami, which can suppress Cultivators who live in the bamboo forest, but outside the forest are beyond reach, I never thought that there are so many multi-infant old monsters lurking outside the forest!"

The matter has come to this point, who can grab the small chariot in the end depends on their own chances.

Fang Dushu asked again: "It turns out that the previous tsunami was cast by this senior Su. He has such powerful supernatural powers and is responsible for guarding the boundary. How could he be trapped?"

Qingqing immediately introduced the situation inside the wall to him: "I begged Senior Su to open the boundary, but the boundary has been sealed by him, and the tsunami restraint must be invoked to break the boundary, but a few years ago he used the tsunami to suppress Xuetan Ghost King and Luo Mo Yao Wang and the other demon kings, he transferred the tsunami here, and those demon kings got out of trouble!"

Fang Dushu wondered: "Could it be that those demon kings have not escaped into the Evergreen Realm and have been suppressed here?"

Qingqing hummed: "At the beginning, it was the boundary that they teamed up to break open. They were in charge of the fragment of Xingmingding. Originally, Senior Su had a way to deal with this fragment. Who knew that they used the fragment to sense it when they were in trouble. The broken body of the Xingming cauldron!"

The more Fang Dushu listened, the more surprised he became: "Is the Xingming Ding hidden nearby? But the water wall is full of colorful vegetation, and there is no shadow of the tripod?"

Qingqing explained: "Just now I was also very puzzled. According to Senior Su, the Xingming Ding Ding has been broken, and the pieces of the Ding Ding have formed a meteor garden. They couldn't control the operation of the Meteor Garden, which caused the space to become unstable, and by the way, senior Su was also trapped."

(End of this chapter)

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