Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 363 The Imperial City

Chapter 363 The Imperial City
a few days later.

Entrusted by Fang Dushu, Sanfeng Wenshi and Qi Guangxiang went to Bixue Peak to hire them, and they also negotiated a marriage date with Xuanjin Wenshi.

When this was done, Fu Chengxiang also came back from Wuyuan City.

According to Fang Dushu's instructions, he brought back dozens of direct descendants of the Fu family.

Fang Dushu looked at the number of people and asked, "Are there only so many direct descendants of the Fu family in Wuyuan City?"

Fu Chengxiang reported: "When Aunt Yuqing came back from the Shangzong, she arranged for a group of children to move to Lishan. There is also a stronghold established by the Fu family in the imperial city, and the patriarch is in charge of the overall situation there. All these years, the direct descendants of the Fu family have They have moved to the past one after another, and there are not many direct descendants who are still stranded in Wuyuan City."

Nearly ten years of war caused many aristocratic families to fall apart, and even many families were destroyed.

Relying on Fu Yuqing's relationship, the Fu family was lucky enough to avoid the flames of war and preserve the vitality of the family. The direct line was almost unscathed.

Even if Fang Dushu doesn't give Wuyuancheng special care, the Fu family will not lose.

After Fang Dushu heard the situation, he already knew what was going on. He didn't need to make any arrangements for the Fu family, he only needed to take these Fu family children to the imperial city.

But there is one private matter that Fang Dushu still needs to inquire clearly: "Where are Shiqing and his step-father? Did they also move to the imperial city?"

Fu Chengxiang was stunned for a moment, and told the truth: "The ancestor of the step-father has been imprisoned for several years. Not long after he was imprisoned, the uncle of the Shiqing succeeded in building the foundation, but the uncle of the Shiqing left Wuyuan City after leaving the customs, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

He is two generations younger than Fu Shiqing, but because of his good qualifications, he joined the Zhenwen School in his youth, so he established his foundation much earlier than Fu Shiqing.

Fu Shiqing was a few years younger than Fang Dushu, and his lifespan had already exceeded one year when the foundation was established. However, with Fu Shiqing's mediocre qualifications, it was not easy to rely on his own epiphany to break through and establish the foundation.

When Fang Dushu returned from Shuanghe Valley, he met Fu Shiqing when he passed by Wuyuan City. At that time, Fu Shiqing was experiencing the pain of losing his wife.

Fang Dushu saw that Fu Shiqing's xinxing had changed, and his Dao heart was extremely firm, which seemed to be a sign of great enlightenment. At that time, Fang Dushu had a hunch that Fu Shiqing might be able to practice bravely and diligently in the future.

It now appears that Fu Shiqing really lived up to expectations.

Fang Dushu asked: "What did he go to the snowfield for?"

Fu Chengxiang didn't know the specific reason: "He didn't mention it to the clansmen. At that time, Aunt Yuqing and your uncle were all lost in Changqing Realm. The elders of Fu's family discussed many times and said that they would send people to the snowfield to look for them, but it happened that the deer butcher Going south, the Hexi sects issued a strict order that monks are not allowed to go north without permission, and I don’t know if he sneaked into the snowfield to find the whereabouts of Aunt Yuqing and Uncle Yu!”

Fu Shiqing had known Fang Dushu since he was a boy, and he and Fu Yuqing were siblings. If it was said that Fu Shiqing went to the snowfield to find someone privately, it was entirely possible.

Fang Dushu shook his head slightly: "If he really sneaked into the snowy field, given the current situation, trying to find him back is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

However, it is normal for monks to wander abroad, especially for monks with mediocre qualifications like Fu Shiqing, if they want to improve their cultivation base, they must gain it through experience.

Fang Dushu didn't think about it any more, he waved his hand at Fu Chengxiang: "You make preparations and accompany the Fu family members to the imperial city of Lishan."

Everything has been done.

Fang Dushu will follow Qi Daoming's instructions and lead Qi Changzhen and his tribe to leave the main altar and settle in the Lishan Imperial City.

As usual, he needs to use a river boat to travel.

Now the teleportation array between the main altar of the Zhenwen School and the Lishan Imperial City has been set up, and they can shuttle between the two places at any time.

In fact, in the past few days when Fang Dushu was in the main altar, Fang Qiongying, Lu Ding and others had been introduced to the imperial city one after another.

After picking up the Fu family that day, Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen were the last to evacuate.

The teleportation array on the other side of the imperial city was built at the bottom of the Lishui River.

After surfacing from the river, you can see the west gate of the imperial city, and several literati of the Zhenwen sect stationed in the imperial city are already waiting nearby.

Wenshi Zang Jian and Lianzhen Wenshi personally escorted Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen to the new general altar.

Master Zang Jianwen is the first true biography under Qi Daoming. After the retreat of Panshi Bridge, he was sent to the imperial city to be responsible for the development of the new general altar. Every mountain, stone, plant and tree in the new general altar was arranged by him. The leader of all Zhenwen sect disciples.

According to seniority, Master Lianzhen is the cousin of Qi Changzhen. Long before the war with the Gouye people, she was ordered to be stationed in Lishan. When Fang Dushu came to participate in the Lishan Fa Conference, he had contact with Master Lianzhen .

It can also be said that Zang Jian Wenshi is in charge of the internal affairs of the Zhenwen School, and Lianzhen Wenshi is in charge of all foreign affairs.

Master Lianzhen is well aware of the relationship between the various factions in the imperial city and the situation of the Dapan court.

A group of people entered the city from the west gate, and on the way to the new main altar by boat, Lianzhen Wenshi introduced the layout of the imperial city to Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen.

The entire imperial city was built with the Lishui River as the central axis. Originally, the average width of the river was only a few kilometers. Since the main altars of all factions are all concentrated on both sides of the river, there are a large number of monks, and large magic boats and magic weapons pass through the river densely. The river was congested, and the river was widened at the beginning of the city's construction.

Fang Dushu and the others were traveling in the city by boat, where there were huge peaks on both sides of the river, without any interruption, the undulating shadows of the mountains covered the sky and the sun.

When Fang Dushu came back from Huoshaohai, he once looked at the shadows of the mountains in the imperial city. At that time, he just felt that there were many mountains in the city. Now that he was on the scene, he felt the majesty and shock.

"The river in the imperial city winds for hundreds of miles. The original Hexi Three Kingdoms General Altar, except for the sects that have already been destroyed, all the rest have been relocated to the city, and the new general altars have been opened on both sides of the river." Master Lianzhen pointed to the giant peaks on the bank, one by one make an introduction.

"Are these new general altars still established in the form of sects?" Fang Dushu asked curiously.

"It's not the sect, it's named after the palace!" Lianzhen Wenshi replied: "The main altar of our Zhenwen School is now called Zhenwenfu!"

"Xiaoyuan Temple is a monastic monk. They did not follow the court rules, but still opened up the new main altar as a temple. The court gave them special treatment." Master Zang Jianwen added: "In the current imperial city, the highest standard is [-] The main altar of the palace and the small wishing Buddhist temple!"

There is a Yuanying Patriarch sitting in every palace.

"Where is that place?" Qi Changzhen suddenly looked at a strange giant peak on the north bank. The lower half of this peak was tightly locked up, and the upper half was submerged in the clouds. .

"Dapan Imperial Palace! In order to show the status of the royal family, the Fu family has been raising the height of the palace's Lingfeng. It stopped a few months ago, but the palace has not yet been opened!" Master Lianzhen and Master Zangjian answered in unison.

The two pointed to the south bank opposite the palace, where there also stood a mountain that was as high as the Lingfeng of the palace, soaring into the sky, but there was no prohibition on the mountain, and the environment on the mountain could be seen clearly.

The two introduced to Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen: "There is the Lishan Taoist Temple, the main buildings are the Conference Hall and the Dapan Taoist Temple. There is an alarm bell hanging on the top of the mountain. Once it rings, the elders of all the prefectures will gather in the Taoist Temple."

Although the Dapan court is nominally based on the Fu family as the royal family, but the Yuanying monks of the Fu family are too rare, and they have no strength to issue orders to the factions, so Lishan Taoist Temple opened a special meeting hall, and each palace has a seat , All important decisions about the imperial court were made by the Yuanying Patriarchs of the various prefectures through joint discussions in the meeting hall.

As for Dapan Daochang, it is mainly used for preaching in various prefectures.

After passing through the imperial palace and Lishan Taoist temple, we traveled another [-] to [-] miles on the river, and the river boat stopped on the bank. This is where the Zhenwen Mansion is located. Hundreds of Zhenwen sect disciples gathered on the bank, all waiting Welcome Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen.

Yitian Peak's fellow sects were almost all present, so senior senior brother Qi Jianting stepped forward and explained to Fang Dushu: "The fourth mana power has reached the completion of the foundation building period, and he is entering the life-and-death test, so there is no way to meet you."

The fourth child is Gu Zun Chan, whose cultivation level is second only to Fang Dushu. He has been in seclusion for several months. He didn't know Fang Dushu came back, and his fellow disciples didn't bother him.

The fifth child, Xie Zhenshan, and the sixth child, Yuan Difan, followed Qi Jianting and greeted Fang Dushu respectfully. The two of them had little contact with Fang Dushu, and they seemed a little reserved.

In fact, ever since Fang Dushu became alchemy, even if Qi Jianting came into contact with Fang Dushu, he couldn't let go of his hands and feet. Ordinarily, as a brother of the same school, Qi Jianting should go to the teleportation formation to meet Fang Dushu, but Master Zang Jianwen thought he was in the way and didn't let him go. He accompanied him, and he didn't argue with reason.

After Fang Dushu had greeted his fellow disciples, the elders of Fang's family stationed in the imperial city stepped forward to talk to Fang Dushu.

Due to the noise on the shore, Fang Dushu didn't chat much.

It wasn't until he came to his own scribe's cave, and scribe Zang Jian and scribe Lianzhen left one after another, that he had time to catch up with Fang's parents.

His cave is located on a spiritual peak behind the main altar. Standing on the top of the mountain, he can overlook the main altar building. He couldn't help sighing: "The territory here is much smaller than that of Luoyan Gorge."

Fang Xianfu answered with a smile: "More than a dozen sects are all gathered in the imperial city. It's normal to be crowded, but safety is guaranteed."

Fang Xianfu has lived in the imperial city for several years, every day is calm and peaceful, and he can practice martial arts to his heart's content. He and the Fang family members all feel that the environment of the imperial city is much better than that of Luoyan Gorge.

Fang Dushu didn't argue about anything. In times of war, low-level monks only wanted to be safe, which is understandable.

He confessed to Fang Xianfu: "I will bring a group of Fu family members to the imperial city. The third brother will arrange them well. If they want to meet with the Fu family, you can send them there yourself. If they want to stay here, arrange a cave for them." .”

Fang Xianfu said: "I'll do it now!"

He noticed the group of Fu family's children on the shore, and when he was about to leave, he thought of another thing: "In the past few days, Fengming sent seniors Song and Tie to find out when you will come to the imperial city. Shall I send them a message?"

Senior Song must be Song Tongli.

As for Senior Tie, Fang Dushu subconsciously thought of Master Tie Shuangfeng.

However, not long ago Fang Dushu ran into Song Tongli in Huoshaohai. He had heard Song Tongli mention Tie Ming, and he had already advanced to the Jindan stage.

So the iron senior that Fang Xianfu was talking about might be who.

He asked casually: "Is Senior Tie Master Tie Shuangfeng or Tie Ming?"

Fang Xianfu was about to reply, when he suddenly heard a howling sound of swords coming from outside the mountain, he immediately pointed his finger over: "Senior Tie is here."

Fang Dushu looked from a distance and saw that it was Tie Ming and Song Mozhu who came to visit together. They should have rushed over immediately after receiving the news that Fang Dushu had entered the city.

He turned his head and glanced at Qi Changzhen who was beside him: "You and Brother Tie are also acquaintances, so we happened to get together together."

Qi Changzhen had experienced the sword demon, and she didn't want to have too much contact with the expatriate monks, but Tie Ming and Song Mozhu had already reached the top of the mountain, and she couldn't avoid seeing them. She nodded immediately and accompanied Fang Dushu to meet the couple.

Tie Ming and Song Mozhu have been married for many years, and now Tie Ming is successful in forming alchemy, Song Mozhu's cultivation base is still hovering in the foundation building period, but he is not so famous in terms of title.

"A few days ago, I paid a visit to Master Zang Jianwen with Master. I heard from him that my good brother has already set a date for marriage with Junior Sister Qi. When will the wedding stickers be sent to Brother Wei?"

After the meeting, Tie Ming first mentioned this happy event.

Song Mozhu also laughed and said, "We are eager to drink wedding wine!"

The couple both knew that Qi Changzhen used to be a sword demon in the world of cultivating immortals in Hexi. When they were in Xueqi City, they also experienced Song Tongli being refined into a demon corpse.

But Fang Dushu was already engaged to Qi Changzhen, and seeing Qi Changzhen at this moment, he was no different from ordinary people, the two of them completely forgot about the sword demon, and did not show the slightest rejection of Qi Changzhen's words or deeds.

This made Qi Changzhen quite relieved.

But Qi Chang really understood that apart from a few old friends who had made friends with Fang Dushu, the other monks of the Hexi sects would definitely not easily walk out of the shadow of the Sword Demon.

Therefore, Qi Changzhen was not willing to invite too many guests at the wedding ceremony, and she had discussed this matter with Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu respected her idea, and the number of guests invited to the wedding post could be reduced if possible.

In fact, Fang Dushu would not have held the wedding ceremony in the imperial city if he had other options, but considering the threat from the Gouye people, he could only do so.

As for the murders committed by the "Sword Demon" in the past, there are only two cases. One is the cleansing of Long Xiangfeng's lineage. The disciples of this lineage later proved to be related to the rebellion of Master Hu Xiaowen, and the other is the Jingfeng Sect. After the destruction, all the disciples of this sect moved to Shenshuimen.

After the fall of Panshi Bridge, Shenshuimen was captured, and the surviving descendants of Jingfengmen basically died in the flames of war.

In the entire Great Pan Imperial City, no one would retaliate against Qi Changzhen. After the monks in the imperial city learned of Qi Changzhen's identity, the only reaction was vigilance and fear.

After the wedding ceremony is over, as long as Qi Changzhen retreats for a few years and no longer has contact with the monks sent abroad, the matter of the sword demon will be gradually forgotten over time.

Even if some monks still remember it, it doesn't matter. No matter what Fang Dushu explains, there will always be righteous defenders who accuse Qi Changzhen of killing innocent people indiscriminately. People, they will never believe objective facts, only self-righteous bashing.

And it was Qi Changzhen who they attacked, who beheaded hundreds of Gouye enemy troops at Panshi Bridge, and is still the monk who has made the most contributions in the entire Hexi cultivating world.

Having said that, when the Panshi Bridge was breached, the monks of all factions regretted the most for losing Qi Changzhen and not allowing Qi Changzhen to guard the bridge all the time.

As long as the Gouye people don't quit the Hexi Immortal Cultivation World for a day, the monks of all factions will welcome Qi Changzhen to settle in the imperial city. No matter how wary they are of Qi Changzhen's sword demon, they still hope that Qi Changzhen can fight against the Gouye people.

(End of this chapter)

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