Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 369 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 369 Unexpected visitor
When Fang Dushu was staring at the Great Sage Chaoyue, the animal shadow in the middle of the moon, which had been motionless, suddenly trembled.

This tremor was relatively slight, but Fang Dushu was keenly aware of it. He couldn't understand the reason, so he asked He Tieshang and the other three: "The beast in the moon is beating on its own, will this affect your Majesty's breakthrough?" ?”

The three of He Tieshang's attention was on Fu Yuan, and when they heard Fang Dushu's question, they all turned their gazes to the high-altitude blood moon.

They really have a lot of experience, and they can understand the cause of the mid-month mishap with just a glance: "There must be monks fighting magic, and the fluctuation of mana was sensed by the moon beast, so the fluctuation occurred."

Fang Dushu listened with a half-knowledge, within the range of his spiritual consciousness, the monks in the city were all watching Fu Yuan Chongguan, everything was calm, he couldn't find where the fight started.

Then he asked again: "The entire imperial city is on full alert, where did the fighting skills appear?"

Qiao Baimei pointed in the direction of the west city gate: "It should be outside the city gate. The distance is still far away. The moon beast's reaction is not violent. If the fighting happens nearby, the moon beast will drag the moon and fly around to defend the master."

Seeing that Fang Dushu was still confused, he must have been ignorant of the Great Sage Chaoyue, so he preached some common sense: "Every round of the Great Sage Chaoyue has the power of early warning, and the range of early warning is determined by the cultivation base of the enlightened person." , Master is enlightened by Daolian, the great sage can radiate hundreds of miles around the moon, as long as there are monks fighting in the territory, they will be sensed and locked by the moon beast!"

In fact, the real magic eye also has warning powers.

The difference is that once the real magic eye is hung high, it does not distinguish between enemy and friend. As long as it locks on the nearby creatures and searches for them all, all creatures will be unable to escape demonization.

The Great Sage Chaoyue has the ability to identify friend and foe. After the blood moon is high, as long as the nearby creatures do not cast spells and stay quietly, the blood moon will not take the initiative to attack anyone.

If the nearby creatures use force, even if they show the slightest aggressiveness, they will be locked by Xueyue, and the news will be sent to the enlightened person. When the enlightened person gives an order, Bloodyue will immediately launch an offensive.

During this period, the farther the fighter is from the blood moon, the weaker the reaction of the beast shadow in the moon, and the more intense the reaction of the beast shadow in the moon is the closer to the blood moon.

Judging from the Moon Beast's current reaction, the fighters should be separated by hundreds of miles and not in the imperial city. That's why Qiao Baimei said that the fighters took place outside the city gate.

After listening to Qiao Baimei's account of the situation, Fang Dushu hurriedly said, "Fighting outside the city? Did the deer butcher and Gouye come to make trouble?"

Before he could wait for a reply, a sound transmission talisman suddenly flew from outside the palace and landed in He Tie's palm.

He Tiezhang Qifu looked at it, and said: "The deer butcher was dragged on the snowy field by master Chu and senior brother, and had no chance to go south, but a group of Gouye people passed through the two boundary mountain defense lines. Senior brother intercepted it."

The Senior Brother Fu he was talking about was Patriarch Fu Lu. Originally, Patriarch Fu Lu was guarding Laoquanguan, but he was transferred back recently to be responsible for the security of the imperial city.

The ancient monk Wanglei of Xiaoyuan Temple followed Master Chu to fight in the snowy field, and Grandma Sunflower of the Sanhua School was ordered to go to the defense line of Liangjie Mountain to lead a partial army to intercept the Gouye people.

Of the three patriarchs in the mid-Yuanying period in Hexi, only Patriarch Fu Lu sits in the imperial city, and all the monks in the city obey his orders.

He not only sent a sound transmission talisman to He Tieshang, but also the ancestors of various schools received the news.

After a while, several Nascent Soul Patriarchs flew out from the Lingfeng near the imperial palace, not only went to the west city gate for support, but also strengthened the defense of the other three gates.

As long as the master of the deer butcher doesn't come, Fang Dushu feels that there will be no danger: "If only the Gouye people come to make trouble, then they will hit the stone with an egg! All the Gouye coalition forces have moved here, and they will never even think about attacking His Majesty's breakthrough place."

Fang Dushu didn't understand. These Gouye people came to attack the imperial city, and the risk of death was very high. Why did they prefer to go to the mountain when they knew that there were tigers?
He Tieshang explained the reason in one sentence: "Their trip is not to interfere with the master's breakthrough, but to confirm whether the master's advanced transformation is successful! This is very important to them. In order to confirm the news, even if they make Some casualties, they will also feel very necessary!"

What he said made sense.

The deer butchers have a guru, but the Gouye people don't. If Fu Yuan is crowned as the master of Huashen, he will definitely use the Gouye people to fight for power.

At that time, the elite of the six kingdoms of the Gouye people will be wiped out by Fu Yuan's blood, and the whole family may be wiped out.

Fang Dushu thought about it for a second, and immediately asked: "Did the Gouye coalition army withdraw from Liangguo a long time ago, and all fled back to Tianjuemo, leaving only a group of spies to inquire about the news?"

This speculation made He Tieshang, Qiao Baimei and Su Batgirl all smile and nodded their heads.

Qiao Baimei said to him: "Brother, you have been retreating in the palace for the past few months, and the Gouye people have been broken into pieces. They left Liangguo in batches and hid in Tianjuemo! If Master succeeds in advancing, they will collectively Go back to your hometown and don't set foot in Hexi again, if the master fails to advance, they will come back again!"

"These old loaches!" Fang Dushu nuzzled: "If you want to go, you can go, if you want to stay, you can stay. They are like this, and when the time comes to chase them into the desert, they must be wiped out!"

He Tieshang, Qiao Baimei, and Su Batgirl are not Hexi monks. They have no deep-rooted hatred for the Gouye people, but they also echoed Fang Dushu's sentence: "If the master really advances, it is out of the protection of the Dapan court. peace, and will not let them go!"

The few people chatted here, and suddenly saw a figure gliding across the night sky. He rushed into the imperial city from the burning sea in the east, with a pair of thunder wings on his back, and fled for dozens of miles. come.

He Tieshang stood up suddenly, staring at the figure coldly: "There are really people who are not afraid of death, and their methods are also powerful, and they can kill through the defense line of the city gate alone..."

He hesitated suddenly, and narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Huh? No, you are not from Gouye! Your Excellency is Wu Deleixiu from Nanshan!"

That Lei Xiu was blocked in the sky above the barren hills tens of miles away from the imperial palace. At this time, the Lingfeng where the imperial palace was located had already raised a large formation of iron barrels, and his Thunder Escape Technique could not pass through.

At this moment, if he wanted to get close to Fu Yuan, he had to go high in the sky, but the sky was full of catastrophes, and he would die if he went up.

He looked around in the air for a while, as if he felt that there was no chance to use his mobile phone, he turned his hand and squeezed out a thunder bead, ready to use a big move and run away.

It doesn't matter if you can interfere with the talisman or not, just make a vote anyway, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of time?
It's just that he was too arrogant, relying on supernatural powers to rush into the city, not paying attention to the Hexi monks at all.

Although none of the Hexi monks present was stronger than him, all the spiritual peaks on both sides of the strait had magic formations, and the disciples of various sects had prepared for a long time.

He only stayed in the air for the blink of an eye, and then he was trapped, with layers of restrictions covering him, and the thunder beads could not be released at all.

He flipped his hands back the Leizhu, and shouted with a smile: "Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! I just lost my way, there is no other meaning, fellow Taoists, my lord has a lot, please forgive me for once!"

Fang Dushu listened to this person's voice transmission from afar, thinking that this person's thick skin is unmatched, the Three Mountains Sages claim to be famous and decent, are they all such brazen people?

While Lei Xiu was speaking, the thunder wings were about to teleport, at this time the celestial phenomenon of the great sage facing the moon suddenly shifted and hung high above his head, and the shadow of the beast in the middle of the moon came out immediately.

Fang Dushu saw very clearly that the beast shadow split into four after it emerged from the moon, evolving into a blue bat, a golden bear, a silver turtle and a blood dragon, encircling the man from all directions, the beast shadow collided with the thunder light, and instantly The force of movement is broken up.

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Lei Xiu had no fear on his face: "You haven't advanced to become a god yet, and the moon beast can't use the power of transforming a god at all. If you want to keep me, hey, it can't be done!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped on a foot, and a lotus platform with green water condensed appeared on the bottom of his feet, which suddenly changed and evolved into a water gate.

Inside the door, a figure of a female cultivator appeared. Seeing the formation of the water door, she slammed forward and grabbed it. The water door immediately slid and enveloped Lei Xiu in the door.

As soon as Lei Xiu entered the gate, his body was submerged by the green water without a trace, leaving only the female cultivator's scolding voice echoing around: "I told you not to let you enter the city, but you didn't listen. We came to Hexi to find someone. It’s not for enmity! You have nothing to do to make trouble, and when someone succeeds in transforming into a god, who knows how to take revenge on you!”

"The Five Sacred Mountains Demon Palace has taken revenge on us for nearly ten thousand years, so we don't have to worry about debts..."

As the water gate disappeared, Lei Xiu's calm voice also stopped abruptly.

When everything returns to calm, the catastrophe will just end.

All the monks in the city turned their eyes to the lord Fu Yuan, feeling quite regretful in their hearts, the end of the catastrophe was a bit late, if it ended earlier, then Lei Xiu would definitely not be able to escape!
(End of this chapter)

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