Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 428

Chapter 428
Fang Dushu listened to the request of Demon Master Huli, and agreed to help.

Two days later, Fang Dushu, accompanied by the fox demon master, saw the fox girl Thirteen Niang, she was a shy nun, with a timid appearance, and a relatively negative attitude. Concerned about gains and losses, he asked Fang Dushu privately several times, what should he do if he fails to advance.

Fang Dushu tried his best to give comfort, but he was not very optimistic about Shi Sanniang's breakthrough.

The result was just as Fang Dushu expected, even with the power of enlightenment, Thirteen Niangs failed to form a golden elixir.

However, the Enlightenment Vessel provided by Demon Master Huli is a relic of the ancestors of the Black Fox Cave, and it contains magical powers to protect the younger generations. This is a surprise to Demon Master Huli and Thirteen Niangs.

"Unexpectedly, this piece of 'Hundred Beauty Armor' has the magical effect of warming and nourishing the magic body, which is comparable to the talent of Jasper Fox!"

Earlier, Fang Dushu helped to incubate the Enlightenment Vessel and finally condensed it into a piece of "Bai Mei Jia". Originally, Thirteen Niangs failed to form a pill, Huli Demon Master was very disappointed, but after learning about the power of Bai Mei Jia, he felt very sad. The rain will soon be over.

Excited, he repeatedly bowed to Fang Dushu to thank him.

Fang Dushu hurriedly supported him, and said: "I was hired by Cave Master Hu, and I got a generous reward, and a little help is my duty, Cave Master Hu, you don't need to be polite."

Huli demon master insisted on saluting, and solemnly said: "This is definitely not a small favor! Master Hua, you are very kind to my fox clan!"

He told the elders of the Black Fox Cave around him to go to the treasury to receive the gift, and then he said to Fang Dushu: "With this piece of 'Hundred Beauty Armor', all the fox girls who enter the palace can practice, and they will be able to practice again." There is no need to worry about being picked up by King Haha, which will cause the demon body to fail, and from now on, our fox tribes will no longer have to send fox girls into the palace."

Bai Meijia's ability to help all the fox girls entering the palace is definitely more worthy of celebration than the birth of a golden core stage monk in the Black Fox Cave.

Thirteen Niang heard the words of Demon Master Huli, and asked cautiously: "Patriarch, do I not need to go to Fuyao King City anymore?"

"You still have to go!" Demon Master Huli said: "You realized the oracle bones of Baimei. You are going to the palace to teach the Dharma. Not only the princess will reward us, but other fox clans will also be grateful to us!"

This kind of gratitude is not just a word of mouth. At that time, treasures will be given to the Black Fox Cave regularly, which will be of great benefit to the entire Black Fox Clan.

"Then I will take orders." Thirteen Niang was not happy, but she did not dare to offend the majesty of the patriarch, even if she sacrificed herself to complete the Black Fox Clan.

At this time, the elders had already brought a thank-you gift. Originally, Demon Master Huli promised to pay Fang Dushu in advance the remuneration for this year and next.

Because Fang Dushu helped understand the "Bai Mei Fa" and made great contributions to the Black Fox Cave, the Huli Demon Master directly doubled the remuneration and told Fang Dushu that the remuneration will be this standard every year in the future.

Fang Dushu accepted the thank you gift with a smile, and said casually: "The reward is a bit heavy."

"It's not heavy." Demon Master Huli still thinks it's light: "If you don't have to go to the king's city to hand over the tribute, the treasures in the treasury have been exhausted, and I am willing to give more gifts to the flower master!"

Regardless of whether this statement is true or not, at least it sounds more pleasing to the ear, and the Huli demon master said: "When we arrive in the imperial city, after the princess sees Bai Meijia, I should summon you, flower master, and there will definitely be a big reward at that time! "

Fang Dushu took the opportunity to ask: "Then when shall we set off for Wangcheng?"

Demon Master Huli said: "I made an appointment with the master of the Big Head Cave in three days' time, and then we will go on our way together."

After Fang Dushu heard this, he bid farewell to Demon Master Huli, saying that he was going back to make preparations.

Demon Master Huli didn't stop him, but only mentioned that the "Bai Mei Fa" celebration banquet will be held in the evening, and he will send an invitation card to him so that he must not be absent.

He readily agreed.

When he returned to his residence, he began to re-sacrifice the hat of the priest of the river.

In order to thank him, Demon Master Huli presented twelve drops of Penglei in one breath.

If all these Penglei were refined into the official hat, it would be able to support Fang Dushu's disguise for a whole year.

If he hangs around in Wangcheng casually, there shouldn't be any problems.

Three days passed in a flash, and the departure date arrived.

Demon Master Huli drove a speeding car and came to the residence to pick up Shang Dushu and Immortal Tieguai in person, and they left the Black Fox Cave together.

In addition to Thirteen Niangs, there were also several foundation-building stage fox cultivators and a few minions in the speeding car. There were only a dozen or so in total.

When passing through Yanquan Cave, Speeding Car and Datou Guishi's team converged.

The big-headed ghost master drove a cloud of fire to drive on the road, and there were fewer meditators riding on the cloud, even less than ten.

They were far away from the king's city, and they were worried that the demon cave would be attacked, so they didn't dare to take too many subordinates on a long journey.

Those monster caves located near the royal city are more convenient for sending news. Even if something happens to the monster cave, they can return to support them. They don't have such scruples, and there are often dozens or even hundreds of people participating in the tribute.

On the whole, there will be at least a thousand demon cultivators flooding into the royal city this time.

Since both Yanquan Cave and Heihu Cave are located on the edge of the East Wing Continent, thousands of miles away from the Wangcheng, by the time they arrived, there were already crowds of monsters gathered in the Wangcheng, decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the sound of gongs and drums.

However, Fuyao King City is not built on a plain like a mortal city. The whole city is completely built on a high cliff of a spiritual peak.

Because of the ban on flying in the urban area, the Huli demon master and the big head ghost master all stopped at the city gate at the foot of the mountain and chose to hike up the mountain.

The stone roads in the mountains are crisscrossed, the houses are dense, and there are many exquisite pavilions dotted in the mountains and forests, which already have the luxurious scale of a mortal mountain city.

The palace on the top of the mountain is full of palaces, magnificent and majestic, and its overall style is already comparable to the Zongmen General Altar in the world of human cultivation and land.

"You can't trespass in the royal palace. You must be summoned by King Haha and the princess before you can climb to the top of the mountain. If you rush in rashly, you will be killed! The same is true for other mansions in the city. Many of them are the private caves of the king's nobles. You can't even step into the tight barrier!"

While climbing the mountain, Demon Master Huli has been introducing the situation of Wangcheng to Fang Dushu.

At this moment, Fang Dushu was climbing up the stone steps. Due to the huge mountain, there were towering old trees on both sides of the steps, which blocked his sight. He cannot penetrate.

He was puzzled and asked, "You can't walk around in such a big mountain city, where should we live? Where is the place to communicate with fellow demon caves?"

Demon Master Huli pointed forward and said with a smile: "Flower Master, please look, there is a market on the mountainside, several miles in length and width, and there are many inns in it, where you can rest and stay temporarily. The tribute ceremony lasts for a month. Stay in an inn!"

Fang Dushu looked up, but the market was still invisible to the naked eye. He climbed for another incense stick, and finally saw the real face of the market.

This is actually a large square carved out of a mountain, and its daily function is a school ground, which is specially used for the training of the demon soldiers defending the city.

There is no enchantment in the forest below the square, and the houses and caves are relatively rough. These are the inspection territories of the little monsters.

Going up the square, you can see enchantment restrictions everywhere, even the climbing stone steps are covered by colorful magic circles, and the caves in the mountains and forests are relatively luxurious, and it looks like it belongs to the royal city.

It can also be said that the square on the mountainside divides the entire royal city into two, and also clearly marks the royal city's class.

In daily life, the mountainside square is empty and is only used for training soldiers and horses.

Unless it is a key festival, such as King Haha's birthday, King Haha's concubine day, King Haha's Enlightenment Day, or the tribute ceremony once every ten years, the mountainside square will be temporarily adjusted into a market.

The minions of Wangcheng will also build temporary buildings such as Square Street, Inns, Treasure Buildings, and Trading Pavilions in the market in advance.

The demon cave monks who came from all over the world will all settle in the market, and after participating in the festival, the market will be demolished after they leave.

When Fang Dushu and his group of monks arrived at the market, it was already full of monsters.

Thousands of demon cultivators walked side by side in the streets of the bazaar, chatting acquaintancely, and exchanging goods lively. Fang Dushu glanced at them, and subconsciously had the illusion of entering the human world.

But when he took a closer look, most of the monster cultivators were semi-transformed, basically retaining certain characteristics of the monster race, and there were also many guys without transformation, dragging their hideous monster bodies back and forth, and the monster aura they emitted gathered together. In one place, when he hit Fang Dushu in front of him, he woke up immediately.

This is not a human world, but a demon land.

(End of this chapter)

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