Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 446 Floating Nest and 5 Bird Holes

Chapter 446 The Floating Nest and the Five Bird Caves

"The lost artifact?" Fang Dushu continued to inquire, "Do you know exactly what the artifact is?"

"The little one doesn't know." The blood slave shook the goose's head: "The Red Lotus King only revealed to the little one that this artifact was lost in a secret world called Fuyao Cave, and the secret world was sealed in the Qinghe River. They will be dispatched by the court to guard the river."

After hearing what he said, Fang Dushu and Qingqing Xiaopeng looked at each other, and all doubts in their hearts were resolved.

Earlier, Xiaopeng girl went out to explore the road and found that Qinghe was blocked and monitored. Qingqing guessed that it was related to Changqinglian, which seemed to be true.

It is undoubtedly Chang Qinglian who lost the artifact.

Qingqing asked the blood slave: "Apart from the river, has the entrance to Qinghe Shenzhou been blocked by the court?"

The blood slave said: "But all the boundaries located in the territory of Shangting are guarded by heavy soldiers! About 80 years ago, a princess of Shangting sneaked into Fuyao Cave and was ordered to find artifacts. It is said that her highness was originally a monk from Shenzhou , the court was worried that she would bring the artifact to Shenzhou, so the boundary was also blocked!"

At this moment, the blood slave already had a premonition that Fang Dushu's three masters probably came from Fuyao Cave, and Fang Dushu was a male cultivator, Xiaopeng girl was a girl, and Qingqing was the most suitable for the identity of Her Royal Highness.

However, the blood slave has already been sealed with a curse, and he will no longer be loyal to the court, so he began to make suggestions: "King Honglian was killed suddenly. After receiving the news, the court will definitely investigate the reason. Once the emperors suspect that it is related to the artifact, A net will be laid across the court! Three masters, you can no longer stay in the territory of the court, so small suggestions stay away immediately!"

Fang Dushu heard that he was well-organized, and his words and deeds were all balanced, so he asked casually, "Where do you think is the safest place to stay away from?"

The blood slave replied: "The core territory of Daming Shangting basically corresponds to Qinghe Shenzhou. The place we are currently passing is adjacent to the lower boundary of Yuelong Realm in the extreme west of Shenzhou. As long as we fly over Yuelong Realm and go west, we will be able to Being able to break away from the sphere of influence of Daming Shangting, the west is full of wild lands, where all life is extinct, it is a good place to hide!"

His suggestion happened to point to Fang Dushu's destination.

When Fuyao Pagoda and Fu Yuqing parted, Fu Yuqing once told Fang Dushu that she was going to Ghost Mist to build a nest, and that Ghost Mist area was located in the lower realm of Huoshaohai.

And Huoshaohai is the Yuelong Realm of the past.

Qingqing didn't want Fang Dushu to be trapped in the Evergreen Realm for a long time, and she wholeheartedly wanted to find the boundary entrance: "In the western border of Daming Shangting, there are three boundary entrances, one leading to Jiuquan Snowfield, one leading to Yuelong Realm, There is another one leading to the Shituo Gorge, these borders are far away from the territory of the court, are they also blocked?"

The boundary entrance of Jiuquan Xueyuan is the Xingyao Palace, and Qingqing escaped into the Evergreen Realm through this boundary entrance.

The entrance of the Yuelong boundary has been in a state of dust, and it was discovered by Fang Dushu and Fu Yuqing in the past. Now that 50 years have passed, it is temporarily unknown whether the entrance of this boundary has been exposed to the world.

As for the boundary of Shituo Gorge, this is the place where Qingqing was born. When Qingqing asked to go to court to pardon the shepherd girl and send the shepherd girl back to Hexi safely, it was this boundary route that Qingqing took.

Hearing Qingqing's question, the blood slave felt ashamed for a while.

He said with embarrassment: "I am ignorant and ignorant. I have only heard of the boundary of Jiuquan Xueyuan. King Honglian said it!"

Fang Dushu did not question the blood slave, he said to Qingqing: "The Red Lotus Corpse King entered the Daming court at the same time as you, and it has only been more than [-] years so far. He doesn't know much about the court, and you don't have to Worried about the boundary problem, Yuqing should be living in seclusion below the boundary of Yuelong Realm. As long as you find Yuqing, you can borrow Wuyun Armor to leave Evergreen Realm. Even if Da Ming goes to court to block all the boundary entrances, it doesn't matter .”

Back then, Fu Yuqing went to the Shangzong to practice early, and she didn't have a long relationship with Fang Dushu, and Qingqing had no contact with her.

But Qingqing once heard Fang Dushu mention Fu Yuqing, and knew that Fu Yuqing was Fu Shiqing's cousin, she said happily: "Wu Yunjia is actually hidden near the Yuelong Realm, that son's thunderbolt sword body will be perfect!"

Not only is the thunderbolt sword body perfect, but when the time comes to use the Wuyun Armor to cast the Hongqiao spell, it will be easy to travel through the Evergreen Realm.

As long as Fang Dushu asks Fu Yuqing for that piece of sparrow armor, Fu Yuqing will definitely bear the pain to part with it. Of course Fang Dushu will not ask for treasure in vain, he will give Fu Yuqing an equivalent treasure.

Hearing that Fang Dushu was protecting him, the blood slave hurriedly explained his life experience: "So that the three masters know that the younger one followed a Renxiu at first, and wandered to the Evergreen Realm by accident, and later met Honglian Great King, he killed Renxiu, took the little one by his side, counted the time, the little one followed King Honglian for less than a year, and King Honglian didn't know the details of going to court, and the little one knew even less! "

Xiaopeng girl despised the blood slave's surrender style, and taunted her: "Your blood of the monster race is said to be unique, your talent is much stronger than that of the red lotus demon king, and your cultivation is no worse than him. If you really want to fight to the death, two of them Together, we can't beat you, right?"

After talking for so long, the blood slave already had a preliminary impression of the three masters.

The male master Fang Dushu is unpredictable, possesses the powerful supernatural ability to control the mid-stage Nascent Soul clone, and is also the leader of the three masters. However, the male master is outstanding and does not treat the slaves harshly. On the contrary, if the slaves are talented, the male master will show his appreciation I mean, following such a hero, there must be a bright future in the future.

The hostess Qingqing is gentle and submissive, and everything follows the lead of the hostess. As long as you show respect to the hostess, you can win the favor of the hostess.

Only the little master has a hot temper and is stubborn, demanding that all the monsters in the world be tough, but how is this possible?

The blood slave sighed bitterly: "When I was suppressed by the Red Lotus King, the young one was only a demon cultivator at the Golden Core stage, and had no power to resist at all. After following the Red Lotus King, the young one was lucky enough to advance to the Nascent Soul. The little one searches for advanced medicine, and protects the little one for the little one. He is kind to the little one, and the little one should serve the left and right! Half a year later, the little one has served you wholeheartedly. You have already repaid the kindness of King Honglian. From now on, you will follow the three with all your heart. There will never be a rebellious heart by Master's side, this heart can be learned from time to time!"

Xiaopeng Nu snorted: "You are eloquent! But even if you talk about breaking the sky, don't let this princess look up to you!"

The blood slave heard that Xiaopeng girl called herself 'the princess' and called Fang Dushu 'father'. He immediately changed the address: "Your highness is noble, and the young one is a servant. Just be loyal to your highness and let your highness drive you. Even death without regrets!"

Xiao Pengnv pursed her lips: "Just you? Will you die too? It's not bad for you to escape!"

The blood slave choked immediately, not daring to speak again.

Fang Dushu saw that Xiaopengnv had been running for blood slaves, and thought that if Xiaopengnv's Buddhist seal had not been lifted and she was forced to fly to the Southern Heaven Buddhist Kingdom and be restrained by Buddhist cultivators, would Xiaopengnv be honest at that time? Are you really loyal to Buddhism?

Fang Dushu didn't underestimate the blood slave, he stopped Xiao Pengnv from continuing to talk with the blood slave, and ordered: "Blood slave, you immediately go to the Yuelong realm, let's take refuge there!"

The blood slave immediately turned its wings and flew towards the Yuelong Realm.

A few days later, they arrived at a wasteland.

Looking around, there is endless scorched earth between the sky and the earth, and dense clouds of fire are suspended above the scorched earth.

Fang Dushu thought that this kind of cloud cover was just an occasional natural climate, but he didn't know it was not the case.

I just listened to the blood slave's introduction: "This wasteland was filled with turbid fire mist in the past, and the mist went straight to the sky, covering the entire environment of the world. The monks and the monster race could not survive, and it became a barren and extinct area. It is outside the territory of Daming Shangting."

Fang Dushu guessed that this wasteland was the former ghost fog area: "Since the fire fog can cover the sky and the sun, why did it suddenly disappear?"

"My lord, the fire mist didn't disappear suddenly, but in the last six days, the mist gradually thinned until it completely collapsed and disappeared!"

"What is the reason for the thinness to disappear?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, when you escape from the sky above the wasteland, it is the Yuelong Realm of Qinghe Shenzhou. It was originally an absolute land, and the ground was burning with fire all the year round. The local people called it 'Fire Burning Sea'. I don’t know what happened, it was completely extinguished, the vegetation in the Moon Dragon Realm returned to spring, and the original landform was restored, causing the fire and fog in the lower realm to disappear, leaving only a pile of burning clouds!”

"Oh? Don't those clouds form naturally?"

"Yes, they stay high in the sky all year round! Even if there is strong wind and rain, they cannot be blown away or beaten away!"

Hearing this, Fang Dushu has thoroughly confirmed that this piece of wilderness covered with burning clouds is exactly the place of ghost fog in the past.

Since the area filled with ghost mist is about the same size as Yuelong Realm, and its territory spans tens of thousands of miles, Fang Dushu doesn't know exactly where Fu Yuqing built his nest, so he has to search patiently.

At the beginning, he and Fu Yuqing were able to discover the Land of Ghost Mist by trekking from west to east, first entering the Kun Ruins in the west, then passing through the Remains of Yuelong in the middle, and finally entering the Land of Ghost Mist in the east.

Now Fang Dushu is traveling from east to west. If he wants to find Kunxu, he must cross the wasteland.

He guessed that Fu Yuqing would build the Nestle in the area close to the Yuelong ruins, because it was adjacent to the Kun Ruins. Once the traces were exposed or any dangerous changes occurred, Fu Yuqing could evacuate to the Kun Ruins in time.

He was about to give the order to the Blood Slave, and flew straight to the west, when he suddenly heard a crisp bird song coming from the burning clouds not far away.

He turned his head and found a scene that surprised him.

The burning cloud had an oval appearance and a diameter of about several feet. It looked ordinary from the outside, but when the sound of birds sounded, the cloud suddenly opened a hole, like a gate, and a group of wild geese flew out from the cloud.

There were only a few birds in the flock, and they rushed out in the blink of an eye, and the mouth of the cloud closed instantly, but Fang Dushu still got a glimpse of the true content of the cloud through the mouth of the cloud.

He wondered: "I just saw a bird's nest floating in the cloud. Are these wild geese making their homes in the cloud?"

The blood slave was not surprised: "My lord, the Huoshaoyun here is different from the other places. The clouds in other lands have almost no weight and are completely formed by mist. Let alone building a nest, even if a feather falls on the cloud, it will fall. The ground, but these fire clouds have absorbed the mana and restraints left in the previous fire mist, and there are almost hollow barriers inside, which can nest and settle down. Those large clouds can even hide mountains and lakes without falling! "

"real or fake?"

Fang Dushu, Qingqing, and Xiaopengnv spoke in unison, none of them could have imagined that the former Ghost Mist Land would transform into such a miraculous wonder of heaven and earth.

Seeing that the three masters were interested, the blood slave said with a smile: "There is a big cloud a few miles ahead, and its size can accommodate several trees of more than ten feet. If His Royal Highness wants to visit the floating nest in person, the small You can fly into the clouds!"

"Okay! You are entering the cloud now, we have to take a closer look!"

"Small obedience!"

The blood slave flapped his wings, darted back and forth, and plunged into the big cloud.

It feels like entering a huge cloud house made of mist, completely hollow inside.

Looking at the internal environment, there is a tree trunk floating horizontally, and a bird's nest is built on it. A group of young sparrows live in the nest. Seeing the huge body of the blood slave approaching, instead of being startled, they opened their beaks and chirped for food .

Xiao Pengnv has a natural affinity for birds, so she threw a bunch of spiritual grass to feed the young birds.

Due to the simplicity of the bird's nest, the Blood Slave didn't stay for a long time, it floated in the air for a while, and soon came out through the clouds.

Next, according to Fang Dushu's instructions, the blood slave began to shuttle through the burning clouds, and whenever he encountered a large or large cloud with a large area, he had to go in to find out.

After exploring dozens of floating cloud nests in this way, Fang Dushu, Qingqing and Xiaopengnv can be regarded as enjoying a magical scene.

There are traces of birds and birds in almost every Huoshaoyun, and there are also some demons among them. They use their demon power to move trees, stones, haystacks, or various remains from the ground, and pile them in the clouds to build simple nests, which are safe and comfortable. sturdy.

As they went deeper into the wilderness, they passed more and more fire clouds, and saw a variety of birds and birds. In addition, there were also a group of land animals who chose to make their homes in the clouds.

This aroused Fang Dushu's admiration: "Beasts are generally afraid of heights. They are not afraid of danger. They climbed to live on the clouds, which is hard for them."

The blood slave said: "Since the fire and mist dissipated, the wasteland has regained its vitality. Birds and beasts have been migrating every year, and little goblins have also flocked here. They feel that living in the cloud is safer. When moving into the cloud, by the way, take a The batch of beasts have also been sent up!"

Along the way, as long as there are large-scale clouds on the way, Fang Dushu will definitely ask to enter to investigate, and he doesn't feel tired at all.

The blood slave is good at observing words and expressions. When he heard the three masters chatting, they seemed to be looking for some companions here, so he said: "My lord, there are traces of life in this wasteland, but only for Jiazi time, and there is only one famous land boundary. It's called the Wuqinyun Cave, and there's a big monster with enlightened intelligence entrenched there, would you like to take a look, Your Majesty?"

"Big monster?" Fang Dushu asked, "How is your cultivation?"

"They're all Jindan stage demon masters, and there are no Nascent Soul-level strong demons." The blood slave broke through that boundary without any pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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