Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 460 The Retribution of Luck

Chapter 460 The Retribution of Luck
Fang Dushu didn't want to cause unnecessary problems.

On this day, he only stayed in Fengming Mansion for half a day. He only had a brief meeting with his close clan members and fellow disciples, and then rushed to the Baking Furnace Hall in a low-key manner.

The Lishui River flows through the city of King Dapan, and the Furnace Hall is also located on both sides of the river, adjacent to the royal palace.

When Fang Dushu entered the hall, He Tieshang was leading his disciples Ma Zhan and Tang Yan to discuss the matter of strengthening the defense of the river. I thought you would stay in Fengming Mansion for a few more days before coming to retreat."

Fang Dushu said: "A monk should focus on cultivation and avoid worldly matters if possible. Can I use the Nascent Soul Oven now?"

He Tiezhang said: "No problem, you can move in at any time. However, the fourth junior sister went to the territories of various mansions to collect tributes. She has just left the city not long ago and will not return to the city for at least a few days. Do you have any tributes on your body?"

Fang Dushu nodded: "Senior brother, have you forgotten? When I was in Xiankun Pond, I exchanged several thousand taels of silver with Senior Shi Geng from Qingshi Palace, which is enough for me for the time being."

When monks refine the dish of enlightenment, they do not need to go through the life and death test. Instead, they are strictly prohibited from completing it in one go, because the process of refining the dish is extremely energy-consuming. Every time they refine it for a period of time, they have to go out and rest.

Therefore, Fang Dushu could bring Wen Yin to the oven first, and wait for Su Bat Girl to collect the tributes from the various mansions, and then transfer them to him.

Hearing that he was eager to refine the dishes, He Tiezhang said: "Since you have Wen Yin to spare, I will accompany you into the river to get used to the oven environment first."

After saying that, he left the oven palace, dived to the bottom of the river, and led Fang Dushu into the Yuanying oven barrier that had been prepared.

This water-proof barrier is much larger and more luxurious than when Dushu was refining the Tai Chi vessel and the two vessels.

The entire barrier covers an area of ​​several miles. In addition to the sealed Nascent Soul-level oven, it is also equipped with spiritual peaks, green forests, and flower and grass pavilions. The surrounding areas of the barrier have been transformed by special spells and can rotate day and night, making it seem like a small world.

Fang Dushu was in such a simulated enchantment, so he didn't need to go out to rest at all. If he showed signs of mental instability during refining the Enlightenment Vessel, he could completely recuperate in the enchantment.

The scenery here is beautiful and everything is available.

After He Tiezhang led Fang Dushu in, he handed Fang Dushu the oven order that controlled the entrance to the barrier, and after instructing some safety matters, He Tiezhang left alone, leaving Fang Dushu to retreat here alone.

Just a few days later, a spiritual light suddenly flashed on the oven order. This was He Tiezhang sending a message from outside. Su Bat Girl had escorted the first batch of tributes back and wanted to hand them over to him and discuss with him how to hand over the tributes in the future. date.

In addition, Qi Changzhen also returned from Sanhekou.

Fang Dushu used the oven order to open the barrier and saw Qi Changzhen, accompanied by He Tiezhang and Su Batnu, filing in, followed by Teng Jin and Bifang from Fengming Mansion.

Qi Changzhen looked like she was tired from all the work. She must have just returned to the city and went straight here to see Fang Dushu.

She was wearing light blue soft armor and no jewelry. She was dressed very simply, with a dashing and heroic appearance. She held a long sword horizontally and carried it casually in her hand. She did not look like a cultivator, but had the aura of a secular female knight. kind.

After seeing Fang Dushu, she ran forward for a few steps. When she came to Fang Dushu, there was a clang and the sword fell to the ground. She raised her arms and put it around Fang Dushu's neck.

She didn't care at all about the presence of outsiders.

He Tiezhang and Su Bat Girl looked at each other, wondering if they wanted to avoid it first?
Teng Jin and Bi Fang stood aside and smiled. They felt the joy of meeting again after a long separation, but they didn't feel embarrassed.

However, Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen did not stay warm for long, and soon separated and came over to talk.

He Tiezhang and the other four knew that Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen had not seen each other for decades, and they must have missed each other for a long time. They had a lot to say, so they just talked about important things and quickly left the water-avoiding barrier.

After they left, Qi Changzhen took out a treasure from his storage bag, spread it out in front of Fang Dushu, and asked affectionately: "Ashu, what do you think this is?"

Fang Dushu felt a burst of light spread out from her palm, like stars flickering.

He took a closer look and found that it was a crystal clear white jade pill. He felt that it looked familiar, so he held it on his fingertips and looked at it, wondering: "No, is this a Yuehua Pill?"

He felt that he had not admitted his mistake. When he was in Xiankun Pond, he had exchanged a heavy-loaded fish for a Moon Flower Pill.

At that time, he caught a total of eleven heavy-loaded fish from Xiankun Pond. One was traded to the father and daughter Shi Geng and Shi Liufang of Qingshi Palace in exchange for 5000 taels of silver, and the other was traded to a demon dragon from the Evergreen Realm. The spiritual treasure that the head demon dragon took out was the Yuehua Pill.

Later, the human-faced lotus pod used a spell to recall the heavy-loaded fish. Because Shi Geng and his daughter and the demon dragon left the Xiankun Pond early, the heavy-loaded fish on their bodies were not recovered. Fang Dushu finally got nine of them from the human-faced lotus pod.

After Fang Dushu entered Fuyao Cave, he also took Yuehua Dan while drinking Three Kings' Drunk. Unfortunately, the efficacy of this medicine was too low, so he didn't take it seriously.

However, he kept Yue Hua Dan's white jade appearance firmly in mind.

Although the white jade halo of the one he took seemed dim compared to the one in Qi Changzhen's hand, he still recognized it at a glance. It was the real Yuehua Pill.

Qi Chang really heard that he recognized the origin of the elixir and praised: "Ashu, you have extraordinary eyesight. You can tell the details of such a rare spiritual object as Yuehua Dan at a glance!"

"Is it really the Moonlight Pill?" Fang Dushu was even more curious and asked her: "Where did you find the Moonlight Pill? As far as I know, this thing is only unearthed in Fuyao Tower!"

Fang Dushu had seen the Moonlight Spirit Tree with his own eyes.

Back then, he sneaked into Fuyao Tower Youyetian alone and had a fierce battle with monk Huifeng. Then he met Patriarch Mu Kun and Yuelong King Yao Jili. He thought that the two Patriarchs came out to Hexi with him and would take good care of him.

As a result, when exploring the True and False Moon Palace, under the guidance of Demon King Luo, they discovered one of the biggest secrets of Fuyao Tower, the Moon Flower Spirit Tree and the Ancient Youyue Bell.

In order to snatch the two treasures, Demon King Luo, Patriarch Mu Kun, and Yao Jili rarely joined forces to coerce Fang Dushu. In the end, he suffered the consequences. Fang Dushu used the combination of Youyue Bell and Xingming Cauldron to seal the sky lock. The tower trapped all three patriarchs in Youyetian.

Qi Changzhen smiled happily: "I found the Moonlight Pill in the mud at the bottom of the river at the mouth of Sanhe, and there were more than one!"

"River bottom mud? There's more than one?" Fang Dushu sighed: "From the sound of it, Chang'er, you seem to have made a fortune!"

"That's right! I sneaked into the bottom of the river to find the Fuyao Tower and find out your whereabouts, but I accidentally ran into baskets of Lingzhen!" Qi Changzhen became more and more cheerful as he spoke, and couldn't help the joy on his face:

"You may not believe it when I tell you. All these spiritual treasures were randomly scattered in the mud without any restrictions. I picked them up easily. I just bumped into the big ingot while walking!"

"This is too evil!" Fang Dushu couldn't believe his ears: "Besides Yuehua Pill, what other treasures have you found?"

"There are a lot of them!" Qi Changzhen opened his palms directly towards him, grabbed a handful of Moonlight Spirit Leaves in his left hand, and hung a pile of literary silver on his right hand: "I not only found several Moonlight Pills, but also more than a dozen pieces. There are more than ten thousand taels of Yue Hua Ling Ye, Wen Yin, and countless other spiritual treasures!”

"Too many to count?" Fang Dushu joked: "When you went to Sanhekou, did you go to find me or to hunt for treasure? You are too lucky!"

"Haha!" Qi Chang was really proud: "When luck is strong, nothing can stop you! Having said that, I went to Sanhekou just to find you. If you hadn't disappeared, I definitely wouldn't have discovered these big treasures. So after all, Ashu deserves a share of the credit!"

In the final analysis, it was because Qi Changzhen was worried about Fang Dushu that she refused to listen to the dissuasion of all her relatives and insisted on venturing to Sanhekou. As a result, instead of encountering danger, she made a fortune.Her windfall was many times richer than those Nascent Soul monsters who had gone through nine deaths and struggled in the Fuyao Tower.

Those old monsters racked their brains and brains to find the Moon Flower Pill, but even a Moon Flower Leaf was hard to find. Qi Chang really had no intention of hunting for the treasure, but unexpectedly, she was hit on the head by the Moon Flower Pill out of thin air.

This should mean that there is a time in life that must be there eventually, and there is no time in life, so don’t force it.

Qi Changzhen's behavior can prove to some extent that the more kind thoughts you have in your heart and the more abundant your emotions, the more blessings you will receive.

Not only Qi Changzhen herself, but also Qi Daoming and Sanfeng Wenshi, who escorted her, all made a fortune.

I only heard Qi Changzhen say with relish: "Back then, the Patriarch went to Fuyao Tower to hunt for treasures, but he didn't find any decent treasures. He was originally given half a heavy-loaded fish by you, but he was taken back to Xiankun Pond, almost empty-handed. After returning home, who would have known that after following me around Sanhekou, he not only ate the Moonlight Pill, which extended his life by several decades, but also found a demon pill from the mid-Nascent Soul stage. After refining the magic power of the demon pill, he actually In one fell swoop, I broke through the bottleneck of the early stage of Yuanying and advanced to the middle stage of Yuanying!"

Qi Chang asked Fang Dushu happily: "Ashu, tell me, am I the lucky star of our family?"

What else could Fang Dushu say? With a wife like this, he would definitely enjoy himself secretly.

He smiled and said: "The demon elixir in the middle stage of Nascent Soul? What's going on?"

Qi Changzhen explained to him: "I found a bunch of demon cultivator skeletons scattered in the water area of ​​Yuehua Dan. At that time, the ancestor surveyed the entire site. He concluded that these skeletons were crushed by the force of the river. He guessed that it should be a The demon cultivator in the middle stage of Nascent Soul accidentally triggered some kind of river power restriction, causing him to die tragically in the water, leaving behind a pile of spiritual treasures!"

Hearing these words, Fang Dushu felt a chill in his heart, and immediately asked: "What kind of skeleton is that? Does it have any characteristics?"

Qi Changzhen replied: "The characteristics are very obvious. Those bones contain the powerful Luo Demon spirit!"

"What? Is it really Luo Mo's evil spirit?"

"It is absolutely certain! The founder personally inspected it and there is no way it can be wrong!"

"I know, those bones are from Demon King Luo!"

"Demon King Luo Mo? The ancestor had doubts at first, but he said that Demon King Luo Mo is a demon cultivator in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and it is impossible to leave behind the demon elixir in the middle stage!"

"What you don't know is that Demon King Luo is already in the middle stage of advancement. I saw him in Fuyao Tower, and I know that he found the Moonlight Tree. There were only a few dozen leaves on that spiritual tree. Only That’s why he carries so many leaves with him!”

"Ah? This..."

Qi Chang couldn't help but be dumbfounded. She thought she got lucky and got rich. Could it be that her husband brought her both luck and wealth?

This is too incredible.

She couldn't help but ask: "Ashu, what is going on? How did you meet the Demon King Luo, and how did you discover the Moonlight Tree?"

Fang Dushu immediately told her the story of breaking into the Fuyao Tower You Yetian.

Then he deduced: "I locked Patriarch Mu Kun, Yao Jili and Demon King Luo in the Yuehua Palace. It is said that it is impossible for them to escape, but Demon King Luo has a way out. As a precedent, when he was in the Xingyao Palace, before sneaking into the boundary, he once left a Luo Demon Gate in the palace to serve as his escape route. He must have had a similar retreat when entering the Fuyao Tower!"

Back then, Fang Dushu disguised himself as a skeleton and followed Shi Liugong, Niu Moxing, and Jin Chan Demon Girl into the Xingyao Palace. Jin Chan Demon Girl once found the Luo Demon Gate and the seal in the door based on the clues left by Luo Demon Demon King. A beacon within.

The Demon King Luo has developed magical powers similar to those of the Tongtian Archway. He has always planned an escape route before entering a dangerous place like the Fuyao Tower. Before he entered the tower, he would definitely hide a beacon outside the tower to prevent him from getting trapped later. , you can escape with the help of navigation beacons.

Qi Changzhen said in confusion: "Since he had a way out, why did he die at the bottom of the river?"

Fang Dushu has no way of knowing the specific reason for the time being. He guessed: "It should be that the restrictions on the Fuyao Tower are too overbearing. Although he could use the beacon to teleport outside the tower, he could not resist the strangulation of the tower's restrictions, and that's why he died. At the bottom of the river."

Qi Changzhen suddenly became worried: "Ah Shu, you have imprisoned so many multi-infant old monsters in the Fuyao Tower. There should be more than one monk like the Luo Demon King who has left behind. Will anyone escape successfully?"

Fang Dushu shook his head: "Almost impossible! Demon King Luo Mo is a demon cultivator who is good at defense. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. The demon body was directly smashed by the tower ban. Even if other monks have a way out, they can only escape from the tower. You'll be killed!"

In fact, he doesn't care. The top priority now is to refine the Enlightenment Vessel and pass through the barrier to form a baby as soon as possible. As long as his Nascent Soul is completed, even if an old monster escapes from the Fuyao Tower, he will have a way to deal with it.

He picked up the Yuehua Pill and asked Qi Changzhen: "Chang'er, have you ever taken the Yuehua Pill? How effective is it? How many years can it extend your life?"

The Moonlight Pill he got from the dragon demon only extended his life by three years after swallowing it.

Master Zhuge and Master You Jue also refined a Moonlight Pill for You Qizhi, which extended his life by a full 30 years.

Why is the gap so big?There are two reasons. One is the strength of the alchemy method.

The second is the number of Yuehua leaves selected.

You Qizhi's Yuehua Pill is made by throwing several spiritual leaves into a pill furnace to form a pill. It is incredibly effective.

The Yuehua Pill that Fang Dushu took was probably caused by the dragon demon cutting off a piece of spiritual leaf and selecting the remaining leaves to make the pill, which resulted in the poor efficacy of the medicine.

"Ashu, this is the highest quality Yuehua Pill. It can extend your life by 30 years, but this is also the limit of the Yuehua Pill. If you continue to take it, no matter how many more pills you take, it will not have the effect of extending your life!"

Almost all spiritual roots in the world of cultivating immortals have such inherent limitations, and it is impossible to prolong life without restraint, and 30 years is the upper limit.

Qi Changzhen said again: "I found a total of five Moon Flower Pills at the bottom of the river. I took one myself. The Patriarch took one away and gave another one to Master Sanfeng. There are still two pills left with me!"

She gave one to Fang Dushu, and the last one must be given to Master Xuanjin.

After hearing this, Fang Dushu thought to himself, Demon King Naluo left so many top-quality moonflower pills and also carried more than ten moonflower leaves with him. He must have taken one-third of the leaves on that moonflower tree. Have it for yourself.

The remaining two-thirds, no need to guess, should be taken up by Patriarch Mu Kun and Yao Jili.

After the baby was born, I had no choice but to go to Sanhekou to investigate.

Fang Dushu thought so in his mind, he kept the Yuehua Pill and would take it in seclusion later.

He then handed Qi Changzhen two more spiritual treasures.

Qi Changzhen took it and took a look, and immediately smiled like a crescent moon: "Ashu, is this a heavy-duty fish?"

(End of this chapter)

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