Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 472 Teleportation and Old Friends

Chapter 472 Teleportation and Old Friends
For the baby-birth celebration that will be held soon, the Five Mountains Palace will send disciples to watch the ceremony.

"Famous in the Qingshi" is famous in the Five Mountains Palace, and there should be many practitioners there. Although Fang Dushu was given a Qingbang real treasure by Shi Geng and Shi Liufang, father and daughter, which can hide the aura of the Tai Chi circle, but the quality of the real treasure is high. There are low.

If you meet an old monk who has studied "The Beginning of Fame" for many years, the true treasure given by the historian will lose its effect.

The Avalokitesvara method can add an extra layer of protection to the Tai Chi circle, which is great.

"I cannot control the Avalokitesvara method for the time being. How should I use it to hide the Tai Chi circle?" Fang Dushu himself had no clue.

"Father, you only need to take the Guanzhen Dharma Eye into your palm, seal the Tai Chi circle in your palm, and wrap it around the Dharma Eye." Xiaopeng Nu said:
"Once this Avalokitesvara oracle bone is integrated into flesh and blood, it will automatically hide its own aura to prevent it from being refined by flesh and blood. If there are other supreme ways approaching it, it will also be hidden by it."

"Is it that simple?" Fang Dushu had already advanced to Nascent Soul, and it was easy to refine a foreign object into his body. When he saw that the real oracle bones could transform into magic eyes, he felt that it was not appropriate to continue hiding it in his palm, and asked again:

"What will be the effect if I refine the Avalokitesvara method into the center of my eyebrows?"

"As long as the oracle bone is inserted into the body, no matter where it is hidden in any part of the body, the effect will be the same!" Xiaopeng Nu took out a jade slip and handed it to Fang Dushu:
"This is the mind method of the Avalokitesvara deduced by a child. Father, you can try to practice it. When you master the Avalokitesvara method, you should be able to release the power of the Avalokitesvara method. However, there are too many flaws in the mind method. Over the years, I originally wanted to perfect it, but ended up practicing the Fuyao Sutra first, then setting up the Pengcheng Formation, and gradually forgot about it. Father, I cannot guarantee how much power you will be able to release after practicing."

Fang Dushu took the jade slip and looked through it briefly, and found that it was a bell and tripod method. Even if this method was flawless, it would not have much power after being practiced. At best, it would allow Fang Dushu to become more proficient in controlling Guan Zhenjia.

Therefore, Fang Dushu did not ask Xiaopeng Nu to continue to improve.

He remembered that in Liangjie Mountain, after he got the Guanzhen Armor from the Zombie Flower Detective, every time he touched the Guanzhen Armor, he could use it to understand other bells, tripods, oracle bones or knotted ropes.

This armor seemed to infinitely improve the holder's reading ability. Fang Dushu could not figure out the reason for this, so he discussed this doubt with Xiaopengnu.

After Xiaopeng Nu heard this, she pointed out the mystery to him: "Father, this armor is called 'Guan Zhen', and it can read the true text since it was born. And because it is old, it has already formed the operating rules of automatic reading on the armor. , so when you hold it and look at other condensed true texts, whatever you think and look at will be captured by it and the true texts will be deciphered!"

No matter who is holding the Avalokitesvara Armor, it will interpret the text on its own.

If Fang Dushu loses the Guanzhen Armor, it will immediately become a secret treasure for other monks to interpret.

Fang Dushu hoped to completely control it, so he asked: "It sounds like it is very psychic. Is the true spirit still alive?"

Xiaopeng girl shook her head firmly: "Didn't my mother say when we were in Fuyao Cave, considering the age of Evergreen Lotus and Fuyao Wings, it is absolutely impossible for the true spirits to survive! Their existence in the world is not measured in ten thousand years. , but 10 years or even longer. Such a long time is enough to cause the annihilation of heaven and earth, and no matter how powerful the true spirit is, it will not be able to survive now!"

Xiao Pengnu believes that the life of Guan Zhen Jia is longer than that of Evergreen Lotus and Fu Yao Wing. If the true spirits of Ever Green Lotus and Fu Yao Wing have been extinct in ancient times, then the true spirit of Guan Zhen Jia must have died countless years earlier.

The monks talk about immortality all day long, but how many people are truly immortal?
If there are true spirits in this world that have survived for 10 or even hundreds of thousands of years, then their mana should be endless, and there is no chance that they will lose the bodies of Guan Zhen Armor, Evergreen Lotus, and Fu Yao Wing.

Fang Dushu tended to agree with Xiaopengnu's point of view, Guan Zhenjia's true spirit had long been annihilated.

If he wants to completely master Guan Zhen Jia, there is only one way left for him to take it. Take the elixir with a potency that surpasses that of the Flower Crown Fish King, continue to improve his innate qualifications, and then read the oracle bone inscriptions to slowly deduce and ponder the Guan Zhen method.

This would be a time-consuming task and might never be realized, so he lowered his expectations. After all, elixirs were hard to come by, and he would not go out specifically to look for them.

From now on, he will use Guanzhen Armor as a translation treasure and will no longer deliberately pursue other magical powers of this armor.

Seeing that Fang Dushu was deep in thought, Xiaopeng Nu asked, "Father, do you have any other questions?"

"there is none left!"

"That kid wants to watch your "The Way of Four Symbols"!"


Wait for Xiaopeng Nu to leave the inner hall.

Fang Dushu began to absorb the Guanzhen Dharma Eyes. He cast the Dharma Eyes into the center of his eyebrows and hid them temporarily. After practicing the Bell Cauldron Technique provided by Xiaopeng Nu in the future, he could use the Dharma Eyes as the third eye.

Then he followed the method taught by Xiaopeng Nu and used the internal vision technique to attach the Tai Chi circle to his eyes. In this way, the Qingbang True Treasure presented by Shi Geng and his daughter was also lost. Effectively, he no longer has to worry about the exposure of Tai Chi Circle in the future.

After finishing this matter, he got up and went to the main hall, and accompanied him to observe the Four Elephant Sword, so that Qingqing, Fu Yuqing and Xiaopengnu could answer their questions at any time when observing and reading the sword text.

Because the baby-birth celebration was about to take place, Fang Dushu could not stay in Tiandu for a long time. After Qingqing and the others observed the sword art, he left each of them a copy of the "Four Elephants Sword Art" that he had deduced, and then planned to return Oiwa Castle.

Fu Yuqing learned that he was not going to pass through the Yuelong Pass on his return journey, but would directly use the Hongqiao of the Thunderbolt Sword Body to teleport, so he suggested that he should accompany him: "Brother Xian, your sword body is very convenient for teleporting between the two realms. It's a convenient way anyway, I think. Go back to Wuyuan City!"

Fang Dushu knew that she had been away from home for a long time. It had been nearly a hundred years since she last left Hexi. It was only human nature to want to go back for a visit, so he said: "No problem, I will go with you, and I will give you some advice then." Send it back!"

Fu Yuqing smiled: "You don't need to bother Brother Xian when you come back. I built a Hongqiao teleportation array in the Cloud Cave. This array is the same as the Longguan Rainbow Array in the past. You can use the dancing skylark feathers to start the array. Wait and see Come to Wuyuan City, I can set up a formation gate anywhere, and then it can be transmitted directly back to the Cloud Cave, which is more convenient!"

When he heard about the rainbow formation, Fang Dushu's eyes lit up: "Is there a similar Hongqiao teleportation formation in Fuyao Tower?"

Fu Yuqing nodded at him: "I reserved one specially! After we parted ways in the Demon Peng's Relic Mansion on the eighth floor, I went to the water lake on the outskirts of the tower alone. Before leaving, I placed a teleportation gate at the bottom of the lake and left it as a spare!"

The formation gate she first introduced to Fuyao Tower was originally placed in the Wuyunque Mansion. As monks from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains came to the door, the Que Mansion was shattered and the formation gate was also destroyed.

But she was always careful in her work, and she specially set up a new formation gate before leaving Fuyao Tower, regardless of whether it would be used in the future or not. In short, she was prepared for any trouble.

Fang Dushu looked very happy when he heard that she had a backup formation gate: "Yu Qing, your formation gate is very important. I originally wanted to enter the Fuyao Tower again, but the tower has been sealed and I have to wait for another day. It takes more than a hundred years to open the tower. With your array gate, you can enter at any time!" Fu Yuqing hesitated: "Brother Xian, although I have the array gate, there is a kind of restriction on instant transmission in Fuyao Tower. If If you can't restrain this kind of tower ban, even if you escape into the formation gate, you will be carried out of the tower again by the river water!"

Fang Dushu was very optimistic: "Any restriction has its weaknesses, and there must be ways to restrain it. There is no rush on this matter. Let's go to Wuyuan City first, and we can discuss it slowly later!"

Fu Yuqing said: "Okay!"

Fang Dushu added: "But when you return to Wuyuan City, you won't be able to show your true face for the time being. You need to change your appearance first!"

Qingqing listened, then handed Fu Yuqing a petal and said with a smile: "You can bring this evergreen flower with you to transform into my appearance. The power of the evergreen flower is quite special. Even if you meet a high-level monk, you will at most notice Fu Yuqing's appearance." The girl has signs of disguise, but she can’t see through Miss Fu’s true appearance!”

In Hexi, with Fang Dushu personally accompanying him, no monk dared to forcibly investigate Fu Yuqing's details. Moreover, the Wuyuan City they were going to was in the mortal world, and high-level monks would never visit it.

This evergreen flower is enough to handle the situation.

Fu Yuqing took the flower in her hand, and with the help of Qingqing's magic, she quickly transformed into a look that shocked Concubine Bi.

After doing all this, Fang Dushu and Fu Yuqing left Tiandu together.

Qingqing and Xiaopengnu sent the two of them to the high-altitude interface barrier, and then reluctantly turned back.

Afterwards, Fang Dushu took out the thunderbolt sword body, evolved it into the form of a flying sword, and carried Fu Yuqing into the sword body space. The sword turned into a rainbow of light, directly penetrated the interface barrier, and teleported to the Hexi Realm.

The Thunderbolt Sword Body is made up of the Zhuxian Chain, Youyue Bell, Wuyun Armor and Xingming Cauldron. Its Hongqiao teleportation magical power is derived from Wuyun Armor. This armor can travel between the two worlds at will. The Thunderbolt Sword Body is endless. After inheriting this magical power, the power of teleportation is even better.

When the Thunderbolt Sword Body appeared again, it had already flown over a black mountain range.

Fang Dushu and Fu Yuqing escaped from the sword together and landed on a mountain to look at the surrounding environment.

Fang Dushu recalled the Thunderbolt Sword body, put it into his sleeve, and said: "This is Heitou Mountain in Lizhou, we need to go south!"

Seeing him casually looking at it, Fu Yuqing recognized the terrain and couldn't help but smile: "Brother Xian, have you been here before?"

Fang Dushu nodded: "Back when the Three Kingdoms in Hexi were still there, there was a snowy demon disaster. Master Xia Qi from the Holy Spirit of the Zhenwen Sect was ordered to come to kill the demon. He fought with a snow spider here. I happened to Passing here, accompany Master Xia Qiwen to kill the spiders!"

This was a long time ago.

At that time, there were eight states in the Li Kingdom. Lizhou was located in the northernmost part and was under the jurisdiction of the Ghost Ax Gate at that time. Because the territory was adjacent to the Yong Kingdom, and the Yong Kingdom was the frontline of demon disasters, it was not possible to intercept all the demon cultivators, resulting in some demon cultivators. Xiu Liu fled into Lizhou, eventually causing the destruction of Ghost Ax Sect.

Since then, the territory of Lizhou has been divided up by Li Guozhen Wen Sect, Feixia Sect and Kurong Sect.

Heitou Mountain in Lizhou is next to Qinghu Lake. This Qinghu Lake was the headquarters of the Fudu Sect in the past, and it was also the site where the Fang family rebuilt Shangfang City.

At that time, Fang Dushu had just built the foundation. Worried that the demon disaster would spread to Shangfang City, he hurried to Qinghu. While rescuing the Fang family disciples, he accidentally encountered Master Xia Qi's fierce battle with the demon cultivator. He used Tai Chi to He helped Master Xia Qiwen win. In order to thank him, Master Xia Qiwen helped him win Qinghu as the territory of Shangfang City.

However, since the establishment of Dapan Royal City, the Fang family has moved Shangfang City out of Qinghu, and was given a territory outside the royal city to take root again.

As for the original territory of Qinghu, it was donated by the Fang family to the Gao family of Chaohai City and the Wei family of Changyou City.

Fu Yuqing grew up in Hexi. She knew the terrain of Heitou Mountain in Lizhou, but she knew almost nothing about which aristocratic family governed the nearby territory because she had been away from Hexi for so long.

She was about to follow Fang Dushu south when she saw two sword lights suddenly appearing from the mountains and forests. When they were several miles away, they stopped in mid-air and looked over her and Fang Dushu's heads.

Just now, the Thunderbolt Sword Body activated the Rainbow Bridge Teleport, leaving a rainbow in the air. It must have been the rainbow celestial phenomenon that attracted people here.

Fu Yuqing saw that the visitors were all female cultivators, and one of them looked familiar. She seemed to be a fellow disciple of Zhenwen Sect before, but she could not remember it clearly.

When she was recalling the identity of the other party, the female cultivator shouted happily: "Master Fang Wen! Oh no, Patriarch Fang, why did you suddenly appear here?"

The female cultivator shouted while flying over quickly. When she arrived, she knelt down and bowed to Fang Dushu: "Disciple Wei Shuangmin, I have met Patriarch Fang!"

Fang Dushu motioned her to stand up and said with a smile: "Who did I think it was? It turns out to be Shuangmin. Aren't you practicing in Zhenwen Mansion? Why, did you return to Changyou City for something?"

Wei Shuangmin was the outer disciple of the Yitian Meridian of the original Zhenwen sect who was in charge of the Jie Yin Hall. When Fang Dushu first entered the Yitian Meridian, it was Wei Shuangmin who led him to select Gumu Peak in the cave.

Wei Shuangmin's hometown is in Changyou City, and he has always lived adjacent to Shangfang City. When Shangfang City moved to Opan City, half of the territory was given to Changyou City because Wei Shuangmin and Fang Dushu knew each other.

Wei Shuangmin responded with a respectful gesture: "Master Qi Fang, your baby-birth celebration is approaching, the disciples of Zhenwen Mansion are preparing gifts, and this disciple is no exception. He made a special trip back to Changyou City to pick up some tributes! "

After he finished speaking, he pointed to the middle-aged female cultivator beside him: "After the disciple came back, Gao Li came to see me. When she learned that Patriarch Fang had completed the birth of a baby, she revealed to me news about a magical medicine. She found a rare spiritual medicine in Heitou Mountain. However, it was guarded by a group of demonic insects and it was difficult for her to dig it out, so she asked me to join in the work, and then entrusted me to deliver the soul mulberry to Fengming Mansion and hand it over to Senior Brother Xianfu as a congratulatory gift!
She and I had just dug out the Lingsang roots. When we were about to return to the city, we suddenly saw a rainbow hanging in the sky. We thought something had happened, so we ran to check, and we met Patriarch Fang! "

Fang Dushu looked at the middle-aged female cultivator named Gao Li and still remembered her identity.

When Fang Dushu was in Heitou Mountain, he and Gao Li fought against the demon spider. Fang Dushu remembered that Gao Li had a brother, and asked casually: "Is your brother Gao Fei still alive?"

Gao Li Yulu replied nervously: "Reporting to Senior Fang, my brother failed to build the foundation and has been inactive for decades."

(End of this chapter)

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