Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 486

Chapter 486
Fang Dushu saw Master Tianjiu falling into the pit and immediately rushed outside the pit to find out.

When he dispersed the dark fog in the pit, he found a sacrificial pillar standing at the bottom of the pit. The pillar was engraved with auspicious cloud patterns, and a thin mist was emitted outward. The black cloud where Master Tianjiu was hiding was hanging on the top of the pillar. place, shrouded in mist.

Fang Dushu guessed that the sacrificial pillar was a defensive formation, protecting Heiyun and Tianjiu Mingshi. Just now he used the Four Elephant Sword to slash Heiyun, and most of the sword's power was absorbed by the formation, so that he could not do anything to Heiyun. harm.

Tianjiu Mingshi has lived in seclusion in this underworld for who knows how many years. He must have a plan to protect himself. It may not be easy for Fang Dushu to pull him out of the underworld formation.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, Li Danhui and Xiong Gang had also arrived at the pit.

Li Danhui was attracted by the black lotus platform on his palm, and said with envy: "Junior brother Fang is so lucky to have suppressed a complete Zhidao lotus platform, and a true spirit was born. This level of Zhidao, even if it is placed in Sanshan The Five Sacred Mountains are also rare.”

There are 36 lotus flowers in the black lotus platform, which belong to the most powerful level of Daolian underworld. Just now, this lotus platform has released the lotus power to the limit, transformed into tens of thousands of ghost doves, and directly blocked the entire underworld. After being combined, it will be even more powerful. It can condense the ghost hanging peak, which contains the power of earth-shattering.

Li Danhui thought thankfully that the opponent Gui Xuanfeng met was Fang Dushu. If she had been allowed to fight Gui Xuanfeng alone, she would have died here right now.

She couldn't help but let out another sigh: "The ghost dove just now lived alone in a desolate place underground. Unexpectedly, he could realize the supreme path of Nether Lotus. His unparalleled talent for this cultivation has surpassed most of the cultivators in the Divine Continent!"

Fang Dushu agreed with this point of view. Tianjiu Mingshi was in such a cultivation environment and had very little contact with the outside world. He relied entirely on his own efforts to understand the ultimate underworld method "Ghost Xuanfeng", and he was born with a true spirit. , these qualifications are comparable to Master Fuyuan.

Xiong Gang had a different view: "Didn't Princess Danhui say it earlier? This underworld is the tomb of the famous ancient cultivator Mad Lion Butcher and Iron Gut Warrior. Both of them were masters in the transformation stage during their lifetimes. The mantle must be extraordinary, and it was obviously inherited by Guijiu. Guijiu’s ability to understand the ultimate underworld method must not be due to his own merits, the mantle must be more crucial!"

He has lived in the deep mountains and swamps since he was a child, and was often harassed by ferocious beasts and monsters. He has killed countless monsters in his life. He has never had a good impression of monsters and has contempt for them.

Li Danhui and Fang Dushu both admired Guijiu very much, but he believed that Guijiu's enlightenment was all due to luck. If he was allowed to take charge of this underworld and fully inherit the mantle of the two masters in the transformation stage, he felt that his enlightenment achievements could be More powerful than Ghost Jiu.

After hearing his objection, Li Danhui smiled slightly but did not refute.

Fang Dushu thought to himself that the bones of the Crazy Lion Butcher and the Iron Warrior were buried in this underworld and had not been discovered by anyone for tens of thousands of years. However, Tianjiu Underworld Master was allowed to inherit it alone. This kind of unnatural good luck was actually It’s also part of the talent.

At that time, Shi Liugong asserted that Tianjiu Mingshi would have great blessings, which was not wrong.

"Junior Brother Fang, what do you think should be done with these two puppets?"

Li Danhui and Xiong Gang had suppressed all the lion-headed giants and bull-headed iron men, but neither of them kept them secretly. Instead, they brought them to Fang Dushu and let Fang Dushu decide where to belong.

Fang Dushu looked up and asked, "What kind of secret treasures are they?"

Li Danhui introduced: "They look like puppets, but they are actually two real treasures. They were refined through the practice of "Crazy Lion God General" and "Iron Gallant Mysterious Body". However, Yun Wen was sealed in their bodies and marked with The power of the martyrdom ban exceeds that of real treasures!"

Once the martyrdom ban is imposed, Yunwen will be damaged every time the magical powers of the lion-headed giant and the bull-headed iron man are activated. When activated to a certain extent, Yunwen will be completely destroyed.

When Yunwen collapses, the lion-headed giant and the bull-headed iron man will become pure real treasures, and their power will be greatly reduced by then, becoming the same level as the Silver Whirlpool and the Yinsha Net.

In this fight, if Li Danhui and Xiong Gang had not restrained the two puppets, it would be unknown whether Fang Dushu could kill the true spirit with one sword.

Tianjiu Mingshi worked hard to sacrifice the two puppets. He must have wanted to withstand the disaster at the critical moment. If he did not release the two puppets, but stayed with him as a shield to protect him, then there would be a single tree and four elephants. After the sword, the two puppets will be hit first, the power of the sword will be dispersed, and the true spirit will most likely save a life.

Tianjiu Mingshi himself is an extremely cautious monk, but faced with the carpet-like search by Fang Dushu and the others, he knew that sooner or later his lair would be forced out, so he was forced to take a dangerous move, first besieging it with the lion-headed giant Xiong Gang then besieged Li Danhui with a bull-headed iron man, and finally had a decisive battle with Fang Dushu in his own body.

His combat strategy was correct. If Fang Dushu were replaced by other Nascent Soul cultivators, he might be able to surround and kill the three of them on his own.

But he happened to meet his nemesis Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu was well aware of his difficulty and the contribution of Li Danhui and Xiong Gang, so he said: "You might as well put the puppet away first and discuss how to deal with it after we return to Opan City."

Li Danhui and Xiong Gang were overjoyed immediately. Fang Dushu asked them to collect the puppets separately, which meant that Fang Dushu did not intend to get involved. However, the two puppets were also extremely expensive. When they returned home in the future and assessed the value of the puppets, they would still give them to Fang Dushu. Dushu some extra compensation.

After the two people put away the puppets, Fang Dushu said again: "These two true treasures were sacrificed through the "Crazy Lion God General" and "Iron Danxuan Shen". I don't know if these two ancient methods are left in the In this underworld?”

Li Danhui and Xiong Gang both looked at the bottom of the pit and stared at the black clouds on the sacrificial pillars: "As long as we pull out Guijiu, we will know everything!"

"I have no enmity with you, why are you so vicious and come to join forces to harm me?"

Suddenly, an old male voice was heard among the black clouds. His voice was none other than Master Tianjiu from the past.

Xiong Gang looked sarcastic: "You also know that there is no injustice, so why did you set up a cloud ban ambush in the mine and attack us indiscriminately? You launched the sneak attack first, don't you allow us to resist?"

Tianjiu Mingshi immediately retorted: "This is my dojo. What's wrong with me setting up a magic circle in front of my house? You came uninvited and with murderous intent. I am alone. If you don't strike first, you will be strong." , how can it be possible to defeat several of you together?"

Xiong Gang sarcastically said: "Since you want to strike first and don't want to talk about it, then don't blame us for counterattacking. We have already been beaten. You are not as good as others, so you are just complaining!"

After that, he sent a message to Fang Dushu and Li Danhui: "This old demon seems to be stalling for time. We must destroy his altar as soon as possible to avoid having long nights and dreams, and he will cause trouble!"

Xiong Gang looks rough and strong, but he also has a careful side.

Both Fang Dushu and Li Danhui had noticed something fishy. Master Tianjiu Ming's true spirit was killed. Instead of running away, he hid in the dark clouds and trapped himself on the altar. This should not be a cocoon, but he was probably hiding. What a plan.

Li Danhui immediately threw out the Prince Seal and released the golden sword with the seal head, trying to slash the black cloud, but like the Four Elephant Sword, it had no effect.

She suddenly frowned: "It seems like this kind of central altar, the magic circle on the altar often controls the restriction of the entire enchantment. If you want to destroy the altar, you must first destroy this underworld!"

But the Nether Realm is buried at the bottom of Iron Scale Mountain. If there is a problem with the restriction, it will definitely cause the Nether Realm to collapse, and then it will be a horrific natural disaster in which the sky collapses and the earth collapses.

Fang Dushu stared at the altar. Although he said nothing, he was evaluating the defensive strength of the altar in his mind. If he used the four swords again, he might be able to damage the altar, but it would not be able to harm Tianjiu Mingshi.Because Tianjiu Mingshi is hiding in the black cloud, and the black cloud can isolate the monks' spiritual consciousness, Fang Dushu cannot penetrate the reality inside the black cloud, and naturally cannot lock Tianjiu Mingshi's true body. Even if he reluctantly sends his sword, Even the sword power cannot aim at the target.

When he was thinking about how to deal with Tianjiu Mingshi, the voices of Grandma Wudu and Patriarch Makino suddenly came over, and the two of them came to 'help out' at the right time.

"Princess Princess, Master Fang Yin, Brother Xiong, are you encountering a problem with the restriction? Grandma has a kind of poison in her body, which is specially used to corrode the restriction. You might as well ask her to take action, maybe she can relieve your worries!"

When Fang Dushu and the other three heard Grandmaster Muye's shouting, they all looked back and found that Grandmaster Muye and Grandma Wudu had arrived at the edge of the pit with smiles on their faces.

But they had just taken a look, and before they discussed breaking the ban, the auspicious cloud pattern on the surface of the altar suddenly made a "clicking" sound and actually shattered.

Tianjiu Mingshi in the black cloud followed closely and sneered: "I was born here and have lived here for a full 500 years. Every plant and tree here is precious to me, and I know it by heart. Even if you are There is strength in numbers, but trying to kill me is just wishful thinking!"

His laughter became louder and louder, with a sense of madness: "Hey, I will destroy the ban on the dojo. Then the Iron Scale Mountain with a radius of thousands of miles will crush down. I want to see how you can escape! "

After he finished speaking, the altar boomed! 'With a sound of complete collapse, the entire underworld space began to shake, and an earthquake-like impact erupted.

Several people looked up and saw cracks in the sky like broken mirrors, and the dark pool water mixed with stones fell rapidly.

Li Danhui and Xiong Gang moved the fastest. They each took out an earth escape treasure and rushed to the crack in the sky. They fled without looking back. They knew that Tianjiu Mingshi had many treasures on his body. Not only did he carry the Crazy Lion Butcher and The mantle of the brave warrior also has the senior Tie Rongzhi, but now his life is at stake, no matter how heavy the treasure is, he must put it aside, and the most important thing is to escape first.

Grandma Wudu and Patriarch Makino had grim expressions on their faces. They escaped into the barrier with their front legs, and the barrier with their back legs collapsed. If they had known this, why would they come to join in the fun?
Of course, now was not the time to regret. They followed Li Danhui and Xiong Gang and fled for their lives.

Fang Dushu stayed at the end, not because he was slow to react, but because he was staring at Hei Yun closely. After the altar was broken, Hei Yun took the opportunity to escape. Fang Dushu held a spiritual tablet in his hand and followed behind quietly.

This spiritual list is the "landing list" as a congratulatory gift given by Bi Xizhong at Fengming Mansion. It contains the magical power of escape from the earth. When traveling through the land of gold and iron, the escape speed will be increased.

Bi Xizhong knew that Fang Dushu was going to follow Li Danhui to explore Tielin Mountain, so he specially prepared this Earth Escape List for Fang Dushu's emergency use.

This moment comes in handy.

Fang Dushu poured mana into the 'Landing List', and the list immediately hung high above his head. As he flew forward, a layer of rock armor condensed on his body, allowing him to melt earth when he encountered it and iron when he encountered iron.

Although the entire Nether Realm had collapsed and the stones from Iron Scale Mountain were swarming down, it did not affect Fang Dushu's movement through the Nether Realm at all. He faced the sky full of iron and rocks as if he were walking on flat ground.

After a while, he followed the black cloud and rushed out of the underworld.

Because the black cloud did not stop and kept running through the mountain at high speed, Fang Dushu was also chasing after him.

This pursuit lasted most of the day.

He chased from the bottom of the mountain to the mountainside, rushed out of the mountainside to the top of the mountain, and then chased him from the top of the mountain into the air until he was far away from Tielin Mountain and escaped into a primitive forest.

During the entire tracking process, Fang Dushu did not deliberately hide his traces. He chased behind Heiyun in a bold manner, keeping a good distance from Heiyun.

In this way, after flying for hundreds of miles in the forest, the black cloud suddenly looked like a kite with a broken string, plummeting to the ground, and fell heavily under a giant sequoia tree.

However, in the black clouds, the screams of Master Tianjiu were soon heard. He seemed to have been severely injured and was wailing in pain.

Fang Dushu landed next to Heiyun with his sword and said calmly: "It really surprised me that you persisted for so long before triggering the 'Drinking Spell'!"

After hearing this, Master Tianjiu Ming immediately restrained his screams and asked Fang Dushu angrily: "What kind of poisonous spell did you cast on me?"

"Poison curse?"

Fang Dushu shook his head slightly: "This is not a poison curse, but a sword curse! Your body was stabbed by my drinking sword. If I didn't break the curse for you, your wound would never be able to recover, and the more you become Casting a spell will make the wound crack bigger and the pain more unbearable, so you'd better not use any magic power in the future, otherwise you will only ask for trouble!"

This is the ultimate power of the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method'.

Regardless of whether any monk is hit by the Green Lotus Sword that combines four images, even if it pierces a little flesh, a wound will be left in the body of the Dharma. This wound will exist forever. No matter what pills are taken or any secret techniques are used, It is impossible to heal the wound.

Moreover, the magic body that was stabbed out of the cover door by the Qinglian Sword will absolutely no longer be able to use any magic power. Once the magic power circulates in the body, it will continuously flow into the cover door, and then flow back into the Qinglian Sword, where it will be drank away by the sword body.

When Fang Dushu's "Four Symbol Sword" first became enlightened, he once told Qi Changzhen that he had not yet understood the essence of the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method' and that he had to stab a target to prove the ultimate power.

This was not because he was perfunctory with Qi Changzhen, but it was indeed true.

He had always believed that after the 'Green Lotus Drinking Technique' stabbed the target, if the target used mana without authorization, the mana would flow back into the Green Lotus Sword and be absorbed by him drinking it.

But at this moment, he found that the magic power had not entered his body.

He suddenly opened his palm and summoned the dragon-tiger beast. Under the dragon-tiger beast's feet, there was a green lotus shadow, which was a symbol of the operation of the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method'.

The magic power exerted by Tianjiu Mingshi is flowing through the wound mask door into the dragon and tiger beast. This sword move of 'Green Lotus Drinking Technique' is actually equipped for the dragon and tiger beast.

Even without Tie Rongzhi, the dragon and tiger beasts can improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds by just relying on the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method'.

It was precisely because Fang Dushu understood the secret of the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method' that he followed closely behind Tianjiu Mingshi.

No matter which monk is stabbed by the Qinglian Sword, he will become a piece of fish on Fang Dushu's chopping board, and there will be no possibility of escape.

(End of this chapter)

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