Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 491 Choice

Chapter 491 Choice
Master Tianjiu Ming was most afraid of Fang Dushu's anger on him. Even if he gave Fang Dushu an elixir book and thunder coupon, he still looked frightened, fearing that Fang Dushu would take out his anger on him.

However, Dushu's attitude at the moment was approachable and he seemed to have no intention of holding him accountable.

This gave him some peace of mind and gave him hope of survival.

He first blamed himself: "I had a big fight with fellow Taoist Fang in the mine. It was my fault. I still regret my reckless actions at that time. But the big mistake has been made. Even if I wanted to make amends, it was too late."

He tried to ask: "I wonder what Fellow Daoist Fang plans to do with me?"

He was hiding in the black cloud and was not worried about Fang Dushu attacking him for the time being, but the black cloud could only protect him for a while, definitely not for a lifetime. He was eager to reach a reconciliation with Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu was very straightforward, without any twists and turns, and said straightforwardly: "Except for this black cloud, if you hand over all the other mantles of the Crazy Lion Butcher and the Iron Warrior to me, I will let you go! "

Tianjiu Mingshi was overjoyed at first, but then restrained himself, looking in disbelief: "This Rainbow Treasure is related to the secret treasure of Kun-Lai Island, do you really not want it?"

Fang Dushu spread his hands towards him: "Heiyun is what you rely on to save your life. Even if I want it, you will not hand it over. Instead, it will arouse your suspicion. You are always thinking about releasing Kun Ying to threaten me. Instead of doing this, How about I help you and let you leave with the black cloud, and we can each get what we need!"

Master Tianjiu Ming quickly asked: "Then what are you planning to do to let me go?"

"Definitely not now!" Fang Dushu did not give an exact date, but he was not vague: "We are still in Kuntian. If I let you go now and you expose my whereabouts, wouldn't I want to Digging your own grave?”

"I promise that I will not reveal your whereabouts, Fellow Daoist Fang. This will not do me any good, but will do a lot of harm. There is no need for me to do this!" Tianjiu Mingshi spoke sternly.

"I believe in the sincerity of fellow Taoist Tianjiu, but when we monks are walking outside, we often cannot help ourselves!" Fang Dushu said: "When I leave Kuntian, as long as I set foot on the territory of Shenzhou, even if our deal is concluded, I will immediately Fellow Daoist Tianjiu, you are free!"

"Since fellow Taoist Fang is so happy, I have no reason not to believe it, so let's make this agreement first." Master Tianjiu Ming listened to Fang Dushu clearly explain the conditions for his release, and his joy was hard to express, but there was one most crucial thing. The problem has not yet been solved:

"Will Fellow Daoist Fang also lift the sword curse on me?"

Fang Dushu couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth and asked: "You and I are enemies, and we have fought life and death. Seeing that you gave me an iron coupon to help me escape, I felt compassion and decided to stay. I promise to let you go by giving up your life, this is already the end of my kindness, but you still want me to break the curse for you, it's a bit greedy!"

Tianjiu Mingshi was at a loss for words. What Fang Dushu said was not unreasonable. People were willing to let him live. This was already a rebirth of kindness. How could he make excessive demands again?

But if the sword curse is not lifted, even if Fang Dushu lets him go, he will definitely not survive long if he is walking alone in the world of immortality without being able to use any magic power.

Master Tianjiu Ming smiled bitterly and discussed with Fang Dushu with kind words: "Fellow Daoist Fang, your sword spell is too overbearing. It can block my movement of mana. It is equivalent to sealing my entire cultivation. If the sword spell is not lifted, , I am undoubtedly seeking death if I go out alone, I might as well be suppressed by you, at least you won't kill me!"

After saying this, he seemed to realize something, and immediately asked: "What kind of price should I pay, Fellow Daoist Fang, before you can break the curse for me, Fellow Daoist Fang, please make it clear?"

Only now did he realize that Fang Dushu didn't look down on his Rainbow Dash. If he wanted to lift the sword curse, he might eventually have to exchange Rainbow Dash for it.

But he was only half right.Fang Dushu gave him two choices: "You also know that the sword curse is overbearing. The more overbearing it is, the more expensive it is to undo the curse! You are the true body of Guijiu. If you are willing to accept the demon-suppressing ban and serve me for 100 years, I will break the curse for you, and in a hundred years we will owe nothing to each other and go our separate ways!"

Tianjiu Mingshi pondered: "A hundred years is not a long time, and there is no problem in serving Fellow Daoist Fang, but how can you guarantee, Fellow Daoist Fang, that after a hundred years you will lift the ban on demon suppression for me and give me my freedom?"

Fang Dushu said bluntly: "I can't give you any guarantee! If you believe me, then accept this condition. If you don't believe it, there is a second option!"

"What choice?"

"You carry the black cloud and stay with me until you find Kun-Lai Island, and help me open Kun-Lai Island. As long as we successfully land on the island, I will break the curse for you. During this period, you can keep the black cloud, and you don't have to worry about me dealing with it. you!"

This is the best option acceptable to both parties!

If Tianjiu Mingshi wants to lift the sword curse and regain his freedom, he must hand over all the treasures on his body to Fang Dushu, which is equivalent to buying his life with treasures.

"Okay! I am willing to search for Kun-Lai Island for you, Fellow Daoist Fang!"

Tianjiu Mingshi readily agreed: "But before we find Kun-Lai Island, I will always follow Fellow Daoist Fang. When will the mantles and relics of the Mad Lion Butcher and the Iron Gut Warrior be handed over to Fellow Daoist Fang?"

The two parties had agreed earlier that Fang Dushu would let him leave and he would hand over the mantle and relics. But now that he wanted to stay, should the mantle and relics be handed over immediately?

Fang Dushu did not make things difficult for him, and proposed a compromise solution: "First give me all the Tielong Zhi you have collected. As for the other relics, you can give them to me after I remove the sword curse for you." Not too late!"

Tie Rongzhi is an elixir native to Guijiu's lair. It actually has nothing to do with the Wild Lion Butcher and the Iron Gallant Warrior. However, if Fang Dushu asks for it by name, Tianjiu Mingshi will definitely not refuse.

After all, Tie Rongzhi is only a spiritual treasure that assists cultivation. It has no great use if left on the body. It will have no impact at all if it is given to Fang Dushu. The other mantles are the key to fighting for life, but Fang Dushu did not ask for it and gave him enough comfort. room.

He immediately threw out a storage bag and hung it inside the Liangyi Gate.

Fang Dushu took the bag and went out. He opened the bag and looked at it with a satisfied smile: "This batch of Ganoderma lucidum is very good. It is not only enough for me to upgrade the dragon and tiger beast to the Nascent Soul stage. Even the Thunderbolt Sword Spirit, if I take this batch of Ganoderma lucidum, I'm afraid It can also improve your cultivation to a small level!"

In the Gouye Forest, Fang Dushu cut off an arm of the masked monk. This man would definitely try to heal the injury. At that time, the mana would flow back into the body of the dragon and tiger beast. In fact, the dragon and tiger beast only needed to rely on the 'Green Lotus Drinking Method' 'It's enough to improve your cultivation. Of course, if you take Tie Rong Zhi at the same time, the progress will definitely be faster.

However, Fang Dushu planned to focus on using the iron velvet mushrooms provided by Tianjiu Mingshi on the Thunderbolt Sword Spirit.

 This is the second update today. I wish everyone a happy National Day.

(End of this chapter)

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