Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 499 Central Star Dou

Chapter 499 Central Star Dou
Xi Feng Sou looked around the battlefield and found that all seven arrows hit the target, and immediately gave an attack order to the disciples behind him.

After receiving the instruction, the disciple quickly waved the battle flag in his palm.

This battle flag was a communication formation that directly transmitted Xi Feng Sou's orders to all of our own battle zones.

After a while, on the front line that stretched for thousands of miles, the eight monks from Kuntian left the river bank one after another, poured into the river, and charged towards the Longmen Pass wall.

The sound of howling spells, mixed with the shouts of the monks, merged together on the river, shaking the entire battlefield and resounding throughout the reserve camps within a hundred miles of both sides.

Fang Dushu stood on the high preparation platform. He first saw the frontline coalition forces of the Wolf Poison Tribe rushing out like a tide, and then heard deafening shouts of killing coming to his ears from all directions.

After a colorful glare suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, the monks from both sides had already started a fierce battle over the river.

Thousands of Wolfsbane disciples, armed with all kinds of magic weapons, swarmed on the vast river, aimed at the gap that had been destroyed by arrows earlier, and took the lead in launching indiscriminate bombings.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the gap that was originally only a few miles widened by more than ten times, causing the dragon gate wall of dozens of miles to be nakedly exposed to the disciples of the Wolfsbane Division.

After the figure of Monk Daxi was revealed in a large area on the wall, the counterattack began immediately. Giant spiritual fingers were thrown out like javelins, turning into a rain of fingers and falling into the mighty Wolf Venom Department. among the team.

These teams are scattered along the river that is one to two hundred miles long. The Nascent Soul Masters often act alone, waiting for opportunities to launch an offensive against Guanqiang.

As for the large number of golden elixir stage or foundation building stage disciples, they all hide together in huge and well-defended puppets, altars or other fortification weapons, and rely on bunkers to fight.

This has also resulted in the current mysterious landscape on the river.

The magic weapons for attacking enemies are generally more than ten feet in size, and even spiritual peaks and spiritual pillars that are more than a hundred feet high are not uncommon. They are driven by Golden Core Stage or Foundation Establishment Stage monks and are suspended above the river. Their appearance is extremely eye-catching. The momentum is also powerful and terrifying.

On the other hand, those Nascent Soul Masters who were fighting in separate battles were so invisible as they shuttled between the various offensive magic weapons. Their escape speed was extremely fast, and it was almost difficult to capture their location without deliberately searching for them.

The giant fingers of spiritual energy that flew out from the Longmen Pass wall were unable to aim at Master Nascent Soul, so they all aimed at the magic weapon.

Fang Dushu was sitting at the back, looking at the spectacular offensive from a distance where the air was like rain, falling all over the sky.

He found that most of the finger strikes fell into the river, causing a splashing sound, and only a few of the air fingers were able to hit the target. However, these air fingers pierced the magic weapon and did not cause effective damage.

He originally thought that the Qi Finger offensive would end here, but the next moment, the Qi Finger suddenly collapsed, turned into a fierce flame, and began to burn.

From the river surface to mid-air, fireballs continued to rise, forming a flame barrier outside the Longmen Pass wall. The various attacking teams of the Wolfsbane Department had to stop and put out the fire first.

Only the Nascent Soul Divine Master present did not slow down at all. They were still approaching the central position of Longmen Pass Wall in a roundabout way.

One of them, the Wolfsbane Master who was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, rushed to the front. He rode a lotus cage chariot with more than ten Iceman puppets standing side by side in the car. He thought that his defense was strong, so he went forward bravely, determined to take Do your best work.

In such a grand battle involving thousands of cultivators, the risk of death for monks on both sides is very high, but as long as they can survive, their military achievements will be extremely rich.

The Wolf Venom Divine Master seemed to have ventured forward alone for the sake of military exploits. He stood at the front of the river like an arrow and was closest to the Longmen Pass Wall. He was easily targeted by the Daxi monks guarding the Pass Wall.

Just listen 'Whoosh! ' With a sound, an air finger shot through the air from the wall.

Master Wolfbane immediately shook the reins and teleported the direction of the chariot, trying to avoid the finger attack. Unexpectedly, the qi finger suddenly split into two and steadily aimed at the chariot route.

Master Wolfsbane continued to move the car, and his Qi fingers continued to split.

After changing its position several times, the air fingers hanging in front of the chariot had turned into more than ten, emitting a fiery red luster and densely surrounding the chariot.

At this time, the Qi Finger was only one step away from the chariot. Master Wolfsbane had no room to dodge and decided to rely on his own defense to block the Qi Finger attack. He stared at the wall, trying to find the source of the Qi Finger. .

If it can be found, he must be the first to take credit.

When Qi Zhi saw the chariot stagnant in mid-air, he said, "Keng!" With a click, more than ten Qi fingers instantly merged into one, and then they escaped forward and plunged into the wall of the front end of the chariot.

The fingers of the Qi Finger were embedded in the car wall and did not penetrate the entire car body. This was the same as when it hit the magic weapon at the rear earlier, and the destructive power was not great.The characteristic of the Qi finger is fire.

Soon the Qi Finger turned into a ball of flame and burned along the wall of the car. The fire was so fast and furious that it burned through the entire car body in an instant, directly covering the Wolfsbane Master and the more than ten puppets on the chariot.

Master Wolfsbane was burned by the flames. Surprisingly, he did not cast a spell to extinguish the fire. Instead, he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell. His body quickly withered, as if melting, and was swallowed up by the flames.

However, Yuanying escaped from the chariot and teleported to the back of the chariot, where he fell into the hands of an old monk holding a scepter.

Fang Dushu saw this scene from a distance and mourned: "It's such a pity that he couldn't escape the fire. His physical body should not be saved!"

"What a pity? No! What a pity!" Grandma Jinya said: "Master Ge has mastered a wolf smoke magic technique. If he gives up his body and uses this smoke, he can force the seven dazzling eyes of the dragon gate to appear!"

After she finished speaking, she saw the chariot covered in flames. A strong cold air suddenly filled the chariot, freezing the flames out in an instant.

The puppets in the car also turned into solid ice one after another, and the cold air overflowed and rushed forward against the river. Like a storm, they rushed up to the wall in the blink of an eye, and climbed up again until they gathered above the wall.

Fang Dushu saw it extremely clearly. The cold air finally gathered into a ball and wrapped around a star-shaped suspended spiritual object.

The outer appearance of this spiritual object is a star several feet high, with a fiery red color all over. A lotus platform is sealed inside the star, and the shadows of fingers are constantly condensed on the platform, sometimes breaking out of the star and shooting towards the Wolfsbane allied forces on the river.

The source of the Qi finger is revealed.

I saw the old monk holding the scepter, suddenly accumulating mana, and shouting towards the battlefield: "The Seven-Year Fire Dragon Star has appeared. As long as this star is removed, the wall defense will collapse. All the disciples obey the order and follow me to pick up the stars!" "

This old monk is Bei Su, the high priest of the Wolfsbane tribe. His cultivation level has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul. He issued an order to launch an offensive frenzy. The nearby Wolfsbane priests all aimed at the fiery red stars on the wall and began to attack crazily. This star.

The great Xi monks on the wall of Longmen Pass turned a blind eye to the offensive of the Wolf Poison Division's divine masters. They allowed these masters to bombard the stars indiscriminately and did not participate in protecting the stars. Instead, they concentrated their firepower to continuously destroy the magic weapons on the river.

Fang Dushu couldn't understand the battlefield situation.

He asked Granny Jinya: "The Seven-Year Fire Dragon Star is so important, why does Monk Daxi not ask about it?"

Grandma Jinya frowned and replied: "They are the gatekeepers. They have already set up layers of restrictions outside the Fire Dragon Star. They are confident and believe that the Fire Dragon Star will not be breached, so they free up their energy to kill and kill. Our disciples!"

This is also the pros and cons of both sides.

The Eight Divisions of Kuntian were on an expedition. They traveled thousands of miles to the territory of the Divine Continent to attack the Xiongguan Fortress that had been run by the monks of the Divine Continent for thousands of years. They were originally on the passive side, with no terrain fortress to rely on and could only rely on human lives. Go fill it in and fight your way out.

Their fastest way to win is to remove the central stars in the seven positions. These stars are the core of the entire Thousand Miles of Xiongguan defense line. Once the stars are picked or destroyed, the Xiongguan will lose its defense and will no longer be able to stop Kuntian. The monk climbed over the wall and entered the hinterland of Shenzhou.

As for the Shenzhou monks, they are hiding in the Xiongguan battle formation and can rely on the formation to protect themselves. They have also made strict arrangements for the central star. Before the star is removed, they can concentrate their superior forces and attack the central star. The monks who tackled the problem carried out wanton killings.

After listening to Grandma Jinya's introduction, Fang Dushu sighed quietly: "Their Daxi monks can use the protection of Xiongguan to attack from a high position. If we rush up without our lives, won't we suffer a big loss? How many people will die in the battle? Only a human can take off that central star?"

Fang Dushu felt quite happy in his heart. Using Xiongguan as a cover, the advantage lies in our Divine Continent and the disadvantage lies in his Kuntian.

Grandma Jinya said: "The disciples are not willing to pay their lives like this, but this is the attack plan formulated by the gods themselves. No one dares to violate it. We must fight like this!"

After saying that, Grandma Jinya heard the shouts of High Priest Beisu coming from the river ahead: "Disciples from behind, please replenish quickly!"

Granny Jinya immediately stood up and said, "It's my turn to appear!"

Fang Dushu was about to say something when he suddenly saw two huge black figures fighting each other high in the sky. They were fighting and escaping, and soon their true bodies were revealed from far to near.

Grandma Jinya glanced skyward and told Fang Dushu: "That's a vicious fight between Lord Mu of the Zhulu Department and Old Demon Fan Gai from the Daqi Palace. Please be careful and be careful not to be affected by their fighting skills."

(End of this chapter)

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