Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 528 Spring View

Chapter 528: Rejuvenation View

Dragon and tiger realm.

Rejuvenation Taoist Temple.

This is a new Taoist temple that was just completed two or three years ago. It stands in a bare mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles. There are few trees in the mountains and the environment is desolate.

Although the Taoist temple building is very luxurious, with dozens of palaces and pavilions, it is basically empty except for a few Taoist boys who watch the door.

Until a month ago, Huichun Temple suddenly visited a large, dusty team, thousands of people in size, all staying in the temple. This formation frightened several Taoist boys, and they had the courage to inquire about each other's origins. It doesn't matter, they are all from the same family.

The reason why the Rejuvenation Temple is called "Rejuvenation" comes from the "Tao of Rejuvenation" written by Master Fu Yuan of Xiaoyin Palace. This Taoist temple is the temple under the seat of Master Fu Yuan. Several Taoist boys are also his disciples and disciples. They learned that The leader of this team was Fang Dushu, who turned out to be Master Fu Yuan's fifth true disciple and their junior uncle. He immediately stopped worrying and began to entertain them warmly.

However, Master Uncle Fang has too many disciples. Even if they free up all the caves in the Taoist temple, there won't be enough room for them.

Fortunately, Master Fang was very open-minded and did not make things difficult for them. He immediately divided the team into two groups. One group stayed in the temple to set up camp, while the other group was led by Master Fang to find a place to live elsewhere.

The Taoist boys didn't know what realm Master Fang had gone to. Anyway, Master Fang had been away for a month and hadn't come back yet.

As for the team that stayed in the Taoist temple, they have been repairing the caves and setting up residences in the past month. It seems that they plan to stay for a long time. However, the Taoist boys secretly speculated that this group of disciples will not stay for a short time because the environment of the Taoist temple is too remote and the environment is too remote. Not suitable for practice.

Uncle Fang's reputation is extremely high. Since the team settled in the Taoist temple, distinguished guests have visited almost every day. These distinguished guests are also of great status, and they usually come from the Palace of the Five Mountains. Uncle Fang has met so many senior people, I think. It must not be difficult to find a good place to practice.

On this day, another distinguished senior from the Five Mountains came to visit.

Xiaofengli, who was responsible for welcoming and sending people off in Huichun Temple, rushed all the way to the back mountain, found Qi Changzhen who was sightseeing, and reported: "Fifth Master Aunt, a Qingshi came to Qingshi Palace, saying he was looking for Uncle Fifth Master, please go and meet him quickly."

Qi Changzhen did not look away. The mountain behind her was over a thousand feet high, and she could observe the surrounding environment from a high position. There was a smooth road to the north, and there was swamp terrain for thousands of miles to the north, which was where the Dragon and Tiger Realm was.

To her south is a sea of ​​fog, all terrain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and between the clouds and mist is the main altar of the Upper Palace of Xiaoyin Palace. However, it is a central place and is completely blocked by restrictions. You must hold a special token to enter.

The Huichun Temple where she lives now is actually located at the intersection of the Xiaoyin Palace Main Altar and the Dragon and Tiger Realm. The territory is only a hundred miles in radius. It was submerged in the swamp three years ago and was revived by Master Fu Yuan not long ago. Then a new Taoist temple was built, specially for Master Fu Yuan to rest.

Currently, Master Fu Yuan is deep into the Dragon and Tiger Realm to cast spells and will not return for the time being. Fang Dushu has also gone to other places, and the jurisdiction of Huichun Temple falls on Qi Changzhen's shoulders.

Hearing Xiao Fengli's voice, Qi Changzhen asked casually: "Is Master Bi Qing here again?"

Xiao Fengli replied: "It's not Master Bi Qing, it's another senior Nascent Soul!"

Bi Xizhong and Sun Feilu were practicing in Qingshi Palace. All the Taoist temples were in the Shang Palace. They had visited half a month ago and learned that Fang Dushu was not in the Taoist temple. They had promised to visit again later.

Qi Chang really thought, besides these acquaintances, does Ashu have other old friends in Qingshi Palace?

In fact, the guests who recently visited Huichun Temple may not have come because of their friendship with Fang Dushu. For example, a Nascent Soul monk who came from Zhongmiao Palace the day before yesterday claimed to be a disciple of Master You Jue and had never met Fang Dushu before. But it does not affect the door-to-door visitation.

Qi Chang really didn't know the origin of today's distinguished guest, so she asked Xiao Fengli: "Do you know the identity of that young master?"

"I know I know!"

Xiaofengli said clearly: "Her surname is Shi, and her Taoist name is Shi Liufang. The Qingshi Palace Historian is the No. 1 sect of our Five Mountains. Her ancestor Shi Gongdan is the master of Qingshi Palace, and he is also the only two masters in the late stage of spiritual transformation in our Five Mountains. One, the fifth master’s aunt, the fifth master’s uncle, do they have any friendship with this Shi Qingshi?”

In the world of cultivating immortals in Hexi, as long as the monks successfully form the elixir, they can be given the title of master. However, in the Five Mountains Palace, the elixir-forming monks dare not call themselves masters, and their magic power must reach at least the Nascent Soul stage before they dare to be called so.

Qi Changzhen also followed the local customs. In previous contacts with the Nascent Soul monks from Wuyue Palace, they all referred to him as a certain master.

"Three years ago, your uncle held a baby-birth ceremony in Hexi. Qingshi Palace sent a group to watch the ceremony. The leader was also named Shi. It seems to be Master Shi Gengqing. At that time, your uncle had a very happy conversation with him. He should have friendship with the Shi family. "." Qi Changzhen had never heard Fang Dushu mention Shi Liufang, but she had met Shi Geng.

"Ah! Master Shi Gengqing!" Xiao Fengli was startled: "Master Shi Gengqing is the father and fifth master's aunt of Master Shi Liufangqing. Although the father and daughter are not the direct descendants of Master Shi Gongdan, in Qingshi The palace position is high and powerful, because the disciples of the Shi family who have the greatest potential to become gods are their father and daughter!"

"No matter how high the position is, it is still in the outer palace and cannot affect us!" Qi Changzhen didn't pay attention to it. He even showed a lazy and tired look and went to the temple to meet Master Shi Liufangqing.

Little Pineapple was very curious. She thought that this little Master Auntie was kind and generous. She gave gifts to a few Taoist boys every now and then, but she didn't pay much attention to the rules and was a bit deviant. Little Pineapple couldn't help but think again, Little Master Uncle He must also have this kind of temperament, otherwise why would he marry his junior aunt?

After a while, Xiaofengli led Qi Changzhen to the front hall of the Taoist temple. Standing in the hall was a female nun in green, Shi Liufang from Qingshi Palace.

After exchanging pleasantries, Shi Liufang smiled and said: "When we were at Fuyao Tower, my father and I were lucky enough to get a heavy-loaded fish from Junior Brother Fang. This provided a great help to my practice. Junior Brother gave birth to a baby three years ago. Originally, I I should be there in person to congratulate you, but I was at a critical moment of practicing in seclusion, and I really couldn’t get away. I always wanted to explain it to Junior Brother Fang in person. Now that Junior Brother Fang has moved to Wuyue Palace, I can finally do so."

While she was speaking, she was always staring at Qi Changzhen, thinking that this woman's beauty and beauty were worthy of Junior Brother Fang, but her cultivation was too low, only at the middle stage of the Golden Core.

She didn't know that Qi Chang's true cultivation had fallen once before, so she was evaluating based on her first impression.

Qi Changzhen did not make any comparison with her. He was only thinking about why she came and said: "The concept of rejuvenation is not suitable for practice. My husband went out to find a suitable place to live and has not returned yet. If Master Shi Qing has any important matters, you might as well tell me about it." , when he comes back, the junior will definitely pass the news on his behalf."

"When my father learned that Junior Brother Fang had moved here, he told me to come over and have a look. It was nothing important."

Shi Liufang asked in confusion: "There are more than ten lower palaces in Xiaoyin. Why did Junior Brother Fang choose Huichun Temple? This place is located on the edge of a swamp. Didn't he know it beforehand?"

Qi Changzhen said: "He knows it, but he wants to guard the territory for Master Fu Yuan. This place is only temporarily deserted. When the original landform is restored in the future, the cultivation environment will gradually improve!"

Shi Liufang shook her head: "It will take at least a hundred years to get better. It's not too late to come back after recovery!"

She then asked: "Where did Junior Brother Fang go? If Xiaoyin's lower palace is too crowded and there is no territory to live in for the time being, you can also go to Qingshi Palace and have a look. There are more than thirty lower palaces over there. He You can choose whatever you want, anyway, you will only live there for a hundred years, and then you can just move back."

Qi Changzhen smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Master Shi Qing, for taking care of me. He is the one who made the decision on this matter. When he comes back, I will convey Master Shi Qing's wishes to him and let him thank you personally." Shi Liufang was about to reply, As if he sensed something, he suddenly turned his eyes to the outside of the hall and said, "A master is coming this way, let's go out immediately to greet him!"


Qi Changzhen was stunned for a moment. Many Nascent Soul cultivators had come this month, but no seniors from the Transformation Stage came to visit. She felt that it was a pure way, not a special trip to see Fang Dushu.

When she left the palace gate and just handed over the welcoming order, she saw a huge magic car pulled by several magic beasts, speeding over from the swamp in the north from far to near.

Sitting cross-legged on the magic chariot are two masters, a man and a woman. They are Master Fan Gai and Master Ganchi who presided over the war at Longmen Pass.

Shi Liufang recognized the two men and greeted them respectfully: "Disciple, please see Master Gan and Master Fan. Congratulations to Master Gan and Master Fan on their victory over the Deer Slaughterers and their complete victory!"

When she left the palace, she had not heard the news that Master Ganchi and Master Fan Gai had returned to the main altar. Now she met here. The two masters had come from the north again, and they must have just returned from the front line.

Master Ganchi remained expressionless and did not say a word.

Master Fan Gai smiled and said, "It turns out to be Master Shi! You are here just in time. Did Master Fang move here?"

Shi Liufang reported back: "Junior brother Fang did settle here, but he went to another place and is not at home for the time being!"

Shi Liufang pointed at Qi Changzhen: "This is his Taoist companion, Junior Sister Qi. If Uncle Fan comes to see him for something, he can answer Junior Sister Qi!"

Master Fan Gai and Master Gan Chi immediately aimed at Qi Changzhen.

Before Qi Chang could actually greet him, Master Ganchi spoke first and gave instructions: "When Master Nephew Fang comes back, ask him to go to Huannan Palace. This is my personal token. With this order, he can pass through Huannan Palace unimpeded." !”

Qi Changzhen felt her eyes light up, and a bloody token appeared. She took it in her hand first, and then replied: "Junior, keep this in mind!"

She knew that Fang Dushu had taken away a Qingyun from Master Ganchi when he was at Longmen Pass. This trip to Huichun Temple must have been for this Qingyun.

Master Fan Gai then told Qi Changzhen: "When Master Nephew Fang has finished going to Huannan Palace, let him stop by Daqi Palace. I went all the way around the East China Sea just to do something for him. In addition, tell him, don't Wandering back and forth in the lower palace, he is so talented, it is only right to enter the Five Sacred Mountains Altar early and concentrate on cultivation!"

After speaking, he pulled the rope and drove the magic car to fly away from the Temple of Rejuvenation.

He only said a few words, but Qi Changzhen had a very good impression of him. She thought that this teacher Fan Gai was rough and fierce, but he was also warm-hearted and caring.

Shi Liufang looked puzzled when she saw the magic car driving to the east, and asked Qi Changzhen: "The main altar of Huannan Palace and Daqi Palace are both located in the west section of Qinghe. It is a long way to go to the East China Sea. Just now, Uncle Fan said that he would take the place of Junior Brother Fang. Do you know what the business is about, Junior Sister Qi?"

Qi Changzhen shook his head: "I'm not too sure."

She guessed that it was for the Ba Mie Spring, because all the Ba Mie Spring in the Five Sacred Palaces were opened in the East China Sea. However, the master was unpredictable and she was not sure, so she did not tell her about it.

Seeing that she couldn't get the answer, Shi Liufang looked at the token in her hand and said with a smile: "This is the palace master's order from Master Ganchi. It is said that in the entire palace, only a few of her true disciples have been given this kind of order." The token can travel through all the palaces that are difficult to restrict, so Junior Brother Fang is so lucky to be valued so much by the Lord of the First Palace!"

Qi Changzhen didn't think it was important. The purpose of giving the token was to allow Fang Dushu to return the 'perfect match' as ​​soon as possible. In comparison, Master Fan Gai favored Fang Dushu more.

The two stood outside the hall chatting for a long time. Just when Shi Liufang said goodbye and was about to leave, they suddenly saw another magic car flying down. The monk in the car was none other than Fang Dushu, whom the two of them mentioned frequently. .

Before getting off the car, Fang Dushu shouted from a distance: "Why are senior sisters here here? I happened to be going out, so I couldn't receive her. It's really rude!"

Shi Liufang waited for the magic chariot to land outside the palace before replying: "It's the same with Junior Sister Qi's reception. There's nothing rude about it! Junior Brother Fang, your chariot looks very familiar. Is it the Wancheng Zhen from Daqi Palace?" precious?"

Fang Dushu said with a smile: "When I fought at Longmen Pass, Uncle Fan Gai specially gave me a chariot in recognition of my military exploits. He made it by himself and it was very convenient to use, so I used it for transportation. !”

"Uncle Fan Gai?"

Shi Liufang and Qi Changzhen looked at each other, and then pointed in the direction of the East China Sea: "Uncle Fan and Uncle Gan just passed by here, and they just walked away for a while. If you chase them now, you should be able to catch up!"

Fang Dushu was startled when he heard this, and then shook his head: "Master escapes so fast, I can't catch up! I will go to see them again when they return to the main altar!"

After returning this time, he will not only visit Master Ganchi and Master Fan Gai, but also visit the Five Sacred Palaces. Eventually, he will find a dojo in the main altar of Xiaoyin Palace, so that he can finally settle down in Qinghe.

As for the remaining disciples from the two palaces, once he has established a foothold in Xiaoyin Palace, he will also send these disciples to Jianhua Cave.

In this month, he has escorted most of his disciples, and there are not many members of the Fang Qi and Qi families currently stranded in Huichun Temple.

He is not worried that the disappearance of the disciples from the two houses will arouse suspicion from outsiders. These disciples are all from Hexi. The local monks in the Five Mountains Palace do not know them at all, and no one will pay attention to the whereabouts of the disciples from the two houses.

When he left Jiuqu Gorge, Master Zhuge escorted him all the way, but Master Zhuge didn't care about the future whereabouts of his disciples from the two prefectures. The reason why he was stationed in Yuelong Realm was purely to repay Fang Dushu's kindness. Now Fang Dushu has Dushu moved to Xiaoyin Palace, and the relationship has been resolved, so he will naturally stop meddling in other people's affairs.

Even Bi Xizhong, an acquaintance of Fang Dushu, would not interfere because Bi Xizhong's friendship was limited to Fang Dushu.

Only the Zangjian Wenshi and other elders of the Zhenwen Mansion, who moved with Master Fu Yuan three years ago, may visit frequently. If you don't see Xuanjin Wenshi and other disciples for a long time, you may have a little doubt, but it is definitely not the case. They will suspect that there is something wrong with the safety of Xuan Jin Wenshi and others.

The whole matter has been solved quietly.

Seeing Shi Liufang present, Fang Dushu asked casually: "Senior Sister Shi, you are well-informed. Is there any way in our Five Sacred Palace to directly enter the Fuyao Tower privately without waiting for the opening day of Si Jiazi?"

(End of this chapter)

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