Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 530 Cutting off the branch

Chapter 530 Cutting off the branch

Fang Dushu accompanied Qi Changzhen to the Huannan Palace, and waited for three days to finally see Master Ganchi who had returned from the East China Sea.

After learning that Qingyun's "Beautiful Match" was intact, Master Ganchi was very satisfied and gave a batch of treasures on the spot. However, he did not elaborate on the incident of Ba Miequan. He only told Fang Dushu to go to Daqi Palace to meet Master Fan Gai. You can get the key to the spring.

When he was in Jiuqu Gorge, Fang Dushu once heard Zhuge Jie mention in a casual chat that the top-grade Ba Mie Quan in Wuyue Palace had been divided up and there was no vacancy. Master Ganchi and Master Fan Gai should have planned to use their own The spiritual spring was rewarded to Fang Dushu for use.

But which of the two masters would bear the pain of parting ways, Fang Dushu never knew until he met Master Fan Gai in Daqi Palace.

When Fang Dushu came out of the main altar of Daqi Palace, he had a triangular formation flag and a spiritual ball emitting a light blue halo in his hand. This flag was called the 'Broken Halberd Flag', and it was the key to entering and exiting the restricted area of ​​Ba Mie Quan. , the spirit ball is a guiding ball, which can help Fang Dushu lock the location of the Destruction Spring in the East China Sea.

Both the formation flag and the spirit ball were the personal belongings of Master Fan Gai. He generously gave them to Fang Dushu, which made Fang Dushu puzzled. "The Destruction Spring is a reward for military merit, and it should be jointly awarded by the Five Mountains Palace. Now But it’s unfair for Master Fan to shoulder the entire responsibility. Is Master Fan so willing?”

Qi Changzhen was very impressed when she first met Master Fan Gai at Huichun Temple. After she witnessed Master Fan Gai's act of donating springs, she admired him so much that she guessed: "Maybe Master Fan Gai is enlightened." Gao Shi, I have a discerning eye and plan to cultivate you."

Fang Dushu shook his head: "I am not a disciple of Da Qigong. There is no need for him to pay so much for me."

Qi Changzhen smiled and said: "Ashu, don't underestimate your potential. You have such good qualifications. There are many masters who want to accept you as their disciples. Although you worship in the Xiaoyin Palace, it will not affect your study in other Zhen Palaces. Gong Tongqi Lianzhi does not stipulate that a local apprentice can only worship under one master."

These words are a bit emotional.

Fang Dushu felt that the guru always had deep intentions in his actions and would not just use huge profits to show favor to his descendants.

He secretly guessed that there should be some kind of transaction between Master Fan Gai and Wuyue Palace. He obtained Master Fan Gai's Destruction Spring, and Wuyue Palace should compensate Master Fan Gai accordingly.

This is consistent with common sense.

After leaving the Palace of Great Instruments, Fang Dushu and Qi Changzhen headed east along the Qinghe River, and successively visited Qingshi Palace and Zhongmiao Palace, and finally arrived at the main altar of Xiaoyin Palace.

Master Long Mian, the master of Xiaoyin Palace, learned that Fang Dushu had entered the palace, and personally accompanied Master Zhuge and held a banquet to summon him.

Fang Dushu knew that the founder of the Xiaoyin Palace was called Long Ciyin, but this Master Long was a casual cultivator and had no relatives. The master of this generation, Master Long Mian, was not a descendant of Grandmaster Long. In accordance with the custom of the Yin Palace Master, he changed his surname and Taoist name to Long as a memorial to Grandmaster Long.

Master Long Zong had a low-key style during his lifetime, staying in the palace all year round to practice hard, and ordered his disciples to strictly prohibit conflicts with outside monks. Even the ultimate path he comprehended, "Hidden Dragon in the Abyss", was also known for his escape and invisibility. Subtly, his style also influenced generations of disciples.

To this day, the monks of Xiaoyin Palace walk around the world of immortality as hermits. They don't like to compete and prefer to live in seclusion. The current palace masters, Master Long Mian and Master Zhuge, are also people who are indifferent to fame and fortune.

When Fang Dushu met Master Long Mian for the first time, he felt that the palace master was pleasant-looking and had no airs at all, so he treated Master Fan Gai's reward of Ba Miequan as a mere gossip.

After hearing this, Master Long Mian smiled and explained to Fang Dushu: "Junior Brother Fan Gai has reached the peak of the early stage of divine transformation a hundred years ago, but no matter how hard he cultivates, he can never break through the early stage. Bottleneck, Ba Mie Quan is naturally useless, and giving it to Junior Nephew Fang will have no impact on him!
But the Ba Mie Spring was his private spring after all, so he handed it over to the Five Mountains Guru Association, and then exchanged it for a Chi Jing Pill from the Guru Association. This pill can break through the initial bottleneck, so Chi Jing Where does Dan come from? "

Master Long Mian knew that Fang Dushu did not know the situation of the Wuyue Guru Association, so he asked himself: "Most of the spiritual treasures in the Guru Association are the legacy of the Wuyue Palace, and the remaining part is the legacy of the Five Mountains Palace." The remaining spoils after the battle will be collectively owned by the masters of the Five Sacred Mountains Palace!"

After he said this, the source of Ba Mie Quan's reward became clear.

The Ba Mie Quan was obtained through the exchange of Chi Jing Dan, and the Chi Jing Dan was a treasure of the public treasury of the Five Mountains Masters Association. So in the final analysis, the Ba Mie Quan held by Fang Dushu was jointly given by all the masters of the Five Mountains Palace. However, It was handed over to Fang Dushu through the hands of Master Fan Gai.

In previous battles at the Five Mountains Palace, meritorious service must be rewarded, and the rewards must come from the Five Mountains Palace together.

When he was at Longmen Pass, Master Fan Gai also gave Fang Dushu a chariot of [-] pieces of true treasure, and returned all the ovens from the Lishui River in Yuelong Province to Fang Dushu. In the end, Fan Gai gave him these rewards. Master will still let the Masters of the Five Sacred Mountains share it equally, this is only fair and just.

It's just that Master Fan Gai himself will not reveal the trick here to Fang Dushu, but he can accept some favors.

But Master Long Mian refused to let Master Fan Gai pretend to be a good guy in front of Fang Dushu alone, so he shook out all the old people in Wuyue Palace.

Fang Dushu heard Master Long Mian explain the matter so clearly and thought that Master Long Mian was very patient, so he continued his efforts and asked Master Long Mian about the shortcut to Xiankun Pond.

He felt that Master Long Mian, as the master of the first palace, should have a great reputation, and he must have a way to contact the disciples of Namo Supreme Buddha.

Unexpectedly, Master Long Mian gave out a wry smile: "My nephew, you don't know something. The Nantian Buddhist Kingdom is located in the South China Sea of ​​the Divine Continent. They live adjacent to the Three Mountains Xian Sect. They only interact with the monks of the Three Mountains on a daily basis and never with our Five Mountains." When it comes to dealing with monks, it’s not that we don’t want to deal with those monks, but we are blocked by the monks from Sanshan and we can’t get through at all!”

Land transportation was blocked by the Sanshan Xian Sect, but the sea route was still open. However, the sea route was far away and there were many dangers along the way. Unless the Five Mountains monks lacked some spiritual treasure, they would go to sea and take a detour.

In addition, some devout Buddhist monks will also go to Nantian Buddhist Kingdom for pilgrimage at all costs. For example, in the past, the monks of Xiaoyuan Temple in Hexi Province, under the leadership of the holy monk Wanglei, sailed from the East China Sea of ​​Shenzhou and braved the hardships to sneak across. Go to the Buddhist Kingdom of Nantian.

Master Long Mian pointed to Master Zhuge who was sitting next to him, and Dushu said: "You are asking me to inquire about the situation in the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom. Why not ask your Uncle Zhuge? In the entire Five Mountains Palace, there is no one who is more interested in Nantian than your Uncle Zhuge." The Buddhist country knows better monks.”

Master Zhuge became a Taoist couple with Master You Jue of Zhongmiao Palace. Master You Jue’s cousin Master You Xian made a pilgrimage to Nantian Buddhist Kingdom very early and took root in Nantian, becoming one of the few people who transformed into gods. Holy monk.

Master Zhuge was able to learn the inside story of the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom through Master You Xian, and also obtain the treasures of the Buddhist Kingdom. When Master You Jue accompanied You Qizhi to the Buddhist Kingdom to heal his wounds, it was because of Master You Xian's kinship.

Fang Dushu immediately bowed his hand to Master Zhuge and said, "Please give me some advice, uncle!"

Master Zhuge shook his cattail leaf fan and said, "This matter is difficult to handle!"

He first made a conclusion and then explained the reason: "The current Nantian Buddhist Kingdom is actually similar to our Qinghe Divine Continent. It is also a situation of confrontation between the north and the south. The split of the Divine Continent is due to the struggle between good and evil, while the split of Nantian is a struggle for orthodoxy. !”

"A dispute between Taoism and Taoism?" Fang Dushu asked curiously: "Aren't they all Buddhists? Is there any rupture between Taoism and Taoism?"

"The cause of this incident is Nanwushang Buddha." Master Zhuge said: "The Nantian Buddha Kingdom was originally a cave. There were indigenous monks living in the cave. Although these natives converted to Buddhism, they had no respect for the things outside the cave. The monks have always had an attitude of rejection. When the Supreme Buddha was alive, they did not dare to blatantly reject heretics. With the death of the Supreme Buddha, this rejection soon broke out." In the past, Qinghe Shenzhou was because of its positive attitude. The Demonic War once broke out between the North and the South.

Such internal strife also broke out in the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom.

This internal fighting directly caused the division of Buddhism. The Northern Sect was the Shenzhou Buddhist Sect represented by Dafuyou Temple, and the Southern Sect was the local Buddhist Sect represented by Dapudu Temple.

As the name of the Shenzhou Buddhist Sect suggests, all the disciples in the sect moved from Qinghe Shenzhou to the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom. They settled in the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom because of their admiration for Buddhism.

The local Buddhist sect is easier to understand. The disciples in the sect are all Dongtian natives in the past. They hate the Shenzhou monks for robbing their ancestral homeland. This is also the source of all conflicts.

Master Zhuge's relative, Master Youxian, was born in Shenzhou and practiced at Dafu You Temple. He was a representative figure of the Shenzhou Buddhist sect and was deeply hostile to the local Buddhist sect.

Unfortunately, after the Supreme Buddha passed away in the past, his mantle was basically passed on to the local Buddhist sect, and his direct disciples were also in the Dapudu Temple. Naturally, the portal of Xiankun Pond was also in the hands of the local Buddhist sect.

Since Master Youxian was excluded by Dapudu Temple, he could not get the right to use the portal at all.

This is also the reason why Master Zhuge said that this matter is difficult to handle.

However, the matter is not completely unsolvable. I heard Master Zhuge say again: "The dispute between Buddhism has lasted for many years. Today, the contradiction has gradually faded away. I will write to Master You Xian and tell Master Fang that you Tell Master You Xian what happened, and for the sake of abandoning him, he will definitely try his best to deal with it for you, and maybe he will give you an unexpected surprise!"

Fang Dushu said hurriedly: "Thank you, Master Zhuge, for making it possible. I also know the grudges between Dafu You Temple and Da Pudu Temple. If Master You Xian cannot borrow the teleporters, I will personally go to Nantian Buddhist Kingdom. When the time comes, I will ask Master You Xian to introduce the eminent monks of Dapudu Temple on my behalf, and the disciple will be extremely grateful."

If it were just to introduce Buddhist monks, it would not be difficult for Master You Xian.

But Master Zhuge also raised a difficult problem. He said: "I have known for a long time that there is a portal leading to the Xiankun Pond in the Dapudu Temple. I once visited it specifically, but this portal is controlled by an old monk. In your hand, the whereabouts of this old monk are elusive, and he often travels. Each time he travels, it will take a hundred years. Even if Master You Xian is willing to introduce you to you, if you still can't find this old monk, there is nothing you can do! "

Fang Dushu said: "This disciple has been given the Tyrant Destruction Spring and will be in retreat in the spring from now on. No matter when Master You Xian learns of the old monk's whereabouts, he can go to the Tyrannical Destruction Spring to inform him of the news. The disciple is willing to wait! "

Master Zhuge smiled slightly: "Okay, that's it!"

After the agreement was completed, Fang Dushu had nothing else to ask for advice. After chatting with Master Long Mian and Master Zhuge for a while, he said goodbye.

In the following months, Fang Dushu walked back and forth between the main altar of Xiaoyin Palace, the Dragon Tiger Realm Rejuvenation Temple and the East China Sea Ba Mie Spring.

There is his exclusive territory in the main altar, and he needs to build his own dojo. There are disciples of Fengming Mansion and Zhenwen Mansion in Huichun Temple. He needs to take the time to send the disciples of the two houses to Jianhua Cave. As for Ba Miequan, this is his In the future, the place for practicing and cultivating should not be neglected either.

After he had settled all the affairs of the General Forum and the Rejuvenation Realm, he led Qi Changzhen to the East China Sea and began a long-term retreat in the Tyrannical Spring.

This time in retreat, I stayed away for two decades.

When he came out of seclusion, Fang Dushu himself was shocked. He could not imagine that he would live in a cave for more than a hundred years.

On this day, Fang Dushu finished his luck in the cave of Ba Miequan.

In the dark palace under the sea, a transparent and colorless magic bottle was seen spinning in the air above Fang Dushu's head. The bottle was originally about ten feet tall. Under Fang Dushu's casting, it gradually shrank to the size of a palm, and then It flew into Fang Dushu's palm.

The word "Kaiyuan" appears on the surface of the bottle, which is the Innate Supreme Way Kaiyuan bottle that Fang Dushu obtained in Jianhua Cave.

After two years of enlightenment, Fang Dushu has mastered the first four levels of the "Open Source Method". This method is exquisite and has also helped Fang Dushu break through the shackles of the early Yuanying stage in one fell swoop, raising his cultivation level to Yuan Ying. The state of middle infancy.

Nowadays, Fang Dushu's control of Kaiyuan Bottle has reached the level of proficiency.

However, as his understanding of the open source law deepened, he also came into contact with the deeper secrets of the open source bottle.

He held the bottle in his hand and flicked the surface of the bottle with his fingers. He saw a spiritual shadow suddenly flashing in the mouth of the bottle. This spiritual shadow was an emerald green branch inserted in the bottle. The lower end of the branch touched the bottom of the bottle. The upper end protrudes from the mouth of the bottle, and the branches reveal lush green leaves.

This reminded Fang Dushu of the myth of his previous life. He remembered that the jade purification bottle carried by Guanyin Bodhisattva had such a shape.

It's just that in Fang Dushu's open source bottle, although there are spiritual shadows of branches appearing, there is no real thing.

He guessed in his mind: "This branch must have been lost. Where was it lost?"

He thought hard, but couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, part of the information is recorded on the fifth level of the Kaiyuan Bottle. This branch is called the 'Intercepting Branch', and it contains offensive magical powers, which makes up for the shortcoming of the Kaiyuan Bottle that it can only assist in returning magic.

If Fang Dushu is patient enough, travels all over the world, and uses the open source bottle for sensing, he will be able to find the whereabouts of the 'Intercepting Branch' sooner or later.

But before looking for the 'intercepting branch', he still had one more important matter to deal with.

"A Shu, I just got the news that Wuyue Palace took back the Liumang Tree from Kuntian Babu. There is a Kun Scale sealed in that sacred tree. Once Wuyue Palace searches out the Kun scale, Jianhua Dongtian will be exposed to If you risk your life, you have to go back to Hexi!"

This is Qi Changzhen's message.

After Fang Dushu heard this, he immediately collected the Kaiyuan bottle and opened the cave door.

(End of this chapter)

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