Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 566 Qingyun Sacrifice

Chapter 566 Qingyun Sacrifice
  At this moment, in the sky above the Vientiane Divine Peak, the vitality and dharma of the dragon and tiger beasts stand majestically.

This method reaches the sky and reaches the clouds, and its momentum is magnificent.

The moment he appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of all the disciples protecting the law outside Pengcheng's formation. They all looked up attentively, as if worshiping a god, and cheered enthusiastically.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the Yuan Qi Dharma Appearance suddenly roared, sounding like a thunderous roar. It sounded like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring. The sound waves crashed wildly and instantly drowned out the cheers of the guardian disciples.

After the howling sound of the Dharma phase stopped, the environment of heaven and earth began to undergo incredible changes.

I saw colorful spiritual light particles emerging from the mountains, among the grass and trees, and in the rivers at the same time. They floated up in the air and swarmed towards the vitality Dharma.

"what is this?"

Due to the magnificent color of the aura and its dense appearance nearby, many Dharma protector disciples can reach out and touch it, but the aura often collapses upon contact and turns into a wisp of color and floats away in the air.

At first, everyone thought that this mysterious celestial phenomenon only appeared in the Vientiane Peak, but when they looked around the outside of the peak, they couldn't help but be surprised.

The entire Tai Chi sect's general forum has a shining figure.

In fact, everything within a thousand-mile radius is covered by the magical power of the vitality dharma. Under the traction of the dharma, the colorful auras gather from all directions.

It seems that the spiritual light is densely packed and numerous, but because the spiritual light is all in the form of particles, like sand, pouring into the vitality, like water dripping into a lake, it looks inconspicuous.

On the altar outside the Pengcheng Formation, Fang Emei and Wen Bangyuan were both attracted by the aura, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Tianjiu, are these lights the legendary vitality of heaven and earth?"

"Yes, it is the vitality of heaven and earth!"

The Celestial Dove Elephant Master doesn't know much about the true spiritual celestial phenomena, but he knows a little bit about the vitality of heaven and earth.

The mantles of the Mad Lion Butcher and the Iron Gallant Warrior that he inherited contained a lot of vitality information. After all, the Mad Lion Butcher and the Iron Gallant Warrior were both monks in the transformation stage.

Once a monk advances to become a god, his daily practice must deal with the vitality of heaven and earth. If he loses the collection and absorption of vitality, his cultivation will be difficult to achieve.

Just listen to Master Tianjiu say: "The vitality of heaven and earth can slowly generate itself between heaven and earth, but it is extremely thin and cannot meet the throughput needs of monks in the transformation stage! In Qinghe Divine Continent, there are only two ways to collect vitality. One is to refine it. True Yuanjin, and the second is to find the ultimate path to Yuan Qi!”

True Yuan Gold, like Wen Qian and Fei Wen Silver, are all refined by low-level monks, but the efficiency of the sacrifice is very low, and the output over the years is limited, which also causes the supply of True Yuan Gold to exceed demand.

The Yuanbaoshan used by Dragon Tiger Beast to advance is essentially a large piece of true gold.

But no matter how huge the scale is, if a monk in the transformation stage uses it once, it will be used less once. If one point of vitality is sucked away, Yuanbaoshan will shrink by one point.

Therefore, Yuanbao Mountain will eventually become exhausted.

Yuanqi Zhidao is completely different.

This is a supreme method that can derive vitality, and can continuously supply vitality to monks in the transformation stage.

But there are only a handful of people who have the ultimate vitality.

There is only one Mountain and River Cauldron in the Five Sacred Palaces, which is well known as the Supreme Way of Vitality. It is under the joint management of the five palaces and everyone takes turns to use it.

There may be several Five Sacred Masters who secretly hide other sources of vitality, but these are all top secrets. The Five Sacred Masters will not reveal any information about the mastery of vitality to the outside world, and the good treasure will definitely keep it for himself.

"It is rumored that the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron of the Five Mountains True Palace is the ultimate way of vitality. All Wuyue disciples who have perfected the Nascent Soul generally choose to carry out their transformation into gods within the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron. If they leave the Mountains and Rivers Cauldron, the success rate of advancement will be very slim!"

Tianjiu Xiangshi said eloquently: "It is more difficult to attack the gods in the Jianhua Immortal Realm. Fortunately, we dug out a Yuanbao Mountain in advance. This mountain can replace the Yuan Qi Dao and help the dragon and tiger beasts advance. If there is no such mountain, ,hey-hey……"

Fang Emei continued: "If there is no assistance from Yuanbaoshan, is the dragon and tiger beast doomed to fail?"

The celestial dove elephant master nodded: "[-]% of the time it will fail!"

He raised his finger and pointed at the vitality particles in the air, and said: "Look at the vitality of the heaven and earth nearby. It is extremely thin. The dragon and tiger beast mobilizes the vitality within a thousand miles, but such a small amount is not enough for it to advance!"

After hearing this, Wen Bangyuan suddenly had a whim and asked, "Senior Brother Tianjiu, has all the vitality of the world nearby been sucked away by Yuanbao Mountain?"

Tianjiu Xiangshi denied: "Yuanbaoshan will not absorb the vitality of heaven and earth on its own. It must be refined by monks and pulled and collected between heaven and earth. This is how true gold comes from! The vitality of heaven and earth in our world of immortality has not existed since ancient times. Too rich!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his finger and said, "Maybe if you ascend to the upper realm, your vitality will be full."

He guessed that the vitality of the upper world should be everywhere, and it would be easy to advance to become a god.

Upper Bound?

Wen Bangyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. He had lived for hundreds of years and had never seen even a monk in the god-transformation stage. Ascension was too far away, and for him it was really ethereal.

After hearing about the vitality of heaven and earth, Fang Emei also asked a question: "Senior Brother Tianjiu, if there is no Yuanbao Mountain, wouldn't it be possible for our world of flower appreciating and cultivating immortals to give birth to cultivators in the spiritual transformation stage?"

The celestial dove elephant master agrees with this view in principle.

Due to the thin vitality of heaven and earth, the scarcity of true gold, and the lack of vitality, monk Jianhua lost the conditions to advance to the stage of divine transformation.

No matter how many monks who have completed the Nascent Soul Stage appear in the Jianhua Immortal Cultivation World, they will eventually be stuck at the barrier of the Divine Transformation Stage and will not be able to break through in their lifetime.

But this condition is not a natural barrier. As long as the flower appreciating monk masters the method of worshiping and refining the true gold, he can also use the true gold to set up a great vitality formation. Anyway, the more true gold accumulated, the higher the success rate of advanced god transformation. The higher.

Unfortunately, none of the Jianhua countries have inherited the alchemy method.

In fact, they rarely even refine Wen Qian and Fei Wen Yin, mainly due to the influence of the 'Hundred Flowers Relic Pearl', which covers all processes of making money, refining dishes, and enlightening the Tao.

They only need to find a relic pearl to solve all the problems. Who would work hard to refine the gold and silver of the marrow?

When Fang Dushu leaves Jianhua Cave in the future, if he takes Yuanbaoshan with him, no matter how many Nascent Soul Consummation monks appear in Jianhua Kingdom, they will never reach the stage of becoming gods.

The three people in Tianjiu were chatting happily when they suddenly received an order from Fang Dushu from Pengcheng Formation: "The 'Great Sage Chaoyue' will appear later, and those who cast magic randomly will be captured by Yaoyue. You guys should immediately Send an order to the disciples of the main altar to terminate all forbidden formations and stop all spell casting!"

"Disciple obey!"

Fang Emei and Wen Bangyuan immediately flew away from the altar and went to personally instruct the disciples of the three sects.

Master Tianjiu was not idle either, waving his hand to remove the restrictions covering the altar.

After they have taken care of it, return to the Dharma altar and continue to observe the vitality Dharma.

It is estimated that for most of the past hour, all the vitality particles suspended in the air were absorbed by the Dharma. The originally motionless Dharma suddenly started to move.

I saw the giant wings of thunder behind the dharma image. With a fierce incitement, the Spring Thunder Sword came out and hung between the wings.

The Dharma Immortal then opened his huge mouth again and sprayed out the Xia Yan Sword.

Its shoulders and legs were also casting spells at the same time, swinging and kicking respectively. The Qiu Yu Sword and Dong Yun Sword had been summoned into the air.

When the four elephant swords gathered in front of the Dharma, they formed a circular sword formation. They whirled around like a lantern for a moment, and a huge crescent moon emerged from the sword formation.

This crescent moon is over a hundred feet high, with a dark red color all over. At the end of the moon is a beast shadow kneeling in a worshiping posture. However, the beast shadow is formed by condensation of a ray of moonlight, and its appearance is hazy, so the specific outline cannot be seen clearly.

"Is this the Great Holy Moon?" "What is the origin of the beast's shadow in the moon?"

Tianjiu Xiangshi and Wen Bangyuan said in unison. It was the first time for both of them to observe the Zhidao celestial phenomenon, so they were inevitably surprised.

In fact, Fang Emei has never witnessed the Great Sage Chaoyue, but in the past when Master Fu Yuan understood "The Way of Rejuvenation", it once triggered the Great Sage Chaoyue. The scene at that time was refined by Master Fu Yuan into an illusion magic weapon. It is said that For the training and use of his disciples.

Fang Dushu also got a magic weapon and kept it in Fang's family. Fang Emei saw it many times.

She said to Tianjiu Xiangshi and Wen Bangyuan: "The Great Sage Chaoyue is a celestial phenomenon that can only appear after comprehending the demonic path. Each demonic moon has a moon beast sealed in it. The shape of the moon beast is different. Enlightenment Ginseng What kind of demonic path you realize, what kind of demonic shadow the moon beast will evolve into!"

There are thousands of demon ways, and there are also thousands of changes in the moon beast.

The Great Sage of the Four Elephants Sword Chaoyue, the moon beast's form is consistent with that of the dragon and tiger beast.

The dragon and tiger beast has already advanced to the divine stage. After the advancement is completely completed, it needs to upgrade its four-image sword to the Qingyun level, so that the advancement can be considered complete.

Originally, the Dragon Tiger Beast summoned the Four Elephants Sword and triggered the Great Sage to Chaoyue, which was just an instinctive reaction during the advancement.

As a result, as soon as the blood moon hung high in the sky, the shadow of the beast in the moon began to tremble violently.

When Fang Emei saw this, she immediately looked around at the Dharma protector disciples present and scolded: "Who is casting the spell in secret? Are they willing to kill themselves?"

The Great Sage Chaoyue has the power of early warning.

After the blood moon is high, if the nearby creatures do not cast spells and just stay still, the moon beast will not take the initiative to attack anyone.

But once the nearby creatures reveal their magic power, they will be instantly locked by the blood moon, triggering the moon beast to attack and capture them as sacrifices.

The moon beast was restless at this moment, and it must have detected mana fluctuations nearby.

However, the disciples protecting the Dharma looked at each other with innocent expressions and said that no one was casting the spell.

Fang Emei was startled and turned her head to look away: "Is there an outsider lurking nearby?"

She was worried about the shadow of the blood moon beast and did not dare to use magic to investigate. She thought that no matter who was lurking, the moon beast would definitely find out and there would be no way to escape this disaster.

She was just waiting for a good show.

As expected.

The moon beast brewed for a moment, ‘Hoo! ’ rushed out of the blood moon with a sound, flew dozens of miles along the Qinghe River, and then fell in the air. Just as he was about to hit the bottom of the river, he saw a ball of water exploding first.

In the middle of the river, a white-haired old woman jumped up into the air, with a two-winged true spirit lying on her shoulders.

The old woman looked very panicked and wanted to say something, but the moon beast had already pounced on her. On the other side, the vitality law also sensed her position, stretched out its giant arms, and caught her in the air. The arm retracted again, and she and Zhenling had been captured next to Xueyue.

It was only then that the old woman had a chance to speak. She noticed the terrifying pressure of the vitality law, and her face twitched in shock: "Princess Peng, it's me, I am Jin Shen! Princess Peng, help me, help me..."

When Fang Emei saw the old woman's appearance, she immediately showed ridicule and started joking with Tianjiu Xiangshi and Wen Bangyuan: "They all say that one gains wisdom after one's mistakes. This old woman is good, but she doesn't have a good memory!"

The old woman is none other than Jin Shen Lao Mu, the leader of the Beilian Demon Clan.

Twenty years ago at the Four Symbols Sect General Forum, the Golden Ginseng Mother relied on the water-repelling properties of the Lotus True Spirit to hide in the Qinghe River. However, the dragon and tiger beasts saw her traces and suppressed the Lotus True Spirit on the spot. After returning to her true spirit, Mother Golden Ginseng spent a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, twenty years later, the Golden Ginseng Mother refused to learn the lesson and actually tried her old tricks again. This time, not only Furong’s true spirit was caught, she herself also suffered a bloody misfortune.

Hearing her cry for help, Yuanqi Dharmaxiang suddenly stopped his giant arms and did not send her into the blood moon.

She breathed a long sigh of relief and shouted again: "Princess Peng, please forgive me. I haven't seen you for three years. I was thinking a lot, so I came from Horseshoe Valley to visit, but I was caught before I even got close to the Divine Peak of All Things." Come on, who is this comrade with so much magical power?"

No one responded to her words.

The nearby Dharma protector disciples were laughing at her.

The scene was quiet for a moment, and the Pengcheng Formation suddenly stopped operating. The wind patterns instantly subsided, and the fossilized Peng skeletons also revealed their original shapes, and landed in an orderly manner at the foot of the Vientiane Divine Peak.

At this moment, above the Tianchi on the top of the mountain, there is Yuanbao Mountain, with the vitality and Dharma standing on the mountain.

Between the feet of the Dharma Prime, Fang Dushu and others were crowding around the dragon and tiger beast.

Xiaopeng girl raised her head and looked up at the blood moon, and said to Fang Dushu: "Father, Old Mother Golden Ginseng is reckless and rude. My child will not intercede for her anymore. How to deal with her, please let my father make the decision. My child will never say anything!"

Fang Dushu immediately transmitted the message and sent it into the ears of the dragon and tiger beast.

The giant arm of Yuanqi Dharma then released its palm.

Seeing that she was released, Old Mother Jin Shen thought that Xiao Peng Nu had begged for mercy on her behalf. She was about to shout out her thanks when she saw the Four Elephant Sword next to Blood Moon, ‘Keng! ’ The sounds merge into one.

The Green Lotus Sword struck through the air, and penetrated the golden ginseng mother's shoulder.

The old golden ginseng mother suffered such a heavy blow that she tilted her body and fell from a high altitude until she reached the mountainside of the Vientiane Divine Peak before she was caught by the true spirit of Lotus.

Fang Dushu looked down the mountain and told Xiaopeng Nu: "You go and suppress the Furong True Spirit. Let the True Spirit work for you from now on, which will be regarded as her ransom. As for her, you can let her return to the Horseshoe Valley of Beilian Mountain."

Xiaopeng Nu immediately flew down to Yuanbao Mountain and went to find the golden ginseng mother to trade.

Fang Dushu turned his head and signaled to the dragon and tiger beast: "Your transformation into a god has been completed, and you can dispel the vitality and magic form!"

The Dragon Tiger Beast was about to do as he was told, when he suddenly looked towards the east bank of the Qinghe River, raised his arm and waved eastward. The Moon Beast suspended in the sky struck again, and the Vitality Law continued to follow behind.

In the blink of an eye, Dharma Prime's giant arm captured several cultivators and brought them back.

Fang Dushu took a look and found that they were Yingrui Flower Master from Wugu Kingdom and Yu Qiweng from Taoyuan Kingdom. The remaining ones were from Yingshan Kingdom and Baicao Kingdom.

Ying Rui Hua Shi and Yu Qi Weng were captured by one move. They looked frightened and shouted condescendingly to Fang Dushu:
  "Master Fang, what's going on? We received news earlier that a strange phenomenon broke out in your territory, so we took the portal and hurried to check the situation. The place we just passed is still two hundred miles away from Qinghe. There’s nothing offensive at all!”

Fang Dushu did not answer their confusion and asked the Dragon Tiger Beast to release a few people.

After several people landed on Yuanbao Mountain, Fang Dushu made a gesture to the dragon and tiger beast and explained:

"Longhu'er, you go south along the Qinghe River. There is a Nanxian Demon Mountain thousands of miles away. The demon cultivators there are very suitable as sacrifices for the Four Elephant Swords. You can capture them. After the matter is completed, ignore the Four Elephants. Whether the sword can be upgraded to Qingyun level, you must return to the main altar immediately!"

After hearing this, the Dragon Tiger Beast flapped its thunder wings behind its back and disappeared in place. It teleported directly to the side of the Blood Moon and stepped on the Qinglian Sword in the air.

It raised its arm and flicked it again, and the vitality and law collapsed, turning into a whirlpool and rushing into its body.

Then it knelt on the sword, bowed to Fang Dushu, and then fled southward with the blood moon in hand.

Flower Master Ying Rui and Yu Qiweng looked at its back, all with horrified expressions on their faces, and asked in shock: "Master Fang, has your true spirit advanced to become a god?"

Fang Dushu smiled and nodded. It was with the magic power that he dared to let the dragon and tiger beast go out alone to perform tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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