Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 584 The All-powerful Spirit

Chapter 584 The All-powerful Spirit

"They left Fuyou Temple many years ago."

Master You Xian heard Fang Dushu ask about the current situation of Master Zhuge and Master You Jue, and revealed: "But they did not return to the Five Mountains Palace, but went to the Evergreen Realm."

Master Zhuge was an important figure in Xiaoyin Palace and Zhongmiao Palace, but they did not return to the palace all year round. Instead, they traveled to foreign lands. Fang Dushu secretly guessed that it was probably to treat the injury of his only son You Qizhi.

He asked about You Qizhi's situation again: "Did Senior Brother You also go to the Evergreen Realm?"

Master You Xian nodded: "When Ai Zhi broke through the pass and became a god, his body was destroyed by the catastrophe, and only one Nascent Soul survived. My friend, you have witnessed this incident, and you should know the seriousness of Ai Zhi's injuries. degree!"

Fang Dushu still remembered: "When Senior Brother You advanced, he used the true spirit of the younger generation to resist the catastrophe. Unfortunately, it was only half the success. Although Senior Brother You finally succeeded in advancing, Nascent Soul was severely damaged!"

He asked: "Uncle You Jue took him to the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom, saying that he wanted to visit you, the master, to find Manjuhua to heal his Nascent Soul. It has been more than a hundred years. Hasn't he been cured yet?"

"The doctor has cured her, but..."

Master You Xian showed a hint of pain and slowly told Fang Dushu the inside story:

"Back then, he was abandoned by his mother and brought to Fuyou Temple. The poor monk saw his injury and immediately collected Manju flowers for him. From then on, he lived in the temple. After being nursed for decades, Yuanying was able to recover as before, but it was premature. The opportunity to seize the body has been missed!"

You Qizhi's physical body was torn apart by the catastrophe, and his bones were destroyed on the spot. There was no way to save him. Even if Master Zhuge and Master You Jue found the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Glue, their physical body could not be saved.

Although You Qizhi already has the cultivation level of the God Transformation stage, without the physical body, he can no longer continue to practice with just a Nascent Soul. He will be stagnant in the original state for the rest of his life, and can no longer make any progress.

Master You Xian continued: "Once a monk advances to the stage of becoming a god, he needs to sense the vitality of heaven and earth, absorb and refine the vitality to strengthen his body, and then he can improve his cultivation level. If he abandons the physical body, his vitality cannot be condensed, and his cultivation level can no longer be improved. , I can only wait for my longevity to run out."

The key is that the Nascent Soul is out of the body. If it does not return to the physical body for a long time, the harm will be quite serious. It will not be able to withstand the twists and turns and trauma, and there is always a risk of collapse.

Fang Dushu knew the pros and cons and said, "Senior Brother You can be allowed to switch to the ghost path and cultivate a ghost body. The path can still be continued!"

He already understood the reason why You Qizhi's family of three went to the Evergreen Realm. It must be to seek a way for Yuanying to reverse the ghost path.

Master You Xian also confirmed his conjecture: "Qi Zhi was taken to the Evergreen Realm by his parents in order to find a new spiritual path for him. Calculating the time, his family has been to the Evergreen Realm for more than half a century, and so far there is no The reply came, but I don’t know how it went.”

Master You Xian's worry is beyond words. He has practiced Zen for nearly a thousand years, but he still cannot break away from the bondage of the mortal world. Perhaps it is because he is worried that he has too many concerns. When he proposed to accompany him to the Evergreen Realm, neither Master Zhuge nor Master You Jue could Agree, he was allowed to stay in Dafuyou Temple and continue to comprehend his Buddhist teachings.

It is said that the most difficult thing to overcome in the world of immortality is the heavenly tribulation, but this may not necessarily be the case.

For Buddhist practitioners like Master You Xian, emotional tribulation is the biggest obstacle to Buddhism.

Fang Dushu comforted him: "If Senior Brother You and his family go to the Evergreen Realm to practice the ghost path, they will definitely go to the Great Underworld Demon Court to find the method. As early as more than a hundred years ago, the Great Underworld Demon Court had turned enemies into friends with the Five Sacred Mountains Palace. , they will never encounter any difficulties in the Great Underworld Demon Court!"

This incident actually originated from Fang Dushu. Back then, he exiled the Buddha Bell in Kunxu, which caused the eight tribes of Kuntian and the Great Underworld Demon Court to turn against each other. In the end, the eight tribes of Kuntian went to the Sanshan Xian Sect to conclude an alliance, and the Great Underworld Demon Court chose to The real palace of the Five Mountains turns fighting into jade and silk.

This time, the You Qi family heads to the Evergreen Realm, and they should be able to successfully find the Dharma. It depends on whether they can survive the process of reversing the ghost path.

Fang Dushu added: "The reason why there is no news from Senior Brother You so far is probably because it is difficult to transform the Nascent Soul in the Divine Transformation Stage. This will take a long time to succeed. Master, don't worry too much!"

After hearing this, Master You Xian raised his palms and bowed: "It's a poor monk who is obsessed with it!"

At this time, the two of them had already flown over the high mountains outside Dafuyou Temple and arrived at the top of the densely packed temple Buddha grounds in the main altar.

Master You Xian accompanied Fang Dushu to a secluded valley.

There is a lake opened in the valley. The environment is very quiet and quiet. There is a row of Zen temples beside the lake. This is also the dojo where Master You Xian retreats and meditates.

After landing at the Zen monastery, Master You Xian led Fang Dushu and Baihua Witch into the guest house. After drinking a few cups of tea together, he began to ask Fang Dushu the reason for his trip.

Fang Dushu did not beat around the bush, he directly took out the relics left by the Supreme Buddha and handed them to Master You Xian for inspection:

"This is a Buddhist thing. There is an inner demon spirit ape sealed inside. When I first encountered it, Yuanying was knocked out of the body by it without realizing it, and almost died in its hands. Considering that it has magical powers and can resist the mind, The demonic calamity, I want to surrender it to my subordinates and use it for my own use, but I can’t find a way out, and I can’t even drive the demonic ape out of the relic, so I just want to ask Master for some guidance!”

"My little friend, please drink tea first. The poor monk needs to check the quality of this relic to confirm the heel of the inner demon in the relic!"

When Master You Xian took the relic, he was surprised at first glance. He had practiced Buddhism for thousands of years and had encountered many relics in his life. The quality of this one in front of him was extremely high. He needed a comprehensive and detailed inspection before he could give it to Fang Dushu. Provide the best way to surrender.

Fang Dushu waited patiently without saying a word and did not rush.

Master You Xian considered it for a long time and had a rough plan in mind.

He first handed the relic back to Fang Dushu, and then stretched out three fingers: "Little friend Fang, I have three strategies here, the upper, middle and lower, all of which can subdue the inner demon spirit ape in this relic!"

Fang Dushu smiled when he heard this: "Junior knows that you have a solution, master, so let's talk about it first!"

"The next best option is to use brute force to break or refine this relic!" Master You Xian said attentively:

"After the inner demon spirit ape shows its traces, cast a spell to suppress it, and plant a forbidden curse in the spirit ape's body, so that it can be tamed! But there are hidden dangers in this kind of taming. The inner demon is known for its violence, and the forbidden curse cannot make them convinced. On the contrary, it will deepen their resentment and cause them to go astray!"

After hearing this, Fang Dushu turned to look at the Flower Witch standing behind him.

The Witch of Flowers originally suggested that Fang Dushu go to Kun-Lai Island to find the Secret Fire Cave, in order to refine the relics, force the inner demon spirit ape to appear, and then use the pear wreath to suppress it.

The Witch of Flowers' Secret Fire Cave method is essentially the same as Master You Xian's strategy.

Fang Dushu reserved his opinion for the time being.

He gestured to Master You Xian: "Where is Zhongce?"

"The central strategy is to study Buddhism!" Master You Xian said eloquently: "In the Dafu You Temple where the poor monk lives, there are secret Buddhist scriptures in the collection. Fang Xiaoyou can choose at will. As long as he practices it, he can condense a life relic in his body. , after you have the relic..."

He raised his finger and pointed at the relic at Fang Dushu's fingertips: "You can slowly refine this relic of the inner demon. Once the refining is successful, fuse the two relics together, and the inner demon ape will become your destiny." The spiritual creature will be able to control it freely when the time comes. This strategy is the safest, the demon ape will definitely not rebel, and the combination of relics will also help you improve your cultivation, but the disadvantages are also obvious!"

"Oh, what exactly are the drawbacks?"

"It takes too long! From the time you practice Buddhism, little friend, until you complete the two relics, even if you have outstanding talent, I'm afraid it will take at least a hundred years to achieve perfection!"

"I heard that Buddhist practice does not pay attention to talent, but mainly depends on wisdom and chance. If the younger generation has no connection with Buddhism, I am afraid that after three to five hundred years of hard work, it will be difficult to refine the relics, right?"

"This...hehe, little friend, although the root of wisdom is destiny and chance is accidental, I, the Buddha, can also save people with a sincere heart! If the little friend is willing to escape into Buddhism, stay away from the distractions of the world, and concentrate on understanding the Buddha's way, the relics will definitely be It can be condensed!”

"Even a holy monk like you, Master, can't let go of his roots in the world of mortals, let alone a junior!"

Fang Dushu sighed.

Master You Xian couldn't help but be startled. He thought of his nephew You Qizhi and stopped trying to persuade him.

The middle strategy he just talked about was definitely not to save Fang Dushu, it was just to subdue the relic heart ape, and he happened to use the words to save him.

He continued: "The poor monk has another good idea here, which should be the most suitable for you, little friend Fang!"

The risk of choosing the wrong strategy is too high, and it is not suitable to tame the Relic Heart Monkey for a long time. The middle strategy takes too long, and it is not in line with Fang Dushu's wishes.

The best strategy eliminates almost all disadvantages.

Fang Dushu also wanted to know the best strategy: "Master, please give me some advice!"

Master You Xian was not in a hurry to answer, but asked instead: "My friend, have you ever heard of the Zhenting Zhidao of the Great Underworld Demon Court in the Evergreen Realm?"

Fang Dushu replied unconvincingly: "What the master is asking about is the three light ghost bodies of "Golden Zha Magnetic Corpse", "Silver Skeleton" and "Crowning Ghost Roar"? If it is these three court-suppressing external skills, then this junior You still know a thing or two!”

Master You Xian heard that he was involved in something, and then he began to reveal the details: "What the poor monk was talking about was the three-light underworld body. Although these three paths are judged to be underworld methods, their origins are actually in Buddhism!"

"In Buddhism?"

"That's right! Because the methods of Buddhism and the underworld are naturally in conflict with each other. No matter how strong their magical powers are, many underworld methods will naturally be weakened by three points when they encounter Buddhist methods. In order to make up for this disadvantage, there are meditation cultivators who sneak into Buddhism and secretly study Buddhist scriptures. I was trying to suddenly realize a way of the underworld that is not afraid of Buddhism, so the Three Light Underworld Body came into being. You should know that the Three Light Underworld Body also has a unified magical power, right?"

"Juniors know that it is called the King Kong!"

"Vajra is the unique external power of my Buddhist sect. The so-called Vajra Angry Eyes is the Zhiyang method that specializes in breaking the underworld. As a result, it was secretly learned by the underworld cultivators of the Great Underworld Demon Court. After blending it with the enlightenment, it became the magic weapon of their court. Even though they use the name 'King Kong' to practice the Zhiyin Ming Dharma, it is actually still passed down from the same line as my Buddhist sect!"

"No wonder! When the younger generation heard the name of King Kong for the first time, they thought it was weird. It turned out that they had borrowed the Buddhist method to fulfill their meditation path!"

In fact, Fang Dushu doesn't care who borrowed from whom, and where the source of Taoism is.

He came to Dafu Temple to find a way to subdue the relic-heart ape. As long as he could control the demon ape safely and quickly, it didn't matter what orthodoxy he used.

He then asked: "Is it possible that the master's best strategy has anything to do with the mighty King Kong?"

Master You Xian replied: "The connection is very important. The three-light underworld bodies of the Great Underworld Demon Court all contain the light of the relics. They are also the only external objects in the world of immortality that can be combined with the relics. If you, my friend, have practiced the three-light underworld method, you can control the three-light underworld body. If you use the true treasure of the body, you can refine the relics into the true treasure, and then control the inner demon ape. The effect is the same as that of the combined relics!"

"Is this possible?" Fang Dushu looked unbelievable: "Does it take collecting all the three light underworld treasures? Can a single treasure be used to refine the relics and control the demon ape?"

"The effect of one true treasure alone is too poor. It is best to gather all three. If they can be combined to produce the all-powerful King Kong True Treasure, it will be even more foolproof!" Master You Xian knew that the Great Underworld Demon Court was far away, so Fang Dushu traveled thousands of miles to get there. Coming to Nantian to ask for help, he would not let Fang Dushu run away again, nor would he send Fang Dushu away empty-handed.

He showed a relaxed smile towards Fang Dushu: "Since the "Golden Zha Magnetic Corpse", "Silver Skull" and "Crowning Ghost Roar" were understood by meditation practitioners in the past, and the reputation of King Kong has become famous in the world of immortality, I The Buddhist ancestors have repeatedly sneaked into the Evergreen Realm and made rubbings of the Three Lights Underworld Dharma!"

He paused and then said: "In the current Dafu Temple, as far as the poor monk knows, there are no less than ten Buddhist cultivators who have the three-light underworld true treasure. The poor monk can find the three true treasures for you, little friend." , but it will take a few days, so you should stay at the Poor Monk’s Temple first, and when the results of the Poor Monk’s treasure hunt come out, I will give you a satisfactory answer, little friend!”

When Fang Dushu heard this, he first raised his hands to express his thanks: "Junior, I would like to thank you, Master. However, I have a treasure in my possession. Please take a look at it before I go out to hunt for treasure!"

Having said this, he took out Jin Zha Qingyun, which he had snatched from Emperor Shi Jun, and handed it to Master You Xian for inspection.

Master You Xian didn't take it seriously at first, but then he held up Qingyun and looked at it, looking surprised and uncertain: "Is this... is this Qingyun's true form from "Jin Zha Magnetic Corpse"?"

Fang Dushu paused slowly: "I traveled in the Evergreen Realm in my early years, and by chance, I found this Qingyun. I can be sure that this cloud is the "Jin Zha Magnetic Corpse"!"

By chance?

How can Master You Xian believe that the Sanguang Nether Body is the key to the Great Underworld Demon Court? It is absolutely impossible for it to be lost for no reason. It must have been snatched away by Fang Dushu during the battle.

However, the Nantian Buddhist Kingdom and the Great Underworld Demon Court have never had any contact. Master You Xian will not recover the treasure of the Great Underworld Demon Court for the Great Underworld Demon Court. He is just curious about how Fang Dushu pulled out the tiger's teeth and snatched it from the hands of the Emperor of the Transformation God Stage. Jin Zha Qingyun?

"Now that you, my friend, are in charge of the Qingyun body of "Jin Zha Magnetic Corpse", things will be very easy to handle!"

Master You Xian said: "As long as you seal the relics into Qingyun, and then use Qingyun to warm it up, the inner demon ape will be able to submit to you, and it can even be driven as a true spirit!"


Fang Dushu felt that this idea was very mysterious, but he was currently only at the Nascent Soul stage and could not control Jin Zha Qingyun at all. Besides, he had not comprehended Jin Zha Qingyun, could he really be so effective in making the demon ape give up?

(End of this chapter)

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