Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 595 The sound of nature and bamboo

Chapter 595 The sound of nature and bamboo

Gathering in Howling Valley.

A lake stretching for dozens of miles is sealed in this valley, which actually also hides another forbidden exit of Youye Tower.

Before Fang Dushu's Heaven-Sealing Lock Tower, all tower-breaking monks who wanted to leave Youye Tower and explore other tower levels had to go through the Gathering Valley Passage.

Ever since Dushu blocked Youye Tower two hundred years ago, the passage to Juxiao Valley has also been completely blocked, causing this valley to gradually become uninterested.

Due to the strong cold in the valley, the lake in the valley freezes all year round, so it was used by a frost monk to open up a hibernation dojo and has lived in seclusion ever since.

In order to eliminate hidden dangers, Fang Dushu decided to find this monk Shuang, and asked Patriarch Mu Kun to lead the way and set off for Juxiao Valley.

Before leaving, it was inevitable to clean up the battlefield at Yuehua Xuanfeng and collect the relics of the Huifeng monks.

On the way to Juxiao Valley, Fang Dushu inspected these relics one by one and found the broken Yuehua tree roots.

The roots of this tree were sealed in a plate of spiritual soil. Those Huifeng monks also had the idea of ​​resurrecting the Yuehua Tree, so they dug three feet into the Youye Tower to find a spiritual soil that could warm and nourish the tree roots. , to ensure that the roots will not rot.

During the fight for the Moonlight Tree, although the trunk was interrupted and the crown was cut, the roots themselves were not damaged. When they were dug out from the hanging peak, the roots always maintained their original appearance and were nourished by the spiritual soil. More than two years have passed, and the roots of this tree are still full of vitality.

After Fang Dushu checked the condition of the Yuehua tree's roots, his confidence in resurrection greatly increased. After all, the damage was much less than that of the jade oak tree's roots.

The roots of the jade oak tree were chopped down by the catastrophe, and their vitality was gone. Fang Dushu used the open-source bottle dew to water the tree for two months, but it never came back to the dead tree.

When the Yuehua tree roots were dug out by the Huifeng monks, their vitality was not cut off, and the roots were effectively protected. The key is that the Yuehua tree's longevity is still sufficient.

As long as we find a suitable spiritual place in the future, transplant the roots of the moonflower tree there, and then use open-source bottle dew to irrigate it, we can expect it to sprout and be reborn.

"King Fengming, please look, the area in front of you with the cold air is Juxiao Valley!"

The territory of Youye Tower is not large. Fang Dushu and Patriarch Mu Kun traveled more than a thousand miles in the tower, then crossed Youye Tower and arrived at their destination.

Patriarch Mu Kun pointed at the mountains in front of him and pointed out the terrain to Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu looked forward and found that the mountains were not icebergs. There were still green vegetation in the mountains and they had not been frozen by the cold air. He asked, "Where does the cold air come from?"

"The lakes in the valleys are covered with ice, and the cold air radiates from the ice." Patriarch Mu Kun has explored Juxiao Valley many times, and he is very familiar with this place:

"Actually, there is nothing unusual about the lake water. It's just that ordinary Qinghe water poured into Youye Tower and gathered in low-lying areas, gradually forming a lake. However, there is a natural Yinhan Lingzhen at the bottom of the lake, which emerged from the soil after being washed by the river. , and then the lake began to freeze, but Lingzhen’s cold power was not strong enough to rush out of the lake, so the nearby Lingfeng Peak was not affected.”

"You know the terrain so well, and you can accurately find the hiding place of the monk Shuang, and you just let him hibernate at the bottom of the lake?" Fang Dushu was very curious about this:

"Those Huifeng monks take advantage of their large number of people to rob monks from other immortal worlds. They probably won't let the Shuang monks stay in seclusion at the bottom of the lake, right?"

"Hey, King Fengming, your guess is very reasonable. Whether it is me or other colleagues in the tower, they all can't bear to see that monk Shuang enjoying the peace alone, and they have all visited this man's secluded cave. However, the cave's defense It’s so strange that no one can crack it.” Patriarch Mu Kun laughed regretfully:

"We can't break through the dojo of Brother Mi Shuang, so we can only watch and let this man hibernate at the bottom of the lake!"

"What kind of defense is it? It makes more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators helpless?" Fang Dushu didn't want to go to waste.

"This man's cave is right under the lake. King Fengming will know it right away!"

By this time, the two of them had already flown over the lake.

Patriarch Mu Kun first cast a spell to break the ice on the lake surface, then opened a channel in the lake that led directly to the bottom of the lake, and then motioned to Fang Dushu to enter the lake to find out.

The lake was only a few tens of feet deep. Fang Dushu and Patriarch Mu Kun had landed at the bottom of the lake and arrived in front of the cave of Monk Shuang without much effort.

The periphery of the cave has been visited many times by the monks from Youye Pagoda, and a water-proof barrier has long been established, as well as lighting restrictions.

Fang Dushu seemed to have arrived at an underground palace at the bottom of a lake.

However, there was no palace gate in front of him. What appeared in front of him at this moment was a vertical vortex that was more than several feet high. It had dark green water patterns all over its body and contained surging vortex power. He felt that it seemed familiar and asked casually: "Is this vortex the Daohe oven?" ?”

Coming through the tower this time, Fang Dushu's other mission was to find the oven, and it seemed that he had found it now.

Patriarch Mu Kun nodded: "King Fengming has really good eyesight. This is a Nascent Soul-level oven! But even if you pass through the oven, you can't enter the cave of Monk Shuang!"

Fang Dushu was puzzled: "Why is this?"

Patriarch Mu Kun revealed: “Because there is a large whirlpool array behind the oven. These whirlpools came from the Qinghe River into the oven during the opening of the Fuyao Tower. They were squeezed together layer by layer, gradually forming a natural Vortex array!"

"It is a well-known fact that the water from the Qinghe River will flow into the Fuyao Tower! But even if the Qinghe Oven occasionally flows into the tower, it should be randomly distributed. Why does it gather in this lake?"

"King Fengming, do you still remember what I said earlier about the cold spiritual treasure at the bottom of the lake? This spiritual treasure can not only emit cold air to freeze the lake, but can also absorb the oven through sound waves. The natural vortex array is actually this spiritual treasure It is formed by condensation!”

"Sound wave? Can this spiritual treasure emit sound power?"

"Exactly! The name Juxiao of 'Juxiao Valley' is actually related to this spiritual treasure!"

Juxiao Valley is an ancient landmark.

As early as ten thousand years ago, when the Fuyao Tower first appeared, cultivators sneaked into the seventh floor of the Youye Tower to hunt for treasures, and discovered that there would always be strange noises erupting in the lakes of the Juxiao Valley, which sounded like the roar of spiritual beasts.

At first, the cultivators thought that there was a monster lurking under the lake bottom, and it was making noises to demonstrate, so they dived into the bottom of the lake to search, but found nothing because they could not detect the source of the whistle. Every time the whistle came together, the entire lake and even the surrounding area were surrounded by monsters. Sound waves spread across the mountains for dozens of miles.

Since the previous openings of the Fuyao Tower lasted only about a month, the cultivators came here to hunt for treasures and naturally did not want to waste time on tracing the origin of the roaring sound in Juxiao Valley. No one went deep into the details of the whistling sound. , this valley was named "Ju Xiao Valley" based solely on the sound of whistles.

Until two hundred years ago, the last time Fuyao Tower was opened, after Fang Dushu sealed the sky and locked the tower, the way out was completely blocked. Since there was an exit ban in Juxiao Valley, the monks in the tower gathered in Juxiao Valley, trying to find the direction of the exit.

Who would have thought that this search would allow them to crack the secret of the howling sound. When they explored the bottom of the lake, they revealed the Yinhan Spirit Treasure buried in the mud.

This piece of spiritual treasure was originally deep in the ground. After years of river erosion, it gradually exposed its traces until it was detected by them.

They discovered that the roar that had erupted in Juxiao Valley since ancient times was emanating from this spiritual treasure. They all thought it was an ancient treasure and wanted to take it for themselves.

However, this Lingzhen can absorb the Daohe Oven, and dozens of vortexes surround the Lingzhen, forming a natural vortex array. No matter whether any monk wants to dig up this Lingzhen, he must first penetrate the vortex array.

But within the vortex formation, there is not only the ferocious river power, but also the sound waves released by Lingzhen. These two magical powers merge together to form a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking almost all the monks who try to break into the formation.

The frost monk is the only one who can sneak into the center of the vortex.

"This person relied on the natural vortex formation to open a retreat cave within the formation, and hibernated peacefully for two hundred years. The spiritual treasure must have fallen into this person's hands!"

After Patriarch Mu Kun finished telling the whole story, he glanced at Fang Dushu, spread his hands and said, "King Fengming, the power of this vortex formation is quite terrifying. It is enough to strangle the body of a Nascent Soul cultivator in an instant. In the past, comrades have lost their lives here. Inside the formation, I have no way of entering the formation anyway, all I can do is guide you, I really can’t help you with anything else!”

He didn't have the slightest ability to break into the vortex array, but he enthusiastically revealed the clues to Fang Dushu about the vortex array. Naturally, he hoped that Fang Dushu would risk his life and try to escape into the vortex array himself. If Fang Dushu was trapped by the vortex array, Or if he is unlucky and dies directly in the formation, he can completely get rid of the threat, which is definitely not a bad thing for him.

Fang Dushu ignored what he was thinking and continued to ask him: "How did the Shuang monk sneak into the vortex formation back then?"

Patriarch Mu Kun immediately showed a bitter smile: "I really don't know what method this person used. It involves the secret of private magical powers, and it is impossible for this person to be exposed to the public! However, I guess that he should be with Zhenshan from the Immortal Realm of Mianshuang. It’s related to the ‘Dongqin’ of Zhidao!

This piano is a spiritual sound method, and the vortex array contains sound wave array power. Perhaps the sound of the piano can suppress the array force, which helped this person successfully travel through the vortex array! If Fengming Wangyou also wants to join the battle, it’s best to start with the sound method! "

After hearing this, Fang Dushu began to think deeply. He was not interested in Lingzhen or the vortex formation at all, and he had no grudge against the Shuang monk. Ordinarily, he had no reason to take risks in the formation.

But the next time the Fuyao Tower is about to open, those Huifeng monks can escape from the Youye Tower through the "Peak Turning Infant Formation", and the Mianshuang monks may not have no way to escape.

This person was able to stand out and monopolize the vortex formation at the bottom of the lake, which shows that his magical powers are superior to those of others. Fang Dushu needs to eliminate this hidden danger.

If Fang Dushu ignores this person, then when the tower is opened, if this person really escapes and Fang Dushu's behavior of sealing the sky and locking the tower is made public, then Fang Dushu will become the target of public criticism, including the Five Sacred Mountains. The palace will also hold him responsible for trapping his fellow disciples to death.

Since Fang Dushu had basically cleaned out the monks in the tower, he just kept on digging out the Jishuang monk.

Thinking of this, Fang Dushu suddenly patted his chest and retreated from the body of the Thunderbolt Sword.

Patriarch Mu Kun saw this scene from the side and couldn't help but widen his eyes. Earlier, he had never been able to see through Fang Dushu's cultivation. He thought Fang Dushu had used some secret technique to conceal it, but he didn't expect that it was actually a clone that was pretending to be real.

However, after Fang Dushu's real body appeared, Patriarch Mu Kun cast a spell to find out, and he was even more shocked. Fang Dushu's real body cultivation level had reached the late Nascent Soul stage, which was simply unimaginable.

In just the past two hundred years, how did Fang Dushu jump from the middle stage of Jindan to the late stage of Nascent Soul? Such progress in cultivation has never been seen in ancient times. Even if you look at the holy land of cultivation, there is absolutely no second example.

This shows that Fang Dushu is not only extremely talented, but also possesses an unparalleled opportunity. It should be easy to advance to become a god in the future, and even ascending to the next level is not without hope.

Patriarch Mu Kun originally hoped that Fang Dushu would be trapped in the vortex formation and never come out, but now he had complicated thoughts. He was stagnant in the early stage of Yuanying for hundreds of years and could not advance despite all his efforts.

He had been trapped in Youye Tower for two hundred years, and his life span was running out. Even if Fang Dushu allowed him to leave Fuyao Tower, he would still die after returning to Hexi.

If he surrenders his allegiance to Fang Dushu in exchange for the method of advancement, will it allow him to take a further step forward?

It's just that Fang Dushu came back this time to clear away hidden dangers. After the cultivator Ji Shuang was found out, he would be the only one left in Youye Tower, Master Mu Kun. Will Fang Dushu let him go? No matter how he expresses his feelings, he probably won't win Fang Dushu's trust.

He was thinking wildly.

Fang Dushu had already driven the Thunderbolt Sword body to escape into the vortex and began to explore the vortex formation.

The defensive strength of the Thunderbolt Sword body is enough to withstand the attack of the vortex formation. However, this vortex formation is formed by the superposition of many Qinghe ovens. It is troublesome to shuttle through it. It is time-consuming to sneak into the hibernation cave of the Frost Monk. It won't be short.

Fang Dushu and Patriarch Mu Kun stood outside the cave in silence.

After waiting quietly for half a day, Fang Dushu waved his hand to grab it, and saw a flash of lightning, and the thunderbolt sword finally returned.

Patriarch Mu Kun followed Fang Dushu's gaze and looked curiously at the hand of the Thunderbolt Sword.

The right hand of the Thunderbolt Sword body holds a frozen stone statue, while the left hand holds a mutilated withered bamboo.

There was an outline of a human figure inside the stone statue, which was obviously that of the Frost monk.

As for the withered bamboo, it must be the Yinhan Lingzhen claimed by Patriarch Mu Kun.

Fang Dushu first took the dead bamboo in his hand and measured it.

The tentacles were cold, and before he could cast the spell on the bamboo, a gentle spiritual sound sounded in his mind. The lingering sound made him feel soothed and happy, and it had a natural charm.

Looking at the appearance of this dead bamboo, it is only as thick as a finger, and Fang Dushu can hold it in the palm of his hand. Because the bamboo surface is full of cracks and broken into shape, it is actually difficult to identify the type of spiritual bamboo.

At first glance, Fang Dushu thought it was a bamboo root that grew naturally at the bottom of the lake. But as he repeatedly identified it, he discovered that the entire spiritual bamboo also had the outline of some kind of writing.

He couldn't help but be suspicious, thinking that this bamboo could be some kind of Taoist text, but the writing was really special, completely different from the Taoist texts he had seen before.

The bamboo inscriptions are different from the Zhongdingwen oracle bone inscriptions, and cannot be classified with the Jie Sheng, Daolian, and Qingyun inscriptions. It should be a brand new genuine inscription that he has never seen before. He must first completely repair the bamboo inscriptions before he can solve the mystery of its origin.

(End of this chapter)

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