Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 602: Dan Zong and Old Friends

Chapter 602: Dan Zong and Old Friends

After saying this, Qingqing sat down cross-legged and began to teach the method to Chang Qinglian.

Fu Yuqing stood beside Qingqing, staring at Fang Dushu across the sea pearl, speechless for a moment.

The sudden changes in Hai Mingzhu caught everyone off guard.

When Fu Yuqing accompanied Qingqing to find Hai Mingzhu, he thought he was finding a mantle of spiritual cultivation, but unexpectedly, he was looking for a way to ascend.

If you can really ascend to the upper realm, it will definitely help your practice a lot, and there should be hope for immortality. But if you leave in such a hurry, you will inevitably feel melancholy.

Fu Yuqing felt nostalgic in her heart and became confused and lost her mind.

At this moment, Fang Dushu spoke first and asked her: "Have you understood the "Five Animals Play"?"

Fu Yuqing showed an awkward smile: "I'm sorry, dear brother, I haven't comprehended "Five Animals" and become enlightened yet. I wanted to continue to ask you for advice after seeing you again, but I have no chance."

She escaped from the Fuyao Tower with Qingqing and was trapped in a deserted area by the human-faced lotus. Relying on the protection of the Evergreen Lotus, she was forced to break away and have a baby. Later, she escaped from the human-faced lotus and was captured by the Great Underworld Demon. During the period of imprisonment, there is no condition to comprehend Taoism.

Fang Dushu said: "After ascending to the upper realm and then enlightening, the power of "Five Animals" should be stronger. This is not necessarily a bad thing!"

Fu Yuqing sighed softly: "In the past, there were ancestors in the world of immortality who ascended, but no news came back. No one knows what the upper world is like. If possible, I am still willing to stay."

Anyone would feel uneasy when traveling to an unfamiliar place suddenly.

Fang Dushu understood her mood and said: "Even if you stay, when you advance to the Void Refining Stage in the future, you will still have to lift the clouds and soar, it is unavoidable!"

"I heard that in the past ten thousand years, the only monk who has reached the Void Refining Stage in Qinghe Divine Continent is Emperor Xi. My cultivation is now at the early stage of Nascent Soul. It is extremely difficult to advance to the Divine Transformation stage, and the Void Refining Stage is even more of a luxury!"

"It is precisely because it is difficult to advance that you must seize this opportunity to ascend. If you miss it, you may not get it again in the future!"

"Brother Xian's advice is right. This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no one else can ask for. I shouldn't give up so easily."

That's what Fu Yuqing said, but if she was given a chance to stay, would she choose to stay or ascend? She didn't have the answer in her heart, but the subconscious tendency remained. She didn't want to never see familiar people or familiar things.

Seeing her sad expression, Fang Dushu added: "Not long ago, when I was exploring Kun-Lai Island, I found a secret treasure that can also unlock the method of ascension. However, my time is limited. I have not yet mastered this secret treasure. You and Qingqing go first, and I will come later. I estimate that in a few hundred years at most, we should be able to go to the upper world to find you."

This comfort was very effective, and Fu Yuqing immediately turned to happiness: "I will definitely wait for Brother Xian to come find him!"

When the two of them said this, the surrounding environment suddenly became brighter. The Sea Pearl had left the bottom of the lake, floated to the top of the lake, and began to continue to rise along the Tongtian River.

Even though the Sea Pearl is sealed in the river, because the entire river is currently in a stationary state, the Sea Pearl's ascent trajectory forms an upward wave in the river, which is extremely eye-catching, causing traces of the Sea Pearl to be inevitably exposed.

Fang Dushu chased Hai Mingzhu up to the surface. His figure was suspended above the lake, and his target was more obvious. But even if he was besieged by the Kunlai monks, he was unwilling to miss the last chance to accompany Qing Qing and Fu Yuqing.

At this time, hundreds of Kunlai monks gathered outside the Tongtian River. They were originally jointly attacking the Xiaguang Curtain Wall outside the river, but they could not make any progress. Just when they were worried, the Pearl of the Sea suddenly came into their sight, allowing them to Enthusiasm is rising again.

"Look, everyone, a monk has escaped into the ascension passage!"

"How did they get into the river?"

"There is another person near them. Maybe this person knows how to enter the river!"

"If this person really knew, he would definitely escape into the river, so why bother wandering outside the river?"

"Catch this person directly and torture him, and the reason will become clear!"

"Okay, catch it!"

Several Nascent Soul cultivators took the lead, leaping down from their respective flying magic weapons, and surrounded Fang Dushu. As a result, when they jumped halfway, Fang Dushu was the first to launch the Green Lotus Sword. Wherever the sword light hit, they all saw the tragic scene of corpses being separated.

None of these people were enemies together, and they didn't even have a chance to escape. When their bodies fell into the river, the Green Lotus Sword was suspended in front of Fang Dushu, and the dragon and tiger beast also jumped out of the sword, lying on the tip of the sword, ready to attack. .

Fang Dushu's physical body was hidden within the body of the Thunderbolt Sword, and his cultivation was covered. Outsiders could not see through his true identity, but the Dragon Tiger Beast had real cultivation at the God Transformation stage, and its intimidating power was extraordinary.

As soon as the dragon-tiger beast appeared on the sword, high in the sky, the clamoring crowd of Kun-Lai monks immediately fell silent.

Most of them were Nascent Soul and Golden Core cultivators. Even if they besieged them together, they still couldn't capture the Dushu below. They immediately turned their attention to the old monster who was a digital god present, and asked in a low voice: "Seniors, please make the decision!"

These old monsters who transform into gods are basically from casual cultivators. At present, monks from Jiuyuan Sect, Xiaoyao Palace and Taiping Alliance are generally stationed in their respective main altars to protect their foundations. They all have no time to come to investigate the changes in Tongtian River.

Normally, these casual cultivators would be polite before attacking, asking Fang Dushu to clarify the matter before taking action. But today's situation is different. The door to ascension is crucial, and they must open the passage to ascension at any cost.

They didn't waste any time, rushed out on the spot, and once again launched a siege on Dushu.

Moreover, Binggui was very fast and jumped around Fang Dushu in the blink of an eye, intending to fight quickly.

They believed that Fang Dushu was alone and surrounded by several people of the same rank, and would most likely dodge and escape. In order to prevent Fang Dushu from escaping their attack range, they chose to besiege him at close range.

As a result, they had just approached Fang Dushu, and before they could use their killing move, the Qinglian Sword had already stabbed out first. The sword hit the chest of the casual cultivator in front and passed directly through it.

After drawing a blood arc in mid-air, the Green Lotus Sword suddenly turned and stabbed towards the second casual cultivator. This casual cultivator was none other than Taoist Brother Xiahou who had revealed the origin of the Ascension Gate to the group of cultivators earlier.

He was the oldest and had the most experience in fighting. When he saw a nearby companion being penetrated by a sword, he shouted in surprise. He hung a wind shield to protect his side, and the Green Lotus Sword lightly hit the shield. The shield was shattered, and instantly transformed into a tornado, wrapping the Green Lotus Sword and teleporting away, a hundred feet away.

Taking advantage of the gap when the Qinglian Sword was transferred by the wind, Dao Brother Xiahou flew back fiercely, retreating for dozens of miles in one breath, and then summoned a group of yellow clouds, shrouding his body in the clouds, and his traces were severely obscured. Seriously, even if the Qinglian Sword chases after him, there is no way he can lock onto his true form.

However, he used the technique of moving the sword with the wind just now, using it superbly, and dexterously avoided the Qinglian sword strike, which surprised Fang Dushu. After piercing the air with the sword, Fang Dushu raised his hand to recall the Qinglian sword, There was no pursuit of Brother Xiahou.

Fang Dushu looked around the battlefield again and found that the other casual cultivators in the transformation stage had all retreated. The power of the Qinglian Sword was so powerful that no one dared to approach the assassination range of the Qinglian Sword. And the unlucky guy who was stabbed in the chest screamed and fell into the air and fell into the lake. No fellow cultivator came to help him, but Fang Dushu didn't mend his sword either, allowing him to Save your life.

However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided.

From now on, he will live under the shadow of the Qinglian Sword Curse for the rest of his life.

Fang Dushu saw the group of cultivators retreating and continued to follow Hai Mingzhu upward.

At this time, hundreds of low-level casual cultivators who were entrenched near the top of the Tongtian River saw Fang Dushu rising into the air and evacuated the river one after another. No one dared to face the sharp edge of the Qinglian Sword.

Fu Yuqing in Hai Mingzhu was originally worried that Fang Dushu would be surrounded by cultivators, but when he saw this formation, he immediately felt relieved.

However, after the interference of the group of cultivators, Hai Mingzhu was already approaching the gate of ascension. Fu Yuqing wanted to talk to Fang Dushu more, but there was no time.

She also knew very well that once Hai Mingzhu broke into the ascension method, it might be a farewell, and there might not be a day of reunion in the future.

Suddenly bursts of sadness surged through her heart, but it was difficult to describe it. In the end, she just shouted to Fang Dushu: "Brother Xian, take care of me!"

Fang Dushu waved to her.

Soon his eyes shifted away from her again, and he looked at Qingqing slightly eagerly.

Seeing that Hai Mingzhu had arrived at the Gate of Ascension, Qing Qing still didn't stop exercising.

It wasn't until the sea pearl submerged into the whirlpool of rays of light that Qingqing suddenly opened her eyes, tears sparkling and rolling down her cheeks sadly, she murmured to herself: "Goodbye, young master!"

After saying that, her figure followed Hai Mingzhu and completely disappeared into the whirlpool.

After she left, the glow disappeared and the whirlpool roared! ' is closed, and the door to ascension is completely closed.

The rainbow curtain wall outside the Tongtian River quietly collapsed, and the river that had been immobilized returned to its original state, falling from the sky again, and the thunderous sound was restored between heaven and earth.

Fang Dushu stared at the water where the Ascension Gate disappeared. After being lost for a moment, he withdrew the Qinglian Sword, and the body of the Thunderbolt Sword turned into a ball of lightning, Keng! With a sound, it shot into the distance.

Tongtianhe has recovered, and Qingqing and Fu Yuqing have also left. It is no longer suitable to stay for a long time, so Fang Dushu decisively evacuated.

Earlier, Qingqing cast the Evergreen Lotus spell and transferred the memory of Hai Mingzhu's mantle, but Fang Dushu was not in a hurry to check it. It would not be too late to wait until he found a stable place to live in the future.

Fang Dushu was evacuated from Tongtianhe using his electric escape. Those casual cultivators in the transformation stage immediately started tracking him. Finally, they were able to keep up with Fang Dushu's escape speed.

But when they left the lake waters and entered the land sky, they could see Jiuyuan Sect, Xiaoyao Palace and Taiping Alliance monks everywhere. Due to the collision between the Evergreen Realm and Kun-Lai Island, the land plates moved and the old territory changed to a new one. Powers are carving out new territories.

Fang Dushu traveled all the way, passing by a post every three miles and a sentry every five miles. He was frequently intercepted, and the same was true for the few casual cultivators following him.

After the number of interceptions increased, the casual cultivators were forced to break into pieces to facilitate them to break through the blockade, but as a result, they became a single person. Alone, they needed to guard against the round-up of the three major forces, and their energy was somewhat lacking. went up and quickly lost track of Fang Dushu.

Fang Dushu successfully withdrew from Kun Lai Island.

When he flew over the sea outside the island, he did not choose to return to the Qinghe Divine Continent. Instead, he took out the Demon Summoning Wooden Fish, summoned the Relic Heart Ape, and began to track the whereabouts of the Intercepting Branch and half of the Xia Xia Dan.

This was originally one of his tasks, and the action could not be delayed. If the two treasures were captured by outsiders first, then all his hard work in going to Dafu Temple to suppress the Relic Heart Monkey would be in vain.

Since Kun-Lai Island fell into the sea, the Baihua Channel outside the island was also submerged under the sea. Fang Dushu thought that the search would be more difficult. Unexpectedly, he had just given the search instructions to the Relic Heart Ape, and the demonic ape screamed and recognized it. In a certain direction to the north, Yukong flew over.

When Fang Dushu saw this, he knew that the demon ape had sensed it and immediately followed him.

After flying like this for half a day, the Demonic Ape suddenly hovered on the sea.

Fang Dushu looked around at the surrounding environment. He was surrounded by sea water. Within a thousand miles, there was no other land except an isolated island in the north.

It is already very far away from Kun Lai Island.

Fang Dushu couldn't help but have doubts in his heart. The intercepting branches and Juxiadan were all buried in the Baihua Channel, and the Baihua Channel only flowed through an area of ​​100 miles around Kun-Lai Island.

According to common sense, after landing on Kun-Lai Island, the Baihua Channel will not deviate too far from the island. If the Relic Heart Monkey has locked the traces of the Intercepting Branch and Juxiadan, then the location should be in the sea a hundred miles outside the island. .

But at this moment, Fang Dushu is at least thousands of miles away from Kun-Lai Island. How did Qie Liuzhi and Juxiadan drift to such a far distance?

When Fang Dushu was wondering, he suddenly felt a wave of water surging on the sea more than ten miles away. He immediately led the demon ape to fly high into the sky, hiding his figure. Then he looked down and looked at it, and found a sea beast with flashing thunder, 'touch! ' A sound broke through the sea.

This sea beast is small in build, only about a foot tall, and has a rather strange appearance. It has a toad head, but someone has trimmed its torso. It holds a glowing pill bead in its hands and protects it firmly on its chest.

Fang Dushu recognized it at a glance. The pill was exactly the half of the Xia Ju Dan he was looking for. He also suddenly realized in his heart that no wonder Ju Xia Dan had wandered to the sea so far away from Kun-Lai Island. It must be this toad sea. The demon was found offshore and brought here.

Fang Dushu saw that the Toad Siren was only at the Golden Core level, so he thought it would be easy to capture him, so he casually made a magic palm print without using the secret treasure, trying to capture the Toad Siren in his palm.

But the toad sea monster seemed to be in a hurry. As soon as he got out of the sea, he kept releasing the monster energy and condensed a ball of thunder patterns outside his body, 'Boom! With a click, he teleported away. After flashing in mid-air for a few times, he flew to the isolated island in the north, fell into a cave on the island, and disappeared.

Fang Dushu followed with his spiritual consciousness and caught up to the island, his face suddenly became happy: "Shiqing, why is he here!"

Fang Dushu saw clearly that there was a human cultivator hidden in the cave under the island, it was his old friend Fu Shiqing. The toad sea monster fell into the cave just to join Fu Shiqing and hand over Juxia Pill like a treasure.

Obviously, the toad siren is Fu Shiqing's spiritual pet.

Fang Dushu immediately flew towards the island. On the way, he thought, if the Toad Siren was able to search for Juxiadan on the seabed, would he also find the stream-cutting branches?

(End of this chapter)

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