Qeng Ho Mage

Chapter 608 Zhenyuan Shen

Chapter 608 Zhenyuan Shen

What Fu Shiqing didn't know was that it would be impossible for Panda'er to advance to the state of becoming a god.

During the period that Fang Dushu was in seclusion in the Qingtian Hall, Panda'er had been refining the Liangyi Pill day and night. It was also keen on refining the pill and never tired of it, and was not willing to practice at all.

Fang Dushu once prepared elixirs for Panda'er to enhance the power of the true spirit, including Ten Thousand Years Iron Rong Zhi, but Panda'er disliked the bitter taste of Ganoderma lucidum and was unwilling to take it.

It only loves ordinary food with delicious taste, so that its cultivation has stagnated, and it is still in the early stage of Golden Elixir.

This time, Panda couldn't help Fang Dushu at all.

However, the presence of the dragon and tiger beasts is enough to ensure that Fang Dushu can pass through safely.

The Qingtian Temple itself is an indestructible fortress. The Dragon Tiger Beast only needs to guard the entrance of the temple. Even if the digital gods and old monsters attack together, they can keep out the invading enemies.

Just when Qi Changzhen and Fu Shiqing were discussing the matter of protecting the Dharma, Fang Dushu had reached the most critical moment of enlightenment.

As the path of enlightenment reached perfection, Fang Dushu began to evolve the true text one by one, and his fourth part, the original life and self-path, gradually revealed the Dharma.

The glowing clouds and mist outside the cave suddenly twisted and squirmed, condensing into a cloudy figure in the blink of an eye.

This figure is as tall as Fang Dushu, and its face is lifelike, as if it was carved after Fang Dushu. However, it is not a flesh and blood body, but an atomized statue. Its whole body is transparent and colorless. It is suspended in the air above the cave, temporarily trapped in it. Silence.

Fang Chuncan raised his head and looked at the statue, and said to himself: "This is the new method that Master has learned? How come it looks exactly the same as Master's Thunderbolt Sword?"

She knew nothing about Fang Dushu's new method. During the period of seclusion in Qingtian Palace, Fang Dushu did not reveal anything to her.

However, Qi Changzhen understood it well: "It's just that the methods are similar. Ashu's new method was determined to inherit the legacy of Wen Duhe in the past. He learned from "Creating the Yuan Shen" and planned to create another one of the Supreme Way of Yuan Qi. That " "Creating the Yuan Body" is the human form, and his new form also reveals the human form, which just shows that his wish has come true!"

"Ah!" Fang Chuncan said in shock: "Master has realized the ultimate way of vitality. Doesn't his career have to surpass the legendary figure Overlord from ancient times!"

"Enlightenment has just begun. It is still unknown whether the new method can induce vitality. Don't be too happy too early!" Qi Changzhen shouted to stop her shouting.

She chuckled and said nothing. She thought to herself, Master, what you just said with such fervent words is that Master has achieved his wish. Who is happy too soon?

They were happy for a while, but then they saw Fang Dushu retreating in the cave, 'Hoo! 'A spiritual light flew out.

They took a closer look and discovered that the aura was actually Fang Dushu's natal Tai Chi circle on the lotus platform. When the circle flew in front of the atomized statue, it did not stop and sank directly into the statue.

The originally transparent and colorless statue suddenly flashed with purple light, and the size of the entire statue also skyrocketed.

The more Qi Changzhen and others saw, the more surprised they became. Fang Dushu's new method was actually integrated with the old method. It seemed that Fang Dushu not only borrowed from Wen Duba's "Creating the Yuan Shen", but also the Five Elements Wall had the same approach.

I just don't know what the magical power of this new method is, and whether it is stronger or weaker than the Five Elements Wall of "Creating the Yuan Body".

After the Tai Chi Circle was integrated into the statue, Fang Dushu's Liang Yi Gate flew out again and continued the integration process.

This time, the aura of the statue suddenly changed, evolving into a dark and demonic color, and the statue's body also expanded to several feet in size.

At this time, next to the demonic statue, the Qinglian Sword was floating around. The dragon and tiger beasts on the sword were watching the changes in the new method with great interest. Unexpectedly, the statue shook violently, releasing a strong suction force that spread directly to the sword. Qinglian Sword 'Whoosh! ’ escaped and disappeared into the statue.

The Dragon Tiger Beast lost its sword body and almost fell from the air. After it stabilized its body, it stared at the statue again and again, as if trying to find the location of the Green Lotus Sword, but found nothing.

As soon as the Green Lotus Sword entered the statue, it immediately disappeared and collapsed into a ball of mana that completely merged with the statue. Dragon Tiger Beast had no way to recall the sword body.

However, the more the dragon and tiger looked at the statue, the more surprised it became, because it realized that the statue had a blood connection with its own spirit body. If it also merged into the statue, it would not only be able to control the statue's magical powers, but also help its own spirit body's cultivation. skyrocketing.

But at the moment, the statue is still in the process of enlightenment. Without Fang Dushu's order, the dragon and tiger beast will not step foot on the statue. It will guard the statue closely and guard it.

After being combined with the Green Lotus Sword, the statue climbed up again and flourished into a giant creature about ten feet tall, exuding green spiritual brilliance.

This green statue has a majestic appearance and magnificent momentum. Qi Changzhen and others could not take their eyes off it.

After watching it for a moment, I saw colorful light spots suddenly appearing outside the statue. These light spots quickly merged into one, forming a colorful light belt that whirled around the statue.

"What is that ring?" Fang Chuncan couldn't hold back her doubts and asked aloud.

"That is the energy of heaven and earth after condensing and manifesting!" Qi Changzhen recognized the history of the ring belt, and could not conceal his joy: "I now know why Ashu let his Tai Chi Dao, Liang Yi Dao and Four Symbol Dao all be combined into the new method. Got it!"

"Why?" Fu Shiqing and the other three were confused and asked in unison.

"It's harder to comprehend the vitality than to reach the sky. Even the genius Wen Duba didn't succeed!" Qi Changzhen explained to the three of them: "A'shu's talent for enlightenment is stronger than Wen Duba, but even so, he still can't For a single new method to give birth to vitality, the three previous ones must be combined into the new method, and then the vitality can be born!"

"Even the creation of the four realms is already a feat unparalleled in the world, right?" Fu Shiqing exclaimed from the side. Once Brother Xian's new method is completed, he will be able to breed vitality endlessly in the future, and he will no longer have to be like other god-forming monks. Likewise, working so hard to find the True Essence Gold is simply the ultimate advantage.

"After understanding this method, you must be unparalleled in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou, because since ancient times, the various sects, tribes and types of Shenzhou have never had a precedent of suddenly enlightening to the ultimate way of vitality, even if there are occasional vitality. The appearance of the Tao was also obtained by fishing from the Tongtian River!" After Qi Changzhen praised it, he modestly said:

"Tongtianhezhen all falls from the upper world, and the ultimate vitality also comes from the upper world. If he ascends in the future, perhaps Ashu's feat of comprehending the ultimate vitality will no longer be unique!"

No one present felt that Qi Changzhen was being overly admired. With Fang Dushu's talent for enlightenment, even if he ascended to the upper world, he would still be able to perform miracles that were unique to him.

The reason why the upper realm monks can realize the ultimate way of vitality should be due to the geographical advantage of sufficient vitality in the upper realm. Without these advantages, if the upper realm monks are demoted to the lower realm, they will probably still be suppressed by Fang Dushu.

While several people were chatting, Fang Chuncan noticed that a light spot of vitality appeared beside her at some point, as big as a grain of rice, floating in front of her arm.

Her attention was attracted by the vitality light particles. She moved her eyes away from the statue and raised her hand to grab it. As a result, the vitality light particles escaped through the air. After escaping in mid-air several times, they penetrated into the statue. Her gaze drifted back and forth following the particles of vitality light, and she soon noticed that particles of vitality light appeared on the ground of the Qingtian Palace, beside the cave, and on the walls, like a group of fireflies, densely filling the space inside the palace.

"Master Wife, look, the Qingtian Palace is filled with the vitality of heaven and earth!" Fang Chuncan suddenly shouted.

Qi Changzhen, Fu Shiqing and Qin Suhu were interrupted by her voice. They stopped looking at the statue and began to look around.

"Is this vitality also conceived by the new method?" Fu Shiqing asked.

"I don't think so!" Qi Changzhen judged on his own: "These vitality should be the remnants of heaven and earth. The monks can use secret techniques to force the vitality to reveal itself. If the vitality is the ultimate way, it can not only force the vitality to reveal itself, but also absorb it!"

After she finished speaking, the green statue quietly released a traction force. The energy light particles in the Qingtian Palace moved in response to the moment, and swarmed into the statue from all directions.

When the statue absorbed all the vitality in the Qingtian Palace, a rainbow of light suddenly flashed and condensed into a straight beam of light. It soared from the top of the statue, soared into the sky, and directly penetrated the top of the Qingtian Palace.

Judging from the momentum of this beam of light, it may penetrate the sea water in one fell swoop, jump out of the sea, and be exposed to the sky.

When Qi Changzhen saw this scene, the joy on his face gradually faded: "The new method has been fully comprehended. Just now, the celestial image of the new method rushed out of the Qingtian Palace, and it must have been entrenched in the sky at this moment. The next step is the enlightenment, and Ashu will use the power of Tao to achieve it. , impacting the divine stage!"

She solemnly told Fu Shiqing, Fang Chuncan and Qin Fu: "Under the initiation, thunder disaster will definitely come, and thousands of miles around will be affected. If there are monks, they will definitely come to find out what is going on. You guys should protect the Dharma." Prepare!"

"Follow the order, Master Wife!"

Fang Chuncan and Qin Fuxing responded.

Fu Shiqing looked up at the sky and asked: "Brother Xian, this new method is the ultimate way of vitality. What kind of celestial phenomenon is it? If it is the True Demon Eye of the Demonic Path, the Great Sage Chaoyue of the Demonic Path, or the Underworld Dao Even the soul-enchanting prison can build a line of defense on the sea surface!"

"This..." Qi Changzhen couldn't answer for a while. Fu Shiqing's question stopped her. She couldn't tell whether Fang Dushu's new method was a righteous path, a demonic path, or a demonic path. She didn't even have a clue. , there is no clue at all.

Unless she leaves the Qingtian Palace now and comes to the surface to see with her own eyes.

But even if she went out to sea and witnessed the new celestial phenomena with her own eyes, she would still be at a loss.

Fang Dushu's vitality and celestial phenomena are different from any other true method, and have never appeared in the world of immortality before.

At this moment, an unusually large half-length figure was floating above the sea.

This figure reveals half of its body, only the waist and above are concentrated in the sky. Its head alone is hundreds of feet tall. It wears a king's crown, its face is flat and faceless, its arms are crossed on its chest, and its palms are clasped together. He is holding a long sword, with the hilt in his hand, the blade of the sword pointing vertically upward, and the tip of the sword pointing past the ceremonial crown towards the sky.

The entire figure is pale golden, and the long sword is also golden.

Suddenly, the figure's arms began to dance, and the golden sword in the palm slowly tilted. When the sword dropped to a certain angle, it suddenly slashed outwards, creating a sword move that swept through thousands of troops.

When the sword was struck, an arc-shaped sword energy immediately formed, spreading out against the sea surface, running thousands of miles in one breath, and then turned into a wall of energy, fixed under the sky.

Then the figure swung three more swords one after another, forming a circular sword energy array, shrouding the Qingtian Palace in the center.

At this time, the Qingtian Palace has become a safe zone within a thousand miles in all directions, and no monks can break in unless the sword energy restriction is broken.

As the sword energy crossed the sea, the sword edge pointed inward, and the light particles of vitality remaining between the sky and the earth appeared one by one, densely packed like stars, forming a bright star belt in the sky.

These star belts were not only dazzling, but also released rich spiritual energy. They had just appeared for a moment and attracted the attention of all the nearby monks.

To the east of the sword energy restriction, a giant whirlpool quietly emerged on the edge of the restriction, and a dark blue roc bird's head emerged from the whirlpool.

Looking at the head again, there was a female cultivator covered in colorful spiritual sand. This female cultivator had dragon horns on her head, like a dragon demon incarnate. She glanced in the direction of Qingtian Hall and said curiously: " What kind of celestial phenomenon is that? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

Lan Pengniao answered: "Is it the 'Buddha Meditation' in Buddhism? It is said that when one meditates on the ultimate path of Buddhism, human figures and celestial phenomena will appear!"

The female cultivator Longjiao immediately shook her head: "When I was traveling in the South China Sea in my early years, I personally witnessed the great monk of Pudu Temple attaining Taoism and transforming into a god. I also saw the 'Buddha Meditation' with my own eyes. It was a complete Buddha's spiritual shadow, and half of the Buddha's shadow was alone. If you hold a Buddha's palm upright without holding a sword, it is definitely not a Buddhist and celestial phenomenon!"

Lan Pengniao had an impatient temper and muttered: "Then don't worry about its origin. If it dares to transform into a god in the sea, and it doesn't ask for instructions from our Four Sea Demon Palace, we must go to the army to hold it accountable!"

Sister Longjiao tried to stop her: "Kun-Lai Island has fallen into the sea, and the mainland people are fighting fiercely. Let's not join in the fun!"

The Blue Peng bird refused to give up, flapped its wings, and floated directly out of the sea: "We are going to deal with the thieves who have stolen the territory under the sea, and we are not going to land, so what are we afraid of!"

It has a special bloodline and uses both water and wind techniques. It carried boundless waves and crashed directly into the sword energy restriction. As a result, just as the peng's head touched the restriction, the water waves roared back to the sea surface, and the pengfeng also disappeared without a trace. It was so huge Peng's body seemed to be immobilized.

It couldn't help but panic: "What's going on? The vitality in my body can't continue to circulate. Is it blocked by this bird's ban?"

The Longjiao female cultivator is also a cultivator in the transformation stage, and the vitality in her body has also been sealed, but she is very calm: "The enlightened person in the sea should be comprehending some kind of supreme way to suppress the vitality, but this method only suppresses the vitality. As long as the spell is cast, If you don’t use your vitality, there will be no impact!”

"Oh, that's it. It really shocked me!" The Blue Peng bird immediately stopped the circulation of vitality, and its magic power suddenly became smoother. However, the power of casting spells was definitely not as powerful as the blessing of vitality. It asked: "It can actually suppress the vitality. How can it be suppressed with vitality?" If this person fights head-on, I'm afraid he won't be able to gain any advantage. How about we go back now?"

The Longjiao female cultivator wanted to think back earlier, but now she changed her mind: "This person is enlightening and transforming into a god. It is most likely that he is comprehending a Zhenyuan Supreme Dao. If we can get this Dao to him before he transforms into a god, If you take it away, it will definitely become the strongest helper in protecting our Four Sea Demon Palace in the future!"

The blue bird was also moved, but it turned its head and looked in the direction of Kun-Lai Island, cursing and saying: "The cultivators over there are breaking the ban in groups, and they probably want to seize Zhenyuan Zhidao, let's There are few soldiers, I’m afraid I won’t be able to capture them!”

The Longjiao female cultivator thought for a moment and said decisively: "Then just wait, wait for the other cultivators to fight first, and then we can act on our own initiative!"

(End of this chapter)

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