The Rebirth of 88 Begins with a Carpenter

Chapter 1003: Once people’s hearts change, it’s easy to leave without giving them away

Chapter 1003: Once people’s hearts change, it’s easy to leave without giving them away

Mandifi Furniture Factory.

After Wu Yuan signed a bunch of appointment documents, he originally planned to stay in the factory and have a meal with the newly formed team.

Contact, communicate feelings, express expectations.

As a result, he received a call from Boss Song Gang and Song.

There was nothing surprising about receiving a call from Song Gang.

Every time he returned to Shanghai, Song Gang would make a phone call and make arrangements.

This time it is still.

At least, that's what it sounded like at first.

So Wu Yuan responded casually and said, "Okay, Boss Song, you can make arrangements tomorrow at noon or evening."

Normally at times like this, Song Gang would just choose one and arrange it at a later date.

As a result, today he hesitated and said: "Boss Wu, do you think it's inconvenient today?"

Wu Yuan didn't take it seriously and thought for a moment: "Then at night?"

I never thought that this would not work.

At least Song Gang on the other end of the phone hesitated.

Although he hesitated for a few seconds, he said nothing.

But the two parties have cooperated for so long, and Wu Yuan knows him too well.

He immediately said: "Okay, tell me where you want to arrange it, and I'll be there right away."

as predicted.

Song Gang on the other end of the phone relaxed his tone and blurted out: "The base camp, Wu Palace Hotel."


As soon as he finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone dropped his phone.

Song Gang had a grimace on his face when he saw Boss Cheng, Boss Yu and Boss Xie coming forward.

"Old Song, do you think Boss Wu can't be angry?"

Song Gang rubbed his face and said angrily: "How do I know? I'm not Boss Wu!"

Then he knocked on the table and said with a loud bang: "You think you can do this?"

"When I chased and shouted to Boss Wu to take you to make money together, it wouldn't work without him."

"Now if there is any trouble over there in Xiangjiang, you have to get your money back. Is this what humans do?"

He was scolded by Song Gang.

Boss Yu said decisively: "Old Song, I don't mean that. I mainly heard from you that I went to the Financial Building several times and couldn't find Miss Huang, so I wanted to ask Boss Wu about the situation."

Boss Xie also echoed: "Yes, I have the same idea as Lao Yu. Besides, with the small amount of money invested, even if Boss Wu's friends lose everything, we can't say anything else."

Only Boss Cheng was silent for a moment.

Just now he said with a miserable look on his face: "I can't compare with you guys. I invested all my wealth! Once I lose all my money, I will have no place in Shanghai."

Song Gang turned around and said, "Old Cheng, what do you think is wrong with you? In the past year or so of supplying Boss Wu, your income has not increased dramatically, but it has at least increased steadily, right? How can you..."

Boss Cheng shook his head with a frown and said: "It's all my fault that I was blind for a moment and asked the mistress to run away with the money. I lost more than half of my money in one go..."

The other three looked at each other.

In the end, Song Gang held back a sentence and said: "Sooner or later, you will die on a woman's belly!"

Mandife Furniture Factory, Wu Yuan hung up the phone.

Seeing Li Qing packing up the signed documents, he was about to take them and stamp them.

He stood up and said: "After you have gone through the process, you will post a public notice first. Find a noon before the Gregorian calendar, and I will have a meal with a few key people."

Li Qing nodded: "Okay, boss."

After Wu Yuan finished speaking, he put his handbag and mobile phone on his hands and walked out.

Only when he reached the door did he remember to ask: "By the way, our Mandifee's client, Ms. Sara, has been in Shanghai recently?" "Um..." Li Qing hesitated.

"You can ask Manager Luo later. Whether there is any news or not, give me a reply."

"Okay, boss."

The Bentley Mulsanne left the Mandife furniture factory in Pudong and went straight to the Wu Palace Hotel.

The large-scale development strategy has been officially announced for more than half a year.

The dusty land of Pudong is undergoing astonishing changes.

More than 40 minutes later, the Bentley Mulsanne arrived at Wu Palace Hotel.

Wu Yuan got out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of many cheongsam ladies.

But soon, the young ladies were frightened by his unkind expression and stopped and cowered.

Everyone can see that Boss Wu is not in a happy mood today.

Fortunately, after Boss Song lost his temper, he was too lazy to stay in the private room and came to the lobby to get some fresh air.

Seeing Wu Yuan arriving with a bad look on his face, he hurriedly came forward to greet him.

It also saves the cheongsam lady from coming over to greet and guide the way.

Although the call was made by Song Gang, Song Gang had no intention of escaping.

When they met, they did not directly reveal Lao Cheng's background to achieve the purpose of clearing themselves.

Even so, he couldn't hide it from Wu Yuan.

Wu Yuan took a piece of Huazi from him and immediately said straight to the point: "Old Song, tell the truth, do you want to withdraw your capital?"

Song Gang was surprised by Wu Yuan's keenness.

But soon, he was relieved.

If Boss Wu didn't have such a keen sense of business, how could he possibly become bigger and stronger in Shanghai and bring his business to the capital?
No one's success is accidental.

Especially on the eve of this open era where grass is everywhere.

Song Gang was relieved and said frankly: "Boss Wu, to be honest, we heard some bad news. In addition, Lao Cheng went to Huaihai Financial Building several times to look for him, but he couldn't find anyone. Call that Miss Huang. , and didn’t get through, so..."

After hearing this, Wu Yuan remained calm and said nothing.

As soon as Song Gang finished speaking, the two of them arrived at the door of the private room.

Boss Cheng, Boss Yu and Boss Xie inside all stood up to greet him, although Yu Xie was in front and Lao Cheng was behind.

Everyone greeted and shook hands as usual.

It's just that Wu Yuan's expression always seemed a bit simpering in the eyes of the guilty bosses.

In fact, Wu Yuan did not laugh.

Although he could understand the anxious mood of several bosses, no one could laugh when faced with such signs of trust collapse.

After shaking hands, everyone took their seats.

Song Gang started preparing food and serving wine as usual.

But Boss Cheng couldn't sit still and asked: "Boss Wu, I've been to the Huaihai Financial Building several times. Why can't I find anyone?"

When Lao Cheng asked this question, he smiled with a false smile.

But everyone couldn't help but sweat for him.

Wu Yuan said casually: "There are four people in Alpha Investment Company and their drivers. They are all in the south now, focusing on investing in future international crude oil futures."

"Things like financial investment are subject to sudden changes. Yesterday you were a multi-millionaire, full of enthusiasm, but today you may lose all your money and become a flying star."

Boss Yu also asked: "A trapeze artist?"

Wu Yuan said lightly while making gestures: "Leap from the top of the skyscraper, hoo~, hoo~ hoo~, hoo~, and then make a snap sound..."

Hearing this, Boss Cheng couldn't help but get excited and blurted out: "Boss Wu, I want to withdraw my capital! Please return all the 200 million I invested to me. I don't want any profit, not even a penny!"

(End of this chapter)

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