Chapter 501

When countless nobles in the hall fell silent, Li Linfu stood up and scolded Li Siye, "Don't be rude!"

This roar was really upright and awe-inspiring, and Li Sanlang burst into tears when he saw it, "I saw the right person, Li Xiangshi is a great loyal minister." '

Naturally, everyone in the hall had different expressions.

Some people showed sarcasm, thinking that Li Linfu was blocking the traffic with his arms and looking for his own death.

There are also people who think that strong wind knows strong grass, and toughness knows honest ministers!

At this time, he is still willing to stand up for the emperor, and his name will surely go down in history.

However, who is Li Siye?

That's a fierce man who fights on the frontier, relying on one knife after another.

At this moment in this hall, except for Li Yunze, no matter who said anything, it was like farting to him.

Just glanced at Li Linfu indifferently, and Li Siye kept running towards Li Sanlang.

A little embarrassed, Li Linfu hurriedly shouted at Li Siye, "If you kill the king, you will trap His Royal Highness in an unjust place!"

These words finally had an effect, Li Siye stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at Li Yunze with doubts on his face.

Li Yunze remained expressionless, quietly waiting for Li Linfu's performance.

He knew who Li Linfu was.

This is a super smart guy, of course it is impossible to finish with Li Sanlang.

Sure enough, Li Linfu, who was still loyal and courageous before, was like the reincarnation of Bigan, and Li Linfu, who was reborn as Brother Pig, turned around and saluted Li Sanlang on the throne, "Your Majesty, I beg your majesty to sit in the crown prince!"

Li Yunze raised the corners of his mouth, he really saw the right person.

As smart as Li Linfu, he is indeed a master of the wind and a rudder.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

The style of painting changed too fast, and it was hard to accept it for a while.


Li Sanlang tremblingly pointed at Li Linfu "you"

"His Majesty."

Li Linfu, with an extremely sincere expression, said sincerely, "I heard that your majesty has recently become more and more difficult to deal with state affairs. His highness the crown prince is wise and martial, and is deeply respected and loved by the world. Wouldn't it be a good thing for your majesty to give in to the crown prince and spend his life in the palace?" "

Forcing the emperor to abdicate, there is no doubt that this is something that a traitor will do.

But Li Linfu felt that he was wronged. He really thought about the emperor.

Open your eyes and see the current situation clearly. The prince's soldiers have already put their knives on the emperor's neck. It is a blessing to be able to save his life at this time. Why are you still pushing around here and pretending to be hypocritical!
Seeing that Li Sanlang hadn't come to his senses and was still angry, Li Linfu had no choice but to simply call out, "Your Majesty, if you don't abdicate, I'm afraid something will be unbearable!"

This has been made very clear, if you don't abdicate now, then the emperor will kill yourself with more than 20 knives in your body today!
Li Sanlang, who gradually calmed down from his anger, his eyes fell on the scarlet Mo Dao in Li Siye's hand, and he shuddered involuntarily.

He knew how courageous and dark-hearted that Nizi was.

If he really resists today, I'm afraid that Nizi will really kill himself by sleeping, falling to death while walking, falling into the water by boat, choking to death while eating and so on.

Facing the threat of his life, Li Sanlang gave up.

Seeing that Li Sanlang finally lowered his head, Li Linfu also heaved a sigh of relief.

Of course, he couldn't be doing it entirely to save Li Sanlang's life. What he was more afraid of was that if the rebels turned their eyes red tonight, they, the people in the hall, would be in bad luck.

After all, if even the emperor was slaughtered, it would be just a matter of passing along to see them.

Therefore, Li Linfu did not hesitate to take the risk of getting ahead to do this. Apart from protecting the emperor and playing around with the wind to win opportunities for himself, the most important thing was to try to calm the situation so as not to affect himself.

Many people in the hall also heaved a sigh of relief.

With all the famous ministers either dying of illness or being demoted, at this time, no one has come forward to speak for Li Sanlang.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Li Yunze.

Whether the people here can survive tonight, and what will happen to Datang in the future, are all in his hands.

"Your Highness."

Li Linfu stepped forward to Li Yunze's side, saluted respectfully and said, "Today's matter, His Majesty ordered His Highness the Prince to lead the armored soldiers to perform "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle" in the main hall. His Highness's brilliance and martial arts are just like the rebirth of Emperor Taizong! Your Majesty has feelings." Yu Taizong's Police
He offered to abdicate the throne to His Highness. "

Many people in the hall were whispering, as expected of a prime minister, the level of this reversal of black and white is really high, very high.

It was obviously a matter of soldiers entering the palace for mutiny, but in Li Linfu's mouth, it turned out to be a performance of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Battle".

It was obvious that the emperor was about to commit suicide, but now he was inspired by Emperor Taizong after watching "The King of Qin Breaking the Battle", and took the initiative to surrender to the prince.

This is really, really capable.

Li Linfu stepped forward again, almost leaning against Li Yunze's side, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, if you kill Your Majesty today, the world will be in chaos after the news spreads! All the feudal towns and relatives of the emperor will surely seek to avenge His Majesty." banner rise,

At that time, it will be a big disaster. "

Li Yunze lowered his eyelids, as if he didn't hear anything.

Li Linfu became impatient, and stomped his feet vigorously, "Your Highness! Even if Your Highness is not afraid of the world's rebellion, you must always be concerned about the reputation of history books. Even if you hate Your Majesty, you can delay it for two years."

Finally, Li Yunze raised his head and said, "Mr. Li has been worrying a lot, but I'm just thinking about where to place His Majesty for the rest of his life."

Li Linfu breathed a sigh of relief, bowed his hands and said, "This is His Royal Highness's family business, and I don't speak nonsense."

Li Yunze, who had a smile on his lips, looked at Bian Lingcheng, "Send your Majesty to the palace of Concubine Hui to rest quickly."


It's really cruel, to put the emperor under house arrest in the bedroom of Concubine Wu Hui who was murdered by him, can he sleep well tonight?
Bian Lingcheng smiled and saluted Li Sanlang, "Your Majesty, please."

Li Sanlang, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was expressionless and didn't say a word or move.

In the past, this posture was very majestic, even enough to scare everyone to tremble.

But now, Bian Lingcheng waved his hand and summoned a few confidant servants, stepped forward and framed Li Sanlang, and directly framed him away.

Li Sanlang turned his head to look at the golden dragon chair with great nostalgia, he knew that he probably would never have the chance to sit on it again in his life.

When the emperor left, most of the people in the hall were relieved.

Since the emperor was not killed, their lives were saved.

Unfortunately, Li Yunze didn't think so.

He stepped up to the alchemy steps, and looked down at the people in the hall condescendingly.

After a while, his eyes fell on Zhong Wang Li Yu, "I heard that Zhong Wang intends to rebel, I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Li Yu, who was still dreaming of being a prince before, was suddenly frightened. One Buddha ascended to heaven, and two Buddhas were born.

He collapsed on the ground and cried in despair, "I didn't, it wasn't me~~~Shibalang, you know me, you're talking nonsense~~~"

Li Yu looked at Li Linfu and others for help.

It's a pity that whoever dared to set themselves on fire at this time, all simply avoided looking, for fear that they would be implicated.

After all, he was fighting for the position of the East Palace with the prince before, and the emperor might let it go for now, but King Zhong would definitely become the scapegoat.

Sure enough, Li Yunze waved his hand, and Li Siye immediately stepped forward and grabbed the weeping and wailing Li Yu by the skirt of his clothes, dragging him out.

"If a loyal king seeks rebellion, there must be an accomplice."

Li Yunze's knife has not yet been confiscated, he kept scanning his eyes, and then began to call names "Yang Sixu, Li Jingren, Lin Zhaoyin, Yin Fengxiang"

All the people who were named were ashamed, shouting their injustice one by one, and then dragged out by the soldiers.

These people are mainly Quan Huan, and basically all the Quan Huan supported by Li Sanlang have been wiped out.

Then there are some royal relatives and relatives, noble families.

Li Yunze naturally wanted to crush all these moths to death, but he just needed to do it slowly.

In the future, there will be opportunities to clean up one by one.

As for the loyal king Li Yu, it can only be said that he was unlucky.

After all, Li Linfu's excuse of "The Music of the King of Qin Breaking the Array" is barely feasible to use it to fool you into giving way.

However, there must be a reasonable explanation for the great turmoil in Chang'an City tonight and the fierce battle with the Imperial Army.

In other words, it is necessary to find a channel to vent this melee and give the common people an explanation.

Therefore, the loyal king Li Yu rebelled, Chen Xuanli and others participated in the mutiny, and then the prince led the dancers who danced "Qin Wang Breaking the Array" to quell the rebellion, which became the final keynote.

The reason why the loyal king Li Yu was chosen was not because he competed with Li Yunze for the crown prince.

Li Yunze didn't even care about the throne, let alone the crown prince.

The only reason is that in history, he mobilized various frontier troops and fought a decisive battle with the Anlushan rebels at Xiangji Temple.

At that time, Li Yu had changed his name to Li Heng and ascended the throne to become emperor.

It is a matter of course that the emperor dispatched troops to quell the rebellion.But the problem is, these counter-rebels filled with a large number of barbarians got Li Heng's consent. After winning the battle, all the wealthy women in Chang'an City were allowed to plunder at will.

Li Yunze doesn't have to care about other things.

Like Jingkang, Wei Wei gave the woman to the barbarians, which he couldn't bear no matter what.

Just as he hated Kunlun slaves so much.

Giving the common people's goods and wives and daughters to the Hu people as goods, this kind of behavior, just like the Huiqin Erzhu, must pay the price!

Loyalty to the king's rebellion is a big pot, and people will slowly fill it in the future.

At this time, Li Linfu showed the ability of the prime minister, and began to arrange manpower on the spot to prepare for the Zen ceremony after dawn.

He could feel that Li Yunze's murderous intent was extremely strong, so he didn't dare to delay at all.

All the people in the hall came forward to salute, especially the princes and princesses, one by one said in front of Li Yunze that the emperor should have abdicated long ago, and the crown prince should have been enthroned long ago.

Regarding Li Linfu's arrangement, Li Yunze nodded in agreement.

He won't do things like making excuses and giving way, and learning from Li Er to cry and eat.

As for Li Sanlang, Li Yunze's intention was indeed to kill him on the spot.

But then a good idea popped into my mind.

Don't you miss Yang Yuhuan, you old man, then I will dance with Concubine Mei in front of you!

(End of this chapter)

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