when idols fall in love

Chapter 206. 201. Protecting Ernie

Chapter 206. 201. Protecting Ernie
"if you are willing to"

"A hug doesn't seem like an excessive amount of politeness among friends."

"After all, we're not very ordinary friends, are we?"

The shimmering light from the street lamps and the crescent moon outside the window fell into the bedroom through the window screen.

Looking at the ceiling, Lin Yuner blinked her eyes.

It has been two hours since I returned to my residence, but I still haven't felt sleepy.

A few words that someone said flashed in my heart.

In the end, it seems to be more than 30 seconds, right?
She suddenly thought.

"It doesn't matter, rounding up, 34 seconds is also 30 seconds, and he doesn't seem to be counting"

Lin Yun'er muttered such a sentence, and after rolling back and forth on the bed a few times, she selectively brushed aside this question.

Turning sideways, she picked up the cell phone next to her pillow and clicked on the chat window with someone.

How to chat with friends.
Looking at the jumping and flickering cursor in the input box, she suddenly fell into a little entanglement.

The chat records of the two are still stuck in the good night that Gu Heng replied at [-] o'clock in the morning last night.

Ah du!

A new message popped up on the screen.

Someone seems to have a slight edge over her when it comes to "friendship."

After late at night, the streets in the residential area also became much deserted.

Only the rustling of the leaves by the night wind rang out from time to time.

"Sir, you want a piece of Shin Ramen."

The little brother riding the tram stepped on the road with his heels, stopped the car, grinned and delivered the two night snacks to Gu Heng.

After thanking her, Gu Heng took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Yun'er, while walking to the elevator downstairs where she lived.

South Koreans, especially the younger generation, rarely work regularly, so the supper business is particularly hot here.

Fried chicken, fried rice cakes, beef small intestines, chicken feet. Everything you expect.

In comparison, Shin Ramen is considered one of the rare "healthy" foods.

After putting a portion of Xin Ramen in the elevator, Gu Heng reached out and pressed the floor number.

[Gu Heng]: I ordered Xin Ramen

[Gu Heng]: The store said to make up two full discounts, and one will be delivered to you in the elevator
Looking at the two messages that popped up on the screen, Lin Yuner sat up from the bed.

Touching her belly, the corner of her mouth curved.

Well, a cup of oden and a small tuna rice ball are really not very full
She typed out the word "OK" on the screen, and before she could press send, she jumped out of the bed with bare feet, quickly left the bedroom and living room, and came to the door of the residence.

The elevator landed firmly on the seventh floor.

Inside the elevator door that opened automatically, there was only a single copy of Xin Ramen inside.

Lifting the bag back to the bedroom, sitting down at the table, she turned on the night light next to her.

Open the lid, and the aroma instantly diffuses in the room, and the seaweed, fried eggs and luncheon meat added to the ramen are even more tempting.

No one can resist the temptation of supper.

Ah du!

Lin Yun'er took a bite of the luncheon meat that was still a little hot, and then suddenly remembered that she seemed to have not replied to someone in the message notification tone, and quickly picked up the phone again.

[Gu Heng]: Are you already asleep?
"Stupid, if you're asleep, what's the use of sending you a message?"

With a soft mutter, Lin Yuner pursed her lips, and pressed the dial button on the phone.

Connect soon.


"En." Lin Yun'er covered her mouth and yawned very hard.

Friends should have a sense of proportion.
"Are you already asleep? I thought it was you." Gu Heng paused, "Then you go on sleeping, I'll go."

"No need!" Before he could finish his sentence, Lin Yun'er raised her voice anxiously, "I, I happen to be a little hungry, so I'll go get it in a while."

She bit off half of the luncheon meat, and put it back now, someone is not really an idiot.

"Or forget it, I won't be able to fall asleep after eating supper for a while."

"It's okay." Lin Yun'er supported her forehead, while secretly regretting in her heart, while trying to find an excuse for herself, "And don't waste food, you can't eat that much by yourself."

"Well, that's good."

Hearing that Gu Heng seemed to have finally given up on the idea of ​​going out, Lin Yuner breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously took a mouthful of noodles.

The sound is especially noticeable in the silence of the night.

Not only did Lin Yuner stop her movements, but Gu Heng's voice on the phone also stopped abruptly.

"I..." Lin Yuner opened her mouth.

"Why don't you finish eating first."

Perhaps Gu Heng has tried his best to restrain the smile in his voice, but the effect is not very good.

Lin Yun'er's face turned red all of a sudden, and she squeezed out words from between her teeth, "I'm not eating ramen!"

"Well, don't let it cool if you're not eating." Gu Heng reminded.

"I don't need you to tell me that I'm not eating!"

"Yeah, then go out and get it, and eat it when you come back."

"I" Lin Yun'er lowered her head in a slump, eating Xin La noodles in small bites.

The phone never hung up.

Gu Heng's voice could still be faintly heard.

He seems to be eating ramen too?

This thought flashed through, and Lin Yuner's annoyed mood suddenly cleared up a lot.

Speeding up to finish the Xin Ramen in front of her, she packed up the lunch box, and then hid on the bed while grabbing her phone.

Coughing lightly, Lin Yuner whispered into the phone, "I'm done eating."


Lin Yuner shrunk her body under the quilt, "Are you ready to rest?"

"Not so fast," Gu Heng said softly, "What's the matter, what's the matter?"

".It's about the documentary interview. When do you have time recently?" Lin Yuner tried hard to find a topic.

"Recently, I don't have any problems. Let's see your itinerary. After returning to Seoul, you will be busy again?"

"Ani," Lin Yuner shook her head subconsciously, "I'm going to take a rest for a while, um, I also need to prepare to catch up with the schedule of schoolwork."

"Huh? Aren't you the fifth year?" Gu Heng's tone was somewhat surprised.

Lin Yun'er opened her mouth, her voice was inaudible, "Yes"

Both sides of the phone fell silent again.

In the past two years, she has been busy with work and schedules, and she has not yet completed enough graduation credits from the school.

And Xu Xian, who entered Dongguk University a year later than her in the same group, has been preparing for the graduation ceremony recently.
Listening to the slight ringing from the phone, Lin Yun'er felt a bit self-defeating, "Ah, you can laugh if you want, don't deliberately take the phone away, I can't hear it at all!"

"Well, no." Gu Heng paused, probably still holding back a smile, "Then just look at the arrangement, and let me know when the time is confirmed."

"Oh..." Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, and sat up from the bed in annoyance.

"Is there anything else? If not, go to bed earlier, don't always stay up late."

"I'm not the one who stayed up late last night." Lin Yun'er muttered, stepping on the floor to the window.

She pursed her lips as she looked at the lighted window in the opposite building through the gap in the curtains.

If you always want to bear it alone, is it also a kind of distrust of the other party?
From the perspective of the other party, there will actually be a feeling of being hurt, right?I thought it was a relationship of fighting side by side
Taking a deep breath, she adjusted her emotions before continuing,

"Well, it's just some things from the past. Actually, I haven't quite figured out how to tell you."

"I'll tell you in a few days, okay?" Lin Yun'er scratched her hair in distress, and then quickly added, "I, I either want to be alone, or I haven't figured it out yet."

"Well, I see."

"...you won't be angry, will you?"

"What can I do if I'm angry?" There was a slight smile in Gu Heng's voice, "Well, let's sever the 'friend' relationship again?"

"No!" Lin Yuner said seriously, "You can't be so cold to me anymore. When you don't talk, I will be very sad, don't make fun of it"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then Gu Heng's voice rang out.

".I see, go to bed early, and don't go to class with two rice cake sticks under your eyes."

"That's lying silkworm! It's not dark circles!" Lin Yuner relaxed and retorted in a low voice.

After finishing the call, she closed the curtains.

Back under the quilt again, looking at the chat window on the phone screen, her eyes flickered twice.

Long press, stick to top.

After all, they are not ordinary friends, so it shouldn't matter if you put them on the top a little bit, right?
The morning light is faint, and the sun is not yet scorching.

Putting the stack of materials in his hand aside, Gu Heng, who was lying on the stage, squinted his eyes and looked at Yuntian.

The place where Grandma Zhien lives is not busy, and it is very quiet in the early morning.

"Boss, have you read all the materials?" Li Ran's voice came from the mobile phone beside him.

"Hmm," Gu Heng closed his eyes and thought, "You've seen it too? What do you think?"

"Me? How can I have any opinion?" Li Ran replied with a smile.

"What if you don't have an opinion?" Gu Heng tapped his knuckles on the wooden platform, "After returning to China next year, I plan to let you go outside for a walk."

Calculating carefully, Li Ran has been by his side as an assistant secretary for two years.

"Huh?" Li Ran's tone suddenly rose, "Well, let me think about it. I think it might not be a bad thing for us?"

Gu Heng hummed, "Tell me carefully."

"Come on, Xiaoheng, let's have breakfast."

Before he finished speaking, Grandma Zhi En, carrying a wooden tray, had already come out of the house and walked to the wooden platform.

On the wooden plate are two bowls of purple potato and rice, as well as several dishes of pickles and enoki mushrooms.

It is rare to have the habit of eating rice for breakfast in China, but it is more common in South Korea.

"Okay, thank you grandma."

Gu Heng responded, and then said to Li Ran on the phone, "Go on, I'll listen."

"Oh, good," Li Ran said slowly, considering his words, "Although Daum's business has no prospects, at least it won't lose money in the short term, and the company won't need blood transfusion after the merger."

Gu Heng picked up some kimchi with chopsticks and tried it, frowning slightly.

Sure enough, he is still not used to eating this kind of too spicy food in the morning.

"What else?" He temporarily put down his chopsticks and continued to ask.

"What's more, although our shareholding ratio will be diluted a lot, President Jin's side is also." Li Ran paused for a moment, as if waiting for Gu Heng's response, and then continued, "The people on Daum's side If it is borrowed well, it is not bad for him.”

Li Ran is very clear.

After the turmoil more than a year ago, although Jin Fanxiu finally landed safely and was not imprisoned like Cui Taiyuan, Gu Heng has always had a lot of concerns about him.

"I see." Gu Heng took a mouthful of purple potato rice and replied simply.

"Then us?"

"Tell Lin Zhixun about the shares of Kakao Game." Gu Heng explained carefully.

What Li Ran said is an undecided possibility, and it is impossible to bring it to the table.

If Kakao Corp wants to exchange for the support of Jingsheng, the second shareholder, it will definitely need to pay something more practical.

knock knock!

Seeing that he was getting more and more involved in talking, Grandma Zhien tapped her rice bowl.

Gu Heng came back to his senses, "Then let's do this first, let the people below do the calculations for the specific figures, and give a result in the next two days."

Hanging up the phone hastily, he honestly bowed his head to the old man to admit his mistake, and picked up his chopsticks to eat again.

Only then did the old man nod in satisfaction, "I know you are busy, but you are not allowed to talk about work during dinner."

"Got it, grandma."

"I heard from Zhien that you will stay in Seoul for a while this time?"

"Well," Gu Heng nodded slightly, "at least two or three months."

It took time for Kakao to plan for a merger and listing, and he also planned to take advantage of this time to sort out some of Jingsheng's investment businesses in South Korea.

"Stay for one more month and spend the New Year with grandma here." The old man decided.

Gu Heng responded with a smile.

"Grandma cooks Jeonju bibimbap for you at noon?"

"Quanzhou bibimbap?" Gu Heng hesitated for a moment, then asked, "If it's convenient, grandma can make an extra serving, no, can I make one and a half servings?"

"The history of theater in our country can be traced back to"

"Our performing artists are enjoyed in the world."

At eight or nine o'clock, the sun was already a lot hotter.

Slanting light came in from outside the classroom, falling on the long black hair, dyeing it golden.

Xu Xian turned his head, looked at someone who was dozing off, and blinked.

Glancing at the time on the wall clock in the classroom, Xu Xian touched the hand that was supporting her chin with her elbow.

There was a slight sound.

Lin Yun'er's face almost had an intimate contact with the desk.

Xu Xian was also taken aback, and quickly supported her shoulders.

Fortunately, the teachers who were engaged on the podium did not notice the situation on their side.

Lin Yuner was still in shock, and asked in a low voice, "Is there something wrong, Xiaoxian?"

"get out of class is over soon, Ernie," Xu Xian replied softly, "Didn't you say that you are going to participate in the interview of Dayong High School's school celebration today, and let me accompany you there?"

She is not only Lin Yuner's college classmate, but also her high school junior.

It was only in the last period of my third year of high school that I transferred to an art high school in Jeonju because of some considerations about my debut.

"Oh..." Lin Yuner breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought it was called again.
After staying up for another five or six minutes, the two finally waited until the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

After leaving the school, Xu Xian drove Lin Yuner to the vicinity of Dayong School.

After parking the car firmly, she looked at Lin Yuner who was pressing her phone with her head down, and asked curiously, "Yuner O'Neill, you said earlier that there is someone else who will accept today's interview recording? Who is it?"

It was reasonable for Lin Yuner to pull her together for an interview, but it was a bit sudden.

"Well, it's just a friend." Lin Yuner was vague.

"Friend?" Xu Zhuxian frowned, and his tone was a little more suspicious.

Lin Yuner hummed, "I'm afraid that being with him will be awkward, so I just want you to be together."

Although Gu Heng agreed to participate in the recording, she was still worried that he would feel uncomfortable facing the camera.

"Will it be a little embarrassing?" Xu Xian repeated, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure not far away.

It seems somewhat familiar.

Xu Xian was slightly taken aback.

".Understood Ernie, I will help you."

"Thank you Xiaoxian."

Lin Yuner thanked subconsciously, and then realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Xu Xian's expression.

Why do you look like you're about to raise a knife and chop someone up?
 Thank you Luo Renxi for the five hundred rewards!Thank you for the free and unconstrained style, the lust, and the [-] rewards from book friends!

  Thank you for your support!
  Thank you book friends for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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