when idols fall in love

Chapter 210 205. Innocent Reputation

In a small conference room.

After taking a sip of the tea in his cup, Gu Heng rested his right hand on his chin, silently listening to a debate in the conference room.

"Although NAVER suppressed Daum in the search and portal market, it does not mean that Daum has opened up a gap that cannot be caught up by NAVER in terms of technical strength,"

Li Ran, who was wearing a light blue shirt, had sweat stains on his forehead, and pointed to the demonstration screen behind him.

"But a technology that cannot be converted into market competitiveness is meaningless commercially." Not far from him, someone said.

"That's not the case. The team and technical capabilities that Daum has developed over the years will be of great benefit to Kakao in sorting out its own business in the future."

Li Ran shook his head and picked up another document, and said slowly, "Kakao has made great strides in the past two years, and all businesses are moving forward, but one thing that needs to be vigilant is that this makes the core software of Kakao talk The burden on Kakao talk has become more and more complicated. If Daum’s mobile software is the core, it may be a better development to separate some businesses with weak social relevance from Kakao talk.”

"In addition, Daum, as the earliest portal website in South Korea to develop web novels and web comics, may have more in-depth cooperation with our group itself in the future on various copyrights such as film and television adaptations."

After listening for a while, Gu Heng put down his teacup and leaned forward slightly, "But one thing that cannot be avoided is that the merger of Kakao and Daum will dilute our interests, and the group's stock price may also be slightly under pressure."

Jingsheng's investment in South Korea in recent years can be roughly classified into two categories.

One is the investment for the supplementary development of the group's own business, such as the acquisition of a film and television production company, and the streaming media platform Wavve launched in cooperation with SK Telecom; the other is the investment for financial returns, such as the investment in Kakao Shareholding and several additional capital injections.

Jingsheng's investment in Kakao, along with the soaring valuation of Kakao in recent years, is also reflected in the group's stock price.

On the bright side, apart from the size, Daum doesn't have much to make people stand out. All of Li Ran's analysis is more of a vision for the future.

But upon hearing Gu Heng's words, Li Ran's eyes flashed with joy.

With a light cough, he pressed the remote control to switch the demo screen to another page, "Kakao Corp promises to share some of the Kakao games."

"Next time, control the expression on your face."

After leaving the conference room and coming to the elevator, Gu Heng glanced at Li Ran and twitched his lips.

Li Ran coughed twice in embarrassment, "Got it."

In the conference room just now, the question Gu Heng raised was the content that Gu Heng asked him to negotiate with Kakao in recent days.

On the surface it was making things difficult, but in fact it was more like singing a double reed for people in other departments of Jingsheng to listen to.

The elevator descended slowly and came to the first floor.

Outside the office building of the company, it is already the sunset.

The loud whistle sound from time to time on the street reminds the arrival of the evening rush hour in Seoul.

There's going to be a traffic jam again.
Gu Heng sighed silently in his heart, and then said goodbye to Li Ran.

When I returned to the downstairs of the residence, there was only a lavender afterglow in the sky.

Picking up the meat and vegetables that he bought from a nearby store, Gu Heng got out of the car.

As soon as he closed the car door, he looked up and was startled.

"Aunt Jingshu? What are you doing?" Looking at He Jingshu who came out of the apartment building, Gu Heng's heart tightened suddenly.

Seeing it was him, He Jingshu first showed a little smile on her face, but then became serious again.

"Come here for me."

Seeing Gu Heng approaching, she asked, "Upstairs, what's going on?"

Gu Heng's lips moved slightly, hesitantly said, "My friend, stay with me for one night, I didn't know you were coming, so..."

"Borrow for one night?" He Jingshu narrowed her eyes.

"Xiao Heng," she sighed softly, "Have you forgotten who is from Seoul?"

A girl born and bred in Seoul, in Seoul, do I need to ask you, a Chinese, to borrow?
Gu Heng was speechless for a while, "...she ran out to catch a cold in the rain last night, and couldn't leave for a while, so I let her stay here."

"Run to get in the rain by yourself?" He Jingshu rolled her eyes at him, "Li Zhien didn't do this kind of thing after elementary school."

"What I'm saying is true."

"Forget it, I don't bother to care about whether you are real or not," He Jingshu waved her hand, "I brought you ginseng chicken soup, but I left it for her, just to give her a boost."

Gu Heng hummed helplessly, "...I see."

"Today I wanted to talk to you about Zhong Xun's future university affairs, forget it, you go up and take care of her first. I'll call you later in the evening."

"Okay, auntie, walk slowly."

He Jingshu nodded, took two steps, and then turned around suddenly.

"Xiao Heng"


"That girl Yun'er looks thin." He Jingshu hesitated for a moment before saying a word.

"Yeah." Gu Heng thought she was still talking about a cold, and responded subconsciously, "She is usually in good health and eats a lot."

Seeing his wooden reaction, He Jingshu almost couldn't breathe.

After glaring at Gu Heng, she said angrily, "I mean, can't you be gentle with her?"

"Shall I be gentler to her?" Gu Heng frowned.

"You, take care of yourself." He Jingshu pointed at him, then turned and left helplessly.

Seeing her leaving back, Gu Heng frowned and entered the apartment building.

Today's He Jingshu is really weird.

He faintly felt that Lin Yun'er seemed to have said something very important to her.

The numbers in the elevator jumped and soon reached the seventh floor.

Back at the residence, there was no one in the living room except for an insulated box on the coffee table.

It should be the ginseng chicken soup that He Jingshu just mentioned.

Looking around in the living room, Gu Heng put down the bag in his hand and pushed open the door of the master bedroom.


Approaching the bulging quilt on the bed, Gu Heng sat down on the floor beside the bed.

He reached out and touched the quilt, ".Yun'er?"

no response.

He smiled helplessly, and touched her again, "I was in a meeting at the company just now, and I didn't see Aunt Jingshu's call, this time it's my fault"

The quilt was opened, and Lin Yuner, who had messy hair, sat up from the bed.

Gu Heng was slightly taken aback.

Her face was a little too red.
It's almost red.

"You" Gu Heng hesitated to speak.

"I'll die with you today!" shouted angrily, Lin Yun'er stretched out her hand and pinched Gu Heng's neck.

It's a pity that after catching a cold, she really didn't have much strength in her hands.

Gu Heng easily grabbed his hand into his palm.

After stalemate for a while, Lin Yun'er resigned herself and buried her face in the quilt again, "I won't die with you, I'll just die myself."

"What's the matter?" Let go of Lin Yun'er's hand, Gu Heng touched her hair, "If there is any misunderstanding, I'll just tell Aunt Jing Shu, she is not an ignorant person."

"How could this kind of thing be explained clearly?" Lin Yun'er replied in a muffled voice.

"You, what did you talk to her about?"

There was a moment of silence in the bedroom.

"Take a bath." The voice as thin as a mosquito moan came from under the quilt.

"Take a shower." Standing in front of the rice cooker, He Jingshu clicked her tongue lightly.

"What are you talking about?"

After serving two bowls of ginseng chicken soup, Lee Jong-shin looked at his wife and asked suspiciously.

If his memory is correct, it seems that before he went to serve the soup, He Jingshu was already standing in front of the rice cooker with an empty bowl and a rice spoon.

"Oh, nothing."

He Jingshu came back to her senses, and hurriedly scooped out the rice for the husband and wife.

Now Li Zhongxun only finished class at night, and Li Zhien and Gu Heng lived alone, so only the couple had dinner at home.

After returning to the dining table and sitting down, Li Zhongxin took the job bowl from He Jingshu.

After eating for a while, Li Zhongxin gave his wife a small piece of meatball pancake, "What did Xiao Heng say?"

"Huh?" He Jingshu was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What?"

"It's about Zhong Xun going to college."

Lee Jong-shin answered it as a matter of course, and then looked at his wife suspiciously.

Ever since she came back from Gu Heng, He Jingshu seems to be distracted from time to time.

"You said this, Xiao Heng said to call me to talk at night."

"That's fine too." Li Zhongxin nodded, "But didn't you see him? Why don't you just talk to him face to face?"

"Well, he's busy." He Jingshu replied vaguely.

Li Zhongxin accepted this explanation, and continued to eat rice in his mouth.

There was a moment of silence at the dinner table.

"Know her father." He Jingshu said suddenly.


"Xiaoheng is 27 this year, right?"

"Well, according to our calculation, it's more than 27." Li Zhongxin smiled.

"Yes." He Jingshu nodded thoughtfully.

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered that when we gave birth to Zhien, we seemed to be only 23 or [-] years old."

"How can this be the same?" Li Zhongxin grinned, "It's not uncommon for young people nowadays to get married in their early thirties."

"More than 30 is still too late." He Jingshu thought for a while and said.

The dinner table.

Gu Heng looked at someone who was eating rice on the opposite side, and pushed the untouched ginseng chicken soup towards her, "Don't let it cool down."

Lin Yun'er's head was lowered a bit, almost buried in the rice.

"The hair is going to fall into the bowl." Gu Heng silently reminded.

Lin Yun'er's movements froze, and she looked at the ginseng chicken soup that was exuding a faint fragrance and heat.

Noticing Gu Heng's gaze on her, the redness on her face that had been hard to get rid of slowly rose again.

"Don't think about that," Gu Heng smiled helplessly, "Let's get well first."


"Besides," Gu Heng paused for a moment, his expression not very good-looking, "And you say that out of nowhere, the one whose reputation is damaged more seriously, isn't it me?"

He was obviously the one who was misunderstood by He Jingshu as someone else.
He is now worried about how to explain this to He Jingshu.

The voice fell, and my foot hurt.

Raising her head, Lin Yuner was looking at him with a blushing face, each word came out from between her teeth, "No, yes, face!"

"Yes, yes, I am shameless," Gu Heng shook his head and smiled, and pushed the ginseng chicken soup in front of her eyes, "Even if you want to have the strength to revenge me, you should drink the ginseng chicken soup first, right?"

Lin Yun'er puffed her mouth, but silently took the bowl without another word.

"Will it taste too salty?" Gu Heng asked.

Unlike Chinese ginseng chicken soup, South Korea uses much less salt when making ginseng chicken soup. It is mainly used to add freshness to the chicken soup, which does not necessarily meet the taste of foreigners.

However, He Jingshu took care of his taste and often added some salt to his share.

"Ani," Lin Yuner shook her head in response, "It's delicious. Thank you, auntie, for me."

She was just ashamed and annoyed because of a misunderstanding, and she didn't discriminate between good and bad people.

"Got it, let's eat."


In the bathroom, steam is steaming.

Hot water splashed on the skin.

"You listen to me, you can't let him do everything, you don't know pity"

"Don't be too angry with him, Xiaoheng has a gentle personality, probably still young, and Yun'er is so good-looking."

"I'll tell him, don't worry"

"Good-looking?" Lin Yun'er muttered in a low voice, "It would be great if he really thought so."

The closest contact she had with someone was just over a year ago, and in the end she didn't
"Hey Yigu," the thinking stopped abruptly here, Lin Yuner covered her face, "Lin Yuner, what are you thinking! Shameless!"

Shaking her head, she put these thoughts aside and turned off the hot water.

After drying her body and changing her clothes, she walked out of the bathroom with her slippers on.

Gu Heng in the living room was holding up his mobile phone to power on, when he heard the sound of her coming out, he turned his head and took a look.

Seeing Lin Yun'er looking at him and not knowing why he was in a daze, the corner of Gu Heng's mouth curled up slightly, and he pointed to the cold medicine on the table.

Lin Yuner nodded obediently.

Coming to sit beside Gu Heng, she took the cold medicine next to her and swallowed two pills.

Gu Heng returned his mind to the conversation with He Jingshu.

"It's not impossible to study in Huaxia, but in comparison, the choice of majors and employment may be narrower in the future." After a pause, Gu Heng shook his head again, "But these are actually trivial things, watch the clock Xun and your thoughts."

No matter how he chooses, he can always make proper arrangements for Li Zhongxun.

After chatting for a few more words, when Gu Heng was about to hang up the phone, he caught a glimpse of Yuner beside him, and added, "By the way, Yuner asked me to convey her thanks to you."

Lin Yuner gave him another fist from behind.

Gu Heng looked back in doubt.

Lin Yuner's eyes drifted to the side, "Can't you convey it when I'm not around?"

Gu Heng was speechless for a moment.

After finishing the call, he took another blanket from the side and gave it to her, "Why did you wash it for so long, you haven't caught a cold yet?"

Lin Yun'er's face became hot, and she muttered, "I want you to take care of it."

Wrapping the blanket tightly around her body, she tilted her head to look at Gu Heng for a moment, then gently touched him with her elbow, "Gu Heng."


"My cold is almost cured and I want to go home tomorrow." Lin Yuner said softly.

"Okay." Gu Heng stroked her hair.

Blinking, Lin Yuner raised three fingers towards him.

Gu Heng let out a laugh, and gently hugged the girl's soft body into his arms.

"30 seconds, I'm not greedy." She whispered.

Thank you Xuesheng Diamond Army book friend for the two thousand reward!Thank you salted fish and green peppers are delicious book friends for the five hundred rewards!Thank you Lin Yuner's only book friend for the [-] rewards!Thank you ty supreme harmless book friend for your reward!
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