After being rejected, I became Shi Yijiao

Chapter 442 Pan Yi vs. Guardiola in the final?

Chapter 442 Pan Yi vs. Guardiola in the final?

The second leg of the Champions League quarter-finals will be held a week later.

For the teams that have entered the quarter-finals, there is usually a national league game on the weekend between the two knockout matches.

And Chelsea is challenging Swansea away.

Swansea this season has lost the magic of last season, and the team led by Gary Monk can basically only fight for relegation this season.

It's just that their situation is better than Aston Villa, Sunderland and other teams now, ranking 37th with 15 points, 7 points higher than the relegation zone.

This is also a common problem for small teams. Due to the relatively large turnover of personnel, the team lacks stability.

This is also normal. If their results have been stable, they may not be considered a small team...

For this game, Pan Yi also made a substantial rotation.

After all, although Benfica is ahead of Benfica by four goals, the importance of the Champions League is still greater than that of the league, and no accidents are allowed.

The second round against Benfica will be played three days after the game against Swansea. If you relax your vigilance, there is a certain chance that the gutter will capsize.

As for the league, what does it matter if they win the championship a few rounds earlier?

And Gary Monk, who is fighting for a point to be considered a success, put up a formation of three midfielders at home, just preparing to guard against death.

The tactic worked in the first half and managed to fend off Chelsea's attack, keeping the Blues from scoring.

But in the second half, as the physical consumption of the players intensified, Swansea began to fail.

In the 61st minute, Cancelo assisted Gnabry to break into the left rib with a low shot, breaking through Swansea's goal and opening the scoring for Chelsea.

This goal completely wiped out the will of the Swansea players to stick to it.

Chelsea's subsequent goals followed.

In the 65th minute, Lingard dribbled the ball and forcibly broke into the penalty area. After attracting the attention of the defensive players, he assisted Abraham to score.

In the 71st minute, Moses made a cross from the bottom of the wing, and Gretzka scored after the assist.

In the end, Chelsea beat Swansea 3-0 away.

In the standings, due to the draw against Villa in the last round and Leicester City's winning streak, the points gap between Chelsea and Leicester City has been narrowed to 15 points.

What's interesting is that in the last few games of Leicester City, the scores were all 1:0, but they defeated Watford, Newcastle, Crystal Palace, Southampton in a row...

This can also show how handy they are in this defensive counterattack tactic under the leadership of Ranieri.

They really don't have an absolute strength advantage to crush their opponents, but they can win!

As a result, although Leicester City ranks second in the standings, their goal difference is only 24. This data is not as good as Tottenham and Arsenal, which are behind them, or even sixth. Manchester City.

And how many goals difference does Chelsea, which ranks first, have?

It's a scary 62!
This means that even if Chelsea and Leicester City have the same points in the end, Chelsea can still win the championship steadily, because the goal difference is too big.

And now there are only 6 rounds left in the league.

This means that as long as Chelsea can win one of the remaining six games, the championship is basically guaranteed.
April 4, Stadium of Light, Portugal.

Pan Yi still has a lot of memories of this venue.

The last time he came here, he led the Hamburg team to defeat Real Madrid in the 2013-2014 Champions League final and finally won the championship.

This is also the first time he really won the Champions League trophy as a head coach, and since then he has started his journey to the championship in world football.

And this time, he led Chelsea away to Benfica, which is the second round of the knockout round of the Champions League quarter-finals.

What Pan Yi didn't expect was that the opponent's head coach, Vittoria, actually formed a somewhat desperate formation in this game - 3-2-4-1.

Yes, this formation was "invented" by Pan Yi.

After everyone discovered that this formation is really suitable for strong teams, many giants in major leagues began to try it, including the Portuguese Super League champion Benfica.

It's just that, with the strength of Benfica's lineup, it's okay to be sideways in the Portuguese Super League. How dare you face Chelsea?

But in fact, this is also understandable.

After losing a 0:4 away game, any head coach needs to make a choice.

That is, after returning to the home court, should we be cautious and avoid another big score, or give it a go and strive for a chance to comeback?
In other words, it cannot be said to come back, after all, it is necessary to hope for a miracle; but it is also necessary to show momentum in front of the home fans.

Obviously, Vittoria chose the latter.

Although it's a bit risky.

After all, who would a normal person adopt this three-back style of play when facing Chelsea with such fierce offensive firepower from the wing?

Of course, Pan Yi was just a little surprised by Vittoria's choice, but he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, this 3-2-4-1 formation was created by him, and Pan Yi is very familiar with its advantages and disadvantages.

With the personal ability of the Benfica players, it is actually really difficult to control this strong formation.

That's right, this formation depends on the player configuration.

First, the key to this formation is the swing of the waist guard, and without a central defender with good foot skills like David Luiz, and a mobile full-back like Van Dijk and Ake, it is impossible to play the swing position of the waist guard. of.

Second, the defense of this formation has obvious loopholes, and it has to rely on the continuity of the frontcourt to provide protection. Teams that cannot play continuous and effective high-position pressing cannot play.

Also, this formation is not simple and unchanged.

Pan Yi's 3-2-4-1 is one set with the ball and another set without the ball, which is not easy to imitate.


Its changes are very flexible, basically it is adjusted according to the opponent's formation and the situation on the field at that time, and sometimes even depends on the players' on-the-spot movement to make changes.

It can be said that if there are not enough and good all-round players, it will not be possible to play.

So, what Vittoria puts out, there is a high probability that it can only learn the surface...

The tactics were completely mastered by Pan Yi, coupled with the huge advantage of Chelsea's four-goal lead at home, it also allowed the Chelsea players to completely relieve their psychological pressure and let them play freely.

Once this group of talented youngsters can play freely, they can always play at a very high level!

Pan Yi also told the players before the game that the game will still focus on offense.

"Try to forget the result of the first game, just treat it as an ordinary game. Go play your offensive strength!"

This made the Chelsea players very excited, and after the opening, they launched a fierce press on Benfica.

And because Benfica also played an offensive formation today, the two sides played very unrestrainedly.

Both sides are bold and unrestrained, and it is obviously easier for the stronger side to score goals.

Less than 5 minutes into the game, Van Dijk went straight forward to put pressure on the front of Benfica's penalty area, interfered with Gaitan's pass and successfully intercepted the ball.

After distributing the ball to the B seat on the right, Van Dijk still did not retreat, but decisively advanced to ask for the ball.

After rushing into the right side of the penalty area to receive the pass from seat B, he crossed the ball to the center.

Harry Kane followed up with a push and sent the ball into the bottom left corner of the goal.

Benfica goalkeeper César stood far to the right and couldn't catch the shot.

0:1, Chelsea lead away!
It was another rushing goal after the opening!
And this goal almost declared the failure of Benfica's offensive policy.

After only 5 minutes of playing, the goal was conceded. Why continue to face Chelsea?
After Chelsea scored the first goal, their morale was like a rainbow, and they continued to attack Benfica.

Benfica also quickly organized a counterattack and formed a shot, but it was confiscated by Courtois.

No.15 minutes, Chelsea launched another attack.

Azpilicueta on the right and seat B formed a two-to-one cooperation on the wing. Azpilicueta decisively inserted obliquely to the right side of the front of the penalty area, saw the opportunity, suddenly kicked and hit a goal Heavy shelling of the door.

The ball went straight to the goal with lightning speed.

In the penalty area, Benfica's central defender Paul Lopez blocked the ball sideways. When it was impossible for his body to block the ball, he stretched out his right hand to block the ball.

The referee was aware of the problem and immediately blew his whistle to signal Paul Lopez's handball foul, and gave a yellow card and a penalty kick.

The Benfica players were so angry that they gathered around one after another, trying to ask the referee for an explanation.

But the referee did not show any weakness, and kept signaling the Benfica players to back off, but the emotional Benfica players still stepped forward to block them, so the referee drew cards again.

Paulo Lopez and Luisón both received yellow cards.

The referee also issued a warning, if they come up again, it will be a red card immediately!

"Benfica players should remain calm at this time."

"According to UEFA's latest rules, the highest penalty for besieging the referee is a red card, and even additional penalties."

"Their actions now are indeed a bit irrational. They got two yellow cards for no reason. This will also greatly weaken Benfica's defense."

"Of course, it is understandable from the mentality that the Benfica players are so impatient now."

"The total score is already 0:5 behind, and now a penalty kick has been awarded... Not only has the hope of a comeback been wiped out early, but there is also the possibility of another tragedy."

"It would be fine if we lost four goals in an away game before, but today, under the watchful eyes of more than 6 fans at the Stadium of Light, losing so many goals would be a bit embarrassing..."

The Benfica players eventually dispersed.

They know that if they continue to entangle, they will only suffer.

Of course, the main thing is that this handball is indeed quite obvious, and it would be unreasonable to go on with the theory.

At this time, Hazard, the first penalty shooter in the Chelsea team, stood on the penalty spot without hesitation.

After the referee's whistle, he made a quick run-up and scored a goal for Chelsea in one fell swoop.

It's 0:2!
The total score also came to 0:6.

It can be said that there is no suspense about the outcome of the game.
At halftime, the score was still 0:2.

Judging from various statistics, Chelsea is better than Benfica.


This shows that Benfica really has no way to fight against Chelsea!
Strength doesn't allow it.

In the second half, when they changed sides and fought again, Pan Yi asked the players to start to defend and counterattack, not to press too high.

The main thing is that the winning ticket is already in hand, and a lot of goals have been scored, which is almost enough.

From the penalty kick in the first half, it can be seen that many Benfica players are already in a hurry, so stop teasing them.

However, Benfica's players seem to have completely lost confidence. Even if Chelsea shrink their defense, it is still difficult for them to create good opportunities.

Instead, in the 75th minute, Chelsea instigated a counterattack after stealing the ball from the midfield. Seat B dribbled the ball from the right and tried unsuccessfully to break through. He suddenly changed to an inside cut. The ball hits the goal.

The shot was blocked by the opponent's captain Louison, and the ball bounced back to the penalty area near the penalty area. After Harry Kane got the ball first, he was assigned to the left side of the penalty area.

Lukaku stepped in from behind, and hit the ball directly with his left foot.

The ball slanted into the goal at an extremely fast speed and got into the bottom of the net.

0: 3!

In the end, Chelsea easily won the away game.

At the same time, they also swept Benfica with a total score of 7:0 and successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the Champions League.
The results of the other three Champions League quarter-finals are gradually coming out.

In a Spanish civil war at the Calderon Stadium, the MSN combination misfired, and Barcelona lost 0 to 2 away to Atletico Madrid!

Since Barcelona defeated their opponents 2:1 in the first round, because Atletico Madrid must win to advance, they launched an active offensive after the opening.

In the 36th minute, Atletico Madrid broke the deadlock!Saul made a cross from the outside of his left foot from the right, Alves missed the defense, and Griezmann scored with a header from 10 yards.

At this time, the total score of the two sides was tied at 2 to 2, but Atletico Madrid already had the advantage of away goals.

Atletico continued to exert pressure in the second half and expanded the score in the 88th minute.

Felipe counterattacked and broke through to the edge of the penalty area to cross Griezmann. Iniesta had no choice but to foul the handball, but he was only warned by a yellow card, which aroused the dissatisfaction of Atletico Madrid players.

Subsequently, Griezmann took a penalty kick into the lower right corner, 2:0.

In the end, with Griezmann's brace, Atletico Madrid eliminated Barcelona 3-2 and advanced to the semi-finals!

In addition to Atletico Madrid's successful comeback, Real Madrid also reversed the game!
Losing to Wolfsburg 0:2 in the first round left Real Madrid with no choice but to attack at home.

The advantage in strength also allowed them to completely suppress Wolfsburg in the half after the opening.

Real Madrid took the lead in the 15th minute!
Carvajal inserted into the frontcourt and cut off Arnold's cross. After the pass was blocked by Arnold, he made another pass from the right corner of the penalty area and Arnold changed his line slightly. Ronaldo pushed an empty goal 5 meters away from the goal , 1 to 0.

After the re-kick-off, Real Madrid got the ball and launched an attack again. Modric sent the header, and Carvajal unloaded the ball from the right side of the penalty area with his left foot. .

Kroos took a corner kick from the left, Ronaldo headed from a small angle 7 meters away from the goal and bounced into the far corner, 2-0!

The difference between Real Madrid's two goals is only 88 seconds! Ronaldo has scored at least 6 goals on behalf of Real Madrid for 45 consecutive seasons.

Real Madrid continued to attack wildly in the second half.

There was controversy in the 66th minute. Kroos took a corner kick from the left. Ramos hit the inside of the right post with a header from 7 meters in front of the goal. The ball flew along the goal line. Benalio scooped the ball behind him , The referee judged that the ball was not scored.

But Real Madrid still surpassed the total score in 77 minutes!
Ronaldo took a free kick 25 meters in front of the goal and entered the lower right corner from the narrow gap between Naldo and Gilavogi, 3 to 0!


And this is the fifth time he has worn a hat in the Champions League, which also tied Messi's record.

In the end, Real Madrid defeated Wolfsburg 3:0 at home and advanced to the semi-finals with a total score of 3:2!
And the last strong dialogue, Bayern Munich VS Manchester City, also played ups and downs.

At the Allianz Arena, Manchester City actually turned away. In the first half, De Bruyne and Aguero scored two goals in a row, and entered the second half with a 2-goal lead!
It's just that Bayern won the away game 3:1 in the first round. Now that the total score is 3:3, Bayern can still advance by virtue of the advantage of more away goals.

Manchester City continued to attack in the second half, but Bayern also took the initiative. In the 56th and 61st minutes, Lewandowski scored two goals in 5 minutes to equalize the score!
Soon, David Silva helped Manchester City surpass the score again.

But before the end of the game, Lahm kicked a world wave and locked the score at 3:3.

In the end, Bayern Munich eliminated Manchester City with a total score of 6:4 and advanced to the semi-finals.

This game was undoubtedly the most exciting of the four quarter-finals.

Not only scored the most goals, both teams showed excellent tactical qualities and offensive and defensive conversion capabilities in the game, and they also showed amazing resilience and tenacious fighting spirit in the chasing of the score.

Especially Bayern Munich played calmly even when they were two goals behind, and finally chased the score back.

As a result, the semi-finals of this season's Champions League came into being.

Atletico Madrid, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, and Chelsea! ——
Two days after the quarter-finals, on April 4, the draw for the Champions League semi-finals took place.

This time there were only four teams left, and the draw was quickly over.

This time, the ambassador of the organizer of the final and Serbian star Stankovic, the famous Inter Milan, served as the guest.

When he showed everyone the notes in the balls he drew out the first two times, the situation of the semi-final matchup came out.

Atletico Madrid VS Chelsea, Real Madrid VS Bayern Munich!
The media and fans have expressed that this time Chelsea has drawn a good sign again!
After all, compared with Real Madrid and Bayern, Atletico Madrid's comprehensive strength is still relatively weak among the semi-finals.

But Atletico Madrid coach Simeone stated after the draw ceremony: "We once again met Pan Yi's team in the semi-finals of the Champions League. I hope this time we can succeed in revenge!"

It was exactly 2 years ago that Hamburg led by Pan Yi defeated Atletico Madrid in the semi-finals, and also defeated Simeone in a very Atletico Madrid way-defensive counterattack.

It is worth mentioning that there were some conflicts between the two sides of the game at that time. De Bruyne and Sun Xingmin on the Hamburg side both ended due to injuries.

So this matchup between Chelsea and Atletico Madrid is quite attractive.

And because Atletico Madrid broke into the semi-finals after reversing and eliminating Barcelona, ​​many people also think that Atletico Madrid also has a chance to beat Chelsea, which is good at passing and controlling.

Bruce Barker, Chelsea's draw representative, said: "No one is a weak team in the semi-finals. We must go all out."

But in terms of bookmakers, Chelsea is still favored.


"Boss, who do you think our opponent will be if we make it to the final?"

After watching the televised draw, Arteta asked Pan Yi.

Pan Yi thought for a while and replied, "Bayern."

"Why?" Arteta was puzzled.

The main reason is that the current Real Madrid team is indeed stronger than Bayern in terms of lineup, and the personnel on all fronts are also more complete.

The BBC combination of striker Ronaldo + Benzema + Bell is at the pinnacle of his career, and Modric + Kroos + Casemiro behind them is also excellent in offense and defense.

Behind, Marcelo + Ramos + Pepe + Carvajal can be said to be able to attack and defend well.

As for the goalkeeper position, after Casillas, who was in decline, left the team, the Costa Rica goalkeeper Navas, who was acquired from Hamburg, perfectly filled the vacancy and has become "the wall" in the minds of Real Madrid fans.

On the bench, Real Madrid also has some of the world's best stars like Ronaldo, Nacho, Isco, Jesse, Varane, Kovacic, etc.

This is really perfect!
Compared with Real Madrid, although Bayern Munich's lineup can be called strong, it is still a bit worse overall.

The frontcourt attack group composed of people like Thiago, Vidal, Koman, and Douglas Costa is of course inferior to the three midfielders of the BBC+ ceremony.

This is why Arteta expressed his puzzlement.

Under normal circumstances, everyone should be optimistic about Real Madrid, including bookmakers.

"I still believe in Guardiola's ability, he can make up the lineup gap between Bayern and Real Madrid." Pan Yi said.

Mainly judging from the two matchups between Bayern and Manchester City, Bayern not only played with skills, but also played with a rare spirit.

This is still very important for this Bayern team.

In Pan Yi's previous life, many people criticized Gua's Bayern for having more skills and not enough blood, and playing "sissy football".

But at least judging from these two quarter-finals, there is no such problem.

In both games, Bayern fell behind first, but they equalized without haste, overtook and finally won.

This kind of Bayern is the real and most terrifying opponent.

As for Real Madrid, although they also reversed and advanced, their opponents are only new Champions League players like Wolfsburg after all.

From a side view, this shows that Real Madrid's performance is unstable, especially the difference between home and away games is relatively large.

And as for why this is so...

I have to talk about their current head coach Zidane.

In Pan Yi's view, if there is anything slightly lacking in this Real Madrid team, it may be the "rookie coach" Zidane.

This season, Benitez replaced Carlo Ancelotti at the Bernabeu and signed a three-year contract with Real Madrid.

However, in the 25 games in which he coached Real Madrid in all competitions, he only achieved 17 wins, 5 draws and 3 losses, ranking third in La Liga, and was sentenced to be eliminated in the Copa del Rey.

So in January, Real Madrid announced that Benitez was dismissed and Zidane took over as coach.

The Real Madrid star quickly stabilized Real Madrid's locker room after coaching, and once played 12 consecutive victories, pressing Barcelona step by step in the league.

It can be said that Zidane at this time has shown a certain "metaphysical" temperament.

This is because, unlike how everyone often discusses Guardiola's tactics, how Mourinho plays defensively and counterattacks, how Ancelotti thinks the dishes are ready to eat...

For Zidane, few people discuss his tactical characteristics.

But his Real Madrid can win!
As a result, the nickname "Qi Xuanzong" spread like wildfire.

But for Pan Yi, the outcome of the game is partly due to luck, or "metaphysics", but in the end it still depends on the on-the-spot performance of the two sides and the game of the coach.

At this point, Guardiola is obviously stronger.

Moreover, Guashuai in this life is tantamount to using Pan Yi to bring forward some tactics that he himself will only understand in the future, so Bayern will only be stronger than in the previous life.

"Therefore, I think our most difficult opponent this season will probably be Bayern Munich."

After expounding his point of view, Pan Yi finally said.

Arteta nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what Pan Yi meant.

To be honest, when he was a player, he imagined what it would be like to be a coach in the future.

His first choice, of course, is to stay at Arsenal and be Wenger's assistant;
And secondly, go to Guardiola and study under his staff for two years, which is definitely helpful.

In fact, the relationship between Arteta and Guardiola has always been very good.

As early as one day in July 1999, the pre-season friendly match between Hertha Berlin and Barcelona was held in Berlin, Germany.

The 17-year-old Arteta, who was still at Barcelona at the time, came on as a substitute for Guardiola and they have been in touch since then.

When Guardiola went to Bayern to coach, he also contacted Arteta, but Tazi wanted to play for another two years.

Later, it was Pan Yi who found Arteta, so he became Chelsea's assistant coach.

In other words, if Pan Yi hadn't intervened, Arteta would have been Guardiola's man sooner or later.

So, for Arteta, it must be a very pleasant thing for Pan Yi and Guardiola to have a peak duel in the final!

(End of this chapter)

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