basketball never sleeps

Chapter 211 He is Trying a Brand-New Way of Leading the Team

Chapter 211 He Is Trying A Brand-New Way Of Leading The Team
In the conference room of the NBA headquarters in New York, a group of people are discussing the marketing work after the announcement of the major awards tomorrow.

James's headshot is still hanging on the projection of the curtain, and that bright and mature smile made every league executive who looked up and glanced at it unintentionally couldn't help but sigh——

"Too fucking young!"

In fact, even if A Zhan, who has grown a beard, does not frown, he shows a mature temperament far beyond his actual age.

But the following row of commented numbers helped everyone correct their impression of him.

21 years, 5 months and 7 days.

It is difficult for ordinary people to connect this number with the title of MVP.

But in the previous statistics, after three consecutive confirmations, everyone had to accept the fact that this young guy was elected as this year's MVP.

MVP at 21? !
Thief! (crazy)

However, if you look back at James' performance this year, everything seems to be reasonable.

The personal data is 29.5 points, 7.2 rebounds and 6.9 assists. While serving as the team's main attacker, other tasks have not been left behind, and his overall performance is outrageous.

Coupled with the substantial improvement in the team's record, Ajan's performance in the team is also getting better and better.

Especially after the All-Star break, when the Cavaliers fell into the weak state of the previous two seasons, Azhan stepped up frequently and won all 5 overtime games. Completed his first lore in a heart-to-heart battle with the Bobcats, and his performance was not bad.

3rd in scoring, 9th in assists, the team record and the Suns are only 1 game behind the Suns...

Regardless of the three guys in the Heat who don't talk about martial arts, the multi-media media headed by ESPN all predict that James has a high probability of winning this year's MVP.

The MVP was originally voted by this group of media reporters or experts.

125 of the 41 American and Canadian media that were invited to vote gave James the first vote, while Nash, who should have been elected MVP in history, only had 30 votes.

Nash's ability to become the second MVP was actually established in the second half.

Many people also thought that the Suns were strong in players, coaches, or tactics at the beginning, but in the second half, Nash suffered a leg injury and took a few games off. The Suns were like wearing a magic mirror. Only then did everyone discover how strong Nash is.

But without the assist king, the statistics are almost completely surrounded by Mo Wen, and those who support Nash even the MVP dare not shout too loudly.

No matter how extravagant you are, Mo Wen's record and statistics are all there. Even though Americans generally have a low level of mathematics, comparing them is not a problem.

It is very troublesome to explain the objective gap time with subjective factors.


In fact, as long as you look for the video from that year, you can find out what Nash means to the Suns.

Math doesn't lie, but it doesn't tell the whole truth either.

Looking at high-level data instead of superficial data, Nash is not as good as Nowitzki and Mo Wen, who are one level ahead of others, and even Marion in the team is not as good.

However, if you look at his blessings to his teammates' high-level statistics when he is on the court...

History is unique.

It's a pity that the NBA's current application of high-level data is not so deep, and the selection of MVP also relies more on impression flow.

For example, the current Azhan can also get a comment of "making teammates better" from the media.

However, as far as the facts are concerned, the 1.0 Cavalier Zhan can indeed relate to this statement. After all, Zhan’s effect on his teammates is like Hearthstone’s [Crystal Core]——to turn all followers on the field (whether it is 1 HP or 9 HP) ) is forcibly turned into 5 blood.

(Owen/Thick Eyebrow: Impeccable!)

All in all, Ajan's name has been engraved on the base of the MVP trophy.

After completing the finalizing work, Stern leisurely picked up his coffee cup and admired the night view of New York.

Speaking of which, he didn't want to put James on the cloud so early.

But other local players are really disappointing.

The sudden appearance of Mo Wen made him feel a crisis.

If the Heat win the championship again this year, it will be Mo Wen's three consecutive championships.

Others' rookie contracts are still a year away, and Mo Wen's ring is almost full on one hand.

Moreover, Mo Wen is not taking the path of Robert Horry, from the key sixth man of the Pistons, to last year's FMVP, to this year's FMVP candidate...

When Mo Wen leads the team alone next year and completes the regular season honors, he will be eligible to charge towards the active No.1.

And if Mo Wen was allowed to win a few more championships, then Danzi's position might not be secure.

Let a foreigner become the strongest player in the NBA?
This is not what local fans want to see, and it is not what he wants to see.

Although Nash is an international player, he is a white man, and there is no need to elaborate on the relationship between the Autonomous Province of Canada and the United States.

Mo Wen is different. Although the Chinese market is good, it is far from being able to replace the local market.

However, pure suppression is incompetent performance for a manager.

Just like the balance of the game will only weaken it, the ecology is cultivated, not killed.

Mo Wenqiang, then cultivate a strong local opponent.

Kobe did not have the 81-point and 35-point scoring champions, and he still needs time to slowly clean up. In front of Stern, apart from Mo Wen's Wade, only Ajan has the best image.

As for whether A-Zhan can hold it up, he is not worried.

Talented, physically resistant, emotionally intelligent, ambitious, self-disciplined, measured off the court, leadership, and brand support...

A natural spokesperson?
A natural born agent!

Looking at it now, James is also a very smart kid, and he is very good at using his own advantages to seek his own interests.

The only possible concern is that the kid is a little too bright, or not bright enough.

It is not a good thing to rely too much on external forces. Just like a baby's walker, it can walk freely when it is supported by a car, but when the car is withdrawn, it will probably fall a few times before it can stand firmly again.

Just when Stern was still fantasizing about when A-Zhan would win the championship, the bald man who was his deputy walked to his side with a somewhat unnatural expression, and whispered a few words into his ear.

Stern was skeptical at first, then turned into surprise, and then became deeply puzzled.

Are you kidding me, only 3 points for a full half?
Did James suffer any serious injuries?

Regardless of tasting coffee and the beautiful scenery, Stern hurried into the conference room with a TV next to it with a few vice presidents.

The camera returns to the pitch.

Half a quarter later, James still couldn't find a way to break the game. Instead, he felt that he was getting deeper and deeper in Mo Wen's defense.

He gave up the task of advancing with the ball, but it only slightly delayed the suffocation time.

Mo Wen allowed him to catch the ball outside the three-point line, but if he wanted to go further, he had to put on the painful mask that even the referees looked like "not acting".

NH rules do not protect off-ball players.

If you want to be domineering in other people's territory, it's not enough to start from the strength status alone, unless you are serious about it.

Because of the influence of Mo Wen, A Zhan has also focused on confrontation in the past two years, but it was all practiced hard in the gym, which is nothing compared to the hair extension honed by Master Mo in the dungeon.

Besides, for his smooth and powerful dunks, he also intentionally controls his weight and body shape. The reason why A-Zhan is called Young Zhan now is because his body is still developing.

He is still a normal No. 3 figure and he is still a little green in confrontation skills. Being able to persist in not calling out in front of Mo Wen has already proved his strength.

"If I were wearing boxing gloves now, I would definitely punch you!"

Unbearable, Ah Zhan twisted his waist and waved his elbow at Mo Wen like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Mo Wen swayed slightly sideways, dodged it lightly, and then swung back and tapped Azhan's exposed ribs with his elbow.


Azhan, who was directly aroused by the pain, was quick-witted.

There is one thing to say, Mo Wen still likes the simplicity of the young Zhan, if it were replaced by the old Zhan, he would be so high or low that he would be sent flying 3 meters away by Mo Wen's internal force.

"Really? Do you want a game after the game?"

Mo Wen frowned, with inexplicable excitement in his eyes.

During the previous offseason, the brothers from the class of 03 basically tried Mo Wen.

A-Zhan is the most appreciative of the situation, either because he is not in good shape or because his muscles are sore, which keeps him avoiding it.

In the dungeon, he has practiced with A-Zhan several times. After all, A-Zhan has been "clumsy" more than once or twice. Those pictures are not Jiugongge, they are comic strips!

Seeing Mo Wen's excited look, A-Zhan was at a loss for words.

As far as Mo Wen's endless small moves in today's confrontation, if it were someone else, the "Azhan Eighteen Styles" might have been arranged long ago.

But Mo Wen didn't make many shots this year, so it doesn't mean that others will forget his record.

Especially for this group of stars who were born in the slums, if they can't remember the big brothers in their own community, it is really possible that they will die.

"I still need to adjust my status, let's talk about it later."

A-Zhan's eyes flickered, and he leaned on Mo Wen and made another gesture of catching the ball.


With only the last 50 seconds left in the third quarter, Azhan, who made 5 of 0 shots in a single quarter and scored 2 points only by fouling, felt as if he had taken a big mouthful of "water of life".

Relying on attracting double-teams and then dealing cards, his assists were in double figures in three quarters.

The offense couldn't open, he has been struggling to defend the position, and the rebounds are also in double figures.

Because he can attract double-teams without the ball, his teammates also played well. Now the point difference is only 11 points behind, and there is still the possibility of fighting in the fourth quarter.

Everything seems to be heading in the right direction, except for his scoring --

5 points!
After playing nearly 3 quarters, he took 13 shots and only scored 5 points!
Is this something that humans can do?
Thinking of this, Ah Zhan gritted his teeth and looked at Mo Wen fiercely.

Of course, Mo Wen also paid a "painful" price for this. He only scored 13 points in three quarters today.

A-Zhan originally wanted to repay him in the same way.

But Mo Wen's skills and shooting ability are there. Even if A Zhan devotes 120% of his attention, he can't lock Mo Wen like Mo Wen blocked him.

Today, these points are not so much A-Zhan's great defensive contribution, but rather Mo Wen's saving of physical energy in order to defend A-Zhan with all his strength, which led to a reduction in offensive output.

To some extent, it seems that it is also due to Azhan?
Holding the ball, A-Zhan only felt that his consciousness was a little chaotic.

He is now like a clown who was killed by a super ghost in the canyon, thinking about ending the opponent and surrendering once.

Winning or losing the game is not that important anymore, he just wanted to rush in and dunk one hard.

Mo Wen in front of him shook his head slightly, shaking the beads of sweat to his sides.

It's not easy for him to reach out to wipe his sweat, because A-Zhan has been watching and looking for his flaws.

Reid and other Cavaliers players are also constantly running to create noise, trying to help Ajan draw the space and the attention of other Heat players.

After a few deep breaths, Azhan, who had adjusted his rhythm, picked up the ball and rushed again without saying a word.

Confrontation... Confrontation..., the constant physical contact finally allowed A-Zhan to find an unknown omission, and this time, his teammates pulled and did a good job, and the other players of the Heat couldn't make up for it immediately.

Now he only needs two long strides to get to the rim.

The stagnation that had been suppressed for a whole game blew up his muscles like a balloon. At this moment, not to mention Mount Hua, he felt that he could even try Mount Everest.

He feels that his state is unprecedented.

One step, two steps...take off!
He lifted the basketball with only one thought in his head.

Give—I—smash it! !
But what he didn't notice was that there was actually a black shadow following his flying shadow.

Mo Wen was passed, but he was not completely out of place.

Under normal circumstances, Mo Wen's bounce must be two grades worse than that of Arjana.But at this time, everyone's physical strength was exhausted, and the gap was not that big.

After the not-so-clear touch sound, the basketball was thrown out.

This is not what broke A-Zhan the most. What broke A-Zhan the most was that when he stood firm and looked at the referee, the referee didn't even have the slightest intention to blow the whistle.

"He fouled, he hit the hand!" A-Zhan asked the referee with his arms outstretched, puzzled and angrily.

"That's a good hat, James." The referee raised an eyebrow and explained.

"Fucking good hat, he hits my hand first, the ball is in my hand, he has to hit my hand first if he wants to block, tell me, how did he hit my hand without the ball leaving my hand If you blocked this ball, how the hell would you blow it..."

Bread Brown stopped in front of the violent James in time.

"Sir, why don't you watch the replay? LeBron's shot just now was obviously a dunk, and a dunk from that angle cannot be blocked without fouling."

The "challenge" rule was introduced in the 19-20 season. Before that, it could only rely on big-name players and coaches to exert pressure.

The referee frowned slightly. There is a high probability that James will be the MVP of the new division, so he needs to be respected.

After replaying it, it seems that there was indeed a foul in the ball just now.

After successfully standing on the free throw line, Arjana's anger finally eased a little.

He doesn't expect to be as unfavorable on the offensive end as before today.

Putting the score in double figures and getting together a civilian triple-double even if he loses, he can still have an explanation to his fans.

He had already thought out the lines for the press conference.

He is trying a new way of leading the team.

Now with 5 points and two 2-point penalties, as long as he scores another 7 points in the fourth quarter, he can achieve his goal.

He glared at Mo Wen resentfully and unwillingly.

He has never been wronged like this since he grew up. When will he have to pinch his fingers to score?


The rebound was taken off by Mo Wen, but none of the group was in a hurry to counterattack.

Obviously, everyone was a little bit overwhelmed by Azhan's two free throws.

Is this being prevented from being psychologically shadowed?Is it serious to miss 2 free throws at this time?
Under everyone's gaze, Ajan's dark face glowed faintly, and he also looked at his hands in disbelief.

No, did he really make a free throw just now?

Why does this nightmare feel so real?
Mo Wen scratched his head. A-Zhan's two free throws reduced the value of his defense tonight by [-]%.

Ajan's free throw percentage in his career is very stable and has been fluctuating around 70%. Calculated, the probability of missing two free throws in a row is about 10%, which is not a particularly rare situation.

However, at this time, two free throws were missed...

"Shaq, is that you? Why are you wearing a Cavaliers jersey?"

Mo Wen patted A Zhan on the shoulder, then turned his head and glanced at Ao Pang behind him
Ao Pang understood in seconds, rolled his eyes, and came over with a smile and took a picture of A Zhan.

"Hey, give me back my young body, Shaq! Prove it now, you're an idiot who can't play without this superhuman body, I've had enough of your body, now it's time to exchange it back!"

Before A-Zhan could react, Ao Pang started to play again, touched A-Zhan's head, and shook unconsciously twice, as if a soul exchange had really taken place, and then patted his chest with a look of fear.

"God, my body is better, although it is no longer young... Your body is too difficult to use, it seems that you need to practice more!"

"Also, Mo, did you see that, it turns out that free throws are a talent that comes from the soul, and it really has nothing to do with the body, it can't be practiced!"

LeBron gritted his teeth with his mouth flattened, and his expression didn't know whether to cry or laugh. These two bastards, he is so miserable that he still has the mind to make fun of him.


Stern, who was far away in New York, made a difficult case.

He really didn't expect that A-Zhan would give him such a big job when the MVP was about to be released.

It is not so difficult to accept that the regular season MVP failed to make a difference in the playoffs.

Both Moses Malone and Unseld were disgraced first-round MVP exits.

There are also many MVPs who fell in the second round, and the greats such as Daidai, Danzi, and Magician cannot escape the manipulation of fate.

But in any case, the statistics of those players are still passable.

Three quarters are about to pass, and Azhan's score is still at 5 points.

This is no longer a question of whether to wash or not.

A big hole can't be repaired no matter how much you wash it!

The trophy has been engraved, and the rumors have been released. Knowing that there are quite a few MVP selections, in order to ensure the credibility of the alliance, it is impossible to conduct any secret operations on this thing.

How to do?
Stern felt that he had to re-evaluate Ajan's ability.

If it's really a single-digit MVP, then the league would really be a joke.

At the end of the quarter, the referee suddenly tightened the whistle and grabbed the scale.

But a certain A-Zhan, whose heart is cemented and will never love again, has no motivation to rush again.

rush?It hurts, okay!
Reid, who scored a career high in the playoffs, wants to struggle again.

His hand feeling is very good today, with 3 points in 39 quarters. If he can continue the previous hand feeling, there is hope today.

However, after A-Zhan lost his motivation, his output environment suddenly became worse.

Originally, he thought that A-Zhan was too tough today, but when it was his turn with similar defensive strength, he also gave him a hard time from then on, helping A-Zhan kill the game.

In the end, Ajan, who turned on the outside shooting mode, finally found a chance to score two goals in garbage time.

Mo Wen didn't kill them all, at least they were still brothers on the surface. At the last moment, Mo Wen chose to let Azhan go and help him complete a triple-double.

competition is over.

Ajan scored a total of 9 points, 11 rebounds, 13 assists, and 10 turnovers.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Mo Wen let Azhan go, but he didn't let the ball go.

It's a pity, only 1 point away, A-Zhan can achieve an astounding quadruple-double in the playoffs, accomplishing a feat that O'Neal did not accomplish.

10 turnovers, which is also the highest record in NBA playoff history.

Fortunately, Ajan is not alone. Deng Daidai, Hardaway, and Penny Hardaway are also holders of this record.

Mo Wen's statistics are not good because he is focused on Azhan.


The data can't...can fully reflect his damage to the knight!

Many fans who don't often watch Mo Wen play are still wondering when Mo Wen got a part-time job as a robber.

With 42 points, Reid became the leading scorer in the game and experienced a joy based on the pain of his teammates.

(Reed: Are you happy? I am happy!~)

(A-Zhan: You are not really happy~)

Wade and O'Fang alternately played a 27 points, 5 rebounds and 3 assists, and a 25 points and 9 rebounds, which digested Mo Wen's extra possessions and made many people see the hope of the Heat next season.

(Wade: Did you see Shaq, the FMVP trophy seems to be waving at me!)
(Ao Pang: Young man, you are still young, you still have a lot of time, so...)
Go back to the away locker room.

Desperate A Zhan rushed into the water for a long time.

In a daze, he walked to the locker in a daze, and just about to open the door to change clothes, he suddenly seemed to see Mo Wen's shadow in the locker again.

"F*CK U!"

James was startled, and slammed the door to death with a bang. For some unknown reason, he added two feet to the cabinet.

bang bang-


Broken, I forgot to change into slippers just now!

 last night's...

  Pure deer people went to watch the game
(End of this chapter)

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