My Brother Daqin No. 1 Dude

Chapter 100 The Dumbfounded and Shocked Meng Tian! 【Ask monthly ticket】

Chapter 100 The Dumbfounded and Shocked Meng Tian! 【Ask monthly ticket】

Kai Chang changed three titles in a row, shouting that it was impossible.

He can become the Zuo Prime Minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, and his mind is far superior to that of ordinary people.

But no matter what, he couldn't figure out why Ying Chengxun persuaded King Zhuang Xiang to take back Yingzheng.

"The late King Zhuang Xiang has only two sons, and they are His Majesty and Lord Chang'an. If His Majesty did not return to Qin from Zhao, then Lord Chang'an must inherit the great state of Qin. It is a good thing that Lord Chang'an does not object to taking His Majesty back. How could he take the initiative to mention this matter! "

Wang Wan smiled wryly, and said: "What Prime Minister Zuo said is still too conservative. Although I am His Majesty's subject, I have to say it. After His Majesty returns, even if Lord Chang'an only has half of the miracles before, His Majesty has no chance of winning. Prime Minister Zuo I have never seen that kind of momentum.”

"Queen Huayang, Lord Changwen, and Lord Changping represent the forces of the Chu State, the forces of the royal family represented by King Zhuang Xiang, the forces of foreign scholars represented by Marquis Wenxin Lu Buwei, the forces of the old Qin nobles represented by Shangqing Ganluo, and Marquis Mengao of Wuding. The military power of the Qin State. With all these things, everyone regards Young Master Cheng as the hope of the Great Qin."

"The day when Young Master Cheng Yu reaches the crown is the day when Great Qin rises. In order to ensure that Young Master Cheng Yu can ascend to the throne, Great Qin knew early on that the Queen Mother had a son in Zhao Guoguo, but no one mentioned bringing back the mother and son."

"At that time, if Master Chengyu hadn't heard from somewhere that he had an elder brother in Handan, and threatened the late King Zhaoxiang with a hunger strike to take back the Queen Mother and His Majesty, His Majesty would never have been allowed to enter Qin."

Wherever there are people, there are factions and there are struggles.

All across the country, all factions support one man.

Kui Zhuang has never heard of such a country, such a place.

On the grassland, people from various tribes would fight endlessly for a small grazing area.

Wei Zheng couldn't understand how one person could meet the needs of all factions and get the support of all factions.

Fortunately, he has heard the even more absurd thing about "the only son, and set up two kings" before, so he has a very high immunity.

If he had heard this for the first time, he would not have been shocked for a while.

"Doesn't that mean that Lord Chang'an has the grace to rebuild His Majesty. If there is no Lord Chang'an, there will be no His Majesty. If there is no His Majesty, there will be no Qin State that dominates the world today."

In the hearts of the officials of the Qin State, Wang Wan, the Prime Minister of the Right, who was half a rank higher than the Prime Minister of the Left, Kai Xiang, shook his head.

Seeing this scene, Kai Zhuang raised his palms heavily, and said loudly with an excited expression: "I just said that there is no selfless person in this world. Lord Chang'an asked His Majesty to return to the country. His heart is not pure and evil? Does he want to kill His Majesty once and for all? Completely guarantee your throne?"

Wang Wan's denial by shaking her head is in line with Kai Xiang's inner understanding of human nature.It also made Kai Zhuang's unbelievable feelings for Ying Chengxu like seeing a saint a lot.

This is human!

As long as a person is human, no matter how miraculous he is, he will inevitably be vulgar!
As long as His Majesty is alive, Lord Chang'an will always have a rival.

Telling His Majesty to return to the country must be to assassinate His Majesty.

Let Zhuang Xiangxian have only one living heir, so as to ensure that his throne is safe.

After talking about the conjecture in her heart, she saw that Wang Wan looked at him with the same eyes that she told him earlier that Ying Chengxu was five years old when he met the officials with the late King Zhaoxiang, and she knew something was wrong.

Am I wrong again?
Wang Wan sighed, and said, "I shake my head, not to deny Prime Minister Zuo's claim that Mr. Cheng has the grace of reinventing His Majesty, but to deny Prime Minister Zuo's last sentence. Without Your Majesty, there would be no unified Qin State."

Kai-shaped blue eyes lost their minds, stuttered at first, and the more he spoke, the more fluent and authentic he said: "Right, right, the right minister said. Lord Chang'an, Lord Chang'an rescued His Majesty back to the country, without any distracting thoughts, purely from the heart of a child. And Even if His Majesty has not returned to Qin, can Qin still rule the world?"

"It's not just Wan who thinks so, in fact, everyone who has seen Mr. Cheng Yu's miracles think so. The day Mr. Cheng Yu ascends the throne, the countdown to the fall of the six kingdoms begins."

"This, young people become talents, and those who are too big to achieve nothing abound."

Kai Zhuang has never seen how powerful Ying Chengxun was back then, but he knows how powerful Shi Huang is now.

In his heart, the first emperor's status is as high as a god.

In his pursuit of life, it is related to the distribution of his descendants' fiefdom and title.

He dared to stand up and make suggestions before the first emperor made a statement, and dared to refute Li Si, a celebrity who was favored by the first emperor, but all of them were based on the fact that the first emperor did not explicitly support the county system.

If the first emperor showed obvious inclinations towards the prefecture and county system, then he would simply and neatly give up what he wanted in his life for the time being, and wait for Qin II to take the throne.

Kai Zang is like this to the first emperor, and the respect is greater than the fear.

So even though he heard Wang Wan say that Ying Chengxun was so miraculous when he was young, he still felt that Shi Huangdi was stronger than Ying Chengxun.

"In less than ten years since His Majesty ascended the throne, he destroyed the six kingdoms, created an unprecedented world, and created untold feats. Thousands of years have been recorded, and there is no one like Your Majesty. Even if Lord Chang'an ascended the throne, how can he be with His Majesty?" on a par."


Wang Wan walked to the door and looked at the vast, boundless sky.

"Less than ten years, is it soon? At that time, all the officials thought that it would take less than five years to become a young master. It is your regret that you did not see him. The wisdom of a young master, even in this vast sky , and it’s not enough to pave.”


Kui Xiang shouted, his posture was upright and his hands were on his back, restoring the aura of Prime Minister Zuo.

Step by step, like a horse stepping on flying grass, it walked to Wang Wan's side and stood side by side with Wang Wan.

Stretching out a finger with years of rubbing marks on the joints, facing the blue sky above the two of them, he said: "I was born under the blue sky and grew up on the grassland since I was a child. The blue sky is as far as I can see. The boundless grassland is boundless, and eventually the grass will grow and fall from the sky, forming a thread. Has the right minister seen such a scene before?"

Wang Wan had never been to the grassland, and when he imagined the scene where the sky and the grass intersected, Wang Wan could not imagine it.

The distance between the sky and the grass cannot be counted, so how can they intersect.

"Wan has never seen it before. If Prime Minister Zuo hadn't lied to me, it would be a magnificent scene in the world."

"You can believe in the adverbial language at this time today. The grand scene of heaven and earth that the right minister said looks like cattle and sheep grazing in the form, and the scene of galloping horses has long been commonplace."

"May I see you in my lifetime."

Wang Wan nodded, with a hint of fascination on her face.

He stretched his left arm lightly, but did not straighten it.

Bend your elbows slightly and spread your palms.

Then the sun shines.

Feeling the warmth of the sun, the old man saw his palm being split in two by the light, with a hint of sadness on his face.

The half of the hand that was not exposed to the sun looked better.

The half of the hand that was exposed to the sun was fully visible, and all the wrinkles on it and the texture of the palm that had been worn away over the years were all reflected in his eyes.

He looked to the side again, the right arm stretched straight like a sharp sword, and the hand pointing at the sky is the sharpest sword tip.

I'm old, I won't see you in this life...

At his age, if he wants to go to the grassland.The pain of the bumpy road and the pain of acclimatization would most likely kill him.

Kui Zhuang didn't feel Wang Wan's emotional change, and continued: "There are more than [-] people in the tribe where Zhuang is, and more than [-] people can mount a horse and fight. The tribe fights with other tribes, and both sides are skilled in bows and horses. Under the same premise, if you have fifty enemies, you can still fight, but if you have more than a hundred enemies, you will avoid them, and if you have hundreds of five enemies, you will flee.

"The soldiers of Qin fought fiercely without fear of death, had abundant food and grass without any worries, and had the foundation to rule the world. Your Majesty boldly appointed the unknown Wang Jian and his son as the generals, and reused Wei Liao, who had lived in Wei for a long time but could not be reused. I beg you to be rude to him. Seeing that he didn't worship Dunwei as a minister, he emptied the inner treasury and gave Dunwei ten thousand gold, asking him to go on an envoy to separate countries. You and I, who have never been in the court of Qin, were promoted to be left and right prime ministers."

"Only by carrying out all kinds of unreasonable and extremely bold strategies can we achieve the feat of unifying the world in less than ten years. Qin's power has been used to the extreme by His Majesty. As long as the people of Qin can't live from the ground, as long as the food and grass don't fall from the sky , the world is so big, there is no one stronger than Your Majesty."

"The line of sky and grassland really exists because of the wonders of heaven and earth. It is impossible to speed up the unification of the Qin State. Because of manpower and national strength, it will eventually need to be rationalized. The right prime minister is unparalleled in government affairs, and he should be unfamiliar with killing and fighting. Therefore, Only then can you say the childish words that Lord Chang'an can pacify the world in five years."

Wang Wan chuckled, the trace of sentimentality just now dissipated long ago.

"When did I say that Mr. Cheng Yu wants to conquer the world with military affairs?"

The kai-shaped back straightened up a little more, and there was a hint of arrogance in the blue eyes, and he said: "You can't be overbearing. Could it be that Mr. Chang'an wants to be king? Is it possible that he can bring the world together with his virtue? If so, what is the relationship with the eldest son?" What is the same?"

"In troubled times, with the national strength of the Qin State, such a monarch is only a mediocre person who consumes human food. How can he compete with His Majesty? On the grassland, sheep eat grass, wolves eat sheep, lions can hunt sheep and kill wolves. Sheep do not want to Fight, don't wolves fight? Don't lions fight? The weak eat the strong, this is the truth I knew before I was weaned. Only you and other people who have lived in the Central Plains and never seen the grasslands, believe in the supremacy of kingship, and can make all people kneel and obey such idiotic words !"

"Hu people don't understand the wisdom of the Central Plains." Wang Wan said softly.

He fell into the memory, he didn't know what he thought of, and he couldn't help shivering violently all over his body.

He tightened his robe, and said to the proudly standing Kai: "Master Zuo, do you remember the style of Lord Chang'an that I first mentioned?"

Kui Zhuang has listened to too many words and said too many words today.

In my mind, I can only roughly remember that when I was five years old, I followed the king to meet the officials, and when I was nine years old, the king asked whenever I had problems.

There are also shocking words such as setting up two kings for one son. Do you still remember what Wang Wan first said about Ying Chengxu's behavior style?
"Please point it to the right."

"Yin, sinister, treacherous, treacherous." Wang Wan said every word.

"If you follow the strategy of Mr. Chengyu, without spending a single soldier, the six kingdoms will collapse in five years, and apart from Qin, the world will not be human!"

Follow Wang Wan slowly to Ying Chengxu's plan.

The straight back of the Kai shape is getting more and more bent, and the arrogance in the eyes has all turned into fear and fear.

Born on horseback and used to fighting since he was a child, the nemesis of the barbarians was so frightened that he sat down on the ground halfway, his clothes were soaked in sweat, and he lost his mind.

The four words sinister and treacherous were redefined in his heart!

He had the expression of seeing a ghost all over his face, as if he was afraid of being heard by the young master Cheng Yu who he knew today, and he tremblingly said in the smallest voice: "Chang, Chang, Lord Chang'an, no, no, don't stay. He is not a saint, but a ghost!"



"Insidious and treacherous? Why does my father comment on Lord Chang'an so much?" Meng Yi said to his father.

Beside Meng Yi, Meng Tian also looked curious.

Meng Wu was silent for a while, then sighed.

"The matter of the building is full of fog, and there are some things you two don't know. Maybe you will be a pawn for others, or..."

 Woke up late, corrected the typo first and then changed it, started the next chapter, and strived for the next chapter to be in place before 12 o'clock!

  Finally, weakly ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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