Chapter 680 Don't Be Stupid
This time it was Ye Rufei who was shocked.

Gu Yan despises Ye Rufei very much, what's the trouble, she is not a thing, and she thinks that everyone else is just like you!

Gu Yan left, there is nothing to gain from this trip
Within two days, the tax staff contacted Chen Ke, the company's chief financial officer, and said that the company required an audit.Relevant departments also contacted the foundation and said they would conduct a review of the foundation.

Although Chen Ke was taken aback, he quickly calmed down and went to report to Gu Yan. Gu Yan didn't expect Ye Rufei to really report their company, and she just thought it was ridiculous.

Gu Yan asked Chen Ke to negotiate, and it was okay to check the accounts, but they demanded that it must be conducted fairly and justly under the supervision of the company's cooperative law firm and audit firm.

In fact, Gu Yan knew about the matter of being investigated a day before the company received the notice, and she also knew that Ye Rufei had asked someone to deliver the news to Ye Feng, and Ye Feng had asked someone to do it.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, although Ye Feng can't protect himself, if he wants to find someone to do things for him, he can still find it.

Gu Yan didn't have any idea, since Ye Feng and Ye Rufei also want her to be unlucky, let them be disappointed.

Regardless of whether it is the Shenghong Group or all the companies under Gu Yan's own name, she has strict requirements in terms of taxation. There are neither yin and yang contracts nor fake accounts!
What a joke, even though she is a businessman, even though she is a girl, she still has a heart of enthusiasm for the country and the people!

The news of the Shenghong Group being investigated was released by someone, and the influence was very bad. Gu Yan heard a lot of bad voices, and many units that cooperated with the manufacturer called to ask what was going on.

Zou Shihong was terribly frightened, so he hurried over to ask Gu Yan what was going on, Gu Yan told Zou Shihong to relax, and the louder the discussion outside, the better.

After the leaders of the district knew about this matter, they arranged for someone to come over to ask Gu Yan what was going on, and asked Gu Yan to quickly come up with countermeasures to deal with it, so as not to leave any bad influence.

Shenghong Group is a major taxpayer in the district, and no one wants to be affected.

Now that the matter has gotten bigger, Gu Yan simply surrounded an area in the garden on Champs Elysees Street, specially for the relevant departments to check the accounts, and at the same time posted posts to the suppliers, partners, etc., asking them to come and check the accounts on the spot.

Anyway, the weather is cool and crisp in autumn, and there is unlimited supply of drinks, beverages, various fruits, and desserts on site.

This way of doing it is very special
After Bai Yunfei found out about this, he ran over to take a look. Seeing Gu Yan doing this, he was also taken aback. He was thinking that if he encountered such a thing, he would not dare to do it. Dare to do this, he dares to say that 90% of the companies and enterprises in Qi Nan dare not do this!
Jin Ze and Huang Qiuying didn't know until they were investigated.

Gu Yan told Shen Yucheng that Ye Feng and the others were destined to be a bunch of clowns, so there was nothing to be afraid of, so there was no need to tell others.

Shen Yucheng knew that there was nothing wrong with Gu Yan's company and foundation, so he didn't say that Jin Ze and Huang Qiuying knew about it from other sources.

Huang Qiuying came to look for Gu Yan, she was very anxious, "Yanyan, why didn't you tell me about such a big matter in advance? Jin Ze has someone he knows, we can avoid it by finding a relationship."

Gu Yan asked Huang Qiuying not to worry, and explained to her, and then said, "The more you hide this kind of thing, the more you have a ghost in your heart. Whether it is a foundation or a company, there is no problem. Since there is no problem, Why don't we show it openly?"

If you want to find a relationship to cover up this matter, Gu Yan can solve it by herself, but the best way to face rumors is to put the matter on the bright side and smash it openly!

Seeing that Gu Yan didn't panic or fear because of this incident, Huang Qiuying was relieved, but she still told Gu Yan to be more careful.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that Ye Feng was completely hopeless, so even if there were no problems with Gu Yan's company and foundation, he would bite back and prevent them from having a good life!
The matter of auditing the accounts lasted for three days, and the outcome was of course as Gu Yan expected, without any problems.

But the leaders of the district were unwilling. They felt that this incident had left a very bad impact on the government affairs management in their district, and asked the relevant departments of the audit to announce the results to the media and provide relevant explanations.

As a result, a press conference about the investigation of the Shenghong Group was held directly.

Naturally, it made the headlines again.

After the news came out, Gu Yan deliberately arranged for someone to deliver a copy to Ye Rufei. Didn't she want to make her unlucky, and wanted to see her building collapse? Hehe, I'm sorry to disappoint you all!

Gu Yan didn't know Ye Feng's mood when he saw the newspaper, but she knew that Ye Rufei went crazy after seeing the news
This time, the Shenghong Group was not only fully praised, but the relief foundation was also known to the public. The district directly submitted a letter of proposal to learn from the Shenghong Group and donate love. The Shenghong Group became famous for a while, but it was a blessing in disguise!

Qian Mengyao was about to go back to Shanghai, but when something happened to Gu Yan's company, she declined the time to go back. Gu Yan helped her a lot, and now that something happened to her, she naturally wouldn't just sit by and watch , She waited until the matter was completely settled before she prepared to go back.

After this incident, Gu Yan became more and more calm, and the melancholy on Qian Mengyao's eyebrows had dissipated a lot.

Gu Yan was very pleased that Qian Mengyao could listen to what she said, otherwise she would really be worrying for nothing.

In the past, when Gu Yan first started working, others always ordered her to work, and she always did what she could, but she always did not get respected.

A leader pitied her for being like a spinning top, and said to her, "You are not a Bodhisattva, and you cannot save all sentient beings, so don't be stupid."

At that time, Gu Yan only knew "don't be stupid and filial", but she didn't understand "foolishness".

Later, when she saw the word "Holy Mother", she understood that not to be foolish probably meant not to have the Holy Mother.

But now, Gu Yan understands better. To be a human being, one has to be kind, but one cannot be a "Holy Mother". When it's time to act, one must act!
Hello, hello, everyone, if you don’t let me get better, then I won’t make you feel better, even if I turn into a louse that jumps on you and bites you, I don’t want to make you feel better.

Seeing that Gu Yan didn't take this matter seriously, Qian Mengyao mentioned Lin Ya's matter to her.

In fact, she had already inquired about Lin Ya's affairs clearly, but because of the affairs in Gu Yan's company, she didn't want to disturb Gu Yan anymore, so she didn't say anything.

When Lin Ya was mentioned, Qian Mengyao sighed.

When Gu Yan heard Qian Mengyao sigh, she said, "What's wrong, Lin Ya was deceived?"

 One more sentence: happy holidays
  good night
(End of this chapter)

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