Chang'an is good

Chapter 198 It Comes Just Right

Chang Suining: "Your Majesty is still ill, and your family is busy with business. Since you are a sincere guest, you can do whatever you can without disturbing him."

Li Lu smiled: "Ms. Chang is really caring."

He said: "I expected that Mrs. Chang would come, and I also thought that Mrs. Chang would not enter the mansion through the main entrance, so I told the guards in the mansion in advance that if I saw Mrs. Chang, I should not stop her, so as not to accidentally hurt... Now it seems that it will be more in the future. Think about it."

He confessed that there is no need to stop him, but he also confessed that once someone comes, he must first report to him——

But right now, everyone has come to the inner room of his courtyard, and the guards in the mansion have found nothing.

The guards in his mansion are not all decorations. Among the decorations for outsiders, there are still a few usable people hidden, but they didn't realize that they had entered the mansion...

At this moment, there was a burst of rapid footsteps outside.

The visitor pushed the door open, stopped outside the beaded curtain in the inner room, cupped his hands as if to plead guilty, and said in a tense voice, "My lord..."

While speaking, he raised his eyes to look at the inner room through the bead curtain, and saw a young figure standing there with one hand behind his back, looking more and more nervous, and subconsciously touched the scabbard at his waist .

Li Lu looked over, and it was the leader of the guards in his mansion who came.

Li Lu's demeanor and tone seemed helpless: "Okay, go out and watch."

"Yes." The guard leader only retreated nervously, and closed the door of the outer room.

"It's been a while since you have had many distinguished guests, and now you've come to report. The guards in the recorded mansion are lax, which is far worse than your mansion. Madam Chang laughed."

When Li Lu spoke, there was a trace of curiosity: "However... Mrs. Chang can find the courtyard below without anyone leading the way. It seems that she is very familiar with the layout of the residence?"

"It's familiar." Chang Suining didn't deny it, but said, "It's easy to act when you know yourself and your enemy, isn't it?"

"Know yourself and know your enemy..." Li Lu asked with a smile: "But this is a strategy against the enemy. Does Mrs. Chang treat me as an enemy?"

"That's up to the prince."

Li Lu said earnestly: "Lu has always treated Mrs. Chang without any malice."

Chang Suining: "Different from Shizi, I am more used to judging whether there is malice or not."

For example, the other party's previous act of asking for marriage, as far as he is concerned, what is wrong with the intention of asking for marriage, what is the evil?
But the person being proposed is not willing, and he still cannot change his mind after refusing, so for the person being forced, it is not love, but malice, isn't it?

Li Lu heard what she meant, and said apologetically: "I didn't think carefully about the previous matter, please forgive me, Mrs. Chang."

"My son shouldn't care if I forgive you or not." Chang Suining didn't want to break up the past with him, she found a chair and sat down on her own, and looked at him: "The son's illness is so coincidental, but At this point, it doesn’t look like it’s fake.”

"Ms. Chang is always so frank when she speaks." Li Lu sighed lightly: "The emperor looks at it, how dare it be false."

"That's self-injury?" Chang Suining didn't need him to answer, but just asked: "The prince would rather self-injure than come forward as a witness. Could it be that he already knew that the real murderer of the eldest grandson Seventh Lady came from the Ming family?"

At the beginning when Li Lu refused to testify, she was thinking that the other party should be waiting to see something, or that she wanted to use the witness's body to seek rewards from the Chang family as a deal.

But when she thought about it afterwards, she felt that the other party might already know who the real culprit was, and that's why she became "ill" in a particularly timely manner.

Of course, the above two are not contradictory. Knowing the truth and trying to make a deal can coexist, and the former is even the latter's bargaining chip, which can make him more important in this deal.

Faced with Chang Suining's blunt questioning, Li Lu was a little surprised: "Ms. Chang... have already found out?"

Chang Suining: "Because it is not difficult to guess, it is not difficult to check."

What is difficult is how to solve it after finding out. Finding out is not the end, but the beginning of confronting the truth.

Li Lu smiled: "I thought Mrs. Chang came here to test whether I knew the truth, but looking at it now, I thought Mrs. Chang was too passive."

Chang Suining: "But no matter whether they know the truth or not, everyone is passive in front of the Ming family."

The Ming family members who lived in Duke Ying's mansion had nothing special about them other than being able to reincarnate, but the person sitting on the dragon chair was also named Ming.

"That's right." Li Lu sighed a little: "Ms. Chang is like this, even though Lu's surname is Li, she is also like that."

Chang Suining listened to it, thinking deeply.

This son of King Rong was not as respectful and obedient as he appeared on the surface.

That's right, this is the Li family, but it is controlled by people with foreign surnames. How many people will the Li family follow wholeheartedly?What's more, he is the son of King Rong who is no different from a proton.

However, these are all known and noticed before, and it is worth thinking about that the other party has chosen to reveal it in front of her at this moment.

It is a voluntary disclosure, not a leak.

The sick and weak young man who was leaning on the couch looked at her, and said with a sincere expression: "Since Mrs. Chang already knows it, I don't intend to make it mysterious... That day at the back mountain of Dayun Temple, I did talk with Brother Ling alone for a long time. Until Brother Ling returns to the people."

"And after that, I have been sitting in the same place. If I want to go to the maple forest, I need to pass a small road on the side of where I am. If Mr. Chang has been to the maple forest in the future, I will definitely be able to see it." His voice was slow but firm: "So, Mr. Chang's family is very innocent, and I know it very well."

"This is one of them." Li Lu continued: "After all the chrysanthemum pickers returned to the temple, I also saw with my own eyes Ming Shizi and a girl coming out of the maple forest one after the other. There was a difference in color, so I didn't make a sound."

Chang Suining: "Is that girl disheveled and wrapped in a cloak?"

Li Lu nodded: "Exactly."

This coincided with the words of the girl who lived in the same monastery with Feng Min.

Chang Suining looked at Li Lu: "It turns out that the son not only knew about it, but also saw it with his own eyes."

She didn't even think that Li Lu chose to sit there by chance.

Perhaps, he already knew that Ming Jin and Feng Min had entered that maple forest, so he wanted to stay and find out...

Could she understand that he and his people, within sight, have been secretly monitoring Ming Jin—that is, every move of the Ming family related to Empress Ming?
"Since the son saw that Ming Jin's expression was different when he came out of Fenglin, even if he would not go into Fenglin to check it out, he would let the guards go to check it out, right?" She said: "If it's a coincidence, maybe you can still see Ming Jin Madam's 'aftermath' move."

Li Lu didn't deny it, but said: "The Ming family acted cautiously and couldn't get close to investigate, so Lu didn't know in advance that the other party wanted to use the jade pendant to frame Brother Ling."

Didn't know it beforehand?
Chang Sui Ning was skeptical, and said: "If the son can make this matter clear on that day, and don't give them a chance to erase the evidence, the situation today will not be the same."

Li Lu looked embarrassed: "If I took the initiative to speak out that day, I can't explain to the saint why I pay so much attention to Ming Shizi, or the saint will suspect that I am secretly monitoring the Ming family."

Chang Suining: "Your Majesty does not need to come out, even if it is only when the eldest grandson's family is looking for someone, without exposing yourself, secretly give some clues to remind you, and you can avoid all troubles later—"

"Yes, I should have thought of it..." Li Lu said with some shame: "But I was shocked at that time, and I really didn't think so thoroughly. I'm used to being respectful."

is it?

Chang Sui Jing quietly looked at the young man with calm eyes, clearly showing no signs of fright.

It is false to be frightened and lack of thinking, and it is true to feel that it is unprofitable to speak up too soon.

Perhaps, he may not have known about the jade pendant as he said, but had been waiting for all this to ferment, waiting for her to "beg" in front of him at this very moment.

Looking at the sick and harmless young man, Chang Suining's eyes dimmed: "Since that's the case, can I narrowly conjecture that the son or the people under the son heard the sound of the eldest grandson Seventh Lady and her maid calling for help?"

Since he intends to pay attention to Ming Jin's actions, if the people he sent to follow him are close enough, they will definitely be able to see Ming Jin's murderous actions.

"It doesn't matter whether you hear the call for help." Li Lu sighed, "Even if I heard it, I can't stop it, right?"

So, it was indeed heard.

The candid and vivid girl's face flashed in front of Chang Suining's eyes, and his mind froze for a moment.

That girl was very unfortunate, but there was someone who could have saved her misfortune, but that person chose to turn a blind eye and let the misfortune happen by watching.

She has no intention of imposing all noble virtues on others, and she is not a noble person, but the other party's sigh at this time is really hypocritical, and she calls it powerless to stop——

As she just said, there are many ways to remind the eldest grandson's family, then, in that maple forest, facing Ming Jin who was not vigilant, there are also many ways to save people without exposing himself.

Even if he didn't come forward to save people, his guards would only make a secret move to scare Ming Jin away and interrupt the attack.

He didn't choose to save people, not because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to.

Because as far as he is concerned, letting the eldest son of the Ming family kill the eldest grandson's daughter who will be the crown prince's concubine, no matter how this matter develops, it is a good choice to consume foreign power.

Sensing the change in the girl's eyes, Li Lu hesitated for a moment, but chose to ask her: "Ms. Chang thinks my actions are very inappropriate, right?"

This sentence was not in his conversation plan, and it didn't make sense how she thought of him, but for some reason, he still asked it.

The girl answered very simply: "Yes."

Li Lu: "Then why doesn't Mrs. Chang bluntly criticize and scold?"

"It's useless to blame, and I have no position to blame Prince Rong's son."

"But Mrs. Chang must have regarded me as a cold-blooded hypocritical despicable person." Li Lu smiled self-deprecatingly, "But if Mrs. Chang was placed in my situation for a long time since she was a child, after experiencing everything I have experienced , Mrs. Chang may do the same."

He seemed to want to continue, but was interrupted by the girl indifferently.

"I said just now that I have no position to blame Prince Rong, but it does not mean that Prince Rong can try to 'educate' me, and use this false assumption to imply that I am naive and superficial because of my lack of experience, and I don't understand the dangers and helplessness of the world. "

Chang Suining looked at the young man with indifferent eyes: "Everyone chooses differently. If Prince Rong has a clear conscience, he can go his own way, so why try to preach and assimilate me, to make me understand and agree-just as I don't have any. Come up with many of my reasons, and I didn’t even put on the natural suppression called morality to try to preach and influence Prince Rong’s son, didn’t I?”

Li Lu was silent for a long time.

He is often silent in front of people, either out of disguise, or to achieve some purpose... But this time is different.

After a while, he smiled complicatedly: "Ms. Chang is right, she is self-righteous."

Chang Suining has no intention of discussing right and wrong with him, nor does he think that the other party is worth consuming too many useless emotions.

There are all kinds of living beings, if you are used to seeing them, just look at them, and if you really don't like them, go to a high place. When you stand high enough and your ability is strong enough, you don't need to hand over the dominance of this world to those who are not used to it. She can make her own rules that she is used to.

When she looked at Li Lu again, her tone did not fluctuate: "I came here today to ask my son what the Chang family needs in exchange for my son to come forward and tell the truth?"

Even if it was too late to stand up at this time, it was better than nothing, and she needed to use this trick to find out the other party's intentions.

"This question..." Li Luzhang seemed to think about it for a while, and when he was about to speak, he heard footsteps outside.

Soon, a female envoy came in and saluted through the curtain: "Your Majesty, some internal officials have come from the palace, saying that they are here to visit you on the order of a sage."

Li Lu coughed twice, and said: "I can't get up to greet you on the way, I'm afraid I can only trouble them to move here..."

The female envoy responded: "My servant, please invite some internal officials to come here."

The female envoy retreated temporarily, Chang Suining, who had already hid behind Li Lu's bedside sandalwood screen covered with clothes and a thick cloak when the female envoy opened the door, said at this time: "It seems I came just in time."

Not in vain, she ran to do other things on the way, and came late on purpose.

Li Lu understood: "It turns out that Mrs. Chang still has the idea of ​​seeking information during this trip."

Chang Suining: "Who told the prince that this is the best place to inquire about the holy will now. Even if the deal cannot be negotiated today, I can't make this trip in vain."

She wanted Li Lu to show up, but some people didn't want Li Lu to show up.

If the Chang family has confessed everything when entering the palace today, then there will definitely be a real "honored guest" in Prince Rong's mansion.

Li Lu couldn't help laughing: "Ms. Chang really doesn't like to suffer."

Chang Suining nodded: "Indeed."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Lu, who was leaning against the bedside, felt that something cold and sharp was blocking his back through a layer of bed curtains.

Hidden behind the screen, the girl standing behind him reminded: "As long as the prince doesn't startle the people in the palace by talking nonsense, the dagger in my hand will be as obedient as the prince."

"The deal between me and Mrs. Chang hasn't been negotiated yet, so how can I disturb the people in the palace." Li Lu sighed: "Ms. Chang doesn't trust me that much."

"Compared to the son who wants to make a deal, the son who still wants to live is more credible."

Chang Sui Ning said: "I did this for the sake of the smooth negotiation of the transaction."

Even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance that something will happen, she will not be able to entrust her safety to the other party. She is here to save her brother, not to put herself in it.

"Then please Mrs. Chang pay more attention to the knife, the life that was recorded is in the hands of Mrs. Chang."

Chang Suining didn't pay any further attention to it, but only carefully checked whether what he had hidden was sufficiently concealed.

Soon, people from the palace arrived.

Chang Sui Ning Sui expertly covered the sound of his breathing.

I remembered the [-] words I owed yesterday, and I worked hard to finish it this week. I really slept yesterday and didn’t sneak out to play. How could you not trust me so much!
(After sleeping until dawn, I thought I was as strong as a cow, and I must be able to write [-] words, but it turns out _(:з」∠)_I will work hard tomorrow)

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