Chang'an is good

Chapter 206 Refers to a way out

Chang Suian's confession letter was sent to the palace before noon.

After the person has pleaded guilty, the next thing to do is to be handed over to the third division to determine the punishment.

Whoever hurts someone's life shall be beheaded according to the law of Dasheng.

There is a forbidden month in Dasheng, and prisoners are not allowed to be executed before the autumn harvest in September, but today is the last day of September, if it is really punished by beheading, then the sentence will be at hand.

Therefore, in the afternoon, in the Xuanzheng Palace, Wei Shuyi remonstrated about this matter: "...Now that General Chang is out to seek rebellion, if he dies his son here, his loyalty may be hurt, and the battle situation will be unfavorable. Therefore, I have the courage to hope that the sage will think twice. Certainly!"

They tried to protect Chang Sui'an before, but now that the person has "confessed", it is almost impossible to get rid of the crime, so they can only try to plead for mercy in a roundabout way, trying their best to save Chang Sui'an's life.

"Your Majesty, what Wei Shilang said is reasonable." On weekdays, Taifu Chu seldom echoed Wei Shuyi's words, but at this time he also said together: "General Chang has worked hard and made great achievements, and this son is the only one under his knees to pass on the incense. If you lose this son , it is equivalent to severing the blood...wouldn't this chill the hearts of all the generals?"

In his opinion, the theory of passing on incense is nothing more than dross, but at this time the situation is special, so let's fight poison with fire.

As the old matriarch said, his tone became more and more painful: "...not to mention that the little girl from the Chang family is also missing, and her life and death are uncertain. What face do you have to treat him up and down?"

"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

There are not a few people who agree.

But rebuttals also abound.

"According to what you said, could it be that the daughter of the eldest grandson's family can only die in vain, and the murderer does not need to bear the responsibility?"

"He has already committed a crime. If he can't be treated equally and severely punished according to the law, how can he talk about convincing the public? Where is the prestige of the law!"

There were no officials from the Changsun family in these voices, and Changsun Yuan hadn't come to court for many days because of illness.

But there is no need for Changsun Yuan to come forward, and there is no lack of voices acting on his behalf or using him to put pressure on everyone.

Looking at the disputed courtiers, Emperor Shengji didn't make a clear statement for a while.

It has come to this point, where is that girl?

Really encountered an accident, really... Isn't it her Chongyue?


"Father, now that the murderer has been confirmed to be Ming Jin, why don't you make it clear immediately?"

In Changsun's mansion, Changsun Ji also knew about Chang Suian's confession, so he asked his father anxiously.

Changsun Yan said: "Now the evidence is insufficient and the time has not come."

"But father, if this continues, Mr. Chang's family will lose his life!"

The eldest grandson Yan looked at his son: "Aji, you should understand that the person who wronged Mr. Chang's family was never our eldest grandson's family, but the Ming family, who is a sage - one day, the world will know all this."

"But... do you want to watch Mr. Chang's family suffer wrongfully and die like this?" Although the 13-year-old boy is undecided, his mind is not ignorant and his vision is not narrow. "General Chang is still in Yangzhou. This matter instigates provocations... What if General Chang defected to Xu Zhengye and rebelled against the imperial court together with those rebels!"

Changsun Yan: "In this battle in Yangzhou, it is not the imperial court that is going to be rebelled against, but the empress of the Ming Dynasty who proclaimed himself emperor... They want to support the prince and Li's orthodox bloodline, so what is the word 'rebellion'?"

Changsun Ji was startled for a moment.

After a while, he lowered his voice and asked, "Father... the matter of Xu Zhengye's rebellion, is it related to our eldest grandson's family? Is grandfather an insider?"

Or... an accomplice?
"You are still young and your mind is impetuous. You don't need to ask too much about some important matters for the time being. Everything in the family is arranged by your grandfather. Your sister-in-law's case will only wait for the right time. Your grandfather and I will definitely seek justice."

Changsun Yan didn't want to talk to his son any more: "Go back, sacrifice Confucius tomorrow, and go with the people in the clan."


Changsun Ji left the study, feeling extremely depressed.

So, grandfather knew about Xu Zhengye's rebellion, right?Is grandfather trying to use this to put pressure on the Empress?Just like those precedents of remonstrance?
Now, watching Mr. Chang's family being wronged to death...was it also part of his grandfather's plan?

The calculation of interests behind this, layer by layer, together became the "big matter" in the father's mouth... Is the life and death of the boy who was wronged for no reason and was injured by him with the inkstone, is it a trivial matter that no one cares about? ?

No, at least the other party's family must care about it. In the eyes of the family, it is a big deal, just like losing his sister-in-law...

After much hesitation, Changsun Ji came outside the dungeon of Dali Temple and asked to see Chang Suian.

Thinking of the young boy's act of blatantly smashing and injuring the prisoner that day, the jailer did not dare to make decisions privately, but he also did not dare to offend the grandson's family, so he went to ask Han Shaoqing for instructions.

Han Shaoqing agreed, but only told the jailer to convey his meaning, so that the son of the eldest grandson's family should not make it difficult for Dali Temple.

Of course, this is just a scene of exempting from responsibility afterwards. He is not afraid of revenge from the eldest grandson's family, and he is even happy to see it.

After the jailer opened the cell door, Changsun Ji saw Chang Suian.

The boy's tone was cold: "I want to have a few words with him alone."

Although he felt that the prisoner couldn't say anything now, the jailer still complied, but he didn't dare to leave too far.

"Chang Sui An?"

"You wake up."

Changsun Ji knelt down and pushed the comatose young man. Seeing that there was no response, he couldn't help frowning.

He subconsciously looked at the other person's forehead, but he couldn't see the traces of his own injuries that day. It wasn't because he hit it lightly, but because the other person had too many injuries, and he couldn't tell the difference at all.

But he soon discovered that the most serious injury on the opponent's body should be the wound on the shoulder that was still bleeding.

He had heard about Chang Suian's torture, but he didn't expect that there would be so many severe punishments...

Changsun Ji avoided the jailer's sight, took out the wound medicine he brought, poured it all on the wound, and at the same time pressed his palm to stop the bleeding.

Probably because of the excruciating pain, Chang Sui'an frowned lightly, and let out a low voice.

"What did you say?"

Changsun Ji leaned closer to listen.

The boy with gray and chapped lips struggled to make a sleepy voice: "Ning, Ning..."

Changsun Ji heard it this time.

After a while, he whispered in the other side's ear: "Don't worry, Mrs. Chang is safe and well. She asked me to come here, and she also said, you must hold on, nothing will happen."

Hearing this, Chang Sui'an's frowning brows slowly loosened, and after a long while, he uttered a faint sound: "Okay..."

After a while, he said again: "Thank you..."

At this moment, his consciousness is blurred, and he can't tell who is coming, but he is still grateful.

Changsun Ji was stunned for a moment, then turned his head away, his eyes suddenly turned red.

He didn't move his hand away until the wound on his hand stopped bleeding, took out the medicine for internal injuries, and stuffed it into Chang Sui'an's mouth.


The young boy felt ashamed and blamed himself: "I can only do this, I hope you will persevere."

After Changsun Ji left, the jailer serving meals took advantage of the cell boss and the others to send Changsun Langjun off, and hurried to the cell to check on Chang Suian's situation.

Seeing that Chang Sui'an's wound had stopped bleeding, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chang Lang-jun, eat something quickly..."

He took out a bowl of porridge and fed it to Chang Suian with a spoon.

The porridge also contained healing medicine, which was Yao Yi's order.

"When I was young, my father and I received life-saving kindness from General Chang and His Royal Highness during the war..." Seeing that Chang Suian couldn't eat, the jailer's voice choked up: "The villain believes that the man from General Chang's family is the one who did it." If you don't commit murder, the villain will know that you are wronged."

"You have to live to have a chance to clear your name..."

A tear slipped from the corner of Chang Suian's tightly closed eye.

The jailer tried to feed another spoonful, but Chang Sui An swallowed it.

The jailer quickly finished the bowl of porridge.

The drowsy teenager opened his mouth again.

"..." The jailer looked at the empty porridge bowl, a little at a loss.

Tomorrow, he must change to a big bowl!


At the same moment, Qiao Yang, Guozijian's offering wine, was preparing for tomorrow's ceremony of offering sacrifices to Confucius.

Offering sacrifices to the Confucian Temple on the first day of October every year is a major event of the Guozijian.

The grand ceremony was held in the Confucian Temple, headed by the teachers and students of Guozijian, offering wine as the chief priest, and officials from the court and China participating in the sacrifice, and many great Confucian scholars would also go.

"Father..." Qiao Yubai came back from the outside.

"All arranged?" Qiao Jijiu asked in a low voice.

Qiao Yubai nodded seriously: "Father, don't worry."

Then he said: "Master Wujue sent someone to bring the things, and they are in the courtyard right now."

Qiao Jijiu went to see it immediately.

A large box unloaded from the mule cart was placed in the courtyard. Qiao Jijiu stepped forward and opened it himself. A young monk about ten years old stood up, folded his hands and recited "Amitabha".

Qiao Jijiu was taken aback: " is it a person?"

He hurriedly asked the little monk, "Where is the crane I want?"

There's no end to it, what do you do at such a critical moment?Can't you tell the difference between a man and a crane?

"Amitabha, when the little monk arrives, the crane will arrive."

The little monk took off the piccolo from his waist, held it to his lips, and played it. When the flute sounded, a white crane flew over.

The white crane landed beside the little monk, and the little monk put down his piccolo.

Qiao Yang was surprised, and hurriedly raised his hands: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Cranes and idols both have auspicious and auspicious meanings. One year, when the saint held a spring sacrifice at Dayun Temple, a crane carried a peach branch and hovered above the altar for a long time without leaving. This incident was widely circulated.

But Qiao Yang knew that the crane was raised by Wujue. This crane was good at dancing and listening to people's orders.

But he only found out today that the crane-raising monk in Dayun Temple was actually a ten-year-old young monk.


In the middle of the night, there was a sudden knock on the door, which woke up Sushuang, who was already restless in sleep: "...Who?!"

A servant's voice came from outside: "Your Majesty, ask Miss Sushuang to serve you!"

Sushuang hugged the quilt subconsciously, and said in a trembling voice: "I... I'm going to get up and dress up right now!"

"Hurry up, don't make Shizi wait too long!"

Sushuang hurriedly got up from the bed to light the lamp, dressed in a hurry and sat in front of the dressing table. She wanted to paint her eyebrows, but when she saw the face in the mirror that was covered with scabs, her eyes suddenly turned red.

But she didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly applied powder and rouge on her eyebrows, but they couldn't cover those scars at all, and instead looked weird and ridiculous.

Is she going to use this face to meet the mad son?

He suddenly asked her to serve him at such a time, perhaps because of some kind of stimulation... What kind of terrible torture is waiting for her!

For a moment, fear, humiliation, and hatred that dare not face it made Sushuang completely collapsed, and she fell down in front of the mirror and began to cry.

But no one came to comfort her.

The servant took the words and left.

Although she is just a roommate, when she was favored, there were always little maids around to serve her courteously, but now that she is in such a situation, those little maids dare not come to her anymore, for fear of being implicated by her.

There were two other Tongfangs living in this yard, but they were both dead, one committed suicide and the other was beaten to death.

In the deadly silence of the small courtyard at night, Sushuang gradually stopped crying.

Not long after, satin was hung on the apricot tree in the courtyard, and a drum stool was stepped on with frost.

Between suicide and being beaten to death, she chose the former.

The drum stool was kicked away, and the woman's body was suspended in the air, with a painful expression on her face.

The next moment, someone suddenly appeared, hugged her body, and saved her.

Sushuang, who was sitting on the ground, coughed for a while, with tears in her eyes, she couldn't help being taken aback when she saw someone coming: "...Why is it you?"

In front of him was a middle-aged woman, dressed as a servant, because of her ugly appearance, she was called an ugly woman by many people in the house.

But she has good embroidery skills, and has worked as an embroiderer in the Ming family for more than ten years with this good skill.

Woman: "Is Miss Sushuang really willing to die like this?"

"You have also seen that I look like this now..." Sushuang laughed at herself: "I have ridiculed and humiliated your appearance before, and now it is my retribution."

She used to rely on this face to win the favor of the prince, so she was defiant, but in the end, it was also this face that killed her.

The ugly woman couldn't see any resentment, instead she sighed and said, "My daughter is also at your age."

Hearing these gentle and loving words, tears suddenly welled up in Sushuang's eyes.

She also has a mother, but her mother died, if not, she would not be sold into the Ming family as a slave by her father.

In despair, helplessness and coldness, Sushuang suddenly hugged the only woman in front of her who could give her a little warmth.

The woman patted her on the back.

Sushuang cried and told what happened to her.

"Poor child..." the woman asked softly, "I can show you a way out, but would you like to do it?"

"What way of life can I have?" Sushuang murmured with a hoarse voice, "My only way of life, I'm afraid..."

I'm afraid that only by letting the person who made her life worse than death die, can she have a way out.

The woman held her shoulders and nodded slightly to her.

When he met those eyes, Sushuang was startled, shook his head and said, "No, I dare not..."

"I'm not asking you to do it, you might as well listen to me first." The woman's voice was infinitely comforting, making Sushuang slowly calm down.


Ming Jin, who was smelling of alcohol, had already grown impatient, and just as Su Shuang walked into his bedroom, he was strangled by his neck.

After an unbearable insult, he threw the person heavily to the ground, raised his hand and grabbed a porcelain bottle and threw it at it.

Sushuang crawled away in panic.

The porcelain vase shattered beside her, and the broken porcelain splashed.

"How dare you hide?" Ming Jin squatted down in front of her, grabbed her bun, picked up a piece of broken porcelain with the other hand, and tested her face a little bit: "Let me see where the punishment is." ..."

As he spoke, he paused his hands, but they stayed at the corners of his eyes that were full of frost.

He suddenly asked with great interest: "Why don't you poach one of your eyes?"

Sushuang shook her head and struggled: "My lord, spare me!"

Ming Jin exerted force with his hand, and pulled back her deflected head.

"The servant girl treats the son with sincerity, and the person who harmed the son is not the maidservant!" Sushuang closed her eyes in fear and cried, "It was the lady of the Chang family who harmed should seek revenge from her!"

Ming Jin's expression darkened: "What did you say?"

"My maidservant...My maidservant also heard about it from Madam by chance!"

Ming Jin stared at her closely: "What did you hear?"

"The servant girl heard from Madam that she has found out that the reason why the prince's horse suddenly lost control in the racecourse that day is that Chang Suining did something wrong!"

Ming Jin's eyes were extremely cold.

"No wonder..." He seemed to have figured something out: "No wonder she was able to subdue that horse afterwards!"

He should have thought of that!

"This bastard... has actually hurt me so far!"

"I will kill her with my own hands!"

"I heard that bitch is missing...I must find her out!"

Sushuang's eyes dodged for a moment.

Ming Jin saw her in the eyes and grabbed the back of her neck: "Why, do you know her whereabouts?!"

Sushuang didn't dare to answer for a moment.

"You just heard my mother say this, how did you hear it? You overheard it, right?" Ming Jin stared at her for a moment: "Tell me, that bitch Is the disappearance related to my mother!"

He is not a fool, Ming Luo came back suddenly yesterday, testing whether he knew the whereabouts of his mother in words.

The mother disappeared, and the bitch also disappeared. Could this be a coincidence?

"...Yes, the maid overheard Madam Liao Nanny's hiring murder that day..." Sushuang tremblingly said: "After the matter is completed, I will take the old lady to the other courtyard where Madam married as a dowry inside!"

Ming Jin: "It's done? Then Chang Suining is dead or alive now!"

Sushuang cried and shook her head: "The servant girl only heard that, but then I don't know what happened..."

Ming Jin looked at her steadily: "You bitch, you are not lying to me, you want to escape from a catastrophe?"

"How dare the maidservant!"

Ming Jin suddenly smiled: "Whether it's true or not, I'll know as soon as I go..."

Anyway, it's his mother's place, so it's okay for him to go there.

"But you have to be with me." He pulled Sushuang to stand up: "If you dare to lie to me, if I can't see that bitch there, then I will cut you up and feed you to the dogs!"


Ming Jin was also grounded, but in the middle of the night, when the other servants in the courtyard noticed, he had already left.

But even so, he couldn't get out originally, the back door of the Ming Mansion was guarded day and night.

Just a moment before Ming Jin went out, the two of them were taken down by the ugly woman unconsciously.

Soon, Ming Jin successfully got into the carriage, driven by his personal servant who never dared to disobey him.

In the carriage, at Ming Jin's request, Sushuang, as usual, made tea for him as calmly as possible.

Taking advantage of Ming Jin's unpreparedness, she secretly spilled a small packet of medicinal powder into the teapot.


When the temperature of the tea water was right, Sushuang just handed over the teacup.

Thanks to book friend miya2022 for the reward!Thank you Yanzhihu 1. I only read the book and don't leave a message~ Thank you for the monthly pass.

Hey, good night, I will continue to work hard tomorrow

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