Chang'an is good

Chapter 211 She can also type out

In the cell where Chang Suian was, the cell door was wide open at the moment, and several guards were surrounding the comatose teenager, and the sharp scissors in one of them gleamed coldly.

Ah Dian was startled when he saw this, and ran into the cell, picked up a jailer in one hand, threw him away, stopped in front of Chang Suian, and said angrily: "You are still bullying him!"

The two guards quickly explained: "There is absolutely no such thing!"

"The villain just wants to change Mr. Chang's clothes and heal his injuries!"

It's just that the young man had too many wounds and bled too much, and the prison clothes were stuck to the blood scabs of the wounds in many places, and they couldn't take them off at all. They had to try to cut them off with scissors.

Chang Suining walked over, knelt down next to Chang Suian, called "Brother" but got no response, then checked his breathing and pulse with his hand, and finally felt relieved.

"... Is Mr. Chang Lang okay?" Looking at the young man's appearance, Wei Shuyi couldn't even ask this question.

"There is still a breath." The girl's tone could not hear anger, but her voice was extremely cold.

Wei Shuyi looked at the two jailers.

The young man looks like a spring breeze at dawn, and there is always a smile on his face, but at this moment, the gentle and easy-going feeling is completely suppressed, and the expression on his brows and eyes is even more coercive.

The two jailers immediately knelt down.

Wei Shuyi: "I would like to ask you, who allowed you to use such severe punishments on Mr. Chang Lang? Did the confession come from torture?"

The matter of the Confucian Temple has been reported to Dali Temple. The grandson's family personally escorted the accomplice witness. Chang's mother and son were also escorted to stand trial. Chang Suian was released from prison, and the saint personally instructed...

The situation turned around suddenly and completely, the two jailers didn't dare to take chances at this moment, they could only beg for mercy in panic and tell the truth.

"The villains are just following Han Shaoqing's orders!"

"That's right... that confession was also made by Han Shaoqing while Mr. Chang was unconscious, and ordered me to draw it with Mr. Chang's finger!"

Chang Suining didn't listen any more, she wasn't curious about who was finally charged with this crime, no matter who it was, it was just a name, an official position, and a knife.

How to use this knife and how to discard it is a given.

Ah Dian has carried Chang Sui'an on his back as carefully as possible, and left the cell.

Wei Shuyi ordered the two jailers to be temporarily taken away, followed by Chang Suining: "Mr. Chang's injury..."

Chang Suining: "Let's go back to the government."

This place is wet and full of insects, tearing off the bloody clothes here to treat wounds will only expose the wounds again.

"Alright." Wei Shuyi followed her out of the dungeon. He wanted to say that he would take care of everything, but he felt that it was meaningless when he said it. This is his duty. Besides, he and she are very clear about what's going on inside. There is no need to talk about such a scene.

Chang Suining: "Wei Shilang still has official duties, so there is no need to send him off."

"There is no suspense about how to deal with the official business." Wei Shuyi said: "Furthermore, it is also my official business to send Mr. Chang Lang safely out of Dali Temple."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and asked: "Miss Chang, can you leave here with me?"

Chang Suining looked in the direction he indicated, and shook his head: "No."

Wei Shuyi looked at her.

The girl's tone was not serious, but she had no room for change: "Wei Shilang, when my elder brother was escorted to Dali Temple, he was on his way to Xuance Mansion. At that time, he was escorted as a murderer under the eyes of everyone. Here—so, right now, I have to take my elder brother and leave the main entrance of Dali Temple in a dignified way.”

This justice should be complete and completely returned to her elder brother.

Of course she knew what kind of sensation and discussion would be caused by appearing in front of everyone like her elder brother, but she needed these discussions, she needed the guilt and compensation that the emperor had to do for the world, in exchange for more of her and elder brother The breathing room needed next.

"It depends on your position, if Wei Shilang finds it difficult—" She was also considerate, and suggested: "You can also try to stop it."

Wei Shuyi had no choice but to laugh: "Such trivial matters...Wei doesn't have to try."

"Whether it's the side entrance or the main entrance—" the young servant raised his hand and changed the direction: "Wei will send off Mrs. Chang."

A jailer hid behind a corner not far away, quietly watching the group go away, and glanced at the heavy food box in his hand, feeling inexplicably worried.

Mr. Chang Lang is leaving now, who will drink the big bowl of porridge he cooked so hard?
As soon as this idea took shape in his mind, the jailer raised his hand and patted his forehead.

What are you thinking, it is a good thing Chang Lang-jun can leave here!

After Mr. Chang returned home, there were plenty of good porridge and dishes waiting for him!
Such a tenacious and good gentleman will surely achieve great things in the future, so why should he stay here to drink his poor porridge?

The jailer happily wiped away his tears, grinned, and walked away quickly with the food box.

In Qianya, because Feng Min confessed again to his grandmother Xie, Dali Temple ordered people to go to Feng's family to take people. The case is still pending, so the people gathered around increased instead of decreasing.

At such a time, Chang Suian's appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

After paying attention, there is sensation and shock.

The young man who was carried out could barely see his original appearance, with his eyes closed he couldn't distinguish between life and death, it's no exaggeration to say that it was shocking.

Since it can still be recited like this, it is still alive in the future.But with this appearance, if it is a day or two later, I am afraid that there will be no chance to come out alive.

A good young man, he was imprisoned for no reason, all because he was framed by the Ming family...

And the only luck in the misfortune is that this young man still has a sister who "dare to do the impossible" and never gave up to clear up his grievances.

On the other hand, that girl, even though she hadn't been imprisoned, she looked like she had escaped death.

Looking at such a pair of brothers and sisters, anyone who is still a normal person will feel pity and sympathy at this moment.

Chang Sui Ning is miserable but knows himself—the misery is miserable, if he doesn't make good use of it, it will be miserable in vain.

How did everyone know that the admirable stubborn girl who had just done a sensational event was deliberately selling misery, and everyone's sympathy at this moment was very sincere.

Including Song Xian and the others who followed.

Chu Taifu and Qiao Jijiu were ordered to clean up the unfinished mess in the Confucian Temple, but many literati who supervised students came to Dali Temple to follow up and supervise the trial of the case spontaneously.

Qiao Yubai's eyes were already red. He had never seen Chang Suian in such a miserable state. He clenched his fists tightly and turned his head away impatiently.

"woo woo woo woo……!"

Suddenly there was a loud cry.

It wasn't Qiao Yubai, but Cui Lang.

"Brother Suian, why did you look like this!"

"Brother Suian, answer me!"

Cui Lang staggered forward, stretched out his hand to touch Chang Suian, but trembled as if he didn't know where to start, and became even more saddened for a moment——

"I miss you, a young hero who is a general's son. At this moment, he should have protected the territory with Xuan Ce's army, but now..."

He seemed unable to bear to say any more, and the rest of the words were in the sound of crying.

Hu Huan and Xi Zhiyuan stepped forward to support him.

Chang Suining looked over silently, with a hint of childish approval in his eyes.

Although Cui Lang's crying was a bit exaggerated, it was quite provocative and contagious in such a situation, and many soft-hearted people wiped away their tears.

There is also a part, who is so ashamed of what he said before, that he almost slaps himself in the face.

After this tragic sale, the sympathy and guilt that Chang Sui'an has gained can be said to be overwhelming. If it can be converted into cash, it will definitely be rich.

The servant who came here by the holy order was in a complicated mood. Seeing that Chang Suian was being carried into the carriage, he said in a low voice: "How can Minister Wei let people come out from the main entrance?"

"I don't allow it, but Mrs. Chang said that she can call it out." Wei Shuyi asked the servant: "If you were a father-in-law, how would you choose?"

Waiter: "..."

That's's better to have one less thing than more.

The carriage was out of everyone's sight, and when it passed the street opposite Dali Temple, it stopped temporarily due to the crowds ahead.

Chang Suining opened the curtain of the car, and saw a group of officials from Dali Temple escorting a person in the midst of the noise, it was the Junjun Xie.

She must have resisted, her hair was hanging in a mess, her lips were tightly pursed, facing the crowd's discussion and watching, she tried her best not to show any signs of change.

As she passed the carriage, she seemed to have noticed something, and when she turned her head, she met the girl's calm and indifferent face.

Xie's face, which was still holding it up, suddenly changed drastically, his eyes were like knives, full of hatred and unwillingness.

She seemed to want to say something, but the car curtain had already fallen before her eyes.


The officer did not give her time to stay, and immediately escorted her to where she should go, to bear the guilt she was destined to be unable to escape.


When Wang Shi and Qiao Yumian were waiting impatiently in the Changfu, they finally heard the report from the servant that the lord had returned.

But before seeing Chang Suian, Cui Lang's crying came to his ears first.

Cui Lang came back on horseback, crying all the way.

This crying made Qiao Yumian startled, could it be that brother Suian...? !

Her heart trembled, she didn't care much, and walked forward quickly.

Cui Lang, who paid the most attention to her, didn't care to cry when he saw this, and hurried forward to help the little girl who was about to trip: "Miss Qiao, be careful!"

"Cui Liulang?" Qiao Yumian asked in panic with red eyes, "Brother Suian, he..."

After crying for a long time, Cui Lang's voice sounded a little hoarse: "Brother Suian is unconscious right now, and the medical officer needs to see and treat his injuries as soon as possible."

Qiao Yumian felt a little relieved when she heard the words, she just thought...

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had been holding Cui Lang's hand to help her.

Qiao Yumian hurriedly let go, and in order to relieve the strange emotion, she said indiscriminately, "...Cui Liulang's hands, why are they so cold?"

Cui Lang coughed lightly, "It's nothing, but Brother Qiao feels cold, so I lent him the cloak."

"Brother, didn't you bring your cloak?" The maid had already stepped forward, and Qiao Yumian asked puzzledly as she followed the crowd.

Cui Lang: "Brother Qiao's cloak is for your father to sacrifice to Lord Jiu."

Qiao Yumian: "What about Dad's?"

"Give your father's to Mrs. Chu."

"...What about Master Chu's?"

"Give it to Master!"

Qiao Yumian: "...??"

So, is it drumming and passing flowers?
However, Cui Liulang is still strange to others.

I froze all the way for Ningning, and cried all the way for Suian.

Chang Suian was sent back to the hospital. In order not to disturb the medical officer's treatment, everyone waited outside or in the corridor.

The surroundings were in a hurry because of Chang Sui'an's affairs, the servants came in and out, and didn't care much about hospitality, Qiao Yumian alone confessed to his maid, and poured a cup of hot tea for Cui Lang to warm up his body and moisten his throat.

Cui Lang took it, and drank it in small sips, like drinking honey.

In the inner room, the two medical officers did not stop their hands, and the Chang family's servants fought beside them. They were still busy until dark before they finally stripped off all the bloody clothes on Chang Suian's body and cleaned up all the wounds on his body.

After wiping the inside and outside, and taking the medicine, I can barely see some, but there is still no sign of waking up.

A lot of tonics and supplements were sent from the palace, fully filling two carriages, and Yu Zeng was asked to come with his servants himself, so it can be said that he did not pay attention to it.

Yu Zeng and Qiao's family stayed by Chang Suian's bedside for a long time. Although it was the survivors of the catastrophe, seeing Chang Suian like this made everyone not feel relaxed.

"Where's Suining?" Yu Zeng didn't see Chang Suining, so he asked, "How is her injury?"

"The injury on the arm is not serious..." Wang sighed: "After taking the medicine, I watched her finish a bowl of hot porridge, so I persuaded her to go back and rest."

"Ningning is the hardest these days. She supported the plan alone, and was injured again..." Qiao Yumian had just cried quietly, her eyes were still red and swollen, and she whispered: "Now let her rest in peace, Yu Please don't blame her."

Everyone knows Yu Zeng's temper.

After a while, Yu Zengcai said in a low voice with unclear emotions: "...she did something I didn't even dare to think about, so what can I blame her for?"


Chang Suining did not rest.

She wrote a letter in the study and had someone send it to Shen Sanmao at Zhuangzi outside the city.

My brother is back, so I'm going to prepare for the final finishing touches.

After the letter was delivered, Chang Suining asked someone to call Guanshi Bai to speak.

"The girl is planning to leave Beijing?"

Manager Bai was a little surprised. Leaving Beijing alone was not enough to surprise him, but the girl asked him to count the property that could be taken away from the house and the property that could be sold. This was to...

"Yes, Ji Liu's brave retreat is called knowing the opportunity, and this matter must be done quickly." Chang Suining said: "Even though brother has cleared his name this time, the sage will treat the Chang family kindly to make up for it, but this kindness is only superficial. It was only for a while. But it is the truth that I incited public anger, coerced the sage to dispose of the son of the Ming family, violated the interests of the emperor, and got involved in the power dispute in the court."

She didn't want to bet on how long she would be concerned about the eyes of the world. The emperor's heart is changeable and the situation is unpredictable. It is a good strategy to get out early.It will be too late if you want to resist when the crisis comes one day.

And with this precedent, the emperor will definitely not give them a second chance to resist.

This was the retreat she had already thought of when she was determined to fight back.

Facing the girl's sober and vigilant eyes, after a while, Guan Shi responded seriously: "Okay, everything will be arranged by the girl."

Leaving aside the general's confession before leaving Beijing, it must be known that the person who rescued Mr. Lang this time was the girl. Based on this alone, he cannot and will not question the girl's decision.


Early the next morning, a guest from Chang's family came to the door.

With the emperor starting, there are bound to be a lot of people who come to visit today, but the first one to come is the weakest son of King Rong.

Good night~
I haven’t finished writing Sui’an’s salvation before, and I haven’t dared to ask for a monthly pass for a long time. Today I’m going to ask for it again haha~

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