Chang'an is good

Chapter 216 His "Arrogant Heart"

In the afternoon, outside the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou, a young man with a black robe got off his horse.

"Great Governor!"

The follower hurried forward to salute, took the rein from the young man, and announced the news of Yuan Xiang's arrival.

Hearing this, Cui Jing strode into the mansion.

Yuanxiang's letter to Feige had been sent to Cui Jing four days ago, and it said "Chang Langjun has successfully escaped from trouble, please rest assured the governor".

Cui Jing looked at it, and couldn't help but frown in peace of mind—since I wrote the letter, why didn't I say more, for example... In short, is it because I am afraid that the carrier pigeon will not be able to carry it?
What was not mentioned in the letter, now I can finally ask in person.

Yuan Xiang, who was just about to take a bath and change clothes, did not dare to delay for a moment when he was summoned by the governor. He quickly tied up his belt, grabbed the bundle on the side and hung it on his body, and hurried to see his governor.

As a rule developed in the army, there should be no delay in calling from the top.

When he came to the outer study room, Yuan Xiang saluted, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the governor, Dali Temple has returned Mr. Chang Lang's innocence... But can you believe it, the real culprit is really Ming Jin, the son of the Ming family!"

Cui Jing: "I have vaguely heard about it."

For such a major event, more than ten days is enough to pass the most important part to Bingzhou.

But these are not what he wants to hear the most.

"The Metropolitan Governor knows about it." Yuan Xiang smiled shyly, and then he talked about his errand: "This subordinate is ashamed to confess to the Metropolitan Governor, and this time he returned to Beijing and did not do much."

Finally heard what he wanted to hear, the expression between the brows and eyes of the young man sitting in the chair changed silently, and he paid attention to it visibly with the naked eye: "Would it be a waste of help?"

Yuan Xiang hurriedly said: "Of course it never happened!"

"Well, that's good." Cui Jing felt relieved, in front of her, it's normal to be unable to help, or in other words, if you don't help, you are helping.

"..." Yuan Xiang was silent for a moment, and justified himself: "My subordinates will remember your orders and never dare to make arbitrary claims. Everything is arranged by Mrs. Chang, so although my subordinates have not done any serious help, But it’s not like nothing was done.”

He then talked about the errands that Chang Suining had arranged for him one by one. It seemed like a lot to say, but Cui Jing felt that they could be roughly classified into two words - errands.

Yuan Xiang: "Ms. Chang's plan is mostly in the dark, so there are not many people needed... Half of the errands, about half of the errands, are probably because Mrs. Chang saw that her subordinates ran all the way back, so it's not good for them to run for nothing. For the sake of the trip, it was assigned to the subordinates."

Cui Jing was silent for a moment, and made her worry.

He couldn't help asking: "The other half is—?"

Yuan Xiang was a little complacent: "The other half of the errands were snatched by the subordinates!"

He had a quick eye, and he took care of all the errands that required running errands, which made the two little beggars under Mrs. Chang's men named Xiaoduan Xiaowu have nothing to do, and almost became impatient with him.

There is no way, who said that there are too many monks and too little porridge.

But he is a guest, so he should be allowed to come first!
Cui Jing: "..." You can probably imagine the shortage of errands.

He looked at his subordinates: "Tell me the whole story."

Yuan Xiang was taken aback—didn't he already say it once when he was talking about the errand assigned to him by Mrs. Chang?
Facing the expression of his own chief governor, Yuan Xiang quickly understood... Oh, the chief governor doesn't want to hear about him as the protagonist!
Yuan Xiang then focused the incident on the Chang family's wife, how she arranged and set up a bureau, how she exposed Ming Jin's crimes in front of the Confucian temple scribes, and so on.

After talking vividly and vividly, Yuan Xiang's mouth was dry, but the governor frowned: "Is she injured?"

Yuan Xiang nodded.

Although but... what he said was so wonderful and thrilling, but the governor seemed to only listen to this sentence, didn't he?
Cui Jing asked seriously: "How is the injury? What did the doctor say?"

"Don't worry, Governor, Mrs. Chang is injured on her arm. The doctor said that it will be fine after a period of time!"

Cui Jing's expression is still not relaxed.

Yuan Xiang wished he could go back to just now and cover his mouth. The matter of Mrs. Chang's injury can obviously be omitted, so why did he explain it in such detail.

So Yuan Xiang decided to put it lightly: "...After the incident, Qiao Jijiu still escorted Mrs. Chang to kowtow in front of Confucius to make amends, saying that she was worried that Confucius would blame him, and she would make Mrs. Chang stupid later on!"

As he said that, he smiled first.

Cui Jing looked up at the smirking subordinate.

Yuan Xiang's smile froze.

The governor didn't think it was funny... did he?
Wait, he still has a life-saving straw!
Yuan Xiang suddenly thought of something, and untied the burden on his shoulders: "By the way, the governor, this is brought to you by Mrs. Chang's entrustment!"

He quickly untied the burden, and came to Cui Jing with a wrapped thing in his hands.

Cui Jing took it without delay, holding it in one hand and unwrapping the wrapped silk cloth with the other.

However, after unraveling one layer after another, he discovered that the object was covered with more than seven or eight layers.

Cui Jing had a gentle look on his brows, she was so concerned, she didn't know what was inside.

Yuan Xiang smiled "hey" at this time: "This is specially wrapped by my case there is any damage on the way."

"..." Cui Jing paused.

Under the package is a brocade box. When the brocade box is opened, there is a plain purse inside.

Yuan Xiang smiled again: "This brocade box was also found by my subordinates!"

At any rate, it was a gift from Mrs. Chang, so it has a sense of ceremony!
Cui Jing was completely speechless, threw the brocade box aside, and only picked up the purse.

After opening it, a chestnut fell into his hand.

Yuan Xiang's eyes trembled.

Why is it just a chestnut?
He thought it must be a note written by Mrs. Chang...

It's over, the sense of ceremony is too full, the expectation is too high, and the governor will be disappointed!

However, upon closer inspection, it turned out that he was worrying too much.

The governor looked at the chestnut, and his eyes seemed closer than looking at his own son!

Sensing the gaze of his subordinates, Cui Jing held the chestnut in his hand, and then asked, "Did she ever mention, what plans do you have in the future?"

Is there anything he can do to help?
"Governor, you and Mrs. Chang really have a good understanding!" Yuan Xiang asked with bright eyes: "Before you came, what do you think Mrs. Chang said to her subordinates?"

After saying this, Yuan Xiang, who was in charge for a while, felt that he was speechless.

The Metropolitan Governor has always disliked other people talking nonsense, such as "guess it", "I don't know if it should be said" and other mystical words... The Metropolitan Governor will definitely not answer the words!

When Yuan Xiang was about to bite the bullet and continue talking on his own, the young man asked patiently, "How did you say it?"

Yuan Xiang was shocked.

How can a person have two completely different faces?
It took a while for Yuan Xiang to recover from the shock, and said with a smile: "Miss Chang said, if you ask her future plans, let her subordinates tell you that she is going to take Mr. Chang out of the capital and wait to settle down." I'll write you a letter when I get down, so you don't have to worry about it."

He added: "Miss Chang also asked about your injuries."

Cui Jing looked at him: "How did you answer?"

Yuan Xiang grinned and said, "Subordinates will naturally say that you are unparalleled in bravery. A mere minor injury is nothing, and you are already fine!"

Cui Jing nodded, feeling very satisfied with the answer.

Although his injuries haven't healed yet, one is that he doesn't want her to worry, and the other is... He thinks that no one would refuse to establish a brave enough image in front of the people he cares about, right?
However, since she confirmed that he was injured, she must have seen Master Wujue.

I wonder if she and Master Wujue have revealed their identities?

He recalled the night when he bid farewell to Tiannv Pagoda.

When Cui Jing came out of the study, it was already late, and a full moon was hanging on the branches.

He stopped temporarily and looked up at the moon.

When Yuan Xiang talked about the Confucian Temple, he seemed to see a single-handedly victorious general who was soaked in blood but also covered in glory.

Yuan Xiang said that at that time, many people spontaneously stopped the building for her, and he thought that this was as it should be.

In this world, there are such "should" people.

This kind of "should" person should have the world, not compromise with anyone - he was never a dull person, and because he knew things that others didn't know, from Yuan Xiang's words, he could also see who the emperor was. Attitude.

In the Tiannv Tower, the emperor failed to find the answer he wanted.

This time, he couldn't force that answer out either.

Two tough temptations, two stubborn self-injury rather than compromise, he thought, he probably knew why.

He felt sorry for her bleeding and injury, understood her refusal to compromise, and looked up to her glory.

But, distressed...?
The two words that appeared clearly in his heart made Cui Jing stunned for a moment. Now that he knew who she was, the word distressed should be a bit presumptuous.

So, when he treated her, he already had "a presumptuous heart", didn't he?
The young man stood quietly looking at the moon, silently clenched the object in his hand.

After a while, he looked down at the chestnut, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Now, he has three precious chestnuts.

The young man put away the chestnuts and walked down the stone steps.


An official from the Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou came over, saluted Cui Jing, and said, "It's been five days, and Dai Cong still refuses to confess."

After a slight pause, he tried to ask: "Now that there are all witnesses and evidence, the you want to try torture?"

Cui Jing didn't comment, and walked forward: "I'll go see him in person."

Dai Cong was the Chief History Officer of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion of Bingzhou. Earlier, Emperor Shengchi learned that this person had a correspondence with Xu Zhengye, worried about his change, so he ordered Cui Jing to rush to Bingzhou secretly to investigate the matter and control the situation in Bingzhou.

Bingzhou governs Taiyuan, which is located in a key location, and the ancestor emperor of the Dashengkai Dynasty raised troops from Taiyuan, so there is also a theory of the origin of the dragon vein.

Therefore, in the land of Bingzhou, there is absolutely no room for any mistakes.

And Cui Jing believes that because of this, in this chaotic situation, there must be many people who are eyeing Bingzhou.

He went to Bingzhou with a secret order, and soon found out the criminal evidence that Dai Cong and Xu Zhengye wanted to collude secretly. Today is the fifth day that Dai Cong has been imprisoned, but he still refuses to admit that he has any contact with Xu Zhengye.

Seeing Cui Jing at this time, Dai Cong, whose hands and feet were chained, immediately stood up: "Great Governor, Dai Cong has no different intentions!"

Cui Jing raised his hand, causing all the guards to retreat.

"Great governor, subordinate..."

Dai Cong wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Cui Jing: "I know, I have found out."

Dai Cong's eyes were shocked: "The governor..."

"Someone deliberately framed and framed you secretly, and deliberately made the saint aware of it, and led me here to punish you." Cui Jing said: "This game is set up for you, and it is also for me."

He had already thought of this possibility in the middle of the journey.

Dai Cong: "Then why did you take the risk to come here..."

"There must be no mistakes in Taiyuan, Bingzhou. I will take the post of governor of Bingzhou. Even if this matter is only one out of ten possible, I must come." Cui Jing said: "The other party must have seen this point, it is expected In order not to scare the snake away, since I have received a secret decree, I must only bring a small number of light cavalry."

Therefore, it is not only borrowing a knife to kill someone, but also inviting you into the urn.

Dai Cong was startled: "This subordinate has been stuck here for the past few days, and he only thought that someone wanted to frame and get rid of this subordinate... but he never thought that this matter is also aimed at you!"

This is killing two birds with one stone!

"There must be traitors in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and the Metropolitan Governor must be on guard." Dai Cong looked at the young man, feeling threatening and uneasy for a moment: "The people behind the scenes have big plans, and since they have set a trap, Bingzhou must be at this time." It's in danger..."

"However, I noticed it halfway, and it may not be too late." The young man also looked at him, and said: "It's just that the enemy is clear and we are dark, and the situation is unfavorable. Next, we will have to work hard and play a game with me."

Dai Cong nodded solemnly, waiting for the young man to continue.


Huainan King has not yet been buried, and unfavorable news has been sent back to the capital one after another.

Since the first defeat at Du Liangshan, the two armies have fought many times in various places, and the army led by Li Yi won fewer victories but lost more.

On the other hand, the first battle in Yangzhou came suddenly. When the army rushed there, the food and grass temporarily raised was only enough to last three months. Now the food and grass are in a hurry, but the food and grass that the imperial court ordered to escort were taken by Xu's rebellious army on the way. robbery.

The emperor was furious, but it was urgent, but he could only first order the Ministry of Households to prepare food and grass again.

The battered household department claims that there is no rice to cook now, and the treasury is empty, and Yangzhou is not the only place where the household department needs to transfer money. It is really difficult to raise enough money again for a while.

The next day, Ying Guogong, who had no way to teach his son, and who had rammed a pillar on the Jinluan Hall not long ago to seek his death, with a wound cloth wrapped around his head, personally drove a carriage full of silver boxes with his servants to the Ministry of Households, and made a wish. Using most of the family property of the Ming family to fight against the rebellious army with funds, it is a little urgent.

With the Ming family taking the lead, how could other officials and dignitaries remain silent?

The Ministry of Household Affairs said it nicely, everything will be recorded in the book, and will be returned when the national treasury is full in the future. How credible are these words?

Looking at the money raised in the past few days, the household department was very busy with how to distribute it.

Naturally, the money cannot be sent directly to the military camp in full. It needs to be exchanged for food and military supplies. It will take time to prepare these, and the detailed rules need to be discussed with the Ministry of War.

On this day, someone from Hushi General's Mansion came to claim that they had sold some of the Chang Manor's fields and raised some money and cash, but they suggested that they would not wait for the household department to make preparations together, and would like to invite escorts to Yangzhou.

Firstly, the procedures of the household department are complicated and time-consuming. Secondly, those disabled veterans who have been with Chang Kuo for many years think that it is more appropriate to send the grain and grass in multiple ways. Explore the way.

Compared with others, Chang Kuo was naturally more worried before the war, and this move is understandable.

After discussing with the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of War agreed to the matter and issued the documents.

Under the arrangement of Chang Suining, the Chang family quickly escorted Qian Liang out of Beijing.

And the next day, a big event happened in the court.

Good night and ask for a monthly ticket~
(Yuanxiang: Got a real love brain!

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